Sept. 3, 2001

Press Report

Latvian president in her address to the United Nations anti-racism conference in Durban, South Africa spoke of Latvia's experience in solving society integration problems, studying history and eliminating consequences of totalitarian regimes, a spokeswoman reported. Vaira Vike-Freiberga in her address briefly outlined Latvia's history in the 20th century, spoke of crimes committed by the Soviet power against Latvian people, including deportations, discrimination against people because of their antecedents and relatives who had emigrated to the West as well as the planned Russification. Vike-Freiberga also reported about regaining of Latvia's independence and democratization process during the last ten years.

Latvian president in her address to the United Nations anti-racism conference in Durban, South Africa spoke of Latvia's experience in solving society integration problems, studying history and eliminating consequences of totalitarian regimes, a spokeswoman reported. Vaira Vike-Freiberga in her address briefly outlined Latvia's history in the 20th century, spoke of crimes committed by the Soviet power against Latvian people, including deportations, discrimination against people because of their antecedents and relatives who had emigrated to the West as well as the planned Russification. Vike-Freiberga also reported about regaining of Latvia's independence and democratization process during the last ten years. BNS

Russia wishes that its relationship with the Baltic countries is natural and mutually-advantageous, but unfortunately, anti-Russian rhetoric still remains high there, Russian President Vladimir Putin says in an interview to the Finnish newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat". Russia's work will not be aimed at forcing the Baltic States into a tough position, said the Russian President. To his mind, the dialog between Moscow and the Baltic States must be constructive. In commenting on the situation with Russian-speakers in the Baltics, Putin said that Russia only wants that generally-accepted human rights standards are effective there. This is why common standards on ethnic minorities' rights should be worked out for the entire Europe, regardless of whether these minorities live in Europe's south, north, east or west.

LETA, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya

cites Putins question, when he compared the language situation in Macedonia where the Albanian language got the status of the state language with the one in Baltic, Why Russian speaking population in the Baltic States doe not have the right to ask the same? … Why are they worse? In Latvia, to my mind for it stand 30% of Russian speaking population. cites Putin’s question, when he compared the language situation in Macedonia where the Albanian language got the status of the state language with the one in Baltic, “Why Russian speaking population in the Baltic States doe not have the right to ask the same? … “Why are they worse? In Latvia, to my mind for it stand 30% of Russian speaking population.” Next to this article

Next to this article Vesti Segodnya published the reaction of Latvian politicians to this Putins statement. J.Leja (LSDP) was not surprised about it. It is a long time dream of Russia. What concerns equality – all Latvians speak both Latvian and Russian, when Russians will speak both those languages, i.e. also the state language – it will be equality. V.Birkavs (Latvian Way) – this is not anti-Russian rhetoric but anti-Latvian rhetoric, and it is directed not so much against Latvia but against its joining NATO, to slow down this process. And of course, it is favorable for Russia to make Russian the official language of Latvia – in such a case it will soon become also an official language of EU. M.Mitrofanov (FHRUL) feels ashamed in front of Russian President – Russia that has so many internal problems is forced to deal also with things that Russian speakers themselves should do. He points out the small number of people who attend events organized by human rights activists – tens, at the best – hundreds.

Aug. 31, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The popularity rating of Riga mayor Gundars Bojars suffered a dramatic drop from the third place in July to the tenth in August, according to the latest opinion poll by SKDS pollster. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga remained at her traditional position on top of the list, followed by Bank of Latvia President Einars Repse and

The popularity rating of Riga mayor Gundars Bojars suffered a dramatic drop from the third place in July to the tenth in August, according to the latest opinion poll by SKDS pollster. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga remained at her traditional position on top of the list, followed by Bank of Latvia President Einars Repse and

Parliament speaker Janis Straume. Both Vike-Freiberga and Repse improved their ratings in August, but SKDS pointed out that the poll was almost complete when Repse announced his plans to form a new political party in Latvia, therefore the effect of this announcement on the August results was minimum. Having lost much of his previous rating (-24.4), Riga mayor Gundars Bojars now rates at 3.7 points and closes top ten of most popular politicians in Latvia in August. Top three of the most disliked politicians saw some shuffling in August with left-wing Equal Rights party leader Tatyana Zhdanok (-34) giving up the leading position to Socialist party leader Alfreds Rubiks (-36.3) while the People's Party leader and ex-premier Andris Skele remained in the third position (-27.3), despite adding 3.1 positive points to his rating in August.

