Feb. 22, 2011

  • Study Civil and Linguistic Attitude of Secondary Schools Students Mastering Ethnic Minorities Program
  • Number of asylum seekers in Latvia grows
  • Nationalists propose to establish a parliamentary working group on repatriation
  • Responsible officials discuss possible risk at events on 16 March

Vesti Segodnya reports about a study Civil and Linguistic Attitude of Secondary Schools Students Mastering Ethnic Minorities Program conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences for the Ministry of Education. Results of the study are compared to the similar study held in 2004 (year of implementation of the minority schools reform). According to the main conclusions of the study, firstly, sense of belonging to Latvia considerably decreased, at the same time grew sense of belonging to Europe. Secondly, increased integrative motivation for mastering of Latvian language and relations with ethnic Latvian students sufficiently improved.

According to a representative of the State Border Guard, number of asylum seekers in Latvia grows. 10 persons asked for asylum since the beginning of the year.

According to a representative of the State Border Guard, number of asylum seekers in Latvia grows. 10 persons asked for asylum since the beginning of the year. Telegraf

Nationalists’ union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM proposes to establish a parliamentary working group on repatriation which would elaborate strategy on return of Latvian citizens who emigrated from Latvia and promote departure of Russian speaking residents to their ethnic homeland. According to the nationalists, Latvia should conclude an agreement with Russia on repatriation.

Nationalists union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM proposes to establish a parliamentary working group on repatriation which would elaborate strategy on return of Latvian citizens who emigrated from Latvia and promote departure of Russian speaking residents to their ethnic homeland. According to the nationalists, Latvia should conclude an agreement with Russia on repatriation. Vesti Segodnya

The Minister of Interior Linda Murniece and the head of the Security Police Janis Reiniks held a meeting with the Mayor of the Riga City Council Nils Usakovs discussing possible risks at expected events on 16 March – unofficial remembrance day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires. Up to now, several members of an organisation “Hawks of Daugava” submitted applications for procession in the centre of Riga on 16 March.

The Minister of Interior Linda Murniece and the head of the Security Police Janis Reiniks held a meeting with the Mayor of the Riga City Council Nils Usakovs discussing possible risks at expected events on 16 March – unofficial remembrance day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires. Up to now, several members of an organisation Hawks of Daugava submitted applications for procession in the centre of Riga on 16 March. Latvijas Avize, Diena, Chas

Feb. 21, 2011

  • Discussions over selection of candidates for the position of the Ombudsman
Newspapers continue to report about controversies regarding selection of candidates for the position of the Ombudsman. The ruling “Unity” party is discontent with the decision of their coalition partners the “Union of Greens and Farmers” to support the candidate proposed by the opposition Concord Centre. The newspapers point out that the coalition did not find a common candidate and the “Unity” was quite late to nominate its own candidate.

Newspapers continue to report about controversies regarding selection of candidates for the position of the Ombudsman. The ruling Unity party is discontent with the decision of their coalition partners the Union of Greens and Farmers to support the candidate proposed by the opposition Concord Centre. The newspapers point out that the coalition did not find a common candidate and the Unity was quite late to nominate its own candidate. Chas, Vesti-Segodnya

Feb. 19, 2011

  • Sestdiena writes about a citizen of Afghanistan, who received an alternative status in Latvia after fleeing his country as a juvenile
Weekly magazine

Weekly magazine Sestdiena published an article about a citizen of Afghanistan, who received an alternative status in Latvia after fleeing his country as a juvenile because his family was killed in interethnic clashes. According to Dzena Andersone, the lawyer of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights who assisted his case through the Latvian courts, the state does not provide adequate support for the persons with alternative status, for example, his is not eligible for free-of-charge language courses, social payments or state-paid health care.

Feb. 18, 2011

  • Constitutional Court: differences in the calculation of pensions of Latvian non-citizens and citizens in line with the Constitution
  • Newspapers continue to report on the candidates for the post of Ombudsman
  • Diena: persons with insufficient Russian language skills face problems in finding work
  • The Unity submitted draft amendments to the Citizenship Law providing for dual citizenship
The Constitutional Court ruled that the differences in the calculation of pensions of Latvian non-citizens and citizens are in line with the Constitution of Latvia.  According to the Court’s decision, Latvia is not the legal successor of the USSR and should not undertake the commitment of ensuring pensions for non-citizens for time worked outside of Latvia. The claim to the Court was submitted by a group of persons contesting the provision of the Provisional Regulations of the Law on the State Pensions that the years worked outside of Latvia during the USSR (in countries which do not have a cooperation agreement on social security with Latvia) is not included in the total length of service of non-citizens. The claim was based on the favourable to the applicant decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of “Andrejeva vs. Latvia”.

