Aug. 25, 2004

  • Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics: minority schools are ready to implement the education reform
  • Constitutional Court of Latvia accepts a claim challenging norms set by the Law on Education which stipulate the switch of minority secondary school to studies in Latvian
  • BISS presents the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education reform
  • Head of the FHRUL parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners comments on the latest activities of the government concerning the education reform
  • Head of the Riga City Councils For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM faction and doctor Janis Birks condemns the decision of his colleague to participate in the hunger strike
‘Minority schools are ready to implement the education reform,’ stated the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers yesterday. According to the Minister, only eight minority schools have not licensed their curricula and they have not done it due to administrative reasons. Juris Radzevics also stressed that none of minority schools has been closed.

‘Minority schools are ready to implement the education reform, stated the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers yesterday. According to the Minister, only eight minority schools have not licensed their curricula and they have not done it due to administrative reasons. Juris Radzevics also stressed that none of minority schools has been closed. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

The Constitutional Court of Latvia accepted a claim challenging norms stipulated by the Law on Education which deal with the transfer of secondary minority schools to studies in the Latvian language. The claim is submitted by 20 MPs from the People’s Harmony Party, Latvia’s Socialist Party and union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. MPs believe that the norms do not comply with the Constitution of Latvia and international obligations binding to Latvia.

The Constitutional Court of Latvia accepted a claim challenging norms stipulated by the Law on Education which deal with the transfer of secondary minority schools to studies in the Latvian language. The claim is submitted by 20 MPs from the Peoples Harmony Party, Latvias Socialist Party and union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. MPs believe that the norms do not comply with the Constitution of Latvia and international obligations binding to Latvia. Diena, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Newspapers report on results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform’ conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences (BISS). The goal of the study was the assessment of relations between Latvians and Russian –speakers in the context of the education reform. The results of the research reveal that recently relations between two communities have worsened: attitudes of Russian-speaking youth towards the Latvian language, education reform and state affiliation are more negative than in 2002. Only 15% students, 30% teachers and 13% parents support the education reform this year, while in 2002 40% students, 42% teachers and 42% parents believed in the necessity of the reform. The Director of the BISS Brigita Zepa believes that parents of minority students are afraid of the education reform because their own Latvian language proficiency is not good enough to help their children to do home works.

Newspapers report on results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences (BISS). The goal of the study was the assessment of relations between Latvians and Russian –speakers in the context of the education reform. The results of the research reveal that recently relations between two communities have worsened: attitudes of Russian-speaking youth towards the Latvian language, education reform and state affiliation are more negative than in 2002. Only 15% students, 30% teachers and 13% parents support the education reform this year, while in 2002 40% students, 42% teachers and 42% parents believed in the necessity of the reform. The Director of the BISS Brigita Zepa believes that parents of minority students are afraid of the education reform because their own Latvian language proficiency is not good enough to help their children to do home works. Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Telegraf

Telegraf prins an interview with the head of For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners. The key discussion topic is the protest actions against the education reform and latest activities of the government in this field. Jakovs Pliners notes that all government activities, including the initiative to develop the Law on Minority Schools, are attempts to calm down society, but cannot be viewed as effective solutions to the problem. The MP foresees that the protest meeting organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools will not cause any conflicts. However, he is concerned that there is a conflict possibility during the rock concert, which will be organised by the Ministry of Education and Science on 1 September.

Vesti Segodnya re-prints some excerpts of the open letter written by the head of the Riga City Councils For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM faction and doctor Janis Birks. In his letter he condemns the decision of his colleague, anaesthesiologist Viktors Dergunovs to participate in the hunger strike against the education reform. According to Janis Birks, abolishment of the education reform would reduce chances of many young people to obtain a good education and thus deprive possibilities to become doctors and teachers.

Aug. 24, 2004

  • Saeima will not review amendments to the Law on Education in its extraordinary meeting this Thursday
  • Protest actions against the education reform take place in Riga
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks offers the Commissioner of the European Commission Sandra Kalniete to become Latvias ambassador in the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Interview with the Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Critical article on statements made by minority school directors on the readiness of minority schools to implement the education reform
  • Former Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis talks about the implementation of the education reform and protest actions against it
  • State officials will explain the goals of Latvias education reform to the mass media of Russia
Yesterday the Saeima Presidium refused to include in the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of the Saeima amendments to the Law on Education, prepared by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The amendments stipulate the establishment of a moratorium on the education reform and keeping the previous ratio between the languages of instruction.