Parliament speaker Janis Straume. Both Vike-Freiberga and Repse improved their ratings in August, but SKDS pointed out that the poll was almost complete when Repse announced his plans to form a new political party in Latvia, therefore the effect of this announcement on the August results was minimum. Having lost much of his previous rating (-24.4), Riga mayor Gundars Bojars now rates at 3.7 points and closes top ten of most popular politicians in Latvia in August. Top three of the most disliked politicians saw some shuffling in August with left-wing Equal Rights party leader Tatyana Zhdanok (-34) giving up the leading position to Socialist party leader Alfreds Rubiks (-36.3) while the People's Party leader and ex-premier Andris Skele remained in the third position (-27.3), despite adding 3.1 positive points to his rating in August.

Social Democrats Worker Party’s rating has also dropped, however, it is still holding the first position (11.4), followed by FF/LNNK (11.1) and Latvia’s Way (9.7).

Social Democrats Worker Partys rating has also dropped, however, it is still holding the first position (11.4), followed by FF/LNNK (11.1) and Latvias Way (9.7). Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Yesterday Russian ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov held a reception for the group of the teachers of the Russian language and primary school teachers who have just returned from Russia where they had training session of 10 days, which was organised in the framework of the project “Compatriots: Partnership and Education”. The delegation of Latvia was composed of 65 teachers from all parts of Latvia. All expenses were covered by Russia.

Yesterday Russian ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov held a reception for the group of the teachers of the Russian language and primary school teachers who have just returned from Russia where they had training session of 10 days, which was organised in the framework of the project Compatriots: Partnership and Education. The delegation of Latvia was composed of 65 teachers from all parts of Latvia. All expenses were covered by Russia. Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvi, Respublikai


interviews Social Democrats party chairperson J.Bojars. J.Bojars does not see any splitting inside the party and explains the fuss around the party as the actions of some Social Democrats who are working for the interests of right wing parties. However, the chairperson did not want to give any particular names of wrong doers as everybody knows them. Also in regard about partys sponsors J.Bojars did not provide a clear and open answer. In his opinion, the Latvian Government is unstable for the moment and if people had to vote for dissolution of the Parliament, the majority would vote for that. About the situation in Riga City Council J.Bojars says, now we have good, working coalition – residents of Riga have to feel that the ruling coalition works for their benefit irrespectively of residents nationality. When asked if he would like to be either the President or the Prime Minister, J.Bojars did not deny the possibility. interviews Social Democrats party chairperson J.Bojars. J.Bojars does not see any splitting inside the party and explains the fuss around the party as the actions of some Social Democrats who are working for the interests of right wing parties. However, the chairperson did not want to give any particular names of “wrong doers” “as everybody knows them”. Also in regard about party’s sponsors J.Bojars did not provide a clear and open answer. In his opinion, the Latvian Government is unstable for the moment and if people had to vote for dissolution of the Parliament, the majority would vote for that. About the situation in Riga City Council J.Bojars says, “now we have good, working coalition – residents of Riga have to feel that the ruling coalition works for their benefit irrespectively of residents’ nationality”. When asked if he would like to be either the President or the Prime Minister, J.Bojars did not deny the possibility.


publishes TV interview given by A.Garda, director of publishing house Vieda. A.Garda denies that the announcement of the new competition intentionally was made just before anti-racism conference in the South Africa and in no way Russia could manipulate with that against Latvia. In Gardas view all non-citizens (540 000) have to be repatriated and also citizens loyalty will be under investigation. However, he claims that he himself is not going to found a political party, which would implement and present his ideas in 8th Saeima. publishes TV interview given by A.Garda, director of publishing house “Vieda”. A.Garda denies that the announcement of the new competition intentionally was made just before anti-racism conference in the South Africa and in no way Russia could manipulate with that against Latvia. In Garda’s view all non-citizens (540 000) have to be repatriated and also citizens’ loyalty will be under investigation. However, he claims that he himself is not going to found a political party, which would implement and present his ideas in 8th Saeima.

