jūlijs 10, 2000

Press Report

The latest edition of the Russian-language TV program "From the Position of Power" was crowded by journalists to ask their questions to MP Boris Cilevics from For Human Rights in United Latvia and Agris Timuska from the State Language Center about the draft regulations for the State Language Law.

The latest edition of the Russian-language TV program "From the Position of Power" was crowded by journalists to ask their questions to MP Boris Cilevics from For Human Rights in United Latvia and Agris Timuska from the State Language Center about the draft regulations for the State Language Law. Vesti

22,000 or 7% of non-citizens have not exchanged their old USSR passports for Latvia's non-citizen passports.

22,000 or 7% of non-citizens have not exchanged their old USSR passports for Latvia's non-citizen passports. Diena, Neatkariga

More and more people in Latvia obtain citizenship through naturalization but also the opposite procedure takes place - people give up citizenship or are deprived of it. There are too main reasons for deprivation of citizenship - a person has become a double citizen or provided false information when obtaining Latvian citizenship.

More and more people in Latvia obtain citizenship through naturalization but also the opposite procedure takes place - people give up citizenship or are deprived of it. There are too main reasons for deprivation of citizenship - a person has become a double citizen or provided false information when obtaining Latvian citizenship. Neatkariga

German newspaper

German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes that Moscow for months has carried out campaign against the Baltics considering itself endangered and slandered. After the statements released by the Russian Foreign Ministry, it seems that Moscow is most endangered not by the far-away America but rather by the asylum for fascists, revanchists and forgers of history by the Russian border. Neatkariga

Leonids Fedosejevs in

Leonids Fedosejevs in Chas writes that the current share of Latvians in the population of Latvia is close to the situation before the World War I. The 1897 census of the Russian Empire showed that 68.3% of the population on the territory of the future Latvia were Latvians.

jūlijs 8, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and several NGOs will start regular protest rallies outside the Cabinet building this week against adopting the Language Law regulations in the current edition. The faction has seven proposals in regards to how the current draft regulations should be amended: to give up the shift to six language proficiency levels and keep the previous three; not to allow the State Language Center officials to annul the state language proficiency certificates; make the state and municipal institutions to cover expenses related to translating Russian-language documents into Latvian; free persons who have graduated from schools accredited in Latvia from state language tests; allow to use minority languages in public events that are nor organized by the state. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss 07.07.

Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and several NGOs will start regular protest rallies outside the Cabinet building this week against adopting the Language Law regulations in the current edition. The faction has seven proposals in regards to how the current draft regulations should be amended: to give up the shift to six language proficiency levels and keep the previous three; not to allow the State Language Center officials to annul the state language proficiency certificates; make the state and municipal institutions to cover expenses related to translating Russian-language documents into Latvian; free persons who have graduated from schools accredited in Latvia from state language tests; allow to use minority languages in public events that are nor organized by the state. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss 07.07.

Last Friday, Kurzeme district court in Liepaja sentenced the former KGB investigator Yevgeny Savenko to 2 years of imprisonment for crimes against humanity and genocide against the Latvian nation. Savenko's lawyer will appeal the case in the Supreme Court. Neatkariga

Last Friday, Kurzeme district court in Liepaja sentenced the former KGB investigator Yevgeny Savenko to 2 years of imprisonment for crimes against humanity and genocide against the Latvian nation. Savenko's lawyer will appeal the case in the Supreme Court. Neatkariga

jūlijs 6, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

On Wednesday Australia accepted extradition agreement with Latvia and is ready to sign it next week, but the Latvian Government is still lingering with adopting the draft law, but politicians are worried about the consequences of Kalejs’s extradition because there are not enough evidences to sentence him.

On Wednesday Australia accepted extradition agreement with Latvia and is ready to sign it next week, but the Latvian Government is still lingering with adopting the draft law, but politicians are worried about the consequences of Kalejss extradition because there are not enough evidences to sentence him. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika,

Chas writes that Latvian Prosecutor General has sent the evidences against Kalejs to Australia. These documents have been handed over to Kalejs let he could study them and prepare for defence.

