jūnijs 16, 2010

  • Latgalian activists are sceptical about the Prime Ministers decree to establish a working group on Latgalian language

Chas reports that Latgalian activists are sceptical about the Prime Ministers decree to establish a working group which would elaborate proposals on granting specific status to Latgalian language. According to one of the activists Juris Vilums, Latgalians only asked the Prime Minister to include in the national census a question about how many people speak Latglian as native language. Mr. Vilums believes that Latgalians have historical right to self-government and the right to make its own decisions regarding language, education and religion.

jūnijs 15, 2010

  • Digital broadcast of national channels gives option to broadcast program in Latvian and Russian languages without violating regulation on state language
  • Chas prints an article by the Ministry of Justice about third country nationals in Latvia
Since Latvian national channels started digital broadcasting they can broadcast the same programs in two languages. State channel LTV-7 already uses such option broadcasting football World Cup 2010 in Latvian and Russian languages. Representatives of LTV-7 and the National Radio and TV Council consider that such option does not violate effective legal norms regulating usage of state language on TV and also it will not violate the draft Law on Electronic Mass Media if it is accepted with state language quotas for national channels. Head of the Saeima’s State Language Committee, MP Ina Druviete, in her turn, believes that state public television should promote state language learning in all spheres and such broadcasts in two languages do not favour integration of society.

Since Latvian national channels started digital broadcasting they can broadcast the same programs in two languages. State channel LTV-7 already uses such option broadcasting football World Cup 2010 in Latvian and Russian languages. Representatives of LTV-7 and the National Radio and TV Council consider that such option does not violate effective legal norms regulating usage of state language on TV and also it will not violate the draft Law on Electronic Mass Media if it is accepted with state language quotas for national channels. Head of the Saeimas State Language Committee, MP Ina Druviete, in her turn, believes that state public television should promote state language learning in all spheres and such broadcasts in two languages do not favour integration of society. Telegraf

Chas prints an article by the Ministry of Justice about third country nationals in Latvia. According to the article, there are more than 7,500 third country nationals in Latvia who received temporary residence permits. One of the main reasons for immigration of non-EU citizens to Latvia is family bonds.

jūnijs 14, 2010

  • Representatives of Jewish communities will hold March of Alive in the framework of the commemoration Day of the Holocaust victims

Representatives of Jewish communities of Latvia and other Baltic countries will hold a commemoration action March of Alive in the framework of the commemoration Day of the Holocaust victims on 4 July in Riga. The aim of the action is to remind new generation what happened in Latvia during Nazi occupation. Vesti Segodnya

jūnijs 12, 2010

  • New concept of national security: one of the main threats to state security is a split of society along ethnic, linguistic and social lines
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with author of a study Intercultural Dialogue in European Multicultural Society linguist Vineta Porina
According to a new concept of national security of Latvia, one of the main threats to state security is a split of society along ethnic, linguistic and social lines. Authors of the concept believe that society integration should be based on strengthening of state language positions.

According to a new concept of national security of Latvia, one of the main threats to state security is a split of society along ethnic, linguistic and social lines. Authors of the concept believe that society integration should be based on strengthening of state language positions. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with author of a study Intercultural Dialogue in European Multicultural Society linguist Vineta Porina. According to Mrs. Porina, integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia should be based on Latvian language in order to eliminate discrimination of ethnic Latvians. Mrs. Porina believes that Latvia should not follow principles of multiculturalism but should strengthen state language role of unity in multicultural society.

jūnijs 11, 2010

  • Prime Minister decreed to establish a working group to elaborate proposals on granting specific status to Latgalian language
The Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis decreed the Ministry of Education and Science to establish a working group which would elaborate proposals on granting specific status to Latgalian language in the context of state language policy. It is not clear yet whether the proposal for the next population census to determine the number of speakers of Latgalian and Livonian languages will be approved.

The Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis decreed the Ministry of Education and Science to establish a working group which would elaborate proposals on granting specific status to Latgalian language in the context of state language policy. It is not clear yet whether the proposal for the next population census to determine the number of speakers of Latgalian and Livonian languages will be approved. Neatkariga

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