Aug. 13, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


Lauku Avize analyses the results of the latest opinion poll about political parties ratings in Latvia. According to the survey conducted by the company SKDS, left wing party FHRUL is the second most popular party in July. Director of the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Brigita Zepa says that previously respondents felt ashamed to disclose that they support FHRUL. After FHRULs victory in the municipal elections in Riga, people feel free to show their preference. Brigita Zepa is convinced that Russians support FHRUL because none of the ruling Latvian parties have seriously tried to attract this electorate. Political scientist Juris Ciganovs agrees that the upcoming Saeima elections will be a success story for FHRUL.

Lauku Avize

talks to president of Radio Free Europe Thomas Dine. He believes that one of the key goals in Latvia should be integration of different ethnic groups while preserving their identities. He is convinced that all members of different ethnic groups should be citizens irrespective of language, colour and ethnic background. talks to president of Radio Free Europe Thomas Dine. He believes that one of the key goals in Latvia should be integration of different ethnic groups while preserving their identities. He is convinced that all members of different ethnic groups should be citizens irrespective of language, colour and ethnic background.

Lauku Avize

introduces its readers to the recently published book Russia – Near or Far Abroad? by Modris Zemins. The author analyses Russias policy towards Latvia in the past and present. introduces its readers to the recently published book “Russia – Near or Far Abroad?” by Modris Zemins. The author analyses Russia’s policy towards Latvia in the past and present.


publishes an in-depth interview with director of national TV Uldis Grava. Uldis Grava agrees that the proportion of programmes and shows in Russian on national TV channels should be bigger but says that the Saeima is responsible for changing quotas of non-Latvian programmes in the Law on Radio and Television. Uldis Grava plans to involve Russian journalists in the production of shows and programmes in Latvian and vice versa. Another future project is to show movies on two channels simultaneously – channel One would show a movie with translation, channel Two in the original language. publishes an in-depth interview with director of national TV Uldis Grava. Uldis Grava agrees that the proportion of programmes and shows in Russian on national TV channels should be bigger but says that the Saeima is responsible for changing quotas of non-Latvian programmes in the Law on Radio and Television. Uldis Grava plans to involve Russian journalists in the production of shows and programmes in Latvian and vice versa. Another future project is to show movies on two channels simultaneously – channel One would show a movie with translation, channel Two in the original language.


publishes an article about the situation of job seekers on the Latvian job market. The newspaper publishes a story of a Russian auditor-accountant Irina Vainere. She states that she has changed jobs several times because of the communication language used at the work places. Irina Vainere speaks fluent Latvian, but feels isolated in Latvian companies and states that the majority of her Russian friends feel the same way. Irina says that the only positive aspect of Latvian and international companies in comparison to Russian is that the majority of Latvian and international companies pay all taxes and offer more social security to their employees. publishes an article about the situation of job seekers on the Latvian job market. The newspaper publishes a story of a Russian auditor-accountant Irina Vainere. She states that she has changed jobs several times because of the communication language used at the work places. Irina Vainere speaks fluent Latvian, but feels isolated in Latvian companies and states that the majority of her Russian friends feel the same way. Irina says that the only positive aspect of Latvian and international companies in comparison to Russian is that the majority of Latvian and international companies pay all taxes and offer more social security to their employees.

Aug. 12, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

On Saturday the Latvian Social Democrats Workers Party and the Russian Social Democratic Party signed an agreement on political cooperation. Both parties hope to prompt signing of the Latvian-Russian border treaty. Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins, however, is skeptical that Russia’s Social Democrats could succeed, taking into account that the party is represented by only one deputy at the Russian Duma, whereas signing of the border treaty depends on Russia’s political will.

