jūlijs 14, 2009

  • Telegraf: number of Roma in Latvia has decreased two times during last 12 years
  • 23 August most likely will be commemoration day of victims of Stalinism and Nazism in Latvia
According to

According to Telegraf, during last 12 years number of Roma in Latvia has decreased two times. Social scientist Aigars Freimanis considers that Roma always were one of the poorest ethnic minorities in Latvia and are most affected by the economic crisis affects. Roma are, therefore, forced to leave Latvia in search for better life. However, the head of Roma NGO Nevo Drom Anatolijs Berezovskis does not agree that it is crisis which forces Roma to emigrate. According to Mr. Berezovskis, economic crisis have not affected Roma as they always faced discrimination and joblessness in Latvia, and they began leaving the country long before the economic crisis started. Mr. Berezovskis also complains that Roma integration process stopped with the closure of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration in the end of 2008.

Yesterday, the governing coalition decided to support the proposal to proclaim 23 August (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) as commemoration day of victims of Stalinism and Nazism.

Yesterday, the governing coalition decided to support the proposal to proclaim 23 August (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) as commemoration day of victims of Stalinism and Nazism. Chas, Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 13, 2009

  • Conference Russian World in Latvia in 2009: Situation and Tendencies of Development was held in Riga on Saturday
Conference “Russian World in Latvia in 2009: Situation and Tendencies of Development” was held in Riga on Saturday. Representatives of 196 Russian NGOs and Russia’s and Latvia’s officials took part in the conference. The participants discussed problems and perspectives of development of Russian community in Latvia during economic crisis, Russia’s law on compatriots, and problems of youth.

Conference Russian World in Latvia in 2009: Situation and Tendencies of Development was held in Riga on Saturday. Representatives of 196 Russian NGOs and Russias and Latvias officials took part in the conference. The participants discussed problems and perspectives of development of Russian community in Latvia during economic crisis, Russias law on compatriots, and problems of youth. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 11, 2009

  • Ombudsman Romans Apsitis is not planning to leave the post
According to

According to Diena, the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis is not planning to leave the post. As reported, 26 employees of the Ombudsman Office demanded resignation of the Ombudsman arguing that Mr. Apsitis is not competent in human rights issues and his decisions are not independent. Roman Apsitis and his employees will meet tomorrow at the Saeimas Human Rights and Public Affairs Committees meeting.


jūlijs 10, 2009

  • Study Challenge for Civic Participation: majority of Latvian mass media continue to actively cultivate the image of an enemy
  • Minister of Justice Mareks Seglins issued a decree to change the requirements for applicants for the post of the director of the State Language Centre excluding requirement for Russian language proficiency
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with two Russian speaking youths
The Centre for Public Policy „Providus” presented results of the third part of a study Challenge for Civic Participation (January – July 2009.) According to the study, the majority of Latvian mass media continue to actively cultivate the image of an enemy. Russian-speaking residents is the group most frequently subject to intolerant statements.  

The Centre for Public Policy „Providus presented results of the third part of a study Challenge for Civic Participation (January – July 2009.) According to the study, the majority of Latvian mass media continue to actively cultivate the image of an enemy. Russian-speaking residents is the group most frequently subject to intolerant statements. Latvijas Avize, NRA and Vesti Segodnya come out as most intolerant newspapers, while newspapers Telegraf, Chas and Diena are considered to maintain most objective position. Telegraf

Latvijas Avize reports that the Minister of Justice Mareks Seglins issued a decree to change the requirements for applicants for the post of the director of the State Language Centre (SLC) excluding requirement for Russian language proficiency. The Minister agrees with the ex-head of the SLC Dzinta Hirsa that the requirement for the Russian language proficiency contradicts the state language policy and Russian is not needed for execution of work duties. At the same time, proficiency in English will remain as one of the requirements.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with two Russian speaking youths who recently finished high school and received Latvian citizenship through naturalisation.

jūlijs 9, 2009

  • NRA prints an article about emigration of Roma people from Latvia

NRA prints an article about emigration of Roma people from Latvia. Roma representatives interviewed by the newspaper state that Roma people are forced to leave Latvia because of increase of racism towards them and economic crisis. According to the head of the Roma NGO Nevo Drom Anatolijs Berezovskis, about 10,000 Roma have already left Latvia (mostly to the UK), and the same number remain in Latvia but considering leaving the country.

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