Chas writes that Latvian Prosecutor General has sent the evidences against Kalejs to Australia. These documents have been handed over to Kalejs let he could study them and prepare for defence.

Despite of the Prime Minister’s call to stop blocking borders and sit next week at the negotiation table, farmers plan to spend also the night at the border cross points. They think that they have not been listened to and no solution was found for their problems.

Despite of the Prime Ministers call to stop blocking borders and sit next week at the negotiation table, farmers plan to spend also the night at the border cross points. They think that they have not been listened to and no solution was found for their problems. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Diena published the popularity rating of Latvian political parties in June. Social Democrats have increased their popularity and occupy the first place with 13.4%. The second is Latvijas Cels with 12.8%. The most decrease suffered TB/LNNK - 4%. Now it has 9.4% and runs only the fourth after People’s Party – 10.4%.

Diena published the popularity rating of Latvian political parties in June. Social Democrats have increased their popularity and occupy the first place with 13.4%. The second is Latvijas Cels with 12.8%. The most decrease suffered TB/LNNK - 4%. Now it has 9.4% and runs only the fourth after Peoples Party – 10.4%. Diena

The New Party called the Prime Minister to start negotiations on the future of Latvenergo and reach a common position in the coalition, or to organise the referendum, proposed by people, as soon as possible. Also the President calls to move from emotional discussions to economic evaluations, the lack of which prevented her form having a clear personal opinion on this issue.

The New Party called the Prime Minister to start negotiations on the future of Latvenergo and reach a common position in the coalition, or to organise the referendum, proposed by people, as soon as possible. Also the President calls to move from emotional discussions to economic evaluations, the lack of which prevented her form having a clear personal opinion on this issue. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins during his visit to Georgia voiced his indignation with the Russian press that had circulated information citing the Minister who had as if said that Latvia had no “special interests” in Russia because 76% of all Latvian trade was with EU countries. He pointed out that Latvia was ready for good relations with Russia and expressed a hope that the relations would improve because Russia had no other strategic way as EU, but Latvia had already started talks on joining EU.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins during his visit to Georgia voiced his indignation with the Russian press that had circulated information citing the Minister who had as if said that Latvia had no special interests in Russia because 76% of all Latvian trade was with EU countries. He pointed out that Latvia was ready for good relations with Russia and expressed a hope that the relations would improve because Russia had no other strategic way as EU, but Latvia had already started talks on joining EU. Neatkariga, Respublika

Jauna Avize

repeats the information about the Government meeting where it could not find an agreement on the institution that would manage the integration process in Latvia. The Minister of Justice I.Labucka told journalists that this issue would be discussed the next week and the coalition partners would try to find a compromise. repeats the information about the Government meeting where it could not find an agreement on the institution that would manage the integration process in Latvia. The Minister of Justice I.Labucka told journalists that this issue would be discussed the next week and the coalition partners would try to find a compromise. Jauna AvizeJauna Avize writes also about the planned establishing of Social Integration Council that would manage the large foreign financing (CoE alone had promised are more than 1 million Euro) that could be one of the reasons for the discord. Due to all this was not adopted the short version of the national program and was delayed the requested state financing – about 16 000 Ls, so none of the experts, involved in elaboration of this program, has received remuneration from November. writes also about the planned establishing of Social Integration Council that would manage the large foreign financing (CoE alone had promised are more than 1 million Euro) that could be one of the reasons for the discord. Due to all this was not adopted the short version of the national program and was delayed the requested state financing – about 16 000 Ls, so none of the experts, involved in elaboration of this program, has received remuneration from November. The Head of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa in her interview to