On Saturday the Latvian Social Democrats Workers Party and the Russian Social Democratic Party signed an agreement on political cooperation. Both parties hope to prompt signing of the Latvian-Russian border treaty. Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins, however, is skeptical that Russias Social Democrats could succeed, taking into account that the party is represented by only one deputy at the Russian Duma, whereas signing of the border treaty depends on Russias political will. Diena, Chas, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Vechernaya Riga

publishes several statements made by General director of National TV channel Uldis Grava concerning the usage of the Russian language in programmes aired by National TV channel. He assures that there will always be a space for the Russian language shows, however, it is preliminary to talk about changes regarding the Russian language programmes. publishes several statements made by General director of National TV channel Uldis Grava concerning the usage of the Russian language in programmes aired by National TV channel. He assures that there will always be a space for the Russian language shows, however, it is preliminary to talk about changes regarding the Russian language programmes.


looks into history and ratings of left-wing For Human Rights In A United Latvia. The newspaper says this that is the first time the protectors of Russian-speakers in Latvia have developed such a serious political force. looks into history and ratings of left-wing For Human Rights In A United Latvia. The newspaper says this that is the first time the protectors of Russian-speakers in Latvia have developed such a serious political force.

Panorama Latvii

interviews one of the leaders of FHRUL Tatyana Zdanok. Tatyana Zdanok states that at the very early years of Latvias independence many Latvian politicians supported ‘zero citizenship option, however, only chairperson of FHRUL Janis Jurkans remembers his promises. interviews one of the leaders of FHRUL Tatyana Zdanok. Tatyana Zdanok states that at the very early years of Latvia’s independence many Latvian politicians supported ‘zero citizenship option”, however, only chairperson of FHRUL Janis Jurkans remembers his promises.

Aug. 10, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


columnist Anita Brauna briefly comments on the role and place of the mass media in pre-election campaign of parties. She states that the discussions about moral values of journalists have made almost none effect on the Russian language press, in particular, two columnists of the Russian language newspapers –- columnist Anita Brauna briefly comments on the role and place of the mass media in pre-election campaign of parties. She states that the discussions about moral values of journalists have made almost none effect on the Russian language press, in particular, two columnists of the Russian language newspapers –- Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya and and Chas Chas – will continue to work and publish for these newspapers. Although, Anita Brauna admits that it should not be concluded that the Latvian media is better – Latvian Independent TV channel continues airing a weekly show Nedela produced by Saeima MP Edvins Inkens. – will continue to work and publish for these newspapers. Although, Anita Brauna admits that it should not be concluded that the Latvian media is better – Latvian Independent TV channel continues airing a weekly show “Nedela” produced by Saeima MP Edvins Inkens.


publishes a summary of answers given by 5 parties (FHRUL, Latvias Way, the Latvian Social Democrats, the Peoples Party and the New Era) to 3 key questions (Russian schools reform in 2004, the status of the Russian language and citizenship). Only FHRUL provided direct answers to all questions. Latvias Way stated that the reform in 2004 could be postponed, however, did not answer to the remaining two questions. The Social Democrats said that the reform should be completed in 2004 and did not comment on the remaining two issues. The Peoples Party did not comment on the first two issues, but made a hint that want to do something for children born in independent Latvia. The New Era declared that should be a possibility to use a minority language in education, but did not comment on the last two issues. More in-depth views of the representatives of each party available at publishes a summary of answers given by 5 parties (FHRUL, Latvia’s Way, the Latvian Social Democrats, the People’s Party and the New Era) to 3 key questions (Russian schools reform in 2004, the status of the Russian language and citizenship). Only FHRUL provided direct answers to all questions. Latvia’s Way stated that the reform in 2004 could be postponed, however, did not answer to the remaining two questions. The Social Democrats said that the reform should be completed in 2004 and did not comment on the remaining two issues. The People’s Party did not comment on the first two issues, but “made a hint that want to do something for children born in independent Latvia.” The New Era declared that “should be a possibility to use a minority language in education,” but did not comment on the last two issues. More in-depth views of the representatives of each party available at (in the Russian language). (in the Russian language). The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement concerning the recent publication of MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Latvia and Russia. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry calls on both the Latvian government and NATO to evaluate statements made by Aleksandrs Kirsteins.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement concerning the recent publication of MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Latvia and Russia. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry calls on both the Latvian government and NATO to evaluate statements made by Aleksandrs Kirsteins. Chas, Panorama Latvii


continues publishing letters of its readers criticising the reform of Russian schools in 2004. continues publishing letters of its readers criticising the reform of Russian schools in 2004. Daugavpils TV aired a live discussion of election candidates representing different parties. The key subject of the discussion was education issues in Latvia. When the participants of the discussion were asked what exactly they are going to do to make the Saeima ratify the Framework Convention which stipulates that national minorities have the right to study in their mother tongues all election candidates except for FHRUL’s candidate could not provide a direct answer.

