Aug. 20, 2005

  • Union For Human Rights in the United Latvia holds meetings with Romani NGOs
  • Despite the demands of the Security Police the summer camp organised by the Headquarters goes on

Latvijas Avize reports on the meetings of representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) with Romani NGOs. The newspaper states that these meetings are attempts to acquire support of the Romani community for the forthcoming elections.

Despite the demands and conclusions of the police and other institutions, the summer youth camp, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Luznava (the parish in Eastern part of Latvia) still goes on. The State Security Police claims that the organisers of the camp are provoking the police. As reported, the police argues that organisers do not have the necessary permits to organise the camp.

Despite the demands and conclusions of the police and other institutions, the summer youth camp, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Luznava (the parish in Eastern part of Latvia) still goes on. The State Security Police claims that the organisers of the camp are provoking the police. As reported, the police argues that organisers do not have the necessary permits to organise the camp. Diena

Aug. 19, 2005

  • Candidate for the post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office Nils Muiznieks talks about the society integration in Latvia
  • Article about the living conditions in the Olaine refugee camp

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with Nils Muiznieks who at the moment is a candidate for two posts - director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office and European Commissioner for Human Rights. Nils Muiznieks states that integration of society is the only acceptable solution for Latvia. However, he admits that the effective National Programme on the Integration of Society should be revised and improved. Nils Muiznieks argues that taking into account protests against the implementation of the minority education it is crucial to hold discussions with representatives of ethnic minorities about the most suitable ways of learning the Latvian language, while preserving their own languages, and improving the education quality. Nils Muiznieks is convinced that only few political forces in Latvia want to grant Russian the status of the official language and abolish the minority education reform.

Vesti Segondya features an article about the living conditions in the Olaine refugee camp where seven recently detained illegal immigrants from Somalia have been placed. At the moment there are 15 persons placed in the Olaine refugee camp. According to the acting chair of the camp Aigars Jefimovs, the future of the immigrants from Somalia are still unclear as they provide contradictious information about their travel to Latvia – their latest announcement is that they arrived to Latvia by bus.

Aug. 18, 2005

  • Latvijas Avize discusses the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Latvian authorities continue the questioning of seven immigrants from Somalia
  • Russian official: Russia may introduce economical sanctions against Latvia
  • Newspapers continue to write about the closure of the youth summer camp held by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools

Latvijas Avize discusses the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law. The newspaper states that the draft amendments are very formal and do not ban the grant of Latvian citizenship to persons who have no respect to the state, its core nation, state language and citizenship. The daily also criticises the draft amendments for lacking a prohibition to naturalise persons who incite ethnic hatred or propagate racism.

Latvian authorities continue the questioning of seven immigrants from Somalia to obtain information about their trip to Latvia. Whilst the Boarder Guard Service has started to prepare documents about expulsion of the immigrants as none of them has sought for asylum in Latvia yet. Latvian legislation foresees that illegal immigrants have a right to reside in Latvia for 20 months. The Boarder Guard Service has also contacted immigration institutions of other countries to clarify whether the immigrants have provided true information.

Latvian authorities continue the questioning of seven immigrants from Somalia to obtain information about their trip to Latvia. Whilst the Boarder Guard Service has started to prepare documents about expulsion of the immigrants as none of them has sought for asylum in Latvia yet. Latvian legislation foresees that illegal immigrants have a right to reside in Latvia for 20 months. The Boarder Guard Service has also contacted immigration institutions of other countries to clarify whether the immigrants have provided true information. Diena

‘Russia may introduce economical sanctions against Latvia to improve the situation of Russian speakers in the country,’ reports the Russian news agency RIA Novosti referring to an anonymous representative of the administration of the Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the official, completely unjustified restrictions of the rights of Russian speakers are observed in Latvia.

‘Russia may introduce economical sanctions against Latvia to improve the situation of Russian speakers in the country, reports the Russian news agency RIA Novosti referring to an anonymous representative of the administration of the Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the official, completely unjustified restrictions of the rights of Russian speakers are observed in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

Newspapers continue to write about the closure of the youth summer camp, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Luznava (the parish in Eastern part of Latvia).

Newspapers continue to write about the closure of the youth summer camp, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Luznava (the parish in Eastern part of Latvia). Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 17, 2005

  • Russian-language newspapers develop a discussion about the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • An interview with a Chair of the Executive Board of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) Anastasia Crickley
  • State Security Police stop activities of the camp, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools
Russian-language newspapers develop a discussion about the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law, developed by the Ministry of Justice. The main criticism is about the inclusion of the criteria of loyalty to the state of Latvia. Newspapers point to the lack of clear criteria how loyalty of naturalisation applicants will be evaluated. The head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane believes that a naturalisation applicant who is not related to international terrorism, does not belong to anti-state organisations, speaks Latvian, knows the Constitution of Latvia, the Latvian history and has signed the oath of a new citizen could be regarded as loyal to the state. The draft amendments also stipulate that only persons who have lived in Latvia for 5 years permanently are entitled to Latvian citizenship. The draft amendments also foresee to ease the Latvian citizenship acquisition procedure for newborn children whose parents are Latvian non-citizens as well as to change the wording of the oath given by new citizens.

Russian-language newspapers develop a discussion about the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law, developed by the Ministry of Justice. The main criticism is about the inclusion of the criteria of loyalty to the state of Latvia. Newspapers point to the lack of clear criteria how loyalty of naturalisation applicants will be evaluated. The head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane believes that a naturalisation applicant who is not related to international terrorism, does not belong to anti-state organisations, speaks Latvian, knows the Constitution of Latvia, the Latvian history and has signed the oath of a new citizen could be regarded as loyal to the state. The draft amendments also stipulate that only persons who have lived in Latvia for 5 years permanently are entitled to Latvian citizenship. The draft amendments also foresee to ease the Latvian citizenship acquisition procedure for newborn children whose parents are Latvian non-citizens as well as to change the wording of the oath given by new citizens. Telegraf, Chas

Diena prints an interview with the Chair of the Executive Board of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) Anastasia Crickley. The Chair talks about the main forms of racism and notes that racism against Muslims, racism against people of other skin colour and discrimination against Roma are the most widespread forms of racism in Europe. Anastasia Crickley is convinced that lack of education is the main factor responsible for generation of racism, while she also notes that legislation plays an important role as well. The Chair also believes that Latvia as well as other EU member states should revise and adapt effective legislation which would restrict manifestations of intolerance and racism in society, while minorities and minority organisations should be granted the right to participate in the political decision making process.

Yesterday the State Security Police closed the youth summer camp, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Luznava (the parish in Eastern part of Latvia). The Police argue that organisers had not got all necessary permits and agreements to organise the camp. The daily

Yesterday the State Security Police closed the youth summer camp, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Luznava (the parish in Eastern part of Latvia). The Police argue that organisers had not got all necessary permits and agreements to organise the camp. The daily Diena claims that the Headquarter has planned the camp to be the starting pint of the new protest actions against the minority education reform and the platform for the FHRULs pre-election campaign in Rezekne where the repeated municipal elections will take place at the end of this week. Tatjana Zdanoka announced that she will ask the court to investigate legitimacy of the activities of the State Security Police and will report about this case to the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Aug. 16, 2005

  • Diena reports on the living conditions in the Olaine refugee camp

Diena reports on the living conditions in the Olaine refugee camp where the recently detained 7 refugees from Somalia are placed. According to the newspaper, Somalis are satisfied with the living conditions. Latvian authorities continue the questioning of seven immigrants as they provide rather contradicting information about their trip to Latvia. At the moment all Somalis have illegal immigrant status because none of them has applied for asylum in Latvia.

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