Aug. 30, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Lauku Avize

interviews OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby. The ambassador was asked about the current activities of the OSCE Mission to Latvia, what problems Latvia faces in the field of society integration, as well as Missions opinion about the latest activities organised by Russian young people.
Latvian publishing company Vieda, which became notorious over a youth essay contest seen by many as openly Russophobic, again sprang into focus of public attention by announcing one more controversial contest. This time the publisher has asked lawyers and other interested persons to submit proposals for a bill about Latvia's decolonization and amendments to the criminal law introducing liability for refusing decolonization. The press release also contained some suggestions about likely proposals for the contest. For example, the article to be added to the criminal law could read as follows: "The punishment for genocide, i.e., intentional action aimed at full or partial rejection of Latvia's decolonization, thus creating conditions for full or partial extermination of the Latvian people, purposefully... leading to gradual extinction of Latvian culture and language, subsequently deteriorating the living conditions of Latvians, by promoting 'integration' in mass media, shall be imprisonment from 3 to 20 years or a life sentence." The deadline for submitting proposals in the latest contest is set at Oct. 15. The winner of the contest will be awarded the prize of 300 lats (USD 480). Vieda may again publish a collection of the essays. "It is a happy coincidence that Russia and Latvia have the same interests as regards repatriation of colonists. ... Russia needs at least 700,000 compatriots returning to it annually to ensure its normal development as a nation, the publisher said in its statement. Constitution Protection Office (CPO) deputy chief Uldis Dzenitis told BNS that Vieda "is good at balancing on the edge between expressing one's opinion and committing a criminal offence. He said for now neither the CPO nor the prosecutor's office had any reason to "rush in with decisions." Nevertheless, Vieda remains in the focus of our attention, and they know it, added Dzenitis.

Latvian publishing company Vieda, which became notorious over a youth essay contest seen by many as openly Russophobic, again sprang into focus of public attention by announcing one more controversial contest. This time the publisher has asked lawyers and other interested persons to submit proposals for a bill about Latvia's decolonization and amendments to the criminal law introducing liability for refusing decolonization. The press release also contained some suggestions about likely proposals for the contest. For example, the article to be added to the criminal law could read as follows: "The punishment for genocide, i.e., intentional action aimed at full or partial rejection of Latvia's decolonization, thus creating conditions for full or partial extermination of the Latvian people, purposefully... leading to gradual extinction of Latvian culture and language, subsequently deteriorating the living conditions of Latvians, by promoting 'integration' in mass media, shall be imprisonment from 3 to 20 years or a life sentence." The deadline for submitting proposals in the latest contest is set at Oct. 15. The winner of the contest will be awarded the prize of 300 lats (USD 480). Vieda may again publish a collection of the essays. "It is a happy coincidence that Russia and Latvia have the same interests as regards repatriation of colonists. ... Russia needs at least 700,000 compatriots returning to it annually to ensure its normal development as a nation, the publisher said in its statement. Constitution Protection Office (CPO) deputy chief Uldis Dzenitis told BNS that Vieda "is good at balancing on the edge between expressing one's opinion and committing a criminal offence. He said for now neither the CPO nor the prosecutor's office had any reason to "rush in with decisions." Nevertheless, Vieda remains in the focus of our attention, and they know it, added Dzenitis. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Panorama Latvii, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

The Prime Minister believes that it is regretful that there are people in Latvia who "do not realise what is going on in the world and in what century they live”. According to Berzins, it will become clear in the near future whether "Vieda's" announcing another competition was a coincidence, or perhaps it is an instigation announced ahead of the United Nation's World Conference Against Racism in Durban, and directed toward President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who will take part in the conference.

The Prime Minister believes that it is regretful that there are people in Latvia who "do not realise what is going on in the world and in what century they live. According to Berzins, it will become clear in the near future whether "Vieda's" announcing another competition was a coincidence, or perhaps it is an instigation announced ahead of the United Nation's World Conference Against Racism in Durban, and directed toward President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who will take part in the conference. LETA, Chas

Latvian president believes the publishing company Vieda has announced its new controversial contest one day ahead of anti-racism and anti-prejudice conference in South Africa purposefully to create impression to the conference about Latvia as a country full of prejudices. "It sounds like rather extremist opinion," said Vike-Freiberga noting that "this statement one day prior [to the conference] looks like coordinated with Russia's statements," she said.

