Aug. 14, 2006

  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the leader of the extreme right-wing political party Latvia of Latvians Ilmars Drullis
  • Seven Somalians start learning Latvian

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the leader of the extreme right-wing political party Latvian Latvia Ilmars Drullis. Mr. Drullis stated that the aim of the party is to return to Latvia as it was during its first independence period, that is 1918 - 1940. Ilmars Drullis believed that if Latvia returns to the constitution adopted in 1918, Latvians would be the main power in the country today. Ilmars Drullis also stated that the party is not against ethnic minorities.

NRA reports that seven Somalians who were granted asylum and alternative status in Latvia are learning the Latvian language and learn about employment possibilities.

Aug. 12, 2006

  • Diena analyses a pre-election campaign of FF/LNIM
  • Extreme right-wing party All for Latvia! held a public action with an aim to remind Russia about the peace treaty signed in 1920

Diena analyses a pre-election campaign of the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. According to the newspaper, in comparison to previous programs this election FF/LNIM focuses on economic issues. However, it includes national issues as well: suspension of naturalisation, reduction of number of applicants for citizenship, withdrawal of citizenship from disloyal persons, and promotion of deportation of persons who are not willing to be integrated into Latvian society.

On Friday, members of the radical nationalistic political party “All for Latvia!” held a public action in front of the Russian Embassy in Riga and in the bureau of the party “For Human Rights in United Latvia” with an aim to remind Russia about the peace treaty signed with Latvia in 1920 and status of borders.

On Friday, members of the radical nationalistic political party All for Latvia! held a public action in front of the Russian Embassy in Riga and in the bureau of the party For Human Rights in United Latvia with an aim to remind Russia about the peace treaty signed with Latvia in 1920 and status of borders. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 11, 2006

  • Russia provides funding for cultural and educational activities of its compatriots

Vesti Segodnya reports on the available funding from Russia for cultural, educational and social needs of Russians in Latvia.

Aug. 10, 2006

  • Ainars Slesers and Irina Vinnika about integration

Vesti Segodnya reports that representatives of the Latvian First Party – former Minister of Transport Ainars Slesars and official of the Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika – gave a comprehensive interview for the magazine Fenster on issues regarding integration, situation of minorities and family values in Latvia.

Aug. 9, 2006

  • Government adopted amendments to regulations on naturalisation procedure
  • Latvian government grants allowance to the seven Somalians
  • Ministry of Interior wants to build a camp for undocumented migrants and asylum seekers in Daugavpils (second biggest Latvian city in its Eastern part)
  • Extreme right wing party protests against immigration
  • Most positive person in Latvia – head of the Lebanon community in Latvia
Yesterday, the government adopted amendments to regulations on naturalisation procedure which stipulate stricter procedure of naturalisation exams, for instance, the possibilities to take the language test is limited to three times. If the applicant fails after the third time, his/her naturalisation procedure is closed. The applicant may re-apply after 6 months instead of three as was provided in the previous regulations. The naturalisation procedure might be stopped if the applicant does not show without a justified reason.

Yesterday, the government adopted amendments to regulations on naturalisation procedure which stipulate stricter procedure of naturalisation exams, for instance, the possibilities to take the language test is limited to three times. If the applicant fails after the third time, his/her naturalisation procedure is closed. The applicant may re-apply after 6 months instead of three as was provided in the previous regulations. The naturalisation procedure might be stopped if the applicant does not show without a justified reason. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Those of the seven Somalians who have reached the age of 18 will be granted allowance in the amount of the minimum wage in Latvia for 9 months, while the minors will receive 30% of the minimal wage. As reported, the seven Somalians arrived in Latvia last August and this year July they were finally granted the alternative status.

Those of the seven Somalians who have reached the age of 18 will be granted allowance in the amount of the minimum wage in Latvia for 9 months, while the minors will receive 30% of the minimal wage. As reported, the seven Somalians arrived in Latvia last August and this year July they were finally granted the alternative status. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Yesterday, the government accepted the report of the Interior Ministry on the need to renovate the Daugavpils’ State Border administrative building and build a camp for non-documented immigrants and asylum seekers. The Interior Ministry argued that there is a need for such places as the number of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers is growing.

Yesterday, the government accepted the report of the Interior Ministry on the need to renovate the Daugavpils State Border administrative building and build a camp for non-documented immigrants and asylum seekers. The Interior Ministry argued that there is a need for such places as the number of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers is growing. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Chas and Vesti Segodnya report on the protest action against immigration held by the extreme right-wing party Visu Latvijai! yesterday.

The non-governmental organisation “Pa saulei” awarded its prize of the year’s most positive person to the head of the Lebanon community in Latvia Hosam Abu Meri.

The non-governmental organisation Pa saulei awarded its prize of the years most positive person to the head of the Lebanon community in Latvia Hosam Abu Meri. Chas

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