Aug. 31, 2004

  • Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics: minority schools are ready for the education reform
  • Interview with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about the implementation of the education reform
  • Administrative Court refuses to accept the claim of Tatjana and Karina Slivenko
  • Janis Jurkans comments on the support for the Emsis government
  • Newspapers continue to discuss the statement of the Russian Party
  • Newspapers write about the visit of state officials to Moscow to explain the necessity of education reform to Russian journalists
  • Interview with the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks
  • Number of Latvian language native speakers decreases by 5,000 every year
  • Latvijas Avize discusses naturalisation of non-citizens disloyal to Latvia
  • Planned procession against the education reform will take place despite the refusal to authorise it
  • Discussion about the role of mass media in the formation of the public opinion on education reform
  • Open letter to the Russia Minister of Interior Rashid Nurgaliyev expressing support to the leader of the national bolsheviks Vladimirs Lindermans
Newspapers repeatedly stress the statement of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics that ‘all minority schools have licensed their curicula and are ready to implement the education reform.’

Newspapers repeatedly stress the statement of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics that ‘all minority schools have licensed their curicula and are ready to implement the education reform. Diena, Chas

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about the implementation of the education reform. The President stresses that the reform does not imply the violation of the rights of minority students, but will improve their Latvian language proficiency to a very great extent.

The Administrative Court refused to abolish the decision on the deportation of Tatjana and Karina Slivenko from Latvia in 1996. The women appealed the decision with Latvian courts and also with the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled that by expulsion Latvia had violated women’s right to personal life.  However, the representative of the Court stated it would not be logic to abolish the decision as it has been already implemented.

The Administrative Court refused to abolish the decision on the deportation of Tatjana and Karina Slivenko from Latvia in 1996. The women appealed the decision with Latvian courts and also with the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled that by expulsion Latvia had violated womens right to personal life. However, the representative of the Court stated it would not be logic to abolish the decision as it has been already implemented. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The People’s Harmony Party (PHP) should not continue to support the Emsis’ government, believes the leader of the party Janis Jurkans. According to Janis Jurkans, the government has not managed to eliminate tension in society caused by  the implementation of the education reform and thus the PHP has no arguments to support this government. The decision about the future support for the government may be adopted by the PHP on 6 September.

The Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) should not continue to support the Emsis government, believes the leader of the party Janis Jurkans. According to Janis Jurkans, the government has not managed to eliminate tension in society caused by the implementation of the education reform and thus the PHP has no arguments to support this government. The decision about the future support for the government may be adopted by the PHP on 6 September. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Newspapers continue to report on the statement of the Russian Party which says that,  methods of leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to fight against the implementation of the education reform, in fact, stir tension in society, which can grow into an ethnic conflict.

Newspapers continue to report on the statement of the Russian Party which says that, methods of leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to fight against the implementation of the education reform, in fact, stir tension in society, which can grow into an ethnic conflict. Rigas Balss features an opinion of the mass media expert Abrams Kleckins. He believes that the problem of the education reform could be solved if the forthcoming protest actions do not result in conflicts and bring no victims. ‘The reform divides the Russian-speaking community, because there are people who want to politicise the issue, says Abrams Kleckins. The historian Karlis Dauksts is convinced that politically the Russian community is already divided, however, psychologically it still may form one community. Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Newspapers feature articles about the visit of state officials to Moscow with the goal to explain the education reform to Russian journalists. According to the members of delegation, there are many stereotypes about the situation of Russians in Latvia, for instance, many Russian journalists did not want to believe that a person with Russian surname, namely the Advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs, holds an office in the state institution. The members of the Latvian delegation also noted that in many cases Russian journalists were not very interested in listening to views and stances contradicting the official stance of Russia.