Latvian president believes the publishing company Vieda has announced its new controversial contest one day ahead of anti-racism and anti-prejudice conference in South Africa purposefully to create impression to the conference about Latvia as a country full of prejudices. "It sounds like rather extremist opinion," said Vike-Freiberga noting that "this statement one day prior [to the conference] looks like coordinated with Russia's statements," she said. Chas

Nomination of T.Zdanok, a former pro-Soviet activist as the executive director for one of municipal districts in the Latvian capital Riga has raised discussions and speculations about the general political situation in the country. When Latvia embarked on its independence drive, Zhdanok was very active in the pro-Soviet Interfront movement seeking to crush Latvia's hopes for seceding from the Soviet Union. Because of her Communist past, Zhdanok cannot take any elected office as a lawmaker or a city council member under the effective Latvian law but there's no law prohibiting former Communists from holding executive offices. Leftists were given the opportunity to nominate own candidate as the Vidzeme District executive director after nationalist Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party from the central government coalition broke the coalition it had formed on the Riga city council with the Social Democrats. Dainis Ivans, the pro-independence Popular Front leader, is one of the most popular Social Democrat members on the Riga city council, told BNS Wednesday there's no way Zhdanok could become the Vidzeme District executive director. Social Democrat J.Dinevich said that “Social Democrats should respect FHRUL nomination, but we are not able to guarantee that all faction deputies will vote for her”.

Nomination of T.Zdanok, a former pro-Soviet activist as the executive director for one of municipal districts in the Latvian capital Riga has raised discussions and speculations about the general political situation in the country. When Latvia embarked on its independence drive, Zhdanok was very active in the pro-Soviet Interfront movement seeking to crush Latvia's hopes for seceding from the Soviet Union. Because of her Communist past, Zhdanok cannot take any elected office as a lawmaker or a city council member under the effective Latvian law but there's no law prohibiting former Communists from holding executive offices. Leftists were given the opportunity to nominate own candidate as the Vidzeme District executive director after nationalist Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party from the central government coalition broke the coalition it had formed on the Riga city council with the Social Democrats. Dainis Ivans, the pro-independence Popular Front leader, is one of the most popular Social Democrat members on the Riga city council, told BNS Wednesday there's no way Zhdanok could become the Vidzeme District executive director. Social Democrat J.Dinevich said that Social Democrats should respect FHRUL nomination, but we are not able to guarantee that all faction deputies will vote for her. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize,Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

Social Democrat MP Janis Leja has extended financial support to yet another Russian family willing to leave Latvia and move to live in Russia. Leja granted 300 US dollars to family which will leave for Russia as soon as on Thursday.

Social Democrat MP Janis Leja has extended financial support to yet another Russian family willing to leave Latvia and move to live in Russia. Leja granted 300 US dollars to family which will leave for Russia as soon as on Thursday. Panorama Latvii


talks to Latvian language teacher in Russian school I.Sizova. She admits that lately Latvian language skills of Russians have improved rather drastically and that in no way Russians should be considered untalented in learning languages. The teacher is against abolishment of education in Russian – in her opinion it is psychological murder. When asked about the transfer in 2004, she states that in her school 80% of students of the class that majors in mathematics would be capable to study in the state language, however, only 20-30% of students of regular classes are prepared for the transfer to the studies in the state language, however, responsible officials prefer not to see this problem. talks to Latvian language teacher in Russian school I.Sizova. She admits that lately Latvian language skills of Russians have improved rather drastically and that in no way Russians should be considered untalented in learning languages. The teacher is against abolishment of education in Russian – in her opinion it is “psychological murder”. When asked about the transfer in 2004, she states that in her school “80% of students of the class that majors in mathematics would be capable to study in the state language, however, only 20-30% of students of “regular” classes are prepared for the transfer to the studies in the state language, however, responsible officials prefer not to see this problem”.

