jūlijs 27, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

France's President Jacques Chirac supports Latvia's rights to NATO integration, as he believes that each country has the right to choose its own allies in the field of security. Chirac spoke of his views in an interview published in daily Diena on Friday, given before his visit to the Baltic States began in Lithuania yesterday. "...I support Latvia's legitimate rights to integrate into the North Atlantic alliance, as each country has the right to freely choose its allies in the field of security," said Chirac. He also said that while visiting in Latvia he would like to emphasize a number of things. "Firstly that France completely supports Latvia's EU candidacy and I am glad that the Nice treaty has confirmed the country's belonging to the Europe of tomorrow," said Chirac in the interview.

France's President Jacques Chirac supports Latvia's rights to NATO integration, as he believes that each country has the right to choose its own allies in the field of security. Chirac spoke of his views in an interview published in daily Diena on Friday, given before his visit to the Baltic States began in Lithuania yesterday. "...I support Latvia's legitimate rights to integrate into the North Atlantic alliance, as each country has the right to freely choose its allies in the field of security," said Chirac. He also said that while visiting in Latvia he would like to emphasize a number of things. "Firstly that France completely supports Latvia's EU candidacy and I am glad that the Nice treaty has confirmed the country's belonging to the Europe of tomorrow," said Chirac in the interview. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Vestnesis

The intentions of the Mayor of Riga, social democrat, Gundars Bojars, in distributing jobs between his deputies has caused a conflict between the social democrats and the left-wing alliance, which helped the social democrats elect their man as mayor of Riga after the municipal elections in March. The Fore Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL) left-wing alliance claims that it could break its cooperation agreement with the social democrats if their demands are not carried out. The conflict is rooted in the fact that the cooperation agreement expected that the left-wing alliance takes care of city development, while Mayor Bojars offered these responsibilities to his right-from-center deputy from For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK, with whom the social democrats have a coalition agreement on the council.

The intentions of the Mayor of Riga, social democrat, Gundars Bojars, in distributing jobs between his deputies has caused a conflict between the social democrats and the left-wing alliance, which helped the social democrats elect their man as mayor of Riga after the municipal elections in March. The Fore Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL) left-wing alliance claims that it could break its cooperation agreement with the social democrats if their demands are not carried out. The conflict is rooted in the fact that the cooperation agreement expected that the left-wing alliance takes care of city development, while Mayor Bojars offered these responsibilities to his right-from-center deputy from For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK, with whom the social democrats have a coalition agreement on the council. BNS, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Diena

The intention of changing the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party parliament faction chairman, Egils Baldzens, has caused rumors of a split-up kindling within the party, currently at the top of the popularity polls. The social democrat parliament faction is preparing to discuss the faction's work in parliament and the need to change its chairman, Egils Baldzens. Behind the scenes some say that social democrat Janis Adamsons, currently refusing to give an assessment of Baldzens' work, but saying that everyone can work better, is one of those behind suggesting the change of chairman. The second person behind ousting Baldzens from leading the faction is supposedly party chairman Juris Bojars, refusing to give any comment until the faction meeting.

The intention of changing the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party parliament faction chairman, Egils Baldzens, has caused rumors of a split-up kindling within the party, currently at the top of the popularity polls. The social democrat parliament faction is preparing to discuss the faction's work in parliament and the need to change its chairman, Egils Baldzens. Behind the scenes some say that social democrat Janis Adamsons, currently refusing to give an assessment of Baldzens' work, but saying that everyone can work better, is one of those behind suggesting the change of chairman. The second person behind ousting Baldzens from leading the faction is supposedly party chairman Juris Bojars, refusing to give any comment until the faction meeting. BNS, Rigas Balss, Jauna Avize

This fall the Baltic states are to be visited by Prince Charles of Wales reported Estonia's British embassy. Prince Charles will be in the Baltic’s from November 5 to 9. Latvia's Foreign Ministry and British embassy in Riga could give no more details on the trip.