Daugavpils TV aired a live discussion of election candidates representing different parties. The key subject of the discussion waseducation issues in Latvia. When the participants of the discussion were asked what exactly they are going to do to make the Saeima ratify the Framework Convention which stipulates that national minorities have the right to study in their mother tongues all election candidates except for FHRULs candidate could not provide a direct answer. Panorama Latvii

Aug. 9, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The latest study on integration issues conducted by the company SKDS shows that the majority of people surveyed believe that society in Latvia is not unified. According to the opinion of the majority of respondents, the key factor, which determines alienation between different groups in society, is the level of economic welfare not ethnic background. Only 13% of respondents indicate language and 7.8% citizenship and naturalisation issues as key factors for building a unified society. Asked which non-governmental programmes should be supported by the state, the majority of respondents mentioned small and medium businesses, while only 17% thought that the state should provide support for integration programmes for ethnic minorities. Respondents believe that even less state support should be provided to programmes for people with mental and physical disabilities. 55.2% of the study’s respondents were Latvians, while 80.6% were citizens.

The latest study on integration issues conducted by the company SKDS shows that the majority of people surveyed believe that society in Latvia is not unified. According to the opinion of the majority of respondents, the key factor, which determines alienation between different groups in society, is the level of economic welfare not ethnic background. Only 13% of respondents indicate language and 7.8% citizenship and naturalisation issues as key factors for building a unified society. Asked which non-governmental programmes should be supported by the state, the majority of respondents mentioned small and medium businesses, while only 17% thought that the state should provide support for integration programmes for ethnic minorities. Respondents believe that even less state support should be provided to programmes for people with mental and physical disabilities. 55.2% of the studys respondents were Latvians, while 80.6% were citizens. Diena, Vechernaya Riga, Chas

The study is available on the website

The study is available on the website The web site is maintained by the Integration Department at the Ministry of Justice, with the financial support of the embassies of France and Norway and UNDP. The presentation of the web site took place yesterday.

Panorama Latvii

publishes its comments on the web site. The newspaper criticises the content of the web site and the fact that it is available only in Latvian. The newspaper believes that the web site will not reach the actual target audience -– non-citizens and non-Latvians -- as responsible officials could not tell when the site will be available in Russian and English and many people do not have computers and internet access. publishes its comments on the web site. The newspaper criticises the content of the web site and the fact that it is available only in Latvian. The newspaper believes that the web site will not reach the actual target audience -– non-citizens and non-Latvians -- as responsible officials could not tell when the site will be available in Russian and English and many people do not have computers and internet access.

Neatkarigas c

olumnist Voldemars Hermanis writes about the non-citizens issue in Latvia. Voldemars Hermanis admits that the majority of Latvian non-citizens (about half a million) are hostages of the old system. However, while the state should motivate and foster naturalisation, but non-citizens themselves should also be more active and willing to become Latvian citizens. The columnist suggests that both politicians and the mass media inform non-citizens about the advantages and losses Latvias EU membership will bring them. olumnist Voldemars Hermanis writes about the non-citizens issue in Latvia. Voldemars Hermanis admits that the majority of Latvian non-citizens (about half a million) are hostages of the old system. However, while the state should motivate and foster naturalisation, but non-citizens themselves should also be more active and willing to become Latvian citizens. The columnist suggests that both politicians and the mass media inform non-citizens about the advantages and losses Latvia’s EU membership will bring them.


columnist Leonid Fedoseyev writes that after Latvias accession to the EU, Latvian non-citizens will be the only ones who will experience difficulties with travel arrangements and work possibilities within the EU countries. columnist Leonid Fedoseyev writes that after Latvia’s accession to the EU, Latvian non-citizens will be the only ones who will experience difficulties with travel arrangements and work possibilities within the EU countries. Leader of the Union for Equal Rights Tatyana Zdanoka answers the questions of

Leader of the Union for Equal Rights Tatyana Zdanoka answers the questions of Vesti Segodnya about her party pre-election programme. Concerning the provision of the right to non-citizens to participate at municipal elections Tatyana Zdanoka states that non-citizens and all persons who have permanent residence permits for 5 years should have the right to participate at municipal elections. Regarding the school reform in 2004, she says that Russian should remain a language of instruction at all levels of the education system.