Aug. 29, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be headed for Durban in South Africa to take part in a UN world conference on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other expressions of hatred. During her visit Latvia's president is also set to meet the first president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. This will be the first time Latvia takes part in the event. The 3rd UN conference against racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and hatred is one of the most important UN conferences in 2001. It is expected that the conference participants will sign a declaration and action plan for governments of the world. The aim of the conference is protection of equality and eradication of hatred and prejudice across the world, including racism, xenophobia, gender inequality, as well as discrimination in global economics. Latvia will share its

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be headed for Durban in South Africa to take part in a UN world conference on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other expressions of hatred. During her visit Latvia's president is also set to meet the first president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. This will be the first time Latvia takes part in the event. The 3rd UN conference against racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and hatred is one of the most important UN conferences in 2001. It is expected that the conference participants will sign a declaration and action plan for governments of the world. The aim of the conference is protection of equality and eradication of hatred and prejudice across the world, including racism, xenophobia, gender inequality, as well as discrimination in global economics. Latvia will share its

experience in clearing up the aftermath of totalitarian regimes, and experience of establishing democracy and a humane state. "The location of the conference is not a coincidence - Just like the Baltic states regained independence 10 years ago, South Africa also freed itself from apartheid in the beginning of the Nineties," said the spokesperson. Latvia will have the chance to tell of its experience in social integration in Latvia, as well as tell of minority education opportunities, historical realisation, gender equality and women's rights issues. It is expected that Vike-Freiberga will take part in the opening of the conference and plenary meetings, as well as the South African president's luncheon in honour of the country delegation leaders on August 31, she will make a speech on September 1 and take part in round table discussions, and a women's leader discussion on September 2

experience in clearing up the aftermath of totalitarian regimes, and experience of establishing democracy and a humane state. "The location of the conference is not a coincidence - Just like the Baltic states regained independence 10 years ago, South Africa also freed itself from apartheid in the beginning of the Nineties," said the spokesperson. Latvia will have the chance to tell of its experience in social integration in Latvia, as well as tell of minority education opportunities, historical realisation, gender equality and women's rights issues. It is expected that Vike-Freiberga will take part in the opening of the conference and plenary meetings, as well as the South African president's luncheon in honour of the country delegation leaders on August 31, she will make a speech on September 1 and take part in round table discussions, and a women's leader discussion on September 2. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga

In its turn, Russia’s delegation is going to draw world’s attention to the protection of rights of Russians residing abroad , particularly in Latvia and Estonia.

In its turn, Russias delegation is going to draw worlds attention to the protection of rights of Russians residing abroad , particularly in Latvia and Estonia. Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja


publishes the editorial of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Research Centre scientist A.Pabriks regarding the recent activities of Russian-speaking young people. Already from the very ancient times in order to have support of the people the rulers provided entertainment to them. In Pubriks opinion Russia follows this practice. Already for some time Russia offers courses for Latvias Russian speaking teachers, provides them with methodological resources, also there are rumours that in Latvia Russia supports not only teachers but also the means of mass media. From this perspective, political scientist analysis the two recent happenings – Solidarity meeting in Mezaparks and the rock concert in the Dome Square. The most essential questions – reasons for organising these events and who were the real organisers. A.Pabriks concludes that the aim of these activities was definitely not to foster thinking oriented to the state of Latvia in young people; second, if Russias money or political interests is behind both events, it should be considered as the beginning of a new political campaign which unifies inside and outside powers that are against society integration, membership to the EU and NATO. The third conclusion is that these happenings were like an investigation to see how organised and manageable are mass meetings. And the last conclusion is that the battle for Russian young people has been launched. publishes the editorial of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Research Centre scientist A.Pabriks regarding the recent activities of Russian-speaking young people. Already from the very ancient times in order to have support of the people the rulers provided entertainment to them. In Pubrik’s opinion Russia follows this practice. Already for some time Russia offers courses for Latvia’s Russian speaking teachers, provides them with methodological resources, also there are rumours that in Latvia Russia supports not only teachers but also the means of mass media. From this perspective, political scientist analysis the two recent happenings – Solidarity meeting in Mezaparks and the rock concert in the Dome Square. The most essential questions – reasons for organising these events and who were the real organisers. A.Pabriks concludes that the aim of these activities was definitely not to foster thinking oriented to the state of Latvia in young people; second, if Russia’s money or political interests is behind both events, it should be considered as the beginning of a new political campaign which unifies inside and outside powers that are against society integration, membership to the EU and NATO. The third conclusion is that these happenings were like an investigation to see how organised and manageable are mass meetings. And the last conclusion is that the battle for Russian young people has been launched. Professor of Uppsala University, East Europe Department S.Hedlund suggests Russia to apologise to the Baltic countries for crimes committed during 50 years of occupation. Professor stresses that Sweden should seriously consider the possibility to include this difficult issue in the talks with Moscow.