Yesterday the Saeima Presidium refused to include in the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of the Saeima amendments to the Law on Education, prepared by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The amendments stipulate the establishment of a moratorium on the education reform and keeping the previous ratio between the languages of instruction. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Newspapers report on the protest actions against education reform. Six activists of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools have started a hunger strike. The six activists have installed a tent in the centre of Riga, where interested people can obtain various materials agitating against the education reform. Organisers of the strike report that the hunger strike will go on until the moratorium on education reform is established and a dialogue between the state and a discussion group, nominated by the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools, is launched. The deputy of Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans reports on other protest actions: minority school students will be called not to attend school on 2 September, but assemble in the centre of Riga to express their protest against the education reform. Another form of protest will be refusal to speak and respond in Latvian at school. Meanwhile, the Minister of Education and Science has called minority students not to respond to appeals of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. The Riga City Council has authorised a planned protest meeting against the education reform on 1 September.

Newspapers report on the protest actions against education reform. Six activists of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools have started a hunger strike. The six activists have installed a tent in the centre of Riga, where interested people can obtain various materials agitating against the education reform. Organisers of the strike report that the hunger strike will go on until the moratorium on education reform is established and a dialogue between the state and a discussion group, nominated by the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools, is launched. The deputy of Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans reports on other protest actions: minority school students will be called not to attend school on 2 September, but assemble in the centre of Riga to express their protest against the education reform. Another form of protest will be refusal to speak and respond in Latvian at school. Meanwhile, the Minister of Education and Science has called minority students not to respond to appeals of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. The Riga City Council has authorised a planned protest meeting against the education reform on 1 September. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks has offered the present Commissioner of the European Commission (EC) Sandra Kalniete the post of ambassador at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe after her mandate in the European Commission is expired. Artis Pabriks believes that so far Sandra Kalniete has been very successful in explaining the Latvian history to the international community, therefore she is an appropriate candidacy for the post in the organisation, engaged into solving conflict situations in the areas of human rights and ethnic relations.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks has offered the present Commissioner of the European Commission (EC) Sandra Kalniete the post of ambassador at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe after her mandate in the European Commission is expired. Artis Pabriks believes that so far Sandra Kalniete has been very successful in explaining the Latvian history to the international community, therefore she is an appropriate candidacy for the post in the organisation, engaged into solving conflict situations in the areas of human rights and ethnic relations. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks about the necessity to explain the position of Latvia concerning the observation of minority rights. According to the Minister, some terms and concepts concerning minorities have quite different meaning in Latvia. As an example Nils Muiznieks provides the situation regarding the Russian language – ‘it is not a minority language, because it is more widespread than Latvian language and therefore it does not need the same defence mechanisms as other minority languages do. The Minister believes that the statement that the situation regarding minority issues in Latvia is not comparable with situations in other Western countries is only the first step. ‘Latvia needs to explain the situation regarding language situation, migration, occupation etc should be very thoroughly to her international partners.

Vesti Segodnya prints a critical article on the statements of minority school directors about the readiness of minority schools to implement the education reform. The controversial statement that good grades received by minority school students in centralised exams proofs that two languages of instruction in minority schools do not worsen the quality of education were made during the meeting with Prime Minister Indulis Emsis. The newspaper blames minority school directors that they have trade the truth about the readiness of schools for a ‘cup of coffee in the company of the Prime Minister. According to the newspaper, minority school students have not passed unitary exams in mathematics, physics and chemistry in Latvian or learned these subjects in Latvian and hence it is impossible to speak about results.

Telegraf prints an interview with the former Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis about the implementation of the education reform and protest actions against it. The former minister foresees that the protest actions against the education reform could stop in November or December. Karlis Sadurskis is rather sceptical about drafting the Law on Minority Schools. He believes that it will be senseless because it will contradict the effective laws and it would only cause new discussions in the Saeima and new protest actions, therefore it would only obstruct the implementation of the reform in minority schools.

Today the advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs, the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane and the Chairman of the Department of Ethnic Minority Affairs of the Special Tasks Minister’s for Societal Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika and the director of Riga Russian Classic Gymnasium Romans Alijevs left for Moscow. The goal of their visit is raise awareness and explain to Russia’s mass media the implementation of the education reform in Latvia. During their visit the state officials will give interviews and will hold a press conference.