One of the participants of the international integration summer camp shares his impressions about the camp. Young people from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine took part in the camp.

One of the participants of the international integration summer camp shares his impressions about the camp. Young people from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine took part in the camp. Vesti Segodnya


reports that in the framework of the public awareness campaign organised by the Naturalisation Board with the financial support of the embassy of Great Britain, an information booth will open in Ventspils on Friday. Interested people will be able to receive in-depth information about naturalisation procedures at the information booth. reports that in the framework of the public awareness campaign organised by the Naturalisation Board with the financial support of the embassy of Great Britain, an information booth will open in Ventspils on Friday. Interested people will be able to receive in-depth information about naturalisation procedures at the information booth.


interviews head of the National Programme for Latvian Language Training Aija Priedite. Aija Priedite says that a language is an emotional tie with other people and a key factor in building ones identity. She is convinced that a language is learned through integration and language learning should be an emotionally pleasant process. She says If a person identifies himself with this state in a positive light, the language can be learned without any effort. Aija Priedite states that it would be very important for Latvians to accept that non-Latvians keep their identities. interviews head of the National Programme for Latvian Language Training Aija Priedite. Aija Priedite says that a language is an emotional tie with other people and a key factor in building one’s identity. She is convinced that a language is learned through integration and language learning should be an emotionally pleasant process. She says “If a person identifies himself with this state in a positive light, the language can be learned without any effort.” Aija Priedite states that it would be very important for Latvians to accept that non-Latvians keep their identities.


publishes the first results of the campaign Study in the Mother Tongue organised by the Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia and the newspaper. The dominant opinion stated in letters of parents of Russian students is that school reform will only completely reduce the level of general knowledge of Russians. publishes the first results of the campaign “Study in the Mother Tongue” organised by the Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia and the newspaper. The dominant opinion stated in letters of parents of Russian students is that “school reform will only completely reduce the level of general knowledge of Russians.” The State Language Centre imposed a fine in the amount of LVL 50 on the organisers of the international song festival “The New Wave.” The organisers did not provide a translation of the festival into the Latvian language. The organisers agree that the law was violated, however, they believe that the implementation of the law could be more flexible.

The State Language Centre imposed a fine in the amount of LVL 50 on the organisers of the international song festival The New Wave. The organisers did not provide a translation of the festival into the Latvian language. The organisers agree that the law was violated, however, they believe that the implementation of the law could be more flexible. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Yesterday the Council of Radio and Television suspended broadcasting of the radio station “Nova.” The radio station breached the norm, which stipulates that only up to 25% of total radio station’s programmes can be aired in non-Latvian.

Yesterday the Council of Radio and Television suspended broadcasting of the radio station Nova. The radio station breached the norm, which stipulates that only up to 25% of total radio stations programmes can be aired in non-Latvian. Vechernaya Riga, Chas

Aug. 8, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


reports on the possible electoral choices of recently naturalised citizens in Rezekne. The new citizens surveyed stated that their choice would be made not on the basis of party programmes, but on the actions and reputation of members of these parties. Among 20 new citizens surveyed, FHRUL was the most commonly mentioned choice. reports on the possible electoral choices of recently naturalised citizens in Rezekne. The new citizens surveyed stated that their choice would be made not on the basis of party programmes, but on the actions and reputation of members of these parties. Among 20 new citizens surveyed, FHRUL was the most commonly mentioned choice. According to a opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS in July, the union of the Greens and the Farmers Party has overcome the 5% election barrier (7.1%), while only 4,9% of Latvian citizens support FF/LNNK. The New Era remains in the leading position (21%), followed by FHRUL (12.3%), Latvia’s Way (10.3%), and the People’s Party (10.2%).