Professor of Uppsala University, East Europe Department S.Hedlund suggests Russia to apologise to the Baltic countries for crimes committed during 50 years of occupation. Professor stresses that Sweden should seriously consider the possibility to include this difficult issue in the talks with Moscow. Diena


gives an article about the situation in national minority schools. The lack of qualified teachers, bilingual study books and resources make education experts, school principles and ethnopolicy researchers doubt the statement of the Ministry of Education and Science that Russian schools are ready for the transfer to education only in the state language in 2004. Principles of two Russian schools consider that in their schools not all teachers are ready to teach their subjects in Latvian. Another problem is study books – since 1999 only one study book has been produced and it was a failure. Majority of the experts agree that only half of national minority schools are ready for the transfer. gives an article about the situation in national minority schools. The lack of qualified teachers, bilingual study books and resources make education experts, school principles and ethnopolicy researchers doubt the statement of the Ministry of Education and Science that Russian schools are ready for the transfer to education only in the state language in 2004. Principles of two Russian schools consider that in their schools not all teachers are ready to teach their subjects in Latvian. Another problem is study books – since 1999 only one study book has been produced and it was a failure. Majority of the experts agree that only half of national minority schools are ready for the transfer.


gives an insight in the presentation of the study Prevention of Alienation. Society Integration. According to one of the contributors A.Pabriks the main task of the study was to look into the current week aspects of society integration and come up with another better solutions. gives an insight in the presentation of the study “Prevention of Alienation. Society Integration”. According to one of the contributors A.Pabriks the main task of the study was to look into the current week aspects of society integration and come up with another better solutions. Riga City Council left-wing deputies whose state language proficiency is under doubt keep avoiding the examination already for 4 months. State Language Centre director Dz.Hirsa hopes that the deputies will meet with language inspectors next month, but the deputies are not going to do that as they believe that Latvian legal norms which provide for that deputies have to speak the state language are not in compliance with international pacts on political freedoms and human rights. One deputy – S.Zaletayevs – has undergone the examination and received the highest state language proficiency level. Another of 6 deputies denies the information that he had agreed to take the examination.

Riga City Council left-wing deputies whose state language proficiency is under doubt keep avoiding the examination already for 4 months. State Language Centre director Dz.Hirsa hopes that the deputies will meet with language inspectors next month, but the deputies are not going to do that as they believe that Latvian legal norms which provide for that deputies have to speak the state language are not in compliance with international pacts on political freedoms and human rights. One deputy – S.Zaletayevs – has undergone the examination and received the highest state language proficiency level. Another of 6 deputies denies the information that he had agreed to take the examination. Rigas Balss

Today new premises of Russia’s consulate are officially opened in Ventspils.

Today new premises of Russias consulate are officially opened in Ventspils. Chas


publishes Internet discussion forum where readers could ask their questions to Saeima FHRUL deputy B.Cilevich. The main themes were politics and relations between the nations. publishes Internet discussion forum where readers could ask their questions to Saeima FHRUL deputy B.Cilevich. The main themes were politics and relations between the nations. Yesterday the Government adopted the Regulations on Society Integration Foundation.

Yesterday the Government adopted the Regulations on Society Integration Foundation. Chas provides FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanovs comments on the Foundation. M.Mitrafanov says that FHRUL factions requirements regarding the Foundation were transparency of its activities and involvement of municipalities and NGOs, and these requirements were considered. In Mitrafanovs opinion authorities overestimate the possible amounts of financial support allotted by foreign donators. He thinks that integration programme will be effective not more than 5 years and then the interest will disappear.

Aug. 28, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins will be participating in the meeting of Nordic and Baltic foreign ministers in Helsinki on Tuesday and Wednesday. The meeting intends to address the enlargement perspectives of the European Union and NATO, the influence these processes will have on the region's future, performance and potential of other international organisations in ensuring security of the Baltic Sea region. Other issues to be discussed at the conference in the Finnish capital is the future of Russia's Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, environment and nuclear safety, and the countries' positions in international organisations - the United Nations and the Council of Europe, which will soon be presided by Lithuania.