Today the advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs, the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane and the Chairman of the Department of Ethnic Minority Affairs of the Special Tasks Ministers for Societal Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika and the director of Riga Russian Classic Gymnasium Romans Alijevs left for Moscow. The goal of their visit is raise awareness and explain to Russias mass media the implementation of the education reform in Latvia. During their visit the state officials will give interviews and will hold a press conference. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Aug. 23, 2004

  • Hunger strike against the education reform
  • Minority NGOs demand the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without any reservations
  • Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks about a forthcoming Congress of the Russian Community
  • Rigas Balss and Telegraf interview the advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs
  • 980 naturalisation applicants participated in the Latvian language courses free of charge this year
  • Eizenija Aldermane foresees that approximately 17,000 – 18,000 persons could be naturalised this year
  • Newspapers report on a draft resolution about the necessity to evaluate the secret Molotov – Ribentroph pact
  • Pamphlet ‘The Role of Education, Dialogue and Participation in the Promotion of Societal Integration Process by the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks
  • Leader of the New Age Aleksejs Ledajevs: strong bilingualism in Latvia is a common goal of the New Age and Latvias First Party
Today a hunger strike organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools has been launched. Newspapers feature statements of some Headquarters’ representatives about their motivation to participate in the hunger strike. One of the participants of the hunger strike, doctor Viktors Dergunovs, for instance, believes that the possibility to study in Russian increases competitiveness of Russian-speaking students. Viktors Dergunovs also believes that Latvians should share power with Russians, grant the Latvian citizenship to all inhabitants in Latvia and give Russian the status of the second state language. The advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs and the political scientist Marija Golubeva believe that the hunger strike is politicised and has almost no relation to education and its reform.

Today a hunger strike organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools has been launched. Newspapers feature statements of some Headquarters representatives about their motivation to participate in the hunger strike. One of the participants of the hunger strike, doctor Viktors Dergunovs, for instance, believes that the possibility to study in Russian increases competitiveness of Russian-speaking students. Viktors Dergunovs also believes that Latvians should share power with Russians, grant the Latvian citizenship to all inhabitants in Latvia and give Russian the status of the second state language. The advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs and the political scientist Marija Golubeva believe that the hunger strike is politicised and has almost no relation to education and its reform. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday a number of minority NGOs sent out an open letter, which calls to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without any reservations. The letter was signed by members of nine NGOs, mainly representatives of the interests of the Russian minority, such as the Latvian Human Rights Committee, Russian Community in Latvia, Latvian Association of Russian Youth, association ‘Dvina’, Russian Community of Jelgava and others.

Yesterday a number of minority NGOs sent out an open letter, which calls to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without any reservations. The letter was signed by members of nine NGOs, mainly representatives of the interests of the Russian minority, such as the Latvian Human Rights Committee, Russian Community in Latvia, Latvian Association of Russian Youth, association ‘Dvina, Russian Community of Jelgava and others. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features views of the Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks about a forthcoming Congress of the Russian Community. The Special Tasks Minister expresses concern regarding the goals set by the congress, such as, grant Russian the status of state language, introduce amendments to the Citizenship Law, as well as form the two community state in Latvia. Nils Muiznieks doubts that the Congress will be able to unify all Russians residing in Latvia. Although the representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools claim that they have collected 30,000 signatures for the support for the formation of the new organisation, the Special Tasks Minister, however, states that he has information that these signatures were collected with questionable methods.

Rigas Balss and Telegraf print interviews with the advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs about the implementation of the education reform and the protest actions against it. Sergejs Ancupovs believes that by adopting the Law on Minority Schools, the government would demonstrate that it does not support assimilation of national minorities. According to the advisor, the law would provide an opportunity to promote national cultures and transition from post-soviet schools to normal national schools. When asked to comment on possible consequences of the education reform, Sergejs Ancupovs states that the reform may influence grades of approximately 10% minority school students who already are not successful students.

According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, 980 naturalisation applicants participated in the Latvian language courses free of charge this year.

According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, 980 naturalisation applicants participated in the Latvian language courses free of charge this year. Telegraf

Chas prints an interview with the chairperson of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, who foresees that approximately 17,000 – 18,000 persons will naturalise this year.

