jūlijs 20, 2007

  • Border Guard has detained 19 Moldovans, 11 Georgians and 6 Ukrainians for attempt to pass the Latvian border illegally in 2007
  • Latvijas Avize reports about a meeting of the working group called to revise and improve the National Program for the Promotion of Tolerance.
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and the head of the Commission of Strategic Analysis Zaneta Ozolina have discussed issues concerning consolidation of society
The Head of State Border Guard Gunars Dabolins has stated that 19 citizens of Moldova, 11 citizens of Georgia and 6 citizens of Ukraine were detained for attempt to pass the Latvian border illegally during the first half of 2007. Gunars Dabolins has stated that one of the main priorities of the Border Guard for the second half of the year is not to allow influx of illegal immigrants to Latvia mainly from Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia.

The Head of State Border Guard Gunars Dabolins has stated that 19 citizens of Moldova, 11 citizens of Georgia and 6 citizens of Ukraine were detained for attempt to pass the Latvian border illegally during the first half of 2007. Gunars Dabolins has stated that one of the main priorities of the Border Guard for the second half of the year is not to allow influx of illegal immigrants to Latvia mainly from Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. Chas

Latvijas Avize reports about a meeting of the working group called to revise and improve the National Program for the Promotion of Tolerance. According to the head of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ilze Liepa, the Program must aim at decreasing intolerance towards as many social groups as possible. However, the head of the Discrimination Department of the Ombudsman Office Liga Biksiniece believes that if the program is too broad it will be ineffective. Therefore, Ms. Biksiniece considers that the program must be aimed at promotion of tolerance towards defined particular target groups which face intolerance more often. The work on revision and improvement of the Program will be finished in 2008.

Latvijas Avize reports that the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and the head of the Commission of Strategic Analysis Zaneta Ozolina have discussed issues concerning consolidation of society. Zaneta Ozolina has stated that there is luck of common idea which would be able to unite the society. According to Ms. Ozolina, the Commission has planned to launch discussions on values and ideas which dominate among various groups in society as well as on ways to promote sense of belonging to the state.

jūlijs 19, 2007

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared an agreement according to which residents of Russias –Latvias border zone will be able to receive visas in simplified order

Telegraf reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared an agreement according to which citizens of Latvia, Russia and the EU as well as non-citizens who reside in Russias –Latvias border zone will be able to receive visas to one or the other country in simplified order. Residents of border zone will be allowed to receive visas in simplified order with an aim to visit their relatives, burial places, to receive medical treatment, to take part in cultural and sport events or in case of disease or death of relative abroad.

jūlijs 18, 2007

  • Proposed amendments to the Law on Institutions of Higher Education restrict the use of languages in private universities
The Ministry of Education proposed amendments to the Law on Institutions of Higher Education, which, if adopted, will be equally applied to state-run and private universities. The amendments envision that languages other than Latvian can be used in education process at universities in four instances: teacher is a guest lecturer; teaching foreign students; teaching foreign languages; in cultural studies. In all other instances education will be conducted in the state language. Currently, private universities are free to choose the language of instruction. Valery Nikiforov, professor of private university Baltic International Academy stated that these amendments narrow down opportunities of private universities and interfere with language use in private sphere. The amendments are seen as an attempt to lobby the interests of the state-run universities, who would like to attract foreign and minority students at the expense of private universities.

The Ministry of Education proposed amendments to the Law on Institutions of Higher Education, which, if adopted, will be equally applied to state-run and private universities. The amendments envision that languages other than Latvian can be used in education process at universities in four instances: teacher is a guest lecturer; teaching foreign students; teaching foreign languages; in cultural studies. In all other instances education will be conducted in the state language. Currently, private universities are free to choose the language of instruction. Valery Nikiforov, professor of private university Baltic International Academy stated that these amendments narrow down opportunities of private universities and interfere with language use in private sphere. The amendments are seen as an attempt to lobby the interests of the state-run universities, who would like to attract foreign and minority students at the expense of private universities. Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 17, 2007

  • Valdis Zatlers: Latvia needs full-fledged citizens
In the interview with the Latvian Radio, the President of Latvia, Valdis Zatlers has stated that he does not endorse the proposal of the Latvian Human Rights Committee to grant Latvia’s non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. Valdis Zatlers believes that Latvia needs full-fledged citizens, while granting partial rights to non-citizens would not solve the problem of non-citizenship.

In the interview with the Latvian Radio, the President of Latvia, Valdis Zatlers has stated that he does not endorse the proposal of the Latvian Human Rights Committee to grant Latvias non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. Valdis Zatlers believes that Latvia needs full-fledged citizens, while granting partial rights to non-citizens would not solve the problem of non-citizenship. Chas, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 16, 2007

  • Chas interviews Boris Cilevics on PACEs last session
Chas published interview with Boriss Cilevics, Latvia’s representative at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). During the PACE’s last session, the Council of Europe’s human rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg held a meeting with Latvian delegation in order to discuss the slow rate of naturalization and the problem of mass statelessness. According to Boriss Cilevics, the Commissioner will visit Latvia this autumn in order to see the situation himself and to convince Latvian government to grant citizenship to all newborns in Latvia, to simplify naturalization and to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. PACE’s resolution on Combating anti-Semitism in Europe is relevant to Latvia, as it cited developments in the Baltic states, and called for all CoE countries to not endorse the construction of monuments or holding of ceremonies celebrating those guilty of genocide or crimes against humanity during the World War II.

Chas published interview with Boriss Cilevics, Latvias representative at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). During the PACEs last session, the Council of Europes human rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg held a meeting with Latvian delegation in order to discuss the slow rate of naturalization and the problem of mass statelessness. According to Boriss Cilevics, the Commissioner will visit Latvia this autumn in order to see the situation himself and to convince Latvian government to grant citizenship to all newborns in Latvia, to simplify naturalization and to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. PACEs resolution on Combating anti-Semitism in Europe is relevant to Latvia, as it cited developments in the Baltic states, and called for all CoE countries to not endorse the construction of monuments or holding of ceremonies celebrating those guilty of genocide or crimes against humanity during the World War II.


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