jūlijs 18, 2012

  • Governing coalition came to an agreement about the changes to the referendum initiation requirements
  • SIF announced grant competition for Latvian language courses

The governing coalition came to an agreement about the changes to the referendum initiation requirements. As reported, the first draft amendments to the Law on National Referenda and Legislative Initiatives, which were returned by the President for repeated revision to the Saeima, stipulated that initiators should gather 150,000 signatures of the voters in order to hold a referendum. Yesterday, the coalition decided to maintain the existing two stage procedure on initiation of referendum until 2015 and increased to 50,000 the number of signatures to be collected at the initiators’ own expense (five-fold increase from the currently required 10,000 signatures). The coalition has also decided that starting with 2015, a single-stage signature collection procedure will be introduced, requiring for 150,000 signatures to be collected at the initiators’ own expense (15-fold increase from the currently required 10,000 signatures). Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga

The Society Integration Foundation (SIF) announced grant competition for Latvian language courses. As reported, the government granted LVL 143,000 for this purpose. It is planned that about 2,000 residents will be able to attend the courses and improve language proficiency for level “2B” (intermediate level). Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 16, 2012

  • Government plans to grant LVL 143,000 (EUR 205,000) for state language learning courses

According to amendments to the state budget of 2012 by the Ministry of Finances, LVL 143,000 (EUR 205,000) will be granted for state language learning courses in Riga, Latgale region and other Latvian regions. The funding for the state language courses will be allocated from the means of the Society Integration Foundation. As reported, the free-of-charge Latvian language courses funded by the Riga City Council for the city residents were in high demand and the groups got filled within couple days. Chas

jūlijs 12, 2012

  • Asylum seekers held a picket near the building of the Cabinet of Ministers
  • Diena interviews head of the Jewish Community’s Council in Latvia Arkadijs Suharenko

Vesti Segodnya reports about a picket held by a couple of asylum seekers near the building of the Cabinet of Ministers. The asylum seekers held posters in Latvian and English languages saying “we are not immigrants, we are asylum seekers” and asking for asylum and protection in Latvia.

Diena prints an interview with the head of the Jewish Community’s Council in Latvia Arkadijs Suharenko. According to Mr Suharenko, Latvian state is not responsible for the Holocaust, however because of the tragic events Jewish properties became property of Latvian state. Therefore, it would be morally and ethically right to return the Jewish properties lost during the Holocaust to the Jewish community. Mr Suharenko also believes that the issue of restitution of Jewish properties would not be raised if the properties were returned to the Jewish religious congregation in 1991-1993 as it was done with other confessions.

jūlijs 10, 2012

  • Chancery of the President of Latvia draw attention on gaps in legal acts regarding requirements for state language proficiency

The Chancery of the President of Latvia sent a letter to the Saeima’s Education, Culture and Science Committee drawing attention on gaps in legal acts regarding requirements for state language proficiency for deputies of local councils. The Chancery concluded that the Rules of the Cabinet of Ministers effective from 3 January 2012 do not stipulate requirements for level of state language proficiency for deputies of local councils. Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 6, 2012

  • Nationalists’ union supports those residents of Ukraine who protest against the new law which recognises regional languages, including Russian
  • Board member of the Reforms’ Party Janis Vilnitis: we have too many ethnic minorities

The nationalists’ union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM expressed its support to those residents of Ukraine who protest against the adoption of a new law which grants regional status to several minority languages in Ukraine, including Russian.  According to the nationalists’ union, Russian language has become important geopolitical weapon used by Russia in its interests. The nationalists’ union believes Ukrainian language is a foundation of state independence of Ukraine like Latvian language in Latvia. Chas

Board member of the Reforms’ Party Janis Vilnitis commenting the issue of restitution of Jewish properties stated that first of all it is important to take care of ethnic Latvians. “After that we can think of Jews, Ukrainians or Polish people – we have too many ethnic minorities” stated Mr Vilnitis. Vesti Segodnya

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