Newspapers write about a draft resolution, prepared by the member of the European Parliament Girts Valdis Kristovskis about the necessity to evaluate the secret Molotov – Ribentroph pact. The representative of the European Nations Group Girts Valdis Kristovskis calls on the European Parliament not to permit Russia to exploit its compatriots, who are illegally situated in the former states of the USSR, as an instrument of political pressure.

Newspapers write about a draft resolution, prepared by the member of the European Parliament Girts Valdis Kristovskis about the necessity to evaluate the secret Molotov – Ribentroph pact. The representative of the European Nations Group Girts Valdis Kristovskis calls on the European Parliament not to permit Russia to exploit its compatriots, who are illegally situated in the former states of the USSR, as an instrument of political pressure. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports on the study ‘The Role of Education, Dialogue and Participation in the Promotion of Societal Integration, edited by the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks. The Minister hesitates to call it ‘a serious academic work, however, he believes that it could be very useful study aid for teachers and students. The study compiles nine lectures presented by the Foreign Affairs Minister, historian Juris Ciganovs and representative of the Societal Integration Secretariat Denis Hanovs on citizenship, language and gender equality issues.

‘The common goal of the religious movement New Age

‘The common goal of the religious movement New Age and the Latvias First Party is to strengthen bilingualism in Latvia, stated the leader of the New Age Aleksejs Ledajevs in the interview with the national radical newspaper DDD. Latvias First Party denies any relation to the statement and points to the party programme, which states that the Latvian language is the only state language. Aleksejs Ledajevs in the interview with the daily newspaper Diena denies his own statement, explaining that a journalist of the DDD has rather freely interpreted his statement. Diena

Aug. 21, 2004

  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis talks about the protest actions against the education reform
  • Draft resolution on a necessity to evaluate the secret Molotov – Ribentroph pact
  • Latvijas Avize reports on the conference for Russian-speakers ‘Integration –Possibilities for Future
  • Russia refuses to grant a political asylum to the leader of the national bolshevik organisation Pobeda (‘Victory) Vladimirs Lindermans
‘1 September will be a serious challenge for the national policy, as well as its direction towards the implementation of the Latvian language and societal integration,’ stated the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis after the meeting with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga. At the same time the Prime Minister also stressed that the escalation of violence will not be permitted.

‘1 September will be a serious challenge for the national policy, as well as its direction towards the implementation of the Latvian language and societal integration, stated the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis after the meeting with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga. At the same time the Prime Minister also stressed that the escalation of violence will not be permitted. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

The member of the European Parliament (EP) Girts Valdis Kristovskis has prepared a draft resolution about the necessity to evaluate the secret Molotov – Ribentroph pact. The goal of the draft document is to show that Germany and USSR divided Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Finland and Bessarabia between themselves; deprived these states sovereignty, their political and civil rights, and that consequences of the pact are still present today.  The Union for Europe of the Nations Group plans to appeal with the EP and will call to evaluate Molotov –Ribentroph pact.

The member of the European Parliament (EP) Girts Valdis Kristovskis has prepared a draft resolution about the necessity to evaluate the secret Molotov – Ribentroph pact. The goal of the draft document is to show that Germany and USSR divided Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Finland and Bessarabia between themselves; deprived these states sovereignty, their political and civil rights, and that consequences of the pact are still present today. The Union for Europe of the Nations Group plans to appeal with the EP and will call to evaluate Molotov –Ribentroph pact. Diena, Chas

Latvijas Avize reports on a conference for Russian-speakers ‘Integration –Possibilities for Future, organised by Vidzeme Development Agency in Seda (a town in the North-Eastern part of Latvia). During the conference the research ‘What Do I Know About the Europe? was presented. The research revealed that only 8% of Russian-speaking inhabitants of Vidzeme are well informed about Latvias accession in the EU and what new possibilities are available now.

Russia has refused to provide political asylum to the leader of the national Bolshevik organisation

Russia has refused to provide political asylum to the leader of the national Bolshevik organisation Pobeda (‘Victory) Vladimirs Lindermans. Therefore, he could be expelled from Russia to Latvia. Vladimirs Lindermans comments that the decision is in conflict with a decision issued by the Russia Prosecutor General Office which stipulated that he will not be expelled to Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 20, 2004

  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis meets with minority schools directors
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga comments on the implementation of the education reform and possible conflicts during the protest actions
  • State Security Police evaluate a possibility to initiate a criminal case for distributing warnings about possible ‘mass affray between Latvian and Russian students
  • Head of For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners about the education reform and possible ethnic conflicts
  • Increase in the number of naturalisation applications
  • Aleksandrs Kazakovs talks about goals of the Congress of the Russian Community
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on the results of the research ‘Ethnic Tolerance and Societal Integrationin Latvia
‘Two languages of instruction in minority schools do not worsen the quality of education. That is already proved by good grades received by minority school students in centralised exams,’ stated directors of minority schools from Bauska, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Riga and Ventspils during the meeting with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis. However, directors stressed that some measures should be continued or introduced, for instance, ensure Latvian language training for minority school teachers, form special classes for those students whose Latvian language proficiency is insufficient, and establish positions of methodologists of bilingual education in each minority school.

