Aug. 17, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Chairmen of Daugavpils City Party (DCP) A.Vidauskis and Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs signed an agreement to form a coalition for the next municipal election, thus concentrating efforts for the tough competition, expected during the election of the Daugavpils City Council.

The Chairmen of Daugavpils City Party (DCP) A.Vidauskis and Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs signed an agreement to form a coalition for the next municipal election, thus concentrating efforts for the tough competition, expected during the election of the Daugavpils City Council. Diena

A journalist from the newspaper

A journalist from the newspaper Lauku Avize did a research what were those OSCE experts who consulted the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and then brought his recommendations from the Hague to Latvia. She tried to contact Latvian authorities to get some information about these people but in vain. Then the journalist called one of the experts – F.Lange, who promised to provide this information, but later he refused to do it. Lauku Avize

The Ministry of Justice sent the last version of the draft language regulations to the High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel with a letter from the Minister of Justice I.Labucka. It is not known whether the High Commissioner would answer to this letter or would ask to specify and explain wording of some regulations. The Government could consider these draft regulations on August 21. Meanwhile the left wing organisations plan to organise protest actions against these regulations.

The Ministry of Justice sent the last version of the draft language regulations to the High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel with a letter from the Minister of Justice I.Labucka. It is not known whether the High Commissioner would answer to this letter or would ask to specify and explain wording of some regulations. The Government could consider these draft regulations on August 21. Meanwhile the left wing organisations plan to organise protest actions against these regulations. Lauku Avize

The Minister of Justice answered in this letter to all the objections and concerns, voiced by the High Commissioner. She also explained why some recommendations had not been observed while elaborating the final draft.

The Minister of Justice answered in this letter to all the objections and concerns, voiced by the High Commissioner. She also explained why some recommendations had not been observed while elaborating the final draft. Neatkariga, Respublika

On the next day after the Prosecutor General invited Russian colleagues to the international conference on the war time crimes committed by K.Kalejs and K.Ozols, Moscow newspaper

On the next day after the Prosecutor General invited Russian colleagues to the international conference on the war time crimes committed by K.Kalejs and K.Ozols, Moscow newspaper Vremya MN condemned Latvia for not inviting Russian specialists to this meeting. Neatkariga

On August 17 the US parliamentary delegation will visit the National Human Rights Office to meet the Director O.Bruveris, who will tell American parliamentarians about the human rights situation in Latvia.

On August 17 the US parliamentary delegation will visit the National Human Rights Office to meet the Director O.Bruveris, who will tell American parliamentarians about the human rights situation in Latvia. Respublika

Aug. 16, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

The Satversme Court considered the request of the 23 opposition MPs to evaluate the conformity of the Saeima and municipal election laws, prohibiting former KGB employees and persons who were in the Communist party after January 13, 1991 to run for election, to the Constitution and international human rights standards. The decision will be announced on August 30.

The Satversme Court considered the request of the 23 opposition MPs to evaluate the conformity of the Saeima and municipal election laws, prohibiting former KGB employees and persons who were in the Communist party after January 13, 1991 to run for election, to the Constitution and international human rights standards. The decision will be announced on August 30. Diena, Neatkariga,

Chas describes it as the first political court proceeding in Latvia – questioned is correctness of the internal policy of Latvia.

Chas describes it as the first political court proceeding in Latvia – questioned is correctness of the internal policy of Latvia.

Latvian University Philosophy and Sociology Institute published a book “Integration and Ethnic Policy” where the authors analyse ethnic political situation in Latvia and its role in the process of integration.

Latvian University Philosophy and Sociology Institute published a book Integration and Ethnic Policy where the authors analyse ethnic political situation in Latvia and its role in the process of integration. Diena

Taking into consideration the recent successful co-operation with Russia in the investigation process on the war criminals K.Kalejs and K.Ozols, Latvian Prosecutor General’s Office decided to invite this country for an international meeting to discuss the criminal investigation process concerning those two men.

Taking into consideration the recent successful co-operation with Russia in the investigation process on the war criminals K.Kalejs and K.Ozols, Latvian Prosecutor Generals Office decided to invite this country for an international meeting to discuss the criminal investigation process concerning those two men. Neatkariga, Chas

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga after returning from her vacation has planned two international visits – on September 3 – 8 she will go the USA for the UN Millennium Summit and on September 20 – 2- to Norway.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga after returning from her vacation has planned two international visits – on September 3 – 8 she will go the USA for the UN Millennium Summit and on September 20 – 2- to Norway. Neatkariga

The Deputy Chairman of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Urbanovics in

The Deputy Chairman of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Urbanovics in Respublika speaks about Latvian – Russian relations. He states that those countries never had either long or short-term strategy for developing these relations. The relations depend on political situation. And the Russian speaking population in Latvia has become a political hostage of both countries.