According to a opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS in July, the union of the Greens and the Farmers Party has overcome the 5% election barrier (7.1%), while only 4,9% of Latvian citizens support FF/LNNK. The New Era remains in the leading position (21%), followed by FHRUL (12.3%), Latvias Way (10.3%), and the Peoples Party (10.2%). Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize

reports that non-citizens are provoking the Central Electoral Commission. A small NGO called the Foundation for the Protection of the Repressed Persons headed by Vladimir Bogdanov will try to prove that elections are not legitimate in Latvia. Non-citizens are going to submit requests to the CEC asking it to confirm that they were included in voters lists till 1991. According to Bogdanov, If the CEC confirms this information, it would allegedly mean that half of the countrys residents have been unlawfully excluded from the list of voters. reports that “non-citizens are provoking the Central Electoral Commission.” A small NGO called the Foundation for the Protection of the Repressed Persons headed by Vladimir Bogdanov will try to prove that elections are not legitimate in Latvia. Non-citizens are going to submit requests to the CEC asking it to confirm that they were included in voters’ lists till 1991. According to Bogdanov, If the CEC confirms this information, it would allegedly mean that half of the country’s residents have been unlawfully excluded from the list of voters.

Panorama Latvii

launches a campaign of alternative elections and calls on NGOs dealing with human rights issues to support the campaign. In these elections all residents of Latvia – citizens and non-citizens – can vote for any candidate, including those who do not have the right to run for seats in the Saeima. launches a campaign of “alternative elections” and calls on NGOs dealing with human rights issues to support the campaign. In these “elections” all residents of Latvia – citizens and non-citizens – can vote for any candidate, including those who do not have the right to run for seats in the Saeima. The Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia will hold the third conference of parents of Russian students on September 14. The key goal of the conference is to determine which political parties support Russian as an instruction language at schools and provide this information to public.

The Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia will hold the third conference of parents of Russian students on September 14. The key goal of the conference is to determine which political parties support Russian as an instruction language at schools and provide this information to public. Lauku Avize, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Telegraf publishes a full text of the open letter of the ASRLS.

Telegraf publishes a full text of the open letter of the ASRLS.

Lauku Avize

interviews one of leaders of Latvias Way Ivars Godmanis about the 8th Saeima elections and the partys pre-election programme. Godmanis says that Latvias Way does not think the switch of secondary minority schools to Latvian scheduled for 2004 should be postponed. interviews one of leaders of Latvia’s Way Ivars Godmanis about the 8th Saeima elections and the party’s pre-election programme. Godmanis says that Latvia’s Way does not think the switch of secondary minority schools to Latvian scheduled for 2004 should be postponed. Deputy Chairperson of the Latvian Democratic Party and the union “Centrs” Juris Celmins answers questions about his party’s election programme. Concerning the possibility for national minorities to study in their native languages, Celmins says that his party does not demand the implementation of the switch of minority secondary schools to Latvian. Regarding the right of non-citizens to participate in municipal elections, he states that EU legislation stipulates that non-citizens have the right to participate in local government elections.

Deputy Chairperson of the Latvian Democratic Party and the union Centrs Juris Celmins answers questions about his partys election programme. Concerning the possibility for national minorities to study in their native languages, Celmins says that his party does not demand the implementation of the switch of minority secondary schools to Latvian. Regarding the right of non-citizens to participate in municipal elections, he states that EU legislation stipulates that non-citizens have the right to participate in local government elections. Vesti Segodnya

The Roma People’s Congress in Jelgava adopted an open letter to protest against the appointment of Edgars Palacs as the head of the Jelgava Roma Community. Edgars Palacs was assigned to this post by head of the Roma National Cultural Association Normunds Rudevics.

The Roma Peoples Congress in Jelgava adopted an open letter to protest against the appointment of Edgars Palacs as the head of the Jelgava Roma Community. Edgars Palacs was assigned to this post by head of the Roma National Cultural Association Normunds Rudevics. Lauku Avize


reports on the response of people towards the news that Russia will halt broadcasting of its public TV channel PTP in Latvia and replace it with its export alternative PTP-Planeta. People are not satisfied and some of them state that Russia has betrayed them. reports on the response of people towards the news that Russia will halt broadcasting of its public TV channel PTP in Latvia and replace it with “its export alternative” PTP-Planeta. People are not satisfied and some of them state that Russia has betrayed them.
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