‘Two languages of instruction in minority schools do not worsen the quality of education. That is already proved by good grades received by minority school students in centralised exams, stated directors of minority schools from Bauska, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Riga and Ventspils during the meeting with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis. However, directors stressed that some measures should be continued or introduced, for instance, ensure Latvian language training for minority school teachers, form special classes for those students whose Latvian language proficiency is insufficient, and establish positions of methodologists of bilingual education in each minority school. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Yesterday the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga met the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics, the Executive Director of Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks and representatives of state security institutions. The officials discussed the readiness of minority schools to implement the education reform and possible conflicts which could take place during the protest actions on September 1. Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that warnings issued by opponents of the education reform about possible conflicts during the protest actions are ungrounded. According to the Chairman of the Sate Security Police Janis Reiniks, the State Police pay particular attention to the forthcoming protest actions. The Chairman is convinced that the Riga City Council should not authorise the protest meeting on 1 September, because Headquarters for the Defence of Russian –language Schools is not capable of ensuring public order.

Yesterday the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga met the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics, the Executive Director of Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks and representatives of state security institutions. The officials discussed the readiness of minority schools to implement the education reform and possible conflicts which could take place during the protest actions on September 1. Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that warnings issued by opponents of the education reform about possible conflicts during the protest actions are ungrounded. According to the Chairman of the Sate Security Police Janis Reiniks, the State Police pay particular attention to the forthcoming protest actions. The Chairman is convinced that the Riga City Council should not authorise the protest meeting on 1 September, because Headquarters for the Defence of Russian –language Schools is not capable of ensuring public order. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vetsi Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

State Security Police evaluate a possibility to initiate a criminal case against the statement of the Executive Committee of the Congress of the Russian Community, which says that the rock concert organised by the Ministry of Education and Science on 1 September may cause ‘mass affray between Latvian and Russian students.’ When discussing whether the Riga City Council should authorise protest actions, members of the Riga City Council Security and Order Committee regarded the statement as a call to ethnic conflict.

State Security Police evaluate a possibility to initiate a criminal case against the statement of the Executive Committee of the Congress of the Russian Community, which says that the rock concert organised by the Ministry of Education and Science on 1 September may cause ‘mass affray between Latvian and Russian students. When discussing whether the Riga City Council should authorise protest actions, members of the Riga City Council Security and Order Committee regarded the statement as a call to ethnic conflict. Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss

Vesti Segodnya prints statements by the Head of parliamentary group of For Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakovs Pliners about the necessity of the education reform and possible ethnic conflicts. Jakovs Pliners believes that if there are any ethnic conflicts after September 1, the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis should take the responsibility for that. According to Pliners, the Prime Minister should have either democratised the education reform, established a moratorium on it or developed a dialogue with a discussion group formed by the Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools.

The Naturalisation Board has received 9501 naturalisation applications during the first six months of this year, while 6224 non-citizens are naturalised during this period.  The number of applications, received by the Board during the same period last year, was two times smaller – 4710.

The Naturalisation Board has received 9501 naturalisation applications during the first six months of this year, while 6224 non-citizens are naturalised during this period. The number of applications, received by the Board during the same period last year, was two times smaller – 4710. Telegraf

Vesti Segdonya features an opinion of the activist of the Executive Committee of the Congress of the Russian Community (CRC) Aleksandrs Kazakovs about goals of the Congress, which will take place on 11 September. According to Aleksandrs Kazakovs, the Congress supports the two-community society because it is Latvias reality. Aleksandrs Kazakovs hopes that about 980,000 people – ethnic Russians, Russian-speakers and Russian-speaking Latvians – will become members of the CRC.

Vesti Segodnya reports on the results of the research ‘Ethnic Tolerance and Societal Integrationin Latvia conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences.

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