The Head of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa in her interview to Lauku Avize speaks about the regulations on the State Language Law and the statements published in the Russian speaking press and made by the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia where they speak about the possible spontaneous unrest among the population. Dz.Hirsa says that from the publications of the Russian speaking journalists one can see that they have not even read the text of the regulations. She personally thinks that the new law is more liberal towards non-Latvians that the previous one. And the State Language Centre has not received any proposal either from the Russian speaking journalists or the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia. The Head also explains the new system of grading the state language proficiency. Lauku Avize

By the proposal of the MP J.Urbanovics one of the veterans of Peoples Harmony Party S.Dolgopolov started to run for the post of Riga Mayor for the next municipal election. As Mr. Dolgopolov is Russian, many people doubt that he could get this post but the candidate is optimistic and thinks that his party has enough strength to fight for this post.

By the proposal of the MP J.Urbanovics one of the veterans of Peoples Harmony Party S.Dolgopolov started to run for the post of Riga Mayor for the next municipal election. As Mr. Dolgopolov is Russian, many people doubt that he could get this post but the candidate is optimistic and thinks that his party has enough strength to fight for this post. Vesti Segodnya

Panorama Latvii

published a letter received by the Russian Community in Latvia where the author of this letter A.Saule calls all Russians in Latvia to realise their ethnic origin and return to their fatherland to help it. The Council Chairman of Russian Community in Latvia T.Favorskaya writes about her understanding of the current ethnic situation in Latvia. She is a psychologist and writes that now in Latvia are used so called communicative technologies to manipulate with public opinion. Analysing the situation, she states that there is an ethnic conflict in Latvia but only as a form of a social conflict. Now the society is in the phase of alienation that could be followed by violence. T.Favorskaya also tells how to solve this problem.

The Council Chairman of Russian Community in Latvia T.Favorskaya writes about her understanding of the current ethnic situation in Latvia. She is a psychologist and writes that now in Latvia are used so called communicative technologies to manipulate with public opinion. Analysing the situation, she states that there is an ethnic conflict in Latvia but only as a form of a social conflict. Now the society is in the phase of alienation that could be followed by violence. T.Favorskaya also tells how to solve this problem. Panorama Latvii

jūlijs 5, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

After a meeting with G.Verheugen EU Expansion Commissioner, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov stated that one of things Russia was interested in the context of EU expansion was stable and predictable conditions for transit through the Baltic States. I.Ivanov said that so far these conditions in the Baltic States changed too often, and they were influenced by different political aspects.

After a meeting with G.Verheugen EU Expansion Commissioner, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov stated that one of things Russia was interested in the context of EU expansion was stable and predictable conditions for transit through the Baltic States. I.Ivanov said that so far these conditions in the Baltic States changed too often, and they were influenced by different political aspects. Diena

The representatives of farmer organisations met Tuesday with the Minister of Agriculture and acknowledged that they were ready for a constructive negotiation with the Government and even to compromises but they did not intend to stop their protest activities planned for today.

The representatives of farmer organisations met Tuesday with the Minister of Agriculture and acknowledged that they were ready for a constructive negotiation with the Government and even to compromises but they did not intend to stop their protest activities planned for today. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya

The Government took a decision to accredit the museum Jewish people in Latvia and grant financing of 12 000 Ls for two museum's projects.

The Government took a decision to accredit the museum Jewish people in Latvia and grant financing of 12 000 Ls for two museum's projects. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

On Tuesday the former red guerrilla leader V.Kononov submitted an application to the Naturalisation Board where he expressed his wish to resign from Latvian citizenship. The Board will have to evaluate whether V.Kononov has fulfilled all his obligations towards the state and might be deprived of his citizenship.

On Tuesday the former red guerrilla leader V.Kononov submitted an application to the Naturalisation Board where he expressed his wish to resign from Latvian citizenship. The Board will have to evaluate whether V.Kononov has fulfilled all his obligations towards the state and might be deprived of his citizenship. Diena, Respublika, Chas, Panorama Latvii

The Cabinet of Ministers already for the second time did not manage to agree which of the state institutions would co-ordinate the public integration process and postponed the decision for one more week. People’s Party and TB/LNNK consider that it should be the Ministry of Education, but experts and the rest of coalition partners think that it should be the Minister of Justice.