Newspapers feature articles about the visit of state officials to Moscow with the goal to explain the education reform to Russian journalists. According to the members of delegation, there are many stereotypes about the situation of Russians in Latvia, for instance, many Russian journalists did not want to believe that a person with Russian surname, namely the Advisor of the Minister of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs, holds an office in the state institution. The members of the Latvian delegation also noted that in many cases Russian journalists were not very interested in listening to views and stances contradicting the official stance of Russia. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks, who believes that relations between Russia and Latvia depend on Russia. The Minister is convinced that Latvia should not naturalise non-citizens only to improve statistics of naturalisation. ‘I believe that the naturalisation process should ensure that these persons are able to integrate, states Artis Pabriks.

The number of Latvian language native speakers is sinking by 5,000 or 0.3 % every year. The Latvian language is a mother tongue of at least 1,5 millions of the world population, while half a million names Latvian their second language.

The number of Latvian language native speakers is sinking by 5,000 or 0.3 % every year. The Latvian language is a mother tongue of at least 1,5 millions of the world population, while half a million names Latvian their second language. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize reports that the Citizenship ABC has been published in Latvia. The book includes information about various citizenship terms, possibilities to acquire Latvian citizenship, etc. The newspaper, however, stresses that recently there have been many cases which show that citizenship is a cheap commodity in Latvia. The newspaper enumerates cases when in its opinion people who are disloyal to Latvia, for instance are against the education reform, have received Latvian citizenship. The deputy chairman of the Naturalisation Board Janis Kahanovics explains that in accordance with the Law on Citizenship Latvian citizenship may not be deprived for incitement of national hatred, calls to violence and open disrespect towards the country.

The procession against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools on 1 September, will take place although the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks has not authorised it. The decision of the executive director has been already appealed with the Administrative Court.

The procession against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools on 1 September, will take place although the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks has not authorised it. The decision of the executive director has been already appealed with the Administrative Court. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Neatkariga Rita Avize features a discussion with Russian and Latvian mass media journalists about the role of mass media in the formation of public opinion on the education reform.

Several representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia have drafted an open letter addressed to the Russia Minister of Interior Rashid Nurgaliyev. In the letter MPS express their support for the leader of the national bolsheviks Vladimirs Lindermans, who has been accused in an attempt to overthrow the state power and change political system in Latvia. According to the information provided by the Russia news agency ‘Regnum,’ the authors of the letter regard the criminal case, initiated against the Vladimirs Lindermans in Latvia, absurd and express their incomprehension concerning the Russia’s refusal to grant asylum and Russian citizenship to the leader of national bolsheviks.

Several representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia have drafted an open letter addressed to the Russia Minister of Interior Rashid Nurgaliyev. In the letter MPS express their support for the leader of the national bolsheviks Vladimirs Lindermans, who has been accused in an attempt to overthrow the state power and change political system in Latvia. According to the information provided by the Russia news agency ‘Regnum, the authors of the letter regard the criminal case, initiated against the Vladimirs Lindermans in Latvia, absurd and express their incomprehension concerning the Russias refusal to grant asylum and Russian citizenship to the leader of national bolsheviks. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 30, 2004

  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis: information about the sources of income of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools will be discussed after the forthcoming protest actions
  • The Russian Party: FHRUL and the Headquarters have spoiled a chance to discuss education of Russian-speakers in Latvia
  • Advisor of the Prime Minister on national security issues Andrejs Pantelejevs about the forthcoming protest actions against the education reform
  • Chairman of the Riga City Councils Education, Youth and Sports Department Elmars Vebers calls on directors of minority schools to report on absent students
  • Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party terminates the agreement with its youth organization
  • Article about the preparedness of the Jaunogre Secondary Minority School to implement the education reform
The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis stated that the information provided by the State Security Police about the sources of income of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools will be discussed after the forthcoming protest actions against the education reform take place. ‘The reaction to this information will depend on the behaviour of forces ill-disposed towards Latvia,’ stated the Prime Minister. He stressed that the government will be tolerant until then.

