Aug. 7, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Yesterday was the last day for parties to submit their lists to the Central Electoral Commission. 1,024 candidates will run for the 8th Saeima on 21 lists, which is the same number of lists as in the 7th Saeima elections.

Yesterday was the last day for parties to submit their lists to the Central Electoral Commission. 1,024 candidates will run for the 8th Saeima on 21 lists, which is the same number of lists as in the 7th Saeima elections. Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii


and the Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia have launched a new campaign Study in the Mother Tongue against the switch of secondary minority schools to Latvian in 2004. The newspaper calls on its readers and members of political parties to voice their views on this issue. and the Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia have launched a new campaign “Study in the Mother Tongue” against the switch of secondary minority schools to Latvian in 2004. The newspaper calls on its readers and members of political parties to voice their views on this issue. New UN Resident Coordinator Gabriele Koehler will continue the implementation of tasks launched by her predecessors, and names social integration as one of the key areas of her work. Gabriele Koehler believes that social integration is one of the areas in which Latvia has succeeded and after becoming an UN donor state could share its experience with other countries.

New UN Resident Coordinator Gabriele Koehler will continue the implementation of tasks launched by her predecessors, and names social integration as one of the key areas of her work. Gabriele Koehler believes that social integration is one of the areas in which Latvia has succeeded and after becoming an UN donor state could share its experience with other countries. BNS

Vesti Segodnya

interviews leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans about the future tasks of the union in the 8th Saeima. Janis Jurkans believes that the next step will be provision of the right to non-citizens to participate in local government elections. He states that after Latvia is invited to NATO the pressure to amend the Citizenship Law will increase. He says, maybe it will not be a zero option, but it will concern all people who were born here. He states that the key task of the President of Latvia is to foster social integration in the country and believes that Vaira Vike-Freiberga has not done her job. interviews leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans about the future tasks of the union in the 8th Saeima. Janis Jurkans believes that the next step will be provision of the right to non-citizens to participate in local government elections. He states that after Latvia is invited to NATO the pressure to amend the Citizenship Law will increase. He says, “maybe it will not be a “zero option,” but it will concern all people who were born here.” He states that the key task of the President of Latvia is to foster social integration in the country and believes that Vaira Vike-Freiberga has not done her job.


conducted a survey of 60 people who, according to the opinion of the newspapers readers, should be presented in the 8th Saeima. The survey concerned the key issues that should be addressed and solved by the 8th Saeima. After finalising the answers, the newspaper indicates 8 key problems, including non-citizens, education in minority languages and relations with Russia. conducted a survey of 60 people who, according to the opinion of the newspaper’s readers, should be presented in the 8th Saeima. The survey concerned the key issues that should be addressed and solved by the 8th Saeima. After finalising the answers, the newspaper indicates 8 key problems, including non-citizens, education in minority languages and relations with Russia.

Vesti Segodnya

publishes answers of deputy chairperson of the Union of Social Democrats Peteris Salkazanovs. On the question about the participation of non-citizens in municipal elections and possibilities for national minorities to study in a mother tongue, he replies that when Latvia becomes an EU member state it will have to align its legislation with the EU norms which stipulate that permanent residents have the right to participate in elections of the local level. Regarding the education reform in 2004, Peteris Salkazanovs says The position of our party is the following -- the Law is adopted and sooner or later the reform should be implemented. publishes answers of deputy chairperson of the Union of Social Democrats Peteris Salkazanovs. On the question about the participation of non-citizens in municipal elections and possibilities for national minorities to study in a mother tongue, he replies that when Latvia becomes an EU member state it will have to align its legislation with the EU norms which stipulate that permanent residents have the right to participate in elections of the local level. Regarding the education reform in 2004, Peteris Salkazanovs says “The position of our party is the following -- the Law is adopted and sooner or later the reform should be implemented.”

Vesti Segodnya

reports about the decision of the administration of commercial TV channel TV 3 to stop broadcasting news in Russian. Broadcasting of news in the Latvian language was halted already a month ago. A spokesperson of TV 3 stated that the main purpose of TV 3 is entertaining people – hence, the decision suspend news broadcasts. reports about the decision of the administration of commercial TV channel TV 3 to stop broadcasting news in Russian. Broadcasting of news in the Latvian language was halted already a month ago. A spokesperson of TV 3 stated that the main purpose of TV 3 is entertaining people – hence, the decision suspend news broadcasts.


and and Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya criticise the call of criticise the call of Diena’sDienas columnist Askolds Rodins to deny a Latvian visa to Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzkov (the mayors visit is scheduled for the fall next year) and call the statement a provocation. columnist Askolds Rodins to deny a Latvian visa to Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzkov (the mayor’s visit is scheduled for the fall next year) and call the statement a provocation.