Aug. 15, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Contrary to the expected, the Government did not consider the draft regulations to the State Language Law because the Ministry of Justice submitted these regulation too late – only on Monday morning. Most likely these regulations will be considered next Monday.

Contrary to the expected, the Government did not consider the draft regulations to the State Language Law because the Ministry of Justice submitted these regulation too late – only on Monday morning. Most likely these regulations will be considered next Monday. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Panorama Latvii

informs about this delay and writes about the visit of the OSCE experts to Riga. The newspaper says that the experts had a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins but no details were available about this meeting, just that the experts had listened to the Minister and taken his words for consideration. informs about this delay and writes about the visit of the OSCE experts to Riga. The newspaper says that the experts had a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins but no details were available about this meeting, just that the experts had listened to the Minister and taken his words for consideration. Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii states that this kind of presenting information has become a common thing, for example, the same situation was when informing about the recommendations of the High Commissioner on the draft regulations to the State Language Law. states that this kind of presenting information has become a common thing, for example, the same situation was when informing about the recommendations of the High Commissioner on the draft regulations to the State Language Law.


informs that the working group submitted yesterday to the State Office draft regulations to the State Language Law. The Head of the State Office Press Department A.Freimanis told journalist that the group had finished summing up all proposals. Taking into consideration the concern of the High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, that group revised several articles and specified how this or that norm should be implemented. In the nearest future the working group intends to print for the second time the Professions Classifier, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers, indicating the necessary state language proficiency level for each profession. informs that the working group submitted yesterday to the State Office draft regulations to the State Language Law. The Head of the State Office Press Department A.Freimanis told journalist that the group had finished summing up all proposals. Taking into consideration the concern of the High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, that group revised several articles and specified how this or that norm should be implemented. In the nearest future the working group intends to print for the second time the Professions Classifier, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers, indicating the necessary state language proficiency level for each profession. On Tuesday a delegation of US senators and congressmen will come to Latvia. This visit is organised by Potomack Foundation. Latvia considers this visit as an important step to create a positive image of Latvia and strengthening of co-operation between the two parliaments.

On Tuesday a delegation of US senators and congressmen will come to Latvia. This visit is organised by Potomack Foundation. Latvia considers this visit as an important step to create a positive image of Latvia and strengthening of co-operation between the two parliaments. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Former Acting Head of the DCMA M.Bicevskis was found to be the most suitable candidate for the post of the DCMA Head. Also the Minister of Interior expressed his support to this candidate and in the nearest future the necessary documents

Former Acting Head of the DCMA M.Bicevskis was found to be the most suitable candidate for the post of the DCMA Head. Also the Minister of Interior expressed his support to this candidate and in the nearest future the necessary documents

Could be submitted to the Government to consider M.Bicevskis’ nomination to this post.

Could be submitted to the Government to consider M.Bicevskis nomination to this post. Diena

Yesterday the Prime Minister A.Berzins signed an order to establish a working group to develop amendments to the constitution, necessary during the preparation process of joining EU. All the Saeima factions supported this action.

Yesterday the Prime Minister A.Berzins signed an order to establish a working group to develop amendments to the constitution, necessary during the preparation process of joining EU. All the Saeima factions supported this action. Neatkariga, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya

The newspaper

The newspaper Lauku Avize published an interview with the MP, Deputy Chairman of party TB/LNNK J.Dobelis. Answering to the question what had happened to the nationalism of this party, J.Dobelis said that the party had not changed its strictly nationalistic position. It could be proven by voting on the Citizenship Law, when the party remained alone, and voting on the possible amendments to this law. TB/LNNK alone has started to analyse the experience of Lithuanians, who claimed Russia to compensate the damages made to Lithuania during the Soviet occupation time, and preparing a draft law about it. When asked why the party did not defend the Director of the State Language Centre Ms. Hirsa against the attacks of the Russian speaking press, the MP answered that the present processes were the consequences of the last year events when some people where to afraid to include in the State Language Law the things that were included in the present draft regulations to the State Language Law. When the journalists spoke about t expression of the Prime Minister that he would sign the draft regulation only when there would be the signature of High Commissioner Max van der Stoel under them and asked how we would live in Latvia – take decisions ourselves of live under command of the OSCE or the World Bank, J.Dobelis explained that the faction had just received the drafts but had not seen official documents, and the decision on the action of the 4 faction ministers would be discussed in the party. Lauku Avize

N.Ushakov from

N.Ushakov from Respublika analyses the situation in the Internet where people got a possibility to express their opinions in internet-conferences on any subject. But it seems that there are only three topics that are important – relations between Russians and Latvians, relations with Russia and the Latvian language. There are two almost identical sites – Latvian and Russian, and the things in the net go on approximately like this - if Latvia accuses Russia of something, then there is rejoicing on the Latvian site and calls to continue like that. Russians at the same time criticise everything. If Russia complains about Latvia, the situation takes the opposite direction.