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis stated that the information provided by the State Security Police about the sources of income of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools will be discussed after the forthcoming protest actions against the education reform take place. ‘The reaction to this information will depend on the behaviour of forces ill-disposed towards Latvia, stated the Prime Minister. He stressed that the government will be tolerant until then. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Russian Party has issued a statement which says that ‘the fight for the abolishment of the education reform led by leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools is a way how to increase tension in society, which can grow into an ethnic conflict.’ The statement also notes that FHRUL and the Headquarters have spoiled a possibility to defend Russian-speaking schools. They direct the process not towards discussions but an ethnic conflict.’ The party is convinced that the Congress of the Russian Community, which ‘will proclaim itself a centre in the two community state,’ may bring about unpredictable consequences. The Russian Party calls on Russian and Slavic NGO’s not participate in the Congress and not support activities of the FHRUL.

The Russian Party has issued a statement which says that ‘the fight for the abolishment of the education reform led by leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools is a way how to increase tension in society, which can grow into an ethnic conflict. The statement also notes that FHRUL and the Headquarters have spoiled a possibility to defend Russian-speaking schools. They direct the process not towards discussions but an ethnic conflict. The party is convinced that the Congress of the Russian Community, which ‘will proclaim itself a centre in the two community state, may bring about unpredictable consequences. The Russian Party calls on Russian and Slavic NGOs not participate in the Congress and not support activities of the FHRUL. Latvijas Avize

Newspapers feature statements of the Advisor to the Prime Minister on national security issues Andrejs Pantelejevs about the forthcoming protest actions against the education reform. The official states that a possibility of conflict between Latvians and Russians on September 1 is lesser than between Russians who will participate in protest actions and those Russians who will not.  According to Andrejs Pantelejevs, some teachers, directors and students of minority schools, who do not support protest actions, have already received threats.

Newspapers feature statements of the Advisor to the Prime Minister on national security issues Andrejs Pantelejevs about the forthcoming protest actions against the education reform. The official states that a possibility of conflict between Latvians and Russians on September 1 is lesser than between Russians who will participate in protest actions and those Russians who will not. According to Andrejs Pantelejevs, some teachers, directors and students of minority schools, who do not support protest actions, have already received threats. Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya

The Chairman of the Riga City Council’s Education, Youth and Sports department Elmars Vebers has sent a letter to minority school directors asking them to report on  information about those students who will be absent at school on 1 – 3 September.

The Chairman of the Riga City Councils Education, Youth and Sports department Elmars Vebers has sent a letter to minority school directors asking them to report on information about those students who will be absent at school on 1 – 3 September. Telegraf

The Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party has terminated its agreement with its youth organization. The Chairman  of LSDLP youth organisation Janis Kuzins participated in the protest action against the education reform, organised by Tatjana Zdanoka in Strasbourg. Participants of the protest action demanded the establishment of the moratorium on the education reform.

The Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party has terminated its agreement with its youth organization. The Chairman of LSDLP youth organisation Janis Kuzins participated in the protest action against the education reform, organised by Tatjana Zdanoka in Strasbourg. Participants of the protest action demanded the establishment of the moratorium on the education reform. Diena, Chas

Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an article about the preparedness of the Jaunogre Secondary Minority school to implement the education reform. The director of the school Ludmila Sokolova states that school is ready for the education reform because already in previous years five subjects in Latvian were taught in this school. The school also supports initiatives to improve Latvian language skills outside school: after school students of 11 and 12 grades teach the Latvian language to parents of their classmates, while teachers teach the Latvian history to help parents to get ready for the naturalisation exams.

Aug. 28, 2004

  • State Security Police aware of about financial sources of the Headquarters of the Defence of Russian-language Schools
  • Article by the director of the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Brigita Zepa on results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on a forthcoming Congress of the Russian Community
  • Russian language newspapers write about the huge interest in Latvian language courses free of charge
  • Latvijas Avize: citizenship could be one of pre-condition to receive scholarships at state universities
  • Excerpts of an article published by the Dagens Nyheters about Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia
  • Sociolinguistic research ‘Proficiency and Usage of the Latvian language in Liepaja in 2004
  • Riga Sampetera Minority Elementary School reorganised into a Minority Secondary school
State Security Police are informed about financial sources of the Headquarters of the Defence of Russian-language Schools, has stated the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons. The Minister revealed that a part of funding comes from Moscow, however, he does think that it could cause any threats to state security. The member of the Headquarters Aleksandrs Kazakovs responded that at his disposal there is no information that the Headquarters is funded by Moscow. 

