jūlijs 2, 2010

  • Procession planned to be held in the centre of Riga devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941 did not happen
The procession planned to be held in the centre of Riga devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941 did not happen. Police blocked the persons who wanted to arrange the procession due to the absence of its official organiser Uldis Freimanis who couple of hours earlier got called to the Security Police for conversation. Police arrested two participants of the event, while other participants individually laid flowers to the Monument of Freedom.

The procession planned to be held in the centre of Riga devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941 did not happen. Police blocked the persons who wanted to arrange the procession due to the absence of its official organiser Uldis Freimanis who couple of hours earlier got called to the Security Police for conversation. Police arrested two participants of the event, while other participants individually laid flowers to the Monument of Freedom. Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga

jūnijs 30, 2010

  • Court cancelled the decision of the Riga City Council to ban the event devoted to entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941
  • Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs did not allow Vladimirs Lindermans to take naturalisation examination
  • Cabinet of Ministers formed a working group which will prepare national report on human rights in Latvia
The Administrative Court of Riga District cancelled the decision of the Riga City Council to ban the event devoted to entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941 planned to be held by radicals.  Organisers of the events believe that Nazi troops liberated Riga from Soviet occupants. Experts interviewed by

The Administrative Court of Riga District cancelled the decision of the Riga City Council to ban the event devoted to entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941 planned to be held by radicals. Organisers of the events believe that Nazi troops liberated Riga from Soviet occupants. Experts interviewed by Chas consider that this action in the centre of Riga will negatively impact the image of Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) did not allow the leader of Latvian National Bolsheviks Vladimirs Lindermans to take naturalisation examination.  The OCMA based its decision on the fact the Mr. Lindermans did not live permanently in Latvia during last five years as it is required. Mr. Lindermans is planning to dispute the decision in court.

The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) did not allow the leader of Latvian National Bolsheviks Vladimirs Lindermans to take naturalisation examination. The OCMA based its decision on the fact the Mr. Lindermans did not live permanently in Latvia during last five years as it is required. Mr. Lindermans is planning to dispute the decision in court. Chas

The Cabinet of Ministers formed a working group which will prepare national report on human rights in Latvia. The report should be prepared by 1 December 2010 and submitted to the United Nations Organisation by 1 February 2011.

The Cabinet of Ministers formed a working group which will prepare national report on human rights in Latvia. The report should be prepared by 1 December 2010 and submitted to the United Nations Organisation by 1 February 2011. Chas

jūnijs 29, 2010

  • According to a study students of Latvian language schools are more positive towards Latvian state than students of Russian language schools
  • Neatkariga prints an interview with the leader of the nationalists party All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars
  • Latvijas Avize reports about two conferences held by Russian NGOs in Riga
According to a study “Attitude of Students towards Latvian State”, 89% of students of Latvian language schools and 59% of students of Russian language schools stated that they love Latvia. 77% of students of Latvian language schools are proud of living in Latvia, while, only 44% of students of Russian language schools agreed with such statement. A researcher of the centre for public policy “Providus” Marija Golubeva believes that students of Russian language schools have more negative attitude towards the state because they feel more alienated from it and that they do not believe they can change anything in the country.

According to a study Attitude of Students towards Latvian State, 89% of students of Latvian language schools and 59% of students of Russian language schools stated that they love Latvia. 77% of students of Latvian language schools are proud of living in Latvia, while, only 44% of students of Russian language schools agreed with such statement. A researcher of the centre for public policy Providus Marija Golubeva believes that students of Russian language schools have more negative attitude towards the state because they feel more alienated from it and that they do not believe they can change anything in the country. Diena

Neatkariga prints an interview with the leader of the nationalists party All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars. According to Mr. Dzintars, Latvian society including ethnic minorities should be united on the basis of common national values such as traditions, understanding of history, common comprehension about political course. For example, Raivis Dzintars mentions that issue about occupation of Latvia should be as unquestionable issue as the Holocaust is for Jews.

Latvijas Avize reports about two conferences held by Russian NGOs in Riga. One of the conferences was held by the movement of Russian compatriots and gathered about 50 NGOs. Another conference was held by an NGO Russian Party and gathered about 40 NGOs. Representative of the Russian Party stated that one of the aims of their conference was to show that Latvia is very diverse and that the movement of Russian compatriots cannot speak in the name of all Russian speaking residents of Latvia.

jūnijs 28, 2010

  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers wants stricter language quotas for TV channels
The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers returned the new Law on Electronic Mass Media stipulating language quotas for national TV channels back to the Saeima. However, the President considers that the quotas should be stricter and should apply also to regional channels.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers returned the new Law on Electronic Mass Media stipulating language quotas for national TV channels back to the Saeima. However, the President considers that the quotas should be stricter and should apply also to regional channels. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

jūnijs 25, 2010

  • Number of passive voters among ethnic Latvian residents is greater than among Russian speaking residents
  • Most popular parties in June: the Concord Centre, the Unity and the Union of Greens and Farmers
According to a public opinion survey held “SKDS”, number of passive voters among ethnic Latvian residents is greater than among Russian speaking residents. Among ethnic Latvian respondents 19,1% did not decide whom to vote for yet, while 27,7% did not decide if they will participate in the upcoming Saeima’s elections. Among Russian speaking respondents 15,5% did not decide yet whom to vote for and 12,5% did not decide if they will participate in the elections.

According to a public opinion survey held SKDS, number of passive voters among ethnic Latvian residents is greater than among Russian speaking residents. Among ethnic Latvian respondents 19,1% did not decide whom to vote for yet, while 27,7% did not decide if they will participate in the upcoming Saeimas elections. Among Russian speaking respondents 15,5% did not decide yet whom to vote for and 12,5% did not decide if they will participate in the elections. Latvijas Avize

According to the latest public opinion survey held by „Latvijas fakti”, the Concord Centre would receive 18,5% of votes if the Saeima’s elections are held in June. The Unity would receive 16,2% , the Union of Greens and Farmers – 8,5% and the union For Better Latvia! – 5,3%. Other parties are supported by less than 5 % of respondents.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by „Latvijas fakti, the Concord Centre would receive 18,5% of votes if the Saeimas elections are held in June. The Unity would receive 16,2% , the Union of Greens and Farmers – 8,5% and the union For Better Latvia! – 5,3%. Other parties are supported by less than 5 % of respondents. Chas

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