Vesti Segodnya

comments on yesterdays article by Peoples Party MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Russia and Latvia. Aleksandrs Kirsteins criticised Russia for continuing the implementation of its old geo-strategic policy. comments on yesterday’s article by People’s Party MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Russia and Latvia. Aleksandrs Kirsteins criticised Russia for continuing the implementation of its old geo-strategic policy. Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya comments that if such politicians as Kirsteins are in the 8th Saeima as well, relations with Russia will never improve. comments that if such politicians as Kirsteins are in the 8th Saeima as well, relations with Russia will never improve.

Aug. 6, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

On Thursday the Integration Department of the Ministry of Justice will present the new web page

On Thursday the Integration Department of the Ministry of Justice will present the new web page and a study on the social integration process and policy in Latvia. For the time being the web page is only in Latvian. In the near future the web page will be available in English and Russian as well.


reports on a children summer camp aimed at fostering ethnic integration and co-operation between Latvian and national minority schools in Jekabpils. The camp is funded by the Soros Foundation Latvia. The camp will last 2 weeks and will have 25 participants. reports on a children summer camp aimed at fostering ethnic integration and co-operation between Latvian and national minority schools in Jekabpils. The camp is funded by the Soros Foundation Latvia. The camp will last 2 weeks and will have 25 participants.

Lauku Avize

publishes an article by head of the Latvian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Russia and Latvia. Aleksandrs Kirsteins writes that improvement or worsening of relations between the countries does not depend only on the expansion of NATO. He believes that actual reasons for tension between the countries are that Russian foreign policy makers still follow the old geo-strategic policy. publishes an article by head of the Latvian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Russia and Latvia. Aleksandrs Kirsteins writes that improvement or worsening of relations between the countries does not depend only on the expansion of NATO. He believes that actual reasons for tension between the countries are that Russian foreign policy makers still follow the old geo-strategic policy.


publishes an article by member of the Compatriot Council at the Russian Federation State Duma Viktor Gavrilov. He provides his assessment of the 11 years of independent Latvia under the governance of national parties. He sharply criticises the current economic and political situation in Latvia and blames the Latvian government for all failures and calls on voters to be careful in their choices. publishes an article by member of the Compatriot Council at the Russian Federation State Duma Viktor Gavrilov. He provides his assessment of the 11 years of independent Latvia under the governance of national parties. He sharply criticises the current economic and political situation in Latvia and blames the Latvian government for all failures and calls on voters to be careful in their choices.


editorial refers to yesterdays decision of the Governmental Committee to entitle the National Radio and TV Council to impose fines and issue warnings to broadcasting organisations for violating regulations on advertising, pornography and language norms. Columnist Anna Novickaya writes that the new amendments will give the National Radio and TV Council uncontrolled power to fine broadcasting organisations up to LVL 5,000, and links the adoption of the amendments to the pre-election period in Latvia. editorial refers to yesterday’s decision of the Governmental Committee to entitle the National Radio and TV Council to impose fines and issue warnings to broadcasting organisations for violating regulations on advertising, pornography and language norms. Columnist Anna Novickaya writes that the new amendments will give the National Radio and TV Council uncontrolled power to fine broadcasting organisations up to LVL 5,000, and links the adoption of the amendments to the pre-election period in Latvia.

Panorama Latvii

, when writing about the international song festival The New Wave in Jurmala, which in fact was organised by Russia and the majority of singers were from Russia, writes that integration in Latvia is only a dream even in the realm of culture, as the festival was not well attended either by the general public or Latvian officials. , when writing about the international song festival “The New Wave” in Jurmala, which in fact was organised by Russia and the majority of singers were from Russia, writes that “integration in Latvia is only a dream even in the realm of culture,” as the festival was not well attended either by the general public or Latvian officials.