This fall the Baltic states are to be visited by Prince Charles of Wales reported Estonia's British embassy. Prince Charles will be in the Baltics from November 5 to 9. Latvia's Foreign Ministry and British embassy in Riga could give no more details on the trip. BNS

Yesterday during the second public political forum Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks collected signatures under an open letter titled “Garda – against Latvia” that was addressed to the Chairman of FF/LNNK M.Grinblats and Social Democrats – J.Bojars and the Saeima faction leaders of these parties. The letter condemns the latest activities of the publisher A.Garda and asks the leaders of FF/LNNK and Social Democrats to dissociate themselves from the deputies who supported those actions. N.Muiznieks collected 30 signatures under this letter.

Yesterday during the second public political forum Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks collected signatures under an open letter titled Garda – against Latvia that was addressed to the Chairman of FF/LNNK M.Grinblats and Social Democrats – J.Bojars and the Saeima faction leaders of these parties. The letter condemns the latest activities of the publisher A.Garda and asks the leaders of FF/LNNK and Social Democrats to dissociate themselves from the deputies who supported those actions. N.Muiznieks collected 30 signatures under this letter. Panorama Latvii, Diena,

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins believes that after EU and NATO accession, Latvia will be the "biggest advocate" for cooperation between the West and Russia. This view was published in an interview with Berzins in Friday's daily

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins believes that after EU and NATO accession, Latvia will be the "biggest advocate" for cooperation between the West and Russia. This view was published in an interview with Berzins in Friday's daily Dienas Bizness. BNS

The European Court of Human Rights has registered a complaint from Latvia's resident over changing a Russian surname, adapting it to Latvian language rules in a non-citizen's passport, a Riga city council member who also is on Latvian Human Rights Committee said. The complaint has been sent by Lidija Kuharec whose surname has been changed to Kuhareca in her Latvian non-citizen passport issued in 1999. She believes this has violated her right to inviolability of privacy. In her claim to the court she asks the violation of her right be eliminated as well as demands compensation for moral and material damage incurred as a result of distortion of her surname.

BNS, Diena, Neatkariga

Mikhail Marynich, a bidder in Belarus 2001 presidential race, told reporters in Minsk that he had submitted resignation as ambassador to Latvia, Estonia and Finland, BBC reported Thursday citing Belarus news agency Belapan. In his resignation letter to Belarus Foreign Minister Mikhail Khvastow, Marynich said that he would work against dictatorship toward democratic changes. BNS, Chas, Vesti Segodnya,

Advisor to the Mayor of Moscow A.Pereligin was included in the list of persons non grata of Latvia. He is an expert on economic relations between Russia and Latvia, and he was quite frequently visiting Latvia. But now it is almost a year since he is not allowed to come here. And it could turn into a political scandal because Mr.Pereligin was included in the official delegation of Moscow’ s delegation to the celebration of Riga 800 anniversary.

Advisor to the Mayor of Moscow A.Pereligin was included in the list of persons non grata of Latvia. He is an expert on economic relations between Russia and Latvia, and he was quite frequently visiting Latvia. But now it is almost a year since he is not allowed to come here. And it could turn into a political scandal because Mr.Pereligin was included in the official delegation of Moscow s delegation to the celebration of Riga 800 anniversary. Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 26, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Prime Minister criticized authors of United Nations Human Development Report over using narrow information sources and contradictions in report's content. The remark by Andris Berzins came Wednesday opening forum on open policy in Latvia. While saying such studies are needed the premier noted they also have their drawbacks. The premier reproached Latvian authors who developed the report at the order of UN Development Program using of too narrow sources of information which prevents from drawing sufficiently unbiased and broad conclusions. He said the researchers made such a study for the first time so they did not have experience to base on therefore thesis of the report, in his opinion, at times are declarative and contradictory.

Latvian Prime Minister criticized authors of United Nations Human Development Report over using narrow information sources and contradictions in report's content. The remark by Andris Berzins came Wednesday opening forum on open policy in Latvia. While saying such studies are needed the premier noted they also have their drawbacks. The premier reproached Latvian authors who developed the report at the order of UN Development Program using of too narrow sources of information which prevents from drawing sufficiently unbiased and broad conclusions. He said the researchers made such a study for the first time so they did not have experience to base on therefore thesis of the report, in his opinion, at times are declarative and contradictory. BNS, Diena, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya

Tomorrow the Saeima Social Democrats faction is planning to discuss exchange of the faction’s leader E.Baldzens. According to unofficial information the possible new Chairman could be MP J.Adamsons.