The Cabinet of Ministers already for the second time did not manage to agree which of the state institutions would co-ordinate the public integration process and postponed the decision for one more week. Peoples Party and TB/LNNK consider that it should be the Ministry of Education, but experts and the rest of coalition partners think that it should be the Minister of Justice. Diena

Estonian Prime Minister M.Laar stated on Tuesday after the Estonian – Russian intergovernmental commission meeting that Estonian – Russian relations had never been so good as they were then. The Co-Chairman from the Russian part V.Matvijenko said that both parties “were moving step by step towards constructive co-operation of good neighbours.”

Estonian Prime Minister M.Laar stated on Tuesday after the Estonian – Russian intergovernmental commission meeting that Estonian – Russian relations had never been so good as they were then. The Co-Chairman from the Russian part V.Matvijenko said that both parties were moving step by step towards constructive co-operation of good neighbours. Diena

The CBSS Commissioner O.Jespersen had to leave his post because of Estonia and Latvia that did not like his reports how Russian minority was treated in those two countries.

The CBSS Commissioner O.Jespersen had to leave his post because of Estonia and Latvia that did not like his reports how Russian minority was treated in those two countries. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Latvian Government found invalid the temporary agreement with Russia on eased border crossing procedure for border area residents. The agreement will become invalid on August 10. So far Russian party had not submitted any answer on the new eased border crossing procedure.

Yesterday the Latvian Government found invalid the temporary agreement with Russia on eased border crossing procedure for border area residents. The agreement will become invalid on August 10. So far Russian party had not submitted any answer on the new eased border crossing procedure. Neatkariga

The Minister of Well-being informed that 5-7% of all Latvian population lived in complete poverty, but about 80% did not live well. Comparing with the situation five years ago, these figures “were not so bad” – Latvia was still poorer that many other European countries, but it managed to get out from the group of the poorest countries.

The Minister of Well-being informed that 5-7% of all Latvian population lived in complete poverty, but about 80% did not live well. Comparing with the situation five years ago, these figures were not so bad – Latvia was still poorer that many other European countries, but it managed to get out from the group of the poorest countries. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Respublika

Finnish President T.Halonen called NATO leaders to consider the possible consequences of accepting Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to the NATO. This move could influence the security policy in the North Europe and in the whole Europe.

Finnish President T.Halonen called NATO leaders to consider the possible consequences of accepting Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to the NATO. This move could influence the security policy in the North Europe and in the whole Europe. Neatkariga, Respublika

Altogether 8 candidates have applied to the vacant position of the DCMA Head. The applications will be evaluated by July 24. The names of the candidates will not be made public according to the terms of the competition.

Altogether 8 candidates have applied to the vacant position of the DCMA Head. The applications will be evaluated by July 24. The names of the candidates will not be made public according to the terms of the competition. Neatkariga

According to the data of Central Statistics Board, last year the population number decreased in 57 towns of Latvia. The total number decreased for 0,63%.

According to the data of Central Statistics Board, last year the population number decreased in 57 towns of Latvia. The total number decreased for 0,63%. Respublika, Chas

The leader of the Saeima faction of Social Democrats E.Baldzens told the newspaper Chas about the opposition's plans the concerning privatisation of Latvenergo. They will still insist on organising the referendum although the position most probably will come forwards with their own proposals trying to prevent the referendum.