Aug. 14, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The newspaper

The newspaper Jauna Avize interviewed the Director of the Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre N.Muiznieks about the new State Language Law regulations. Answering to the question about his critical attitude towards these regulations, N.Muiznieks said that as the regulations were still revised he could only speak about the principles that were not completely observed in these regulations. The State Language Centre still wants to operate as it did so far – to regulate the usage of the state language everywhere, also in businesses. But one must realise that now there are international human rights norms, binding to Latvia. And these are the things the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel pointed out in his recommendations.

On August 24 Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins has a planned unofficial meeting in Lithuania with his Lithuanian colleague A.Kubil. As it is an unofficial meeting there will be no exact agenda, but the Prime Ministers could discuss the relations between those two countries, as well as EU and NATO expansion.

On August 24 Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins has a planned unofficial meeting in Lithuania with his Lithuanian colleague A.Kubil. As it is an unofficial meeting there will be no exact agenda, but the Prime Ministers could discuss the relations between those two countries, as well as EU and NATO expansion. Neatkariga

One hundred days have passed since the new Government was formed. The Prime Minister A.Berzins stated in a press conference that during this time the Government had worked seriously and would remain stable and predictable. The main priorities would be joining EU and NATO, education and reducing the split between the society and the Government.

One hundred days have passed since the new Government was formed. The Prime Minister A.Berzins stated in a press conference that during this time the Government had worked seriously and would remain stable and predictable. The main priorities would be joining EU and NATO, education and reducing the split between the society and the Government. Rigas Balss

The Saeima Presidium today will decide whether to pass the request of the Prosecutor General to and allow to start criminal proceeding against the Saeima deputy Social Democrat J.Adamsons to the Saeima Commission for consideration. According to the Saeima Roll of Procedures a decision to start criminal proceedings against a deputy may start the Parliament only after a report of the above mentioned Commission.

The Saeima Presidium today will decide whether to pass the request of the Prosecutor General to and allow to start criminal proceeding against the Saeima deputy Social Democrat J.Adamsons to the Saeima Commission for consideration. According to the Saeima Roll of Procedures a decision to start criminal proceedings against a deputy may start the Parliament only after a report of the above mentioned Commission. Neatkariga

Aug. 9, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The OSCE considers that several norms included in the regulations of the state language law on the degrees of the state language proficiency, adopting the spelling of personal names to the Latvian language spelling system and ensuring interpretation in public events are still unclear, too strict and not corresponding to public interests and international standards. The Minister of Justice I.Labucka acknowledged that some of the OSCE proposals would be in elaborated in the regulations by the Ministry of Justice but the Government would have to decide about the others. The major objections of the High Commissioner are against the plan to introduce six levels of the state language proficiency according to person’s professional and positional duties. He voiced his concern that the demands for the highest level would exceed any public interest concerning all positions and duties. He also pointed out that the population most likely had no access the explanation of the numeral codes of the draft professions classifier and they would simply not know what demands were for what position.

The OSCE considers that several norms included in the regulations of the state language law on the degrees of the state language proficiency, adopting the spelling of personal names to the Latvian language spelling system and ensuring interpretation in public events are still unclear, too strict and not corresponding to public interests and international standards. The Minister of Justice I.Labucka acknowledged that some of the OSCE proposals would be in elaborated in the regulations by the Ministry of Justice but the Government would have to decide about the others. The major objections of the High Commissioner are against the plan to introduce six levels of the state language proficiency according to persons professional and positional duties. He voiced his concern that the demands for the highest level would exceed any public interest concerning all positions and duties. He also pointed out that the population most likely had no access the explanation of the numeral codes of the draft professions classifier and they would simply not know what demands were for what position. Diena

According to the information received by the Russian speaking newspaper

According to the information received by the Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya the High Commissioner was indignant about the actions of the Latvian authorities and thought that he was just done in. Yesterday evening the editors of this newspaper received two versions of High Commissioner Max van der Stoels letter – the original in English and an unofficial translation, made by the Ministry of Justice. The first version comes with High Commissioners address, but the second – with comments of the Ministry of Justice. The newspaper cites the address where the Commissioner states that several draft norms do not correspond to Latvian constitution and in the standards, but the Ministry of Justice sent information that the preparation of the draft regulations was coming to an end and only technical harmonisation remained. Vesti Segodnya also writes that oposition, unlike the High Commissioner, did not have any illusions about the adoption of a normal regulations and the opposition MP M.Mitrofanov announced that there was no other way for the opposition just actions of disobidience.