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins will be participating in the meeting of Nordic and Baltic foreign ministers in Helsinki on Tuesday and Wednesday. The meeting intends to address the enlargement perspectives of the European Union and NATO, the influence these processes will have on the region's future, performance and potential of other international organisations in ensuring security of the Baltic Sea region. Other issues to be discussed at the conference in the Finnish capital is the future of Russia's Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, environment and nuclear safety, and the countries' positions in international organisations - the United Nations and the Council of Europe, which will soon be presided by Lithuania. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika

Latvia's achievements for NATO integration next year by the summit meeting in Prague will be decisive, the decision made in Prague will be based on these achievements, said Denmark's Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketoft in a speech while in Riga for a one-day visit. "...the great trip across a sea does not end once land is in sight. The port must be approached very carefully and docking by the shore is a very complicated manoeuvre. Often this becomes the real test in navigation," said the Danish minister, adding that the Baltics should not stop at what they have achieved.

Nevertheless, Lykketoft said that NATO has a moral responsibility to support Baltic NATO accession, and said that "you have waited long enough."

Diena, Neatkariga The book of youth essays on patriotic themes, controversially valued in Latvia and Russia, Monday saw the third edition of the book published and, a total of 6000 books already have been sold. Director of Vieda, the publisher of the book "We Give Latvia to No One!", Aivars Garda, told BNS this is the first time that the publishing company has to issue the third edition of a book two months after the book's publishing. "Actually, it turns out that we are selling 100 books daily," said Garda. BNS observed the book indeed is popular at the book stores and entered the list of best selling books immediately after the publication. Although at a price of 3 lats (USD 4.82) apiece it is not cheap, people are buying it in the wake of the uproar caused around the essay competition while others are buying it as they partly or fully agree with Garda's views, among them mostly elderly people. The book published by Vieda contains what were regarded best and brightest essays sent in for a youth essay competition whose themes could be regarded as Russophobic. Top national security agency, the Constitution Protection Office, declined to open a criminal case both over the competition and the book saying neither of the two should be seen as inciting to national hatred but as a political discussion protected under the freedom of views and speech guaranteed under the Latvian constitution.

The book of youth essays on patriotic themes, controversially valued in Latvia and Russia, Monday saw the third edition of the book published and, a total of 6000 books already have been sold. Director of Vieda, the publisher of the book "We Give Latvia to No One!", Aivars Garda, told BNS this is the first time that the publishing company has to issue the third edition of a book two months after the book's publishing. "Actually, it turns out that we are selling 100 books daily," said Garda. BNS observed the book indeed is popular at the book stores and entered the list of best selling books immediately after the publication. Although at a price of 3 lats (USD 4.82) apiece it is not cheap, people are buying it in the wake of the uproar caused around the essay competition while others are buying it as they partly or fully agree with Garda's views, among them mostly elderly people. The book published by Vieda contains what were regarded best and brightest essays sent in for a youth essay competition whose themes could be regarded as Russophobic. Top national security agency, the Constitution Protection Office, declined to open a criminal case both over the competition and the book saying neither of the two should be seen as inciting to national hatred but as a political discussion protected under the freedom of views and speech guaranteed under the Latvian constitution. Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Riga City Council FHRUL deputy T.Zhdanok is named as a possible candidate to the post of the executive director for one of Rigas district.

Diena, Neatkariga Riga City Council Chairman Gundars Bojars who is on his visit to Israel at this time will depart for Moscow on August 30 to attend the city celebrations. Bojars will remain in Moscow until September 2. Bojars will be accompanied by his advisor to

Riga City Council Chairman Gundars Bojars who is on his visit to Israel at this time will depart for Moscow on August 30 to attend the city celebrations. Bojars will remain in Moscow until September 2. Bojars will be accompanied by his advisor to

foreign affairs, Armands Kruze, Kukuls, the head of the Environmental Committee on the Riga City Council Valdis Kalnozols from For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (TB/LNNK), and a filming group of the news program "Panorama" on the Latvian Television. Kruze informed that currently only one meeting has been scheduled - with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. The Riga delegation will possibly meet with representatives of the Russian working group which are working on a cooperation agreement between both cities. Kruze declined to comment whether Bojars will meet with the Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's advisor Alexander Perelygin, the head of the Russian working group that was set up for drawing up the draft agreement. Latvia's refusal to issue an entry visa to Perelygin was behind the refusal of the Moscow City Council to delegate its deputies to attend the celebration of Riga's 800th anniversary.