The leader of the Saeima faction of Social Democrats E.Baldzens told the newspaper Chas about the opposition's plans the concerning privatisation of Latvenergo. They will still insist on organising the referendum although the position most probably will come forwards with their own proposals trying to prevent the referendum. Chas


informs about an incident between the Latvian Youth Club and the State Language Inspection of the Riga City Council. On July 3 the Club put out an advertisement of an event in the Russian and Latvian languages. The same day the Chairman of the Club V.Yelkin received a phone call from language inspector Dishlere where she stated that the Russian text on the add was illegal. She suggested to take away the Russian part of the add and threatened with a fine of 100 Ls. When the Chairman reminded about the international standards, the inspector answered that he had a right to use Russian only at home, and nobody cared about international standards. informs about an incident between the Latvian Youth Club and the State Language Inspection of the Riga City Council. On July 3 the Club put out an advertisement of an event in the Russian and Latvian languages. The same day the Chairman of the Club V.Yelkin received a phone call from language inspector Dishlere where she stated that the Russian text on the add was illegal. She suggested to take away the Russian part of the add and threatened with a fine of 100 Ls. When the Chairman reminded about the international standards, the inspector answered that he had a right to use Russian only at home, and nobody cared about international standards. On Monday was defiled the Jewish memorial stone in Rumbula. A yellow six point star was spayed on the stone. Police started investigation on this fact. Vesti Segodnya

On Monday was defiled the Jewish memorial stone in Rumbula. A yellow six point star was spayed on the stone. Police started investigation on this fact. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday Russian newspaper Moscow News published an interview with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins. The Minister said that Latvia was ready to sign different agreements with Russia, including the border agreement on which, according to I.Berzins, Russia had not taken a political decision to sign it. Speaking about the integration of non-Latvians, he stated that Latvian achievements were highly appreciated by their partners in Europe. The Minister pointed out that there would be no bilingualism on the state level in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday Russian newspaper Moscow News published an interview with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins. The Minister said that Latvia was ready to sign different agreements with Russia, including the border agreement on which, according to I.Berzins, Russia had not taken a political decision to sign it. Speaking about the integration of non-Latvians, he stated that Latvian achievements were highly appreciated by their partners in Europe. The Minister pointed out that there would be no bilingualism on the state level in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 4, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

In the new Russian foreign policy concept, adopted last Friday by the President V.Putin, special attention will be paid to protection of the rights and freedoms of Russian compatriots living abroad, and, according to press information, discussed relations with the Baltic States. Political scientists evaluate this concept differently, but they point out that it is a proof of increasing Russian pressure on Latvia to keep her in the Russian interest zone. Latvian MFA has not studied the document and abstained from making any comments.

In the new Russian foreign policy concept, adopted last Friday by the President V.Putin, special attention will be paid to protection of the rights and freedoms of Russian compatriots living abroad, and, according to press information, discussed relations with the Baltic States. Political scientists evaluate this concept differently, but they point out that it is a proof of increasing Russian pressure on Latvia to keep her in the Russian interest zone. Latvian MFA has not studied the document and abstained from making any comments. Diena

Part of farmers, getting support from the Saeima opposition Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and the Farmers’ Union, threaten to start the largest protest action in Latvia. They will start with blocking two border cross points on the southern border of Latvia. Thus farmers hope to attract Government’s attention to their problems.

Part of farmers, getting support from the Saeima opposition Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and the Farmers Union, threaten to start the largest protest action in Latvia. They will start with blocking two border cross points on the southern border of Latvia. Thus farmers hope to attract Governments attention to their problems. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize, Chas,

The lacking 2.9 million Ls to increase teachers’ salaries will be found in the state budget only in the Government decides that the Government names education as its only priority. This was the conclusion after the meting of the Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Minister of Finances.

The lacking 2.9 million Ls to increase teachers salaries will be found in the state budget only in the Government decides that the Government names education as its only priority. This was the conclusion after the meting of the Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Minister of Finances. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

On Monday Latvian prosecutor L.Murniece went to Moscow to study documents on K.Kalejs and K.Ozols’s cases at the Central Federal Security Service Archives. These two men are accused for committing war crimes.

