Aug. 3, 2005

  • Diena reports on the success of minority students in the national Latvian language exam
  • President of Russia Vladimir Putin criticizes the Baltic States for the existence of the non-citizen status
  • Diena fosters a discussion about possibilities of promoting tolerance among youth
  • Information about new protest action against minority education reform
  • Saeima Presidium refuses the extension of accreditation to the journalists of the national-radical newspaper DDD

Diena reports on the results of national exams, stating that the results of minority students in the Latvian language exam are better than those by the Latvian students. The knowledge of 15,5 % of minority students was rated as being at the two lowest – E and F – levels, while the share of Latvian students receiving the same grades in the Latvian language exam reached 32,6%. According to the Director of the General Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science Arturs Skrastins, minority students of grade 9 also showed good Latvian language proficiency (two thirds of them passed the exam at A, B or C levels), which attests to their readiness to study at least 60% of the subjects in Latvian at secondary school.

Newspapers report on the meeting of the President of Finland  Tarja Halonen and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. During the meeting the President of Russia expressed indignation about the existence of non-citizen status in the Baltic States, stressing that no legal system foresees such a status and promising to discuss the issue with Russia’s partners in the EU. In turn, Halonen stated that Latvia and Estonia are working to solve the problem of Russian-speakers, and called upon Russia to sign boarder agreements with these states. Halonen also questioned the possibility of including the non-citizen issue among the priorities of the Finnish EU Presidency, which will commence during the second half of 2006.

Newspapers report on the meeting of the President of Finland Tarja Halonen and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. During the meeting the President of Russia expressed indignation about the existence of non-citizen status in the Baltic States, stressing that no legal system foresees such a status and promising to discuss the issue with Russias partners in the EU. In turn, Halonen stated that Latvia and Estonia are working to solve the problem of Russian-speakers, and called upon Russia to sign boarder agreements with these states. Halonen also questioned the possibility of including the non-citizen issue among the priorities of the Finnish EU Presidency, which will commence during the second half of 2006. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Diena fosters discussion about the possibilities of promoting tolerance among youth by featuring the opinions of several experts. All the experts point to the role of teachers in promoting tolerance among young people. Programme director of the Education Development Centre Aija Tuna believes that teachers in Latvia still tend to divide all answers in ‘right and ‘wrong and this impedes the process of education for tolerance in schools. According to Tuna, today teachers are not ready to work with a child who differs from majority, be it a child with a different native language or a child with mental or physical disabilities. Human rights expert Nils Muiznieks and the research coordinator of the organisation Education International Guntars Catlaks point to the role of politicians in promoting tolerance in society. According to Muiznieks, it is also necessary to elaborate new textbooks reflecting the real diversity of the society.

Russian-language newspapers

Russian-language newspapers inform about new protest action against minority education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of the Russian-language Schools. According to the head of Saeima For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) faction Jakovs Pliners, the protest action will allegedly take place in mid-September. In the forthcoming week, the representatives of the FHRUL and Headquarters are planning to visit Rezekne (the town in Eastern Latvia where the repeated municipal elections are planned in August) to collect signatures in support of the requirement to grant the voting rights to non-citizens at municipal elections. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

After assessing the information provided by the State Security Police, the Saeima Presidium decided to refuse the extension of accreditation to the journalists of the national-radical newspaper

After assessing the information provided by the State Security Police, the Saeima Presidium decided to refuse the extension of accreditation to the journalists of the national-radical newspaper DDD. As reported, two journalists of this newspaper have been charged with the incitement of ethnic hatred in their publications. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Aug. 2, 2005

  • A strategy for implementation of the Society Integration Programme has been developed
  • An interview with the MP of the European Parliament Tatjana Zdanoka
The Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration has developed a strategy for the implementation of the Society Integration Programme. According to the Head of the Secretariat Kristine Vagnere, the Secretariat should, on priority basis, rework the national programme ‘Society Integration in Latvia’ by the end of the year. The Secretariat is also planning to work in the area of the promotion of the tolerance as well as to foster a debate about the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

The Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration has developed a strategy for the implementation of the Society Integration Programme. According to the Head of the Secretariat Kristine Vagnere, the Secretariat should, on priority basis, rework the national programme ‘Society Integration in Latvia by the end of the year. The Secretariat is also planning to work in the area of the promotion of the tolerance as well as to foster a debate about the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with Tatjana Zdanoka about her activities as the Member of the European Parliament from Latvia. Zdanoka mentions increasing discussion about the need to grant non-citizens living in the EU the right to travel inside the territory of the Union without visas as the main achievement of the first year.

jūlijs 30, 2005

  • Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis meets the UK ambassador to the OSCE Colin Munro
  • Interview with the chairman of the Latvian Council of the Jewish Parishes and Communities Arkadijs Suharenko
The Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis met the ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe Colin Munro. Issues concerning the activities of the Special Assignments Minister’s for Society Integration Secretariat in the areas of the promotion of tolerance in society, naturalisation and collaboration with minority organisations as well as the activities of radical organisations in Latvia were discussed during the meeting there.

The Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis met the ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe Colin Munro. Issues concerning the activities of the Special Assignments Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat in the areas of the promotion of tolerance in society, naturalisation and collaboration with minority organisations as well as the activities of radical organisations in Latvia were discussed during the meeting there. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the chairman of the Latvian Council of the Jewish Parishes and Communities Arkadijs Suharenko about the situation of the Jewish community in Latvia and possible manifestations of anti-Semitism in Latvia. Speaking about anti-Semitism, Suharenko admits that there is no anti-Semitism on state level. At the same time the chairman believes, that the activities of certain politicians (for example, their support for the rehabilitation of the notorious Herberts Cukurs as a Latvian hero and famous pilot, although it has been documented that he participated in the Holocaust during World War II) could led to confrontation in society. Meanwhile, according to Suharenko, it is very important for the Jewish community to be integrated in the Latvian society. There are approximately 10,600 – 10,700 Jews living in Latvia.

jūlijs 29, 2005

  • Diena discusses possible changes regarding the legal status of the Society Integration Foundation
  • Results of the study ‘Creation of the Civil Society in Largest Cities and Ethnically Heterogeneous Regions of Latvia by the Latvian Institute of Social Sciences

Diena discusses possible changes regarding the legal status of the Society Integration Foundation (SIF). Four years ago the Society Integration Foundation was established as unique institution whichs main task is to administrate funding for integration and civil society development issues. However, the deputy head of the Policy Coordination Department of the State Chancellery Baiba Petersone argues that the legal status of the SIF (public establishment) does not comply with the Law on State Administration Structure therefore the SIF should be re-arranged into the state agency. Resultantly, non-governmental organisations and municipal institutions may have no say in distribution of funding. Currently the Board of the Society Integration Foundation is in charge of distribution of funding. Representatives of NGOs and municipal institutions are among the members of the Board. The annual budget of the Society Integration Foundation is about Ls5,000,000 (approximately EUR7,114,359) and only 0,8 million come from the state.

Vesti Segodnya reports on the results of the study ‘Formation of Civil Society in the Largest Cities and Ethnically Heterogeneous Regions of Latvia by the Latvian Institute of Social Sciences. According to the study, Latvians have more confidence in government, Saeima, state administration and municipalities than Russians do. Latvians also are bigger supporters of NATO - 61% Latvians and only 22 – 25% Russians trust in NATO. The results of the study also show that 88% non-citizens in Riga, 94% in Kraslava district and 90% non-citizens in Ludza district would participate in municipal election if they were granted the right to participate in municipal elections.

jūlijs 28, 2005

  • Author of the brochure The Role of Education, Dialogue and Civic Participation in Promotion of Integration of Society Denis Hanovs talks about ethnic integration
  • Days of Romani Art will take place in Sabile on 28 – 31 July
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with Ilze Krastina, lawyer of the two journalists charged with incitement to ethnic hatred

Diena features an interview with Denis Hanovs, the author of the brochure The Role of Education, Dialogue and Civic Participation in Promotion of Integration of Society. Denis Hanovs believes that the main division exists between two linguistic communities – Latvians and Russians. However, he notes that intolerance towards homosexuals, clearly expressed during the Gay Pride last Saturday in Riga, indicates that there is a so-called negative integration: among protesters against homosexuals there were both Latvians and Russians. Denis Hanovs stresses that discussions on ethnic integration and state policies in this field, as well as diversity of opinions should be promoted.

The Days of Romani Art will take place in Sabile on 28 – 31 July. The culmination of the festival is planned on Saturday, when the visitors of the festival will learn the Romani traditions in the performance ‘Romani Bride.’

The Days of Romani Art will take place in Sabile on 28 – 31 July. The culmination of the festival is planned on Saturday, when the visitors of the festival will learn the Romani traditions in the performance ‘Romani Bride. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with Ilze Krastina, the lawyer of the two journalists of the national radical newspaper DDD. The two journalists are charged with incitement to ethnic hatred. The lawyer believes that by using the terms ‘occupant and ‘žids (derogatory name of Jews in Latvian) in their articles journalists have not incited to ethnic hatred. According to Ilze Krastina, the fact of Latvias occupation has been internationally acknowledged, therefore the journalists can not be charged with criminal charges for expression of their views on possible ways of elimination of consequences of the occupation, in particular decolonisation and de-occupation. The lawyer also refers to the conclusion of the researcher of the Baltic languages Janis Kuskis who argues that the word ‘žids was not a derogative name in the first independent Latvia.

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