foreign affairs, Armands Kruze, Kukuls, the head of the Environmental Committee on the Riga City Council Valdis Kalnozols from For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (TB/LNNK), and a filming group of the news program "Panorama" on the Latvian Television. Kruze informed that currently only one meeting has been scheduled - with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. The Riga delegation will possibly meet with representatives of the Russian working group which are working on a cooperation agreement between both cities. Kruze declined to comment whether Bojars will meet with the Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's advisor Alexander Perelygin, the head of the Russian working group that was set up for drawing up the draft agreement. Latvia's refusal to issue an entry visa to Perelygin was behind the refusal of the Moscow City Council to delegate its deputies to attend the celebration of Riga's 800th anniversary. Jauna, Chas, Respublika

Lauku Avize

interviews Social Democrat chairperson J.Bojars about party inside problems. J.Bojars denies any possibility of the split inside the party. About the establishment of the new party headed by E.Repse, J.Bojars says that he does not think that this party will be able to do something really radical, as Repse has already made some mistakes and the people would not forget them. When asked if Social Democrats are not getting redder, J.Bojars replies that by involving left-wingers in Councils work we will be able to show their real potential, thus European organisations cannot say that they are pushed aside and isolated from power. In good policy opponent has to be involved. interviews Social Democrat chairperson J.Bojars about party inside problems. J.Bojars denies any possibility of the split inside the party. About the establishment of the new party headed by E.Repse, J.Bojars says that he “does not think that this party will be able to do something really radical, as Repse has already made some mistakes and the people would not forget them”. When asked if Social Democrats are not getting “redder”, J.Bojars replies that “by involving left-wingers in Council’s work we will be able to show their real potential, thus European organisations cannot say that they are pushed aside and isolated from power. In good policy opponent has to be involved”.

Lauku Avize

informs about the article about non-citizens given by news agency informs about the article about non-citizens given by news agency ReutersReuters. In the article it is said that many non-citizens want to become Latvian citizens and stay in Latvia, because living conditions are better in Latvia than they are in Russia, as well as these people feel more related to Latvias culture than Russias. . In the article it is said that many non-citizens want to become Latvian citizens and stay in Latvia, because living conditions are better in Latvia than they are in Russia, as well as these people feel more related to Latvia’s culture than Russia’s. Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins gives an interview to

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins gives an interview to Rigas Balss concerning the Latvia Russia relations. I.Berzinsh hopes that Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars' remarks that the capital has its own foreign policy are a "misunderstanding". Berzins called such talk "foolish - Riga does not have its own foreign policy". Berzins added that he knows Bojars as a "person", and therefore he hopes that his remarks were a mistake. The foreign minister emphasised that each state official must choose what he says carefully because statements are evaluated not only by foreign countries but also in Latvia. Berzins added that he knows nothing about Bojars' reported plan to travel to Washington to help prepare next year's NATO conference in Riga.

Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars admits the possibility to establish coalition of Social Democrats and FHRUL and Centrs in the closest future.

Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars admits the possibility to establish coalition of Social Democrats and FHRUL and Centrs in the closest future. Rigas Balss

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the Regulations on Society Integration Foundation. Saeima FHRUL deputy B.Cilevich sees the Foundation as the main tool for the fair distribution of funds donated by foreign investors. Political scientist N.Muiznieks thinks that the current reading of the regulations does not state clearly the criteria of selecting board members, as well as duties of the director and his/her pay. Saeima FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanov is not satisfied that Regulations provide for the director of the Foundation too much authority.

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the Regulations on Society Integration Foundation. Saeima FHRUL deputy B.Cilevich sees the Foundation as the main tool for the fair distribution of funds donated by foreign investors. Political scientist N.Muiznieks thinks that the current reading of the regulations does not state clearly the criteria of selecting board members, as well as duties of the director and his/her pay. Saeima FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanov is not satisfied that Regulations provide for the director of the Foundation too much authority. Chas, Respublika

Solidarity leader I.Stalnoy came to the newspaper

Solidarity leader I.Stalnoy came to the newspaper Chas to inform that they are not going to tolerate arbitrariness of authorities therefore they will turn to international right protection organisations, including Russias Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for support.

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