On Monday Latvian prosecutor L.Murniece went to Moscow to study documents on K.Kalejs and K.Ozolss cases at the Central Federal Security Service Archives. These two men are accused for committing war crimes. Diena

Police started criminal proceedings on the case of defiling Synagogue Memorial in Riga. The defiling took place on Monday – a day before the Commemoration Day of Jewish Holocaust victims.

Police started criminal proceedings on the case of defiling Synagogue Memorial in Riga. The defiling took place on Monday – a day before the Commemoration Day of Jewish Holocaust victims. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Respublika, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins expressed his indignation and deepest regret for this provocation and charged the Minister of Interior M.Seglins to pay more attention to protection of the commemoration places of the victims of Jewish Holocaust and investigation of this crime.

Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins expressed his indignation and deepest regret for this provocation and charged the Minister of Interior M.Seglins to pay more attention to protection of the commemoration places of the victims of Jewish Holocaust and investigation of this crime. Latvijas Vestnesis

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins assured that the Cabinet of Ministers would adopt the State Language Law regulations complying with international standards. He made this statement at the discussion organised by G.Ulmains Foundation while speaking about Latvian – Russian relations. The work on preparing these regulations is coming to the end. Latvian experts are co-operating with international consultants. The draft regulations, prepared by two working groups and to be adopted by the Government by September 1, are now in the phase of harmonising. Totally there are nine draft regulations that have been prepared in close co-operation with the OSCE experts, and according to the information from the Minister of Justice I.Labucka, in 90% of cases understanding had been achieved. The State Language Centre Head some time ago informed that in the draft on the state language proficiency level and the procedure of the state language proficiency tests, necessary for fulfilling professional and official duties, the opinion of the OSCE experts would be taken into consideration and 2 lists of professions prepared – one for state officials and the other one for persons working in private businesses.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins assured that the Cabinet of Ministers would adopt the State Language Law regulations complying with international standards. He made this statement at the discussion organised by G.Ulmains Foundation while speaking about Latvian – Russian relations. The work on preparing these regulations is coming to the end. Latvian experts are co-operating with international consultants. The draft regulations, prepared by two working groups and to be adopted by the Government by September 1, are now in the phase of harmonising. Totally there are nine draft regulations that have been prepared in close co-operation with the OSCE experts, and according to the information from the Minister of Justice I.Labucka, in 90% of cases understanding had been achieved. The State Language Centre Head some time ago informed that in the draft on the state language proficiency level and the procedure of the state language proficiency tests, necessary for fulfilling professional and official duties, the opinion of the OSCE experts would be taken into consideration and 2 lists of professions prepared – one for state officials and the other one for persons working in private businesses. Neatkariga

Estonian newspaper

Estonian newspaper Postimees wrote yesterday that Estonia would not join Lithuania in her demand to Russia to compensate the damages made to Lithuania during Soviet times. Neatkariga

According to the author of the draft laws on imposing sanctions against Latvia A.Chekoyev, the Lower House of Russian Parliament will be able to discuss them only some time in autumn – the deputies are too busy with the legal initiatives of President V.Putin.

According to the author of the draft laws on imposing sanctions against Latvia A.Chekoyev, the Lower House of Russian Parliament will be able to discuss them only some time in autumn – the deputies are too busy with the legal initiatives of President V.Putin. Chas, Respublika

Panorama Latvii

continues publishing critical comments on the draft regulations to the State Language Law – this time on the profession lists. The Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia continue to collect signatures under the call to ratify the framework convention on national minorities and grant municipal election rights to non-citizens. MP M.Mitrofanov informed that they have collected 53 000 signatures and the action was going on. The first pack of signatures would

The Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia continue to collect signatures under the call to ratify the framework convention on national minorities and grant municipal election rights to non-citizens. MP M.Mitrofanov informed that they have collected 53 000 signatures and the action was going on. The first pack of signatures would

be soon sent to the OSCE, EU and CoE.

be soon sent to the OSCE, EU and CoE. Panorama Latvii

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