State Security Police are informed about financial sources of the Headquarters of the Defence of Russian-language Schools, has stated the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons. The Minister revealed that a part of funding comes from Moscow, however, he does think that it could cause any threats to state security. The member of the Headquarters Aleksandrs Kazakovs responded that at his disposal there is no information that the Headquarters is funded by Moscow. Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Eriks Jekabsons. He hopes that no conflicts will take place during the protest actions on 1 September and that parents will take measures to ensure security of their children and will not allow them to participate in protest actions. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Diena prints an article by the director of the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Brigita Zepa on results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform. Brigita Zepa stresses that bilingual education and the transition to studies mainly in Latvian language are two different issues therefore should not be mixed. Although it is considered that in general bilingual education has been implemented successfully, in some cases it still does not ensure fully the transfer to studies in the Latvian language. Also the attitude of different target groups to bilingual education and the transfer to studies in Latvian are quite diverse: if bilingual education is perceived in a positive light by majority of minority teachers and students, then the transfer to studies mainly in Latvian is evaluated mostly negatively. According to the author, the political statement that the education reform in minority secondary school will enhance competitiveness of minority children in the job market does not convinces their parents. However, Latvians (84%) as well as non-Latvians (82%) believe in a necessity to form a unitary society in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya reports on a forthcoming Congress of the Russian Community. The newspaper writes that it will be an officially registered organisation in Latvia and Strasbourg. The organisation will be registered in two countries to be able to establish a dialogue with the state with the help of European organisations. The first meeting of the Congress is scheduled for 12 September.

Russian language newspapers write about the huge interest in Latvian language courses free of charge. According to newspapers, there are 400 persons for available 150 places.

Russian language newspapers write about the huge interest in Latvian language courses free of charge. According to newspapers, there are 400 persons for available 150 places. Vesti, Chas

Latvijas Avize writes that Latvian citizenship may become one of pre-conditions to receive a scholarship at state universities. Recently the government adopted new provisions, which stipulate that as of academic year 2004/2005 the amount of scholarship at state universities is increased from 8 to 70 lats, but is paid only to students with excellent and good grades. The Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes that in cases when several students apply for one scholarship the preference should be given to disabled persons, orphans and also Latvian citizens. The Head of the State Human Rights Bureau Analyses Department Liga Bikseniece regards the citizenship criteria a violation of human rights.

Diena reprints excerpts of the article by the Swedish professors Thomas Lunden and Krister Valbek, published by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, about Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia. According to the authors, the Russian-speakers, who arrived to Latvia and Estonia after the World War II, should not be regarded as a minority, but as immigrants. ‘If we regard them as one of the largest immigrant groups in Europe, it becomes obvious that in many areas they are more privileged than Turks in Germany or Northern Africans in France are, state the authors. State funded primary schools in the Baltic States they name as one of examples of privileges.

The Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia and Liepaja Pedagogical Academy conducted a sociolinguistic research ‘Proficiency and Usage of the Latvian language in Liepaja in 2004.’ The study reveals that Latvian language proficiency of non-Latvians in Liepaja has improved since last year.

The Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia and Liepaja Pedagogical Academy conducted a sociolinguistic research ‘Proficiency and Usage of the Latvian language in Liepaja in 2004. The study reveals that Latvian language proficiency of non-Latvians in Liepaja has improved since last year. Latvijas Avize

The Riga Sampetera Minority Elementary School is re-organised into a minority secondary school.