Tomorrow the Saeima Social Democrats faction is planning to discuss exchange of the factions leader E.Baldzens. According to unofficial information the possible new Chairman could be MP J.Adamsons. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks was asked to comment from the juridical point of view A.Garda’s book” We’ll give Latvia to nobody”. N.Muiznieks had read the book very carefully and found nothing criminally punishable. He thinks that there would not be so much ado about it if politicians dissociated timely from it

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks was asked to comment from the juridical point of view A.Gardas book Well give Latvia to nobody. N.Muiznieks had read the book very carefully and found nothing criminally punishable. He thinks that there would not be so much ado about it if politicians dissociated timely from it. Lauku Avize, Chas

V.Lacis finds A.Garda to be a patriot of Latvia who is not afraid to speak out the truth that 700 000 Soviet time colonists should leave Latvia. Among other things V.Lacis also speaks about the role of international institutions in the case of Vieda Publishing House. “EU is undoubtedly a promoter of moral position towards A.Garda. Ethic dishonesty of CoE and OSCE is very vivid because that in quite recent past when for political top of EU it seemed convenient, their representatives openly acknowledged that the Soviet Union and Russians were the ones who occupied and colonized Latvia with so called Russian speakers.

V.Lacis finds A.Garda to be a patriot of Latvia who is not afraid to speak out the truth that 700 000 Soviet time colonists should leave Latvia. Among other things V.Lacis also speaks about the role of international institutions in the case of Vieda Publishing House. EU is undoubtedly a promoter of moral position towards A.Garda. Ethic dishonesty of CoE and OSCE is very vivid because that in quite recent past when for political top of EU it seemed convenient, their representatives openly acknowledged that the Soviet Union and Russians were the ones who occupied and colonized Latvia with so called Russian speakers. Lauku Avize

Yesterday the European Human Rights Court informed that they had registered a complain on activities of the Latvian state – permanent resident of Latvia Kuharec filed a case for misspelling her family name in official documents.

Yesterday the European Human Rights Court informed that they had registered a complain on activities of the Latvian state – permanent resident of Latvia Kuharec filed a case for misspelling her family name in official documents. Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 25, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvia has developed a legislative project for European Parliament elections, which foresees forming a special election register and allows former KGB agents to run for parliament members. The current laws regulating parliament and municipal elections in Latvia do not allow former KGB agents to become parliament or local council members. The new legislative project does not foresee any such restrictions, stating that any Latvian or EU citizen older than 21 on election day may run for the European Parliament. Ballots will not be accepted only for people that are incapable, are serving time at prison or are unable to speak the state language according to the highest standard of language ability.

Latvia has developed a legislative project for European Parliament elections, which foresees forming a special election register and allows former KGB agents to run for parliament members. The current laws regulating parliament and municipal elections in Latvia do not allow former KGB agents to become parliament or local council members. The new legislative project does not foresee any such restrictions, stating that any Latvian or EU citizen older than 21 on election day may run for the European Parliament. Ballots will not be accepted only for people that are incapable, are serving time at prison or are unable to speak the state language according to the highest standard of language ability. BNS, Vesti Segodnya

Latvia's top security office, the Constitutional Protection Office, will be looking into the claims and civil war threats made by the scandalous Vieda publishing house director in a letter handed to the EU enlargement commissioner, Gunter Verheugen, last week in Latvia. The Constitutional protection office deputy head Uldis Dzenitis told BNS that the office will be acting according to requests made by Prime Minister Andris Berzins last week, checking up on the motivation for such a letter. Dzenitis reported that the security office does not see anything criminally offensive in the actual letter, but will be giving an official report this week.

Latvia's top security office, the Constitutional Protection Office, will be looking into the claims and civil war threats made by the scandalous Vieda publishing house director in a letter handed to the EU enlargement commissioner, Gunter Verheugen, last week in Latvia. The Constitutional protection office deputy head Uldis Dzenitis told BNS that the office will be acting according to requests made by Prime Minister Andris Berzins last week, checking up on the motivation for such a letter. Dzenitis reported that the security office does not see anything criminally offensive in the actual letter, but will be giving an official report this week. BNS, Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Panorama Latvii

On Friday Social Democrats plan to decide on exchanging the current Saeima faction leader E.Baldzens with somebody else more favored by Party Chairman J.Bojars and MPs. The possible candidate could be MP Viola Lazo.