Aug. 5, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


quotes quotes The New York TimesThe New York Times, which published an article Latvia Struggles to Include People of Its Soviet Past about Latvia and social integration in the country. , which published an article “Latvia Struggles to Include People of Its Soviet Past” about Latvia and social integration in the country. The New York TimesThe New York Times provides several life stories of integrated people, discusses Latvias NATO and EU aspirations. provides several life stories of “integrated people,” discusses Latvia’s NATO and EU aspirations. ChasChas comments that the article is rather objective. comments that the article “is rather objective.”

Vesti Segodnya

comments that the article contains many unverified statements and information and suggests that T comments that the article contains many unverified statements and information and suggests that The New York Timeshe New York Times should solve integration issues in the USA. should solve integration issues in the USA. Dainis Turlais, an election candidate of FHRUL, answers the eight questions for election candidates. Concerning participation of non-citizens in municipal elections and the possibility for national minorities to study in a mother tongue, Dainis Turlais says that his party does not agree with dividing the residents of Latvia into two categories – citizens and non-citizens. According to Dainis Turlais, non-citizens should have the same rights citizens.

Dainis Turlais, an election candidate of FHRUL, answers the eight questions for election candidates. Concerning participation of non-citizens in municipal elections and the possibility for national minorities to study in a mother tongue, Dainis Turlais says that his party does not agree with dividing the residents of Latvia into two categories – citizens and non-citizens. According to Dainis Turlais, non-citizens should have the same rights citizens.

On Monday, the Governmental Committee will review amendments to the Administrative Violation Code and the Law on Radio and Television. The new amendments will entitle the National Television and Radio Council to fine radio organisations for administrative violations, such as breech of the regulations on advertising, distribution of pornographic materials and norms of language usage.

On Monday, the Governmental Committee will review amendments to the Administrative Violation Code and the Law on Radio and Television. The new amendments will entitle the National Television and Radio Council to fine radio organisations for administrative violations, such as breech of the regulations on advertising, distribution of pornographic materials and norms of language usage. BNS

Aug. 3, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


publishes a series of articles on pre-school education. One of the articles is devoted to an issue concerning the choice of instruction language at pre-schools. Parents of national minority children can choose the language, however, their children will have two mandatory Latvian classes – two hours when children will be playing in Latvian and will be taught the Latvian language. Among this years registered 452 pre-schools, only 64 are in national minority languages. The position of Latvian language teacher should already exist in national minority pre-schools. However, now its existence is regulated by normative documents and must be observed. publishes a series of articles on pre-school education. One of the articles is devoted to an issue concerning the choice of instruction language at pre-schools. Parents of national minority children can choose the language, however, their children will have two mandatory Latvian “classes” – two hours when children will be playing in Latvian and will be taught the Latvian language. Among this year’s registered 452 pre-schools, only 64 are in national minority languages. The position of Latvian language teacher should already exist in national minority pre-schools. However, now its existence is regulated by normative documents and must be observed. The Security Police refused to initiate a criminal case on the grounds of the claim of two dark skinned musicians against the Freedom Party about fomenting national and ethnic hatred.

The Security Police refused to initiate a criminal case on the grounds of the claim of two dark skinned musicians against the Freedom Party about fomenting national and ethnic hatred. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf


reports that the majority of society in Latvia is concerned about the possible influx of immigrants and refugees, and very often people link immigration with Latvias EU membership. Latvian officials state that there are no grounds to be concerned as immigrants do not find Latvia so attractive because it is not as developed as other west European countries and there are no big ethnic groups which could become a reason for family reunions. reports that the majority of society in Latvia is concerned about the possible influx of immigrants and refugees, and very often people link immigration with Latvia’s EU membership. Latvian officials state that there are no grounds to be concerned as immigrants do not find Latvia so attractive because it is not as developed as other west European countries and there are no big ethnic groups which could become a reason for family reunions.


writes about the issue as well and quotes the report of the Association Committee of the EU. The newspaper states that Latvia is getting ready for the possible influx of immigrants without informing society about these threats. The Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs has launched staff training on issues concerning refugees and asylum seekers. The newspaper also notes that the DCMA in co-operation with the National Border Guard Forces has started to study possibilities and necessary funding to form a refugee centre in Latvias second biggest city Daugavpils. writes about the issue as well and quotes the report of the Association Committee of the EU. The newspaper states that Latvia is getting ready for the possible influx of immigrants without informing society about “these threats.” The Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs has launched staff training on issues concerning refugees and asylum seekers. The newspaper also notes that the DCMA in co-operation with the National Border Guard Forces “has started to study possibilities and necessary funding to form a refugee centre in Latvia’s second biggest city Daugavpils.” One of the leaders of the New Era, Grigory Krupnikov, answers eight questions in