The Riga Sampetera Minority Elementary School is re-organised into a minority secondary school. Latvijas Avize

Aug. 27, 2004

  • Riga City Council does not authorise a procession against the education reform
  • Number of non-Latvians who are interested in learning the Latvian language increases
  • Activist of the Headquarters talks about the goals of the Congress of the Russian Community
  • Conference for foreign diplomats about current issues in the area of societal integration
  • Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks calls Russia to recognise the occupation of the Baltic States
  • Vice-mayor of the Riga City Council Sergejs Dolgopolovs expresses his opinion about motivation of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to protest against the education reform
  • Article by the historian Leo Dribins on the formation of Jewish and Ukrainian identities in Latvia during last two years
  • Latvijas Avize reports on the visit of state officials to Moscow to explain the necessity of the education reform in Latvia
  • Reportage about the hunger strike against the education reform
The Riga City Council has not authorised a procession against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. The Riga City Council justified their decision with the ‘categorical recommendations of the police.’

The Riga City Council has not authorised a procession against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. The Riga City Council justified their decision with the ‘categorical recommendations of the police. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Yesterday numerous non-Latvians waited in a queue as of 6 am to apply for free of charge Latvian language courses. The Societal Integration Foundation has allocated 160,000 lats to offer Latvian language courses free of charge for 2,700 non-Latvians. The director of the Societal Integration Foundation Nils Sakss reported that this year the interest about Latvian language courses has considerably increased. However, the Director also expressed his concern about the future of courses, as it is not clear whether the state will provide funding in the future.

Yesterday numerous non-Latvians waited in a queue as of 6 am to apply for free of charge Latvian language courses. The Societal Integration Foundation has allocated 160,000 lats to offer Latvian language courses free of charge for 2,700 non-Latvians. The director of the Societal Integration Foundation Nils Sakss reported that this year the interest about Latvian language courses has considerably increased. However, the Director also expressed his concern about the future of courses, as it is not clear whether the state will provide funding in the future. Diena, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with Aleksandrs Kazakovs, the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools and the advisor of the Russia State Councils deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin. The key discussion subject was goals of the Congress of the Russian Community. Aleksandrs Kazakovs believes that there is a necessity to form an organised Russian as well as Latvian community in Latvia as the specific interests of both communities do not coincide with the states interests. He stresses that a dialogue should be built directly between these two strictly divided communities and the state would be only the third player. When asked about the forthcoming protest actions against the education reform, Aleksandrs Kazakovs states that the Headquarters has asked their young activists to choose whether to attend the protest meeting organised by the Headquarters or the rock concert organised by the Ministry of Education and if they choose the latter they should not have the symbols of the Headquarters on them. He believes that there is no conflict possibility in the protest meeting organised by the Headquarters as it will assemble people with common views and stances, but is very concerned about a conflict possibility in the rock concert.

Yesterday the Foreign Affairs Ministry organised a briefing for foreign diplomats in Latvia on current issues in the area of societal integration, minority education reform and naturalisation.

Yesterday the Foreign Affairs Ministry organised a briefing for foreign diplomats in Latvia on current issues in the area of societal integration, minority education reform and naturalisation. Latvijas Avize

The Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks has called Russia to recognise the occupation of the Baltic States in 1940 in the annual meeting of foreign affair ministers of the Baltic States and Nordic countries.

The Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks has called Russia to recognise the occupation of the Baltic States in 1940 in the annual meeting of foreign affair ministers of the Baltic States and Nordic countries. Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the vice-mayor of the Riga City Council Sergejs Dolgopolovs about motivation of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to protest against the education reform. Sergejs Dolgopolovs believes that there is obvious disagreement among members of the Headquarters: a part of activists are idealists, while others use the education reform as a political instrument to satisfy their personal ambitions. The vice-mayor is convinced that the problem of the education reform cannot be solved by protest actions.

