jūlijs 9, 2010

  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers: words occupant and fascist should not be used in daily life
  • General director of Latvian National Television Edgars Kots: LTV7 could permanently broadcast programs in various languages simultaneously
The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers in an interview with Russian Internet news portal stated that words “occupant” and “fascist” should not be used in daily life because those are not just bad words but behind them is a real memory of those who suffered from Fascism and those who were repressed by Soviet power. According to the President, these words are insulting.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers in an interview with Russian Internet news portal stated that words occupant and fascist should not be used in daily life because those are not just bad words but behind them is a real memory of those who suffered from Fascism and those who were repressed by Soviet power. According to the President, these words are insulting. Telegraf

According to the general director of Latvian National Television Edgars Kots, national channel LTV7 could permanently broadcast programs in various languages simultaneously in future because digital broadcasting provides such option. Mr. Kots believes that such option will promote integration of Russian speaking residents by including them in Latvian informative space. Latvijas Avize reports that Latvian linguists criticize such option arguing that it will hinder integration and promote bilingualism in Latvia.

According to the general director of Latvian National Television Edgars Kots, national channel LTV7 could permanently broadcast programs in various languages simultaneously in future because digital broadcasting provides such option. Mr. Kots believes that such option will promote integration of Russian speaking residents by including them in Latvian informative space. Latvijas Avize reports that Latvian linguists criticize such option arguing that it will hinder integration and promote bilingualism in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 8, 2010

  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the leaders of new union of nationalists
  • 33,2% of the citizens who decided whom to vote for would give their votes to the Concord Centre

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the leaders of new union of nationalists (All for Latvia!/For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) Raivis Dzintars and Roberts Zile. According to Mr. Dzintars both parties united on the basis of protection of interests of ethnic Latvians. Mr. Dzintars believes that only nationalists parties are proposing to unite the society around national values.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by SKDS, 33,2% of the citizens who decided whom to vote for would give their votes to the Concord Centre. 21,7% of residents would give votes to the Unity, 17,7% to the Union of Greens and Farmers, 7,3% to the All for Latvia!/For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, 6,7% to the For Better Latvia, and 6,1% to the For Human Rights in United Latvia.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by SKDS, 33,2% of the citizens who decided whom to vote for would give their votes to the Concord Centre. 21,7% of residents would give votes to the Unity, 17,7% to the Union of Greens and Farmers, 7,3% to the All for Latvia!/For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, 6,7% to the For Better Latvia, and 6,1% to the For Human Rights in United Latvia. Diena, Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 7, 2010

  • Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee supported proposal to apply language quotas also to regional TV channels
  • Internet portal Latvias Russians
  • All for Latvia! and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM propose to forbid employers from making Russian language as one of job requirements
Yesterday, the Saeima’s Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee supported proposal to the Law on Electronic Mass Media made by the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers to apply language quotas not only to national TV channels but also to regional channels. The MPs also decided to raise the percentage of air time to be broadcasted in Latvian language from 60% up to 65%.

Yesterday, the Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee supported proposal to the Law on Electronic Mass Media made by the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers to apply language quotas not only to national TV channels but also to regional channels. The MPs also decided to raise the percentage of air time to be broadcasted in Latvian language from 60% up to 65%. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

The party For Human Rights in United Latvia presented an Internet portal “Latvia’s Russians” –

The party For Human Rights in United Latvia presented an Internet portal Latvias Russians – www.russkije.lv. The portal contains historical and actual information about Russian minority living in Latvia. Chas

New union of nationalists’ parties “All for Latvia!” and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM elaborated draft amendments to the Labour Law which would forbid employers from making knowledge of Russian language as one of job requirements.

New union of nationalists parties All for Latvia! and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM elaborated draft amendments to the Labour Law which would forbid employers from making knowledge of Russian language as one of job requirements. Chas

jūlijs 6, 2010

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Avigdor Lieberman voiced concerns about activities of neo-Nazis in Latvia and Europe
  • Vladimirs Lindermans complained to the Sub-committee on Human Rights of the European Parliament about the naturalisation denial
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Avigdor Lieberman who recently visited Latvia voiced concerns about activities of neo-Nazis in Latvia and other European countries. Mr. Lieberman highly appreciated criticism expressed by Latvian officials about the event devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Latvia in 1941 held in the centre of Riga on 1 July.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Avigdor Lieberman who recently visited Latvia voiced concerns about activities of neo-Nazis in Latvia and other European countries. Mr. Lieberman highly appreciated criticism expressed by Latvian officials about the event devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Latvia in 1941 held in the centre of Riga on 1 July. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvian National Bolshevik Vladimirs Lindermans complained to the Sub-committee on Human Rights of the European Parliament about the decision of the Latvian Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) to refuse his naturalisation application. As reported, the OCMA did not allow Mr. Lindermans to take the naturalisation exams arguing that he did not live permanently in Latvia during the last five years.

Latvian National Bolshevik Vladimirs Lindermans complained to the Sub-committee on Human Rights of the European Parliament about the decision of the Latvian Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) to refuse his naturalisation application. As reported, the OCMA did not allow Mr. Lindermans to take the naturalisation exams arguing that he did not live permanently in Latvia during the last five years. Diena

jūlijs 5, 2010

  • Security Police initiated two criminal cases on glorification, denial or justification of genocide
  • All for Latvia! officially united with For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM
  • Commemorative event Steps of Alive held in the centre of Riga
The Security Police initiated two criminal cases on glorification, denial or justification of genocide. The first case is against the organisers of the procession devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941. As reported, despite the court’s permission to hold the event, the municipal police stopped the procession due to absence of its official organiser Uldis Freimanis who couple of hours earlier got called to the Security Police for conversation. The second criminal case is initiated against author of an article about deportation of Latvian civil residents by Soviet authorities in 1941. The author of the article published on an Internet portal stated that the deportations were too soft and unfinished.

The Security Police initiated two criminal cases on glorification, denial or justification of genocide. The first case is against the organisers of the procession devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga on 1 July 1941. As reported, despite the courts permission to hold the event, the municipal police stopped the procession due to absence of its official organiser Uldis Freimanis who couple of hours earlier got called to the Security Police for conversation. The second criminal case is initiated against author of an article about deportation of Latvian civil residents by Soviet authorities in 1941. The author of the article published on an Internet portal stated that the deportations were too soft and unfinished. Chas

Nationalist parties “All for Latvia!” and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM officially united with an aim to run together in the up-coming Saeima’s elections. The union declared it will pursue national conservative policies aimed at securing the future of Latvia in the European family of countries as ethnically Latvian, democratic, economically prosperous state which guarantees existence and development of ethnic Latvian nation.

Nationalist parties All for Latvia! and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM officially united with an aim to run together in the up-coming Saeimas elections. The union declared it will pursue national conservative policies aimed at securing the future of Latvia in the European family of countries as ethnically Latvian, democratic, economically prosperous state which guarantees existence and development of ethnic Latvian nation. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena, Neatkariga

Latvian and foreign officials including the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and members of Jewish NGOs held a commemorative event and procession “Steps of Alive” in the centre of Riga on 4 July – the official commemoration Day of the Holocaust Victims.

Latvian and foreign officials including the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and members of Jewish NGOs held a commemorative event and procession Steps of Alive in the centre of Riga on 4 July – the official commemoration Day of the Holocaust Victims. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Neatkariga

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