On Friday Social Democrats plan to decide on exchanging the current Saeima faction leader E.Baldzens with somebody else more favored by Party Chairman J.Bojars and MPs. The possible candidate could be MP Viola Lazo. Diena

Political scientist A.Pabriks writes about Latvia’s possibilities to join NATO. One of the tasks for Latvia to join this organization was to make the political situation here more stable because it was not a secret that one of the potential sources of political instability and international discussion is considered the relations between the state and ethnic minorities, integration of immigrants from former USSR republics into Latvian society. EU and NATO do not want to turn Latvia into a Russian speaking country where Latvian language and identity is endangered. It is in the interest of these states to see a stable and united Latvian society here. And many things have been achieved – Latvian nation in a referendum voted for a European solution to the problem of citizenship, in 1999 was adopted the State language law that was in compliance with EU, OSCE and US opinion and international standards. In spite of internal opposition, Latvia managed to rationalize state language testing mechanism by introducing united Latvian language test and harmonizing it with the demands for naturalization. And finally was adopted the law on integration fund allowing our political allies in Europe and US to start a wide public integration program. But there are several issues that put obstacles on Latvia’s way to NATO - firstly, disharmony between implementation of national minority education programs and transition of national minority secondary schools to tuition in the Latvian language, secondly - the legal norm of the sea election law stipulating that a person elected to the Saeima, local government should have the highest state language proficiency level.

Political scientist A.Pabriks writes about Latvias possibilities to join NATO. One of the tasks for Latvia to join this organization was to make the political situation here more stable because it was not a secret that one of the potential sources of political instability and international discussion is considered the relations between the state and ethnic minorities, integration of immigrants from former USSR republics into Latvian society. EU and NATO do not want to turn Latvia into a Russian speaking country where Latvian language and identity is endangered. It is in the interest of these states to see a stable and united Latvian society here. And many things have been achieved – Latvian nation in a referendum voted for a European solution to the problem of citizenship, in 1999 was adopted the State language law that was in compliance with EU, OSCE and US opinion and international standards. In spite of internal opposition, Latvia managed to rationalize state language testing mechanism by introducing united Latvian language test and harmonizing it with the demands for naturalization. And finally was adopted the law on integration fund allowing our political allies in Europe and US to start a wide public integration program. But there are several issues that put obstacles on Latvias way to NATO - firstly, disharmony between implementation of national minority education programs and transition of national minority secondary schools to tuition in the Latvian language, secondly - the legal norm of the sea election law stipulating that a person elected to the Saeima, local government should have the highest state language proficiency level. Diena

Vesti Segodnya

writes that now there are followers of A.Garda who try to infect with nationalism not only students and pupils of higher grades but also 9 – 13 years old children. This time the guilty is the monthly periodical for teenagers Mana where was announced a contest What it means for me to be a Latvian. The title itself does not contain any reprehensible idea but the note what the organizers of this contest hope to see in the works of children, If the fate of Latvians on their ethnic Fatherland worries you, if you want to make more good for your Fatherland that current Latvian politicians, participate in this contest and you will receive a prize – the book of the Publishing House Vieda We shall not give Latvia to anybody!

Vesti Segodnya

reminds that Valmiera Secondary School No 2 was the first school that in May openly opposed the planned transfer of national minority schools to the tuition in the state language. Representatives of Parents Committee of the school had a discussion with the head of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis during which they insisted that with this transition were violated childrens rights stipulated in the Latvian law On protection of childrens rights and international convention on childrens rights. But Dz.Abikis thinks that they might cherish their national language and culture in the family, cultural societies and Sunday schools if they wished to organize and establish such. He was sure that local government would support their initiatives. Also parents from Aizkraukle School No 1 sent their protest letter to mass media. reminds that Valmiera Secondary School No 2 was the first school that in May openly opposed the planned transfer of national minority schools to the tuition in the state language. Representatives of Parents Committee of the school had a discussion with the head of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis during which they insisted that with this transition were violated children’s rights stipulated in the Latvian law “On protection of children’s rights” and international convention on children’s rights. But Dz.Abikis thinks that they might cherish their national language and culture in the family, cultural societies and Sunday schools if they wished to organize and establish such. He was sure that local government would support their initiatives. Also parents from Aizkraukle School No 1 sent their protest letter to mass media.