The Constitutional Court ruled that the differences in the calculation of pensions of Latvian non-citizens and citizens are in line with the Constitution of Latvia. According to the Courts decision, Latvia is not the legal successor of the USSR and should not undertake the commitment of ensuring pensions for non-citizens for time worked outside of Latvia. The claim to the Court was submitted by a group of persons contesting the provision of the Provisional Regulations of the Law on the State Pensions that the years worked outside of Latvia during the USSR (in countries which do not have a cooperation agreement on social security with Latvia) is not included in the total length of service of non-citizens. The claim was based on the favourable to the applicant decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Andrejeva vs. Latvia. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers continue to report about the candidates for the post of the new Ombudsman. Yesterday, the governing party the Unity nominated the judge of the Administrative District Court Anita Kovalevska for the post of the Ombudsman. Ms Kovalevska had for many years worked for the former National Human Rights Office, and had also been the assistant to the Constitutional Court judge.  A few days earlier the opposition party the Concord Centre nominated Juris Jansons, a little known lawyer and liquidator of the health insurance holding company “Rigas Slimokase” who has been criticized for lack of competence in human rights issues. However, the party Union of Greens and Farmers of the governing coalition has promised to support his candidature.

Newspapers continue to report about the candidates for the post of the new Ombudsman. Yesterday, the governing party the Unity nominated the judge of the Administrative District Court Anita Kovalevska for the post of the Ombudsman. Ms Kovalevska had for many years worked for the former National Human Rights Office, and had also been the assistant to the Constitutional Court judge. A few days earlier the opposition party the Concord Centre nominated Juris Jansons, a little known lawyer and liquidator of the health insurance holding company Rigas Slimokase who has been criticized for lack of competence in human rights issues. However, the party Union of Greens and Farmers of the governing coalition has promised to support his candidature. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena

Diena reports that persons with insufficient Russian language skills face problems in finding a job on the Latvian labour market. According to the newspaper, the majority of employers, especially in the service sector, also require Russian language proficiency. The problems are mostly encountered by ethnic Latvians under 30 who did not study Russian in school and Latvians who returned from exile.

The Saeima faction of the Unity submitted draft amendments to the Citizenship Law providing for dual citizenship to those Latvian citizens who have received citizenship of another EU country or member countries of the EFTA and NATO, as well as those who received citizenship in the countries that have mutual agreement with Latvia on the recognition of the dual citizenship. The draft amendments also stipulate granting Latvian citizenship automatically to children, irrespective of the child’s place of birth, if one of the child’s parents is a Latvian citizen.

The Saeima faction of the Unity submitted draft amendments to the Citizenship Law providing for dual citizenship to those Latvian citizens who have received citizenship of another EU country or member countries of the EFTA and NATO, as well as those who received citizenship in the countries that have mutual agreement with Latvia on the recognition of the dual citizenship. The draft amendments also stipulate granting Latvian citizenship automatically to children, irrespective of the childs place of birth, if one of the childs parents is a Latvian citizen. Diena

Feb. 17, 2011

  • Newspapers report about the last day of the 3-day visit of the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities Knut Vollebaek to Latvia
Newspapers widely report about the last day of the 3-day visit of the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities Knut Vollebaek to Latvia. In the final press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the High Commissioner underlined that Latvia was moving in the right direction in the field of integration, but highlighted the large number of non-citizens as the biggest problem. Mr Vollebaek expressed support for proposals put forward by the State President Zatlers that non-citizen children be granted citizenship automatically. He urged the authorities to grant non-citizens the right to vote in the municipal elections. The High Commissioner also questioned the high Latvian language proficiency requirements for various professions in the private sector, and criticised the initiative by the nationalists' party All for Latvia!/Fatherland and Freedom advocating for gradual transfer of all schools to the Latvian language instruction only.

Newspapers widely report about the last day of the 3-day visit of the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities Knut Vollebaek to Latvia. In the final press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the High Commissioner underlined that Latvia was moving in the right direction in the field of integration, but highlighted the large number of non-citizens as the biggest problem. Mr Vollebaek expressed support for proposals put forward by the State President Zatlers that non-citizen children be granted citizenship automatically. He urged the authorities to grant non-citizens the right to vote in the municipal elections. The High Commissioner also questioned the high Latvian language proficiency requirements for various professions in the private sector, and criticised the initiative by the nationalists' party All for Latvia!/Fatherland and Freedom advocating for gradual transfer of all schools to the Latvian language instruction only. Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

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