jūlijs 24, 2010

  • Head of the Constitution Defence Bureau of Latvia Janis Kazocins: Latvias Russian speakers resent the fact that so far they have not been involved in the state governance
  • ex-prisoner of the Guantanamo prison arrived to Latvia
Head of the Constitution Defence Bureau of Latvia Janis Kazocins in an interview with

Head of the Constitution Defence Bureau of Latvia Janis Kazocins in an interview with Latvijas Avize stated that Latvias Russian speakers resent the fact that so far they have not been involved in the state governance and that they did not play more important role in the development of the country. Mr. Kazocins believes that it is not viable situation when citizens cannot take part in the government because of their ethnicity. Latvijas Avize, Diena

Newspapers report that one of the ex-prisoner of the Guantanamo prison arrived to Latvia. According to the Minister of Interior Linda Murniece, the ex-prisoner will be integrated into the Latvian society.

Newspapers report that one of the ex-prisoner of the Guantanamo prison arrived to Latvia. According to the Minister of Interior Linda Murniece, the ex-prisoner will be integrated into the Latvian society. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Diena

jūlijs 23, 2010

  • Illegal transportation of Afghanis is one of the main problems faced by the Border Guard Service
According to the head of Border Guard Service Normunds Garbars illegal transportation of Afghani citizens trough Latvia to other European countries is one of the main problems of the Eastern border.  Mr. Garbars states that illegals from Afghanistan get detained almost every month. In total, 45 non-EU citizens got detained during the first six months of 2010.  

According to the head of Border Guard Service Normunds Garbars illegal transportation of Afghani citizens trough Latvia to other European countries is one of the main problems of the Eastern border. Mr. Garbars states that illegals from Afghanistan get detained almost every month. In total, 45 non-EU citizens got detained during the first six months of 2010. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 22, 2010

  • Former child prisoners of concentration camp hold a memorial ceremony in Salaspils
  • Private Turkish school established in Riga
  • Dzintra Hirsa: opportunity to choose the language of comments in the World Cup is a clear example of Russification in Latvia
Former child prisoners, who were deported to Salaspils concentration camp from Latgale (eastern region of Latvia), Russia and Byelorussia by the Nazis, hold a memorial ceremony. Survivors are shocked by the theories spread by some modern historians who claim that the prisoners were brought to the camp in order to shield them from war and were fed with chocolate. 7,000 child prisoners were exterminated in the Salaspils concentration camp during the WWII.

Former child prisoners, who were deported to Salaspils concentration camp from Latgale (eastern region of Latvia), Russia and Byelorussia by the Nazis, hold a memorial ceremony. Survivors are shocked by the theories spread by some modern historians who claim that the prisoners were brought to the camp in order to shield them from war and were fed with chocolate. 7,000 child prisoners were exterminated in the Salaspils concentration camp during the WWII. Chas

According to Ibrahim Khalil Ak, the principal of newly established private Turkish school Daugava in Riga, the school accepts applications to the 1st and the 5th grades and the studies will begin in 2010/2011 academic year. The lessons will be in Russian, while Turkish, English and basics of Islam will be taught as separate subjects. Representative of the Ministry of Education and Science was surprised about the announcement, because the school does not have officially accredited education programme. Representative of the Turkish Embassy refused to comment, because the school is religious, but informed about establishment of a branch of Istanbul University Bahcesehir at the international university RSEBAA in Riga.

According to Ibrahim Khalil Ak, the principal of newly established private Turkish school Daugava in Riga, the school accepts applications to the 1st and the 5th grades and the studies will begin in 2010/2011 academic year. The lessons will be in Russian, while Turkish, English and basics of Islam will be taught as separate subjects. Representative of the Ministry of Education and Science was surprised about the announcement, because the school does not have officially accredited education programme. Representative of the Turkish Embassy refused to comment, because the school is religious, but informed about establishment of a branch of Istanbul University Bahcesehir at the international university RSEBAA in Riga. Diena, Vesti-Segodnya

Dzintra Hirsa, the former head of the State Language Centre and the political union “Unity” candidate in the upcoming Saeima’s elections, believes that a humanitarian intervention of Russia is taking place and that Victory Day celebration, which involved not only representatives of older generation, but also some municipalities and youth, is one such example. According to Mrs. Hirsa, the opportunity of viewers of the recent World Cup to choose the language of comments with a push of a button is a clear example of Russification in Latvia. Mrs. Hirsa also believes that linguistic discrimination is taking place if employer is making the knowledge of Russian language as one of job requirements.