N.Ushakov in Respublika thinks that Latvian authorities will follow the recommendations of the High Commissioner and correct the norms under discussion but speaking about the planned actions of disobedience, announced by the opposition, saiys that there would be nothing like this. There would be no more than 100 participants, majority of which do mot miss any opportunity to attend such actions.

N.Ushakov in Respublika thinks that Latvian authorities will follow the recommendations of the High Commissioner and correct the norms under discussion but speaking about the planned actions of disobedience, announced by the opposition, saiys that there would be nothing like this. There would be no more than 100 participants, majority of which do mot miss any opportunity to attend such actions.

The Prosecutor General J.Maizitis asked the Saeima to allow to start criminal action against the former Chairman of the Saeima Investigation Commission on Paedoplhilia cases J.Adamsons. He is accused of misuse of position resulting in heavy consequences for the state and personal interests. J.Adamsons, reporting on the activities of the Commission, named the former Prime Minister A.Skele, former Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and the head of the State Revenue service A.Sonciks as liked to this scandal.

The Prosecutor General J.Maizitis asked the Saeima to allow to start criminal action against the former Chairman of the Saeima Investigation Commission on Paedoplhilia cases J.Adamsons. He is accused of misuse of position resulting in heavy consequences for the state and personal interests. J.Adamsons, reporting on the activities of the Commission, named the former Prime Minister A.Skele, former Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and the head of the State Revenue service A.Sonciks as liked to this scandal. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Respublika, Chas

On Tuesday the Government amended the state budget for 2.94 million Ls but due to the budget deficite decided to give up the idea to continue increase teachers’ salaries in January, postponing it for the beginning of the next school year. Teachers’ average salary will be increased in September for 10 Ls.

On Tuesday the Government amended the state budget for 2.94 million Ls but due to the budget deficite decided to give up the idea to continue increase teachers salaries in January, postponing it for the beginning of the next school year. Teachers average salary will be increased in September for 10 Ls. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize , Vesti Segodnya

The Co-Chairmen of the Latvian – Russian Intergovernmental Commission A.Gorbunov and A.Blohin agreed on Tuesday in Moscow that the first meeting of the Commission could take place in November in Riga. They could sign six agreements on railroad transport, co-operation in customs, avoiding double taxation, protection of investments, social well-fare, on culture and information centre and military graveyards. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

The Co-Chairmen of the Latvian – Russian Intergovernmental Commission A.Gorbunov and A.Blohin agreed on Tuesday in Moscow that the first meeting of the Commission could take place in November in Riga. They could sign six agreements on railroad transport, co-operation in customs, avoiding double taxation, protection of investments, social well-fare, on culture and information centre and military graveyards. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Latvian Ambassador to the USA A.Ronis and the Head of the Presidential Chancellary M.Bondars met with high officials of the USA national Security Council and diplomats responsible for US policy in Northeast Europa. The Goal of this consultation was to point out the priorities of the President’s foreign policy and outline possibilities of co-operation. Diena

Latvian Ambassador to the USA A.Ronis and the Head of the Presidential Chancellary M.Bondars met with high officials of the USA national Security Council and diplomats responsible for US policy in Northeast Europa. The Goal of this consultation was to point out the priorities of the Presidents foreign policy and outline possibilities of co-operation. Diena

Publicist and writer V.Avotins writes that Latvian polioticians have lost their national identity and are just blindly following directions. He suggests that Latvia like Japan could seek for some individual way and put Latvian identity as one of cornerstones of national policy.

Publicist and writer V.Avotins writes that Latvian polioticians have lost their national identity and are just blindly following directions. He suggests that Latvia like Japan could seek for some individual way and put Latvian identity as one of cornerstones of national policy. Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, conmmenting the article in the magazine Kapitals, stated that there were no real signs of anti-semitism in Latvia. He pointed out that this tendency should be condemned in any country.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, conmmenting the article in the magazine Kapitals, stated that there were no real signs of anti-semitism in Latvia. He pointed out that this tendency should be condemned in any country. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Government decided to start negotiations on possibilities for border-crossing within three Baltic states with minimal border crossing procedures as it is the case in Shengen Agreement countries.

Yesterday the Government decided to start negotiations on possibilities for border-crossing within three Baltic states with minimal border crossing procedures as it is the case in Shengen Agreement countries. Neatkariga

Chas adds that this simplified procedure would affect just the citizens of these countries.

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