One of the leaders of the New Era, Grigory Krupnikov, answers eight questions in Vesti Segodnya. Concerning participation of non-citizens at municipal elections and the switch of minority secondary education to Latvian, Grigory Krupnikov states that if people want to be involved in state affairs they should naturalise. Concerning education in a native tongue, he says that the more languages one knows the better.

Aug. 2, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Vesti Segodnya publishes a brief analysis of the recent report by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance on Latvia. The newspaper emphasises the recommendations of ECRI concerning the situation of non-citizens and Russian-speakers.


columnist Leonid Fedoseyev writes that expressions of xenophobia are openly cultivated by using history - the selection of historical materials clearly indicates that open racists hide behind personal objectivity. Leonid Fedoseyev believes that the Latvian government should stop pretending that it does not see this problem. columnist Leonid Fedoseyev writes that expressions of xenophobia are openly cultivated by using history - “the selection of historical materials clearly indicates that open racists hide behind personal “objectivity”. Leonid Fedoseyev believes that the Latvian government should stop pretending that it does not see this problem.


columnist Viktors Avotins comments on reproaches voiced by the newspaper columnist Viktors Avotins comments on reproaches voiced by the newspaper Financial Times DeutschlandFinancial Times Deutschland about Latvias attitude towards the Holocaust. The newspaper writes that anti-Semitism and attitudes towards the holocaust will be the key factors when the decisions about Latvias EU and NATO membership will be taken. Columnist Viktors Avotins believes that Latvia can explain its historical values as many times as it wants, however, they will be understood only so far as it corresponds to general clichés. about Latvia’s attitude towards the Holocaust. The newspaper writes that anti-Semitism and attitudes towards the holocaust will be the key factors when the decisions about Latvia’s EU and NATO membership will be taken. Columnist Viktors Avotins believes that “Latvia can explain its “historical values” as many times as it wants, however, they will be understood only so far as it corresponds to general clichés.” Yesterday a delegation of Moscow municipality visited Riga. Officials of both municipalities discussed the possibility to organise Moscow Days in Riga next summer. Officials also discussed reconstruction of a building planned to seat the Russian cultural and business centre in Riga as well.

Yesterday a delegation of Moscow municipality visited Riga. Officials of both municipalities discussed the possibility to organise Moscow Days in Riga next summer. Officials also discussed reconstruction of a building planned to seat the Russian cultural and business centre in Riga as well. Vecherneya Riga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

A new party – the Latvians Party has submitted its ticket to the Central Electorate Committee yesterday. The Latvians Party is headed by Aivars Garda. The key point of the Latvians Party’ s programme is decolonisation of Latvia.

A new party – the Latvians Party has submitted its ticket to the Central Electorate Committee yesterday. The Latvians Party is headed by Aivars Garda. The key point of the Latvians Party s programme is decolonisation of Latvia. Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

The Baltic Times features a long interview on integration with Nils Muiznieks, director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies. Muiznieks rates the integration situation as “mixed picture.” On the positive side, Muiznieks mentions the fact that Latvia has few extremists, no racially motivated violence, many mixed marriages, flexible linguistic behavior from Latvians, significant progress in Latvian language acquisition among non-speakers, and a citizenship law that is now in line with European standards. However, only slightly more than 50,000 persons have naturalised, non-citizens are passive, and the government rarely speaks with one voice on citizenship and other integration related issues.

The Baltic Times features a long interview on integration with Nils Muiznieks, director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies. Muiznieks rates the integration situation as mixed picture. On the positive side, Muiznieks mentions the fact that Latvia has few extremists, no racially motivated violence, many mixed marriages, flexible linguistic behavior from Latvians, significant progress in Latvian language acquisition among non-speakers, and a citizenship law that is now in line with European standards. However, only slightly more than 50,000 persons have naturalised, non-citizens are passive, and the government rarely speaks with one voice on citizenship and other integration related issues.

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