Dzintra Hirsa, the former head of the State Language Centre and the political union Unity candidate in the upcoming Saeimas elections, believes that a humanitarian intervention of Russia is taking place and that Victory Day celebration, which involved not only representatives of older generation, but also some municipalities and youth, is one such example. According to Mrs. Hirsa, the opportunity of viewers of the recent World Cup to choose the language of comments with a push of a button is a clear example of Russification in Latvia. Mrs. Hirsa also believes that linguistic discrimination is taking place if employer is making the knowledge of Russian language as one of job requirements. Telegraf, Chas, Vesti-Segodnya

jūlijs 21, 2010

  • Organisers of the 1 Julys procession devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga sued the Prime Minister, the Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mayor of Riga
  • Vesti Segodnya reports about an opinion survey questioning whether respondents agree with the statement: Independence of Latvia is historical mistake
  • Latvijas Avize interviews Latvian linguist Dzintra Hirsa
Organisers of the 1 July’s procession devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga which was stopped by the police sued the Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, the Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ainars Ronis and the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs. The procession’s organisers consider that the officials spread false information about the planned event stating that it glorifies Nazism. As reported, the Security Police initiated a criminal case against the organisers of the event for public glorification, denial or justification of genocide, crimes against humanity and peace or war crimes.

Organisers of the 1 Julys procession devoted to the entry of Nazi troops to Riga which was stopped by the police sued the Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, the Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ainars Ronis and the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs. The processions organisers consider that the officials spread false information about the planned event stating that it glorifies Nazism. As reported, the Security Police initiated a criminal case against the organisers of the event for public glorification, denial or justification of genocide, crimes against humanity and peace or war crimes. Chas

In June 2010, agency “Data Service” held an opinion survey asking respondents whether they agree with a statement “Latvia’s acquisition of independence was a historical mistake”. The same statement was offered as one of the answer options to the question “What was Latvia’s acquisition of independence?” asked to the viewers of the TV program “Without Censorship” on 18 November 2009 (Independence Day) and resulted in scandal and criticism towards the program’s host Andrejs Mamikins. According to the opinion survey, 7% of respondent agree with the statement (3% of ethnic Latvians and 13% of ethnic non-Latvians), 12% - rather agree (8% of ethnic Latvians and 19% ethnic non-Latvians), 19% - rather do not agree (17% of ethnic Latvians and 22% of ethnic non-Latvians), 42% - do not agree (57% of ethnic Latvians and 19% non-Latvian). 20% of respondent did not reply (14% ethnic Latvians and 28% non-Latvians.)

In June 2010, agency Data Service held an opinion survey asking respondents whether they agree with a statement Latvias acquisition of independence was a historical mistake. The same statement was offered as one of the answer options to the question What was Latvias acquisition of independence? asked to the viewers of the TV program Without Censorship on 18 November 2009 (Independence Day) and resulted in scandal and criticism towards the programs host Andrejs Mamikins. According to the opinion survey, 7% of respondent agree with the statement (3% of ethnic Latvians and 13% of ethnic non-Latvians), 12% - rather agree (8% of ethnic Latvians and 19% ethnic non-Latvians), 19% - rather do not agree (17% of ethnic Latvians and 22% of ethnic non-Latvians), 42% - do not agree (57% of ethnic Latvians and 19% non-Latvian). 20% of respondent did not reply (14% ethnic Latvians and 28% non-Latvians.) Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize interviews Latvian linguist Dzintra Hirsa who decided to run for the Saeimas elections from the political union Unity. According to Mrs. Hirsa two of the most important issues she will work on if gets elected are strengthening Latvian language as state language and raising national independence in ideology and education.

jūlijs 20, 2010

  • State Labour Inspection: there are cases when guest workers in Latvia are being cheated

Telegraf interviews representative of the State Labour Inspection about illegal employment in Latvia. According to him, there are cases when guest workers working in the country are not being paid for their job and sent home without promised salary.

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