Diena features an article by the historian Leo Dribins about the formation of Jewish and Ukrainian identities in Latvia during last two years. According to the author, many Ukrainians recognise that their identity is divided and they have two - Ukrainian and Russian identities. Leo Dribins believes that it is a consequence of Soviet identity, in which the linguistic part had a determining role while ethnic and national line was defeated. Leo Dribins notes that civic identification of Ukrainians in Latvia is slow, because only 20% of Ukrainians are naturalized. Meanwhile Jews of Latvia perceive Latvia as their native country and relate their future to that, while Israel is perceived as the protector of all Jews. 34% Jews are not Latvian citizens.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane about the visit of a delegation of state officials to Moscow to explain the necessity of the education reform in Latvia. The columnist Maris Antonevics describes the visit as useless because it is impossible to switch the ‘Russia machine of propaganda into a favourable direction by giving few interviews.

Vesti Segodnya prints a large reportage about the hunger strike against the education reform. The newspaper condemns state officials about their disinterest in meeting with participants of the hunger strike. The newspaper states that state officials are more interested in opinions of directors who are easy to manipulate than opinions of parents defending the interests of their children.

Aug. 26, 2004

  • Articles commenting readiness of the state police for the forthcoming protest action on 1 September
  • Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksands Kirsteins: the Baltic States should demand compensations from Russia
  • Tatjana Zdanoka will inform the European Parliament about the protest actions against the education reform
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform
  • Response of the anaesthesiologist Viktors Dergunovs to the letter of the head of the Riga City Councils For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM fraction doctor Janis Birks
  • Interview with the director of the documentary film ‘Non-equilateral triangle Vladislavs Andrejevs

Diena reports about readiness of the state police for the forthcoming protest action on 1 September. The Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons has stated that the police have elaborated a special security plan which will be able to prevent all bad surprises. Diena notes that in the home page of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools there is an announcement about a new protest action: during the rock concert, organised by the Ministry of Education and Science, there will be a procession from the Strelnieku Square in Old Riga to the building of the Cabinet of Ministers. According to the newspaper, the procession is not authorised by the Riga City Council. Leaders of the Headquarters Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs deny their involvement in organising this procession. Rigas Balss writes that yesterday activities of education reforms opponents were discussed also during the meeting of the National Security Council. Diena, Rigas Balss

Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksands Kirsteins believes that the Baltic States should demand Russia to pay them compensation for damages caused by the USSR’s occupation. According to the MP, the states should come up with new and specific demands, for instance, Russia should pay pensions to the disabled persons who became disabled when serving in the USSR army in Afghanistan war.

Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksands Kirsteins believes that the Baltic States should demand Russia to pay them compensation for damages caused by the USSRs occupation. According to the MP, the states should come up with new and specific demands, for instance, Russia should pay pensions to the disabled persons who became disabled when serving in the USSR army in Afghanistan war. Chas, Telegraf

Member of the European Parliament (EP) Tatjana Zdanoka is planning to inform other members of the EP about the protest actions against the education reform.

Member of the European Parliament (EP) Tatjana Zdanoka is planning to inform other members of the EP about the protest actions against the education reform. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports on results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. According to the research, only 10% of minority school teachers support the ratio of Latvian and Russian languages, stipulated by the education reform, while 65% of teachers support the model of bilingual education and 22% – the education only in Russian language. At the same time 40% minority students foresee that they will participate in protest actions against the reform, 36% have not decided yet, but 24% do not plan to participate in these protest actions.

Chas prints the response of the anaesthesiologist Viktors Dergunovs to the letter of the head of the Riga City Councils For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM faction doctor Janis Birks letter, where Birks condemned Dergunovs participation in a hunger strike against the education reform. Viktors Dergunovs stresses that the party, represented by Janis Birks, initiated the education reform and that in fact it is not oriented at improving Latvian language skills, but it pushes out the Russian language from schools.

Rigas Balss features an interview with the director of the documentary film ‘Non-equilateral Triangle and the journalist of Baltic news in Russias TV channel NTV Vladislavs Andrejevs. The documentary gives an insight into the history of Latvia since 1905 till Latvias accession to the EU and NATO. Vladislavs Andrejevs states that neither he nor his friends nor neighbours dont feel themselves as ‘poor Russians.

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