Aug. 2, 2006

  • Political scientist Peteris Vinkelis about intolerance in Latvia
  • Telegraf criticizes the National Programme for the Promotion of Tolerance
  • Chas: Latvia should introduce majoritarian election system to ensure that minorities are represented in the Saeima
  • Diena introduces with the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia

Diena features an article by political scientist Peteris Vinkelis on intolerance in Latvia. The author argues that the course of East European countries from totalitarian regimes to democracy has been successful only from outside as societies in these countries face serious difficulties to accept requirements of tolerance, which have developed for decades in Western societies. Mr Vinkelis calls on NGOs, politicians and entrepreneurs to join their forces and show the public at large that intolerance and prejudices bring harm to welfare of all members of society.

Telegraf writes about the National Programme for the Promotion of Tolerance which main target groups till now included ethnic, racial and religious minorities. The newspaper argues that the Programme is not effective. The newspaper also reproaches the government for its recent decision to include in the Programme sexual minorities as its target group.

Chas features an article on the situation of non-citizens and minorities in the light of the upcoming Saeimas elections. The newspaper states that since the restoration of Latvias independence minorities have been deprived their rights as an evidence providing statements that during these 15 years there have not been any representatives of minorities in the Cabinet of Ministers and Saeimas ruling coalitions have always refused to co-operate with representatives of parties representing interests of national minorities. The author of the article believes that the situation could be solved if Latvia introduces majoritarian election system.

Diena continues introducing its readers with parties running for the upcoming Saeimas elections, in particular the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. According to the newspaper the party is one of the political forces, which will be the main competitors for votes of Russian-speakers.

jūlijs 31, 2006

  • Security Police admit that extremist groups become more active in Latvia
  • Diena introduces with the Harmony Party
The Security Police report that recently groups of extremists have become very active and use not only protest tools available in a democratic country but also more radical methods, for instance, they issue calls to use violence against some social and ethnic groups.

The Security Police report that recently groups of extremists have become very active and use not only protest tools available in a democratic country but also more radical methods, for instance, they issue calls to use violence against some social and ethnic groups. Neatkariga

Diena continues to introduce its readers with parties running for the upcoming Saeimas elections. According to the newspaper The Harmony Centre is one of the choice of voters voting for the left ideas. The leader of the party Nils Usakovs argues that voters should vote for his party because it has a strong economic programme and it is the only multi-ethnic party in Latvia.


jūlijs 29, 2006

  • Roma demand a public aplogy

Diena features an article about an incident in Jekabpils (town in the Eastern part of Latvia) when NGOs that distributed bread free-of-charge refused to give it to any Roma allegedly afterRomanichildren kicked a loaf of bread withtheir foot. A representative of the Jekabpils Romani NGO stated that Roma demand a public apology and will bring this case to the court. The Romani NGO is also planning to bring another case to the court: traffic police confiscateda car, which belongs to Roma. A representative of the Romani NGO believes that the car was confiscated because its owner was a Romani man. Diena


jūlijs 28, 2006

  • Chas features an interview with Miroslavs Mitrofanovs on implementation of the Framework Convention
  • Diena features an article about an archive material Latvia under Nazi Burden

Chas features an interview with the leader of the European Russian Alliance Miroslavs Mitrofanovs on the implementation of the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities. Miroslavs Mitrofanovs considers that the ratification of the Convention has not changed anything in the life of ethnic minorities in Latvia. Mr. Mitrofanovs argues that only Russian NGOs are interested in protection of interests of ethnic minorities: Russians are able to promote protection of their interests only in their own environment and the Russian-language mass media… The situation will change if the interests of Russians become common national interests.

Diena features an article about an archive material Latvia under the Nazi Burden distributed in Latvia by the Russian Embassy. Historian Aivars Stranga considers that the material contains distorted and false historical facts about the Holocaust in Latvia. Mr. Stranga argues that the material is distributed with an aim to show that Nazism is reviving in Latvia.

jūlijs 27, 2006

  • Residents of Ikskile complain about spread of fascistic slogans and symbols in the town
  • Riga Regional Court has received the conclusion of linguistic expertise on the statements by the activist of the Headquarters Aleksandrs Gilmans

Vesti Segodnya reports that residents of Ikskile (a small town in the central part of Latvia) complain about spread of fascistic slogans and signs written on the walls of houses, a Lutheran church and fences all over the town. Representatives of police reported that they are investigating the case, however, no person has been detained yet.

The Riga Regional Court has received the conclusion of linguistic expertise on the statements made by the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Gilmans. As reported, Aleksandrs Gilmans is charged for anti-governmental statements made on the internet forum of the Headquarters’ homepage. Experts of the State Language Centre have concluded that the Gilmans’ statements are clearly hostile, however, do not contain an open call to forcible overturn of the Latvian state authority.

The Riga Regional Court has received the conclusion of linguistic expertise on the statements made by the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Gilmans. As reported, Aleksandrs Gilmans is charged for anti-governmental statements made on the internet forum of the Headquarters homepage. Experts of the State Language Centre have concluded that the Gilmans statements are clearly hostile, however, do not contain an open call to forcible overturn of the Latvian state authority. Latvijas Avize

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