jūlijs 24, 2001

Press Report

Press Report


In Dienas editorial political commentator A.Rodins writes about the Vieda Publishing House Director A.Gardas letter to EU Commissioner G.Verheugen. A.Rodin states that Garda had no basis to claim that Latvia could face a civil war if it would not be decolorized because to say such a thing you need to receive a legitimate authorization from tens, even hundreds of thousands of Latvians. A.Rodin also writes that the works of the participants of this contest that have been assembled in a book according to the opinion of Latvian judicial institutions and the OSCE Mission to Latvia are not to be considered as inciting inter-ethnic hated. Nevertheless, with no doubt, they are provocative and stimulating imitation."

The newspaper

The newspaper Lauku Avize published the full text of Gardas letter to the Commissioner G.Verheugen.

Chinese Communist party delegation headed by party central committee international section deputy head will arrive in Latvia Wednesday on a three day visit here to meet Latvian lawmakers and Foreign Ministry deputy state secretary. The Latvian parliament board Monday approved the visit of the delegation and the spending estimate. The Chinese delegation, headed by Tsai Wu, during the three day visit that will last July 25-28 is scheduled to meet Latvian-Chinese parliamentary cooperation group and members of the parliament factions as well as Foreign Ministry deputy state secretary Martins Virsis. Latvian parliament Chinese cooperation group head Olegs Denisovs told BNS factions of the leftist union For Human Rights in United Latvia and Social Democrats are planning to have separate meetings with six delegation members.

Chinese Communist party delegation headed by party central committee international section deputy head will arrive in Latvia Wednesday on a three day visit here to meet Latvian lawmakers and Foreign Ministry deputy state secretary. The Latvian parliament board Monday approved the visit of the delegation and the spending estimate. The Chinese delegation, headed by Tsai Wu, during the three day visit that will last July 25-28 is scheduled to meet Latvian-Chinese parliamentary cooperation group and members of the parliament factions as well as Foreign Ministry deputy state secretary Martins Virsis. Latvian parliament Chinese cooperation group head Olegs Denisovs told BNS factions of the leftist union For Human Rights in United Latvia and Social Democrats are planning to have separate meetings with six delegation members. BNS, Vesti Segodnya

Latvian president Monday presented credentials to three Latvian ambassadors - to the Czech Republic, Sweden and Cyprus, president's press office reported.

Latvian president Monday presented credentials to three Latvian ambassadors - to the Czech Republic, Sweden and Cyprus, president's press office reported. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga

Western Latvian town Liepaja based organization of Barkhashovtsi, calling themselves as Russian National Unity in Latvia, Monday by post filed a claim with a Riga city court against the Company Register (CR) which has for two times declined to register the organization, organization leader said. Yevgeny Osipov said the organization believes the CR does not have legal grounds to deny registration of the organization under the name Russian National Unity in Latvia.


A United States Jewish organization highly appreciates position of Latvian and Estonian foreign ministers to give appropriate assessment of the Holocaust in an international anti-racism conference later this year in South Africa. The organization called Advocates on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Eurasia made the statement in a letter to Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins, Foreign Ministry press office reported. The conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance will take place Aug. 31-Sept. 7. BNS

jūlijs 23, 2001

Press Report

The planned exchange of real properties between the state and Riga municipality let the Russian Consulate could move to the former hotel Baka has come to a deadlock. The Ministry of Finances disagreed to the proposal of Riga municipality to exchange the hotel for three state owned real properties. Meanwhile MFA considers finding premises for Russian consulate a politically important matter.

The planned exchange of real properties between the state and Riga municipality let the Russian Consulate could move to the former hotel Baka has come to a deadlock. The Ministry of Finances disagreed to the proposal of Riga municipality to exchange the hotel for three state owned real properties. Meanwhile MFA considers finding premises for Russian consulate a politically important matter. Diena

Seven Latvian ambassadors have been exchanged from the beginning of this year. Three more will be exchanged. In total there are 29 Latvian ambassadors in 45 countries.

Seven Latvian ambassadors have been exchanged from the beginning of this year. Three more will be exchanged. In total there are 29 Latvian ambassadors in 45 countries. Chas

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