Aug. 8, 2006

  • Extreme right wing party will protest against documented migration today
  • Chas introduces with main goals of the Union of National Forces running for the upcoming Saeimas elections

Vesti Segodnya reports that today the extreme right wing party Visu Latvijai! headed by Raivis Dzintars will hold a protest action against documented migration.

Chas reports on the parties running for the upcoming Saeimas elections, in particular the extreme right wing party Union of National Forces (NSS in its Latvian acronym), headed by Viktors Birze. The main goals of the party are to halt naturalisation, deprive Latvian citizenship from non-loyal citizens and repatriate all migrants. According to the opinion polls the party will not manage to get into the Saeima.



Aug. 7, 2006

  • Draft regulations on citizenship acquisition provide that children born after 1991 in Latvia may apply for Latvian citizenship themselves, however, they have to demonstrate their Latvian language skills
  • Chas talks to the leader of the NGO Liepaja Russian Community

Latvijas Avize talks to the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane on new developments regarding naturalisation procedure and requirements. Eizenija Aldermane reported that new draft regulations concerning the acquisition of Latvian citizenship are under discussions of ministries. The new draft regulations concern not only persons who want to acquire citizenship through naturalisation, but also children who were born in Latvia after 1991. Till now, parents of children who were born in Latvia after 1991 could apply for citizenship for their children. The Head of the NB did not want to make detailed comments on new requirements on the draft regulations, however, the draft regulations foresee that these children may apply for citizenship themselves. They will not have to undergo the whole naturalisation procedure, however, they will have to demonstrate their Latvian language skills.

Chas talks to Valerijs Kravcovs about activities of the Liepaja Russian Community. The chairpersons of the organisation reports that the Liepaja Russian Community became a member of the Russian Association in Latvia. He believes that Russians should join their forces so that there would be one force, which would represent interests of all Russians in Latvia.

Aug. 5, 2006

  • Diena looks deeper in a case concerning accommodation of the seven Somalians
  • Dziparins calls the Romani NGO to reach the settlement outside court
  • Russian language newspapers continue to report on ODHIRs visit to Latvia

Diena looks deeper in a case when the owner of a real estate asked its tenants to evict the seven Somalians whom the tenants provided a temporary shelter. The owner argues that it is a violation of the rent contract, while the tenants state that they have had accomadated other persons (locals) before as well and the owner did not raise any objections. Human right experts comment on the situation. Ilze Brands Kehre notes that general principles of rent agreement might not be discriminatory and if statements of the owner are based on the owners attitude towards particular refugees it might be discrimination. Nils Muiznieks draws attention to the attitude of the state towards the Somalians.

The NGO Dziparins, which distributes bread free-of-charge to people with low income in Jelgava and refused to give it to Roma allegedly because Romani boys kicked the loaf of bread with their feet, calls the Romani NGO to reach the settlement of outside court. As reported, the Romani NGO announced that they would sue Dziparins for ethnic discrimination.

The NGO Dziparins, which distributes bread free-of-charge to people with low income in Jelgava and refused to give it to Roma allegedly because Romani boys kicked the loaf of bread with their feet, calls the Romani NGO to reach the settlement of outside court. As reported, the Romani NGO announced that they would sue Dziparins for ethnic discrimination. Neatkariga

Russian language newspapers -

Russian language newspapers - Vesti Segodnya and Chas - continue to report on the visit of the OSCE ODHIR Needs Assessment Mission to Latvia to assess the upcoming Saeimas elections. The newspapers report on the meetings of the delegation with the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia. The Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Viktor Kaluzhnij calls the OSCE to send its representatives to observe the elections in Latvia in the fall arguing that Latvia still faces serious issues in this field, namely, a number of people who do not have voting rights is still very high.

Aug. 4, 2006

  • Owner of the real estate demands its tenants to evict the seven Somalians from his property
  • Diena about calls and programmes of the Peoples Party and FF/LNIM
  • OSCE ODHIR Needs Assessment Mission visits Latvia
The owner of the real estate “Veczvannenieki” rented to persons who accommodated the seven Somalians who have been granted the alternative status warned his tenants that by providing shelter to the seven Somalians they have violated the rent agreement and demands to eviction of the seven Somalians from his property.

The owner of the real estate Veczvannenieki rented to persons who accommodated the seven Somalians who have been granted the alternative status warned his tenants that by providing shelter to the seven Somalians they have violated the rent agreement and demands to eviction of the seven Somalians from his property. Diena

Diena continues introducing its readers with parties running for the upcoming Saeimas elections, in particular with the Peoples Party and FF/LNIM. Representatives of the Peoples Party claim that if the partys programme is implemented, none of groups of the society would be concerned about non-observance of their rights, alienation from the state and poverty. While FF/LNIM calls on voters to come to elections and vote for FF/LNIM or any right-wing party to prevent the situation when left-wing parties or so called Russian parties would not win the elections.

The OSCE’s Needs Assessment Mission has come to Latvia to assess the upcoming Saeima’s elections. The delegation also held a meeting with the parliamentarian faction of FF/LNIM to learn about their draft amendments to the Citizenship Law, which would stipulate halting of naturalisation.

The OSCEs Needs Assessment Mission has come to Latvia to assess the upcoming Saeimas elections. The delegation also held a meeting with the parliamentarian faction of FF/LNIM to learn about their draft amendments to the Citizenship Law, which would stipulate halting of naturalisation. Telegraf


Aug. 3, 2006

  • ECHR accepted the application challenging the calculation procedure of the amount of retirement allowance for Latvian non-citizens
  • Experts and businesspersons: Latvia needs guest workers
  • Interview with Latvias Way member Ivars Godmanis
  • Citizenship applicant caught in cheating in naturalization exams
The European Court of Human Rights accepted the application of a resident of Latvia who challenged Latvian legal norms that stipulate the procedure of calculation the amount of retirement allowance for Latvian non-citizens. As reported, in Latvia the amount of retirement allowance also depends on the total period of employments. However, the employment period of Latvian non-citizens outside the territory of Latvia till 1991 is not considered. Latvia has to present its arguments till 11 September.

The European Court of Human Rights accepted the application of a resident of Latvia who challenged Latvian legal norms that stipulate the procedure of calculation the amount of retirement allowance for Latvian non-citizens. As reported, in Latvia the amount of retirement allowance also depends on the total period of employments. However, the employment period of Latvian non-citizens outside the territory of Latvia till 1991 is not considered. Latvia has to present its arguments till 11 September. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers write about shortage of work force in Latvia. Experts believe that the solution is the adoption of an adequate migration policy.

Newspapers write about shortage of work force in Latvia. Experts believe that the solution is the adoption of an adequate migration policy. Vesti Segodnya features an article about guest workers in the Latvian job market. An entrepreneur who has invited and hired several guest workers from the former CIS countries believes that the number of guest workers from these countries will definitely increase in the near future, while people from African and Asian countries most likely will not come to Latvia. Diena, Telegraf

Chas features an interview with member of the political party Latvias Way, former prime minister Ivars Godmanis. He stresses that Latvias Way is a liberal party and promotes the idea of a tolerant society. Ivars Godmanis believes that all parties need a multi-ethnic electorate and that would only benefit to welfare and well-being of all members of society.

Newspapers report on another case of cheating in naturalization exams. The naturalization procedure for the applicant caught in cheating has been stopped.

Newspapers report on another case of cheating in naturalization exams. The naturalization procedure for the applicant caught in cheating has been stopped. Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Avize

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