Aug. 23, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

On Tuesday the Government passed the Language Law regulations and they will come into force as of 1 September. In opposition to OSCE proposals the six language skill levels are preserved, however, it is up to the employer him-/herself to decide which language level is required from an employee. Also the condition that the names of private companies have to be in Latvian is left unchanged. OSCE proposal to leave the names of foreign persons unchanged was not taken into consideration, however, now according to the regulations it is allowed to organise international public events also in other languages. Tatjana Zhdanoka’s, Lidztiesiba leader, opinion is that the regulations are still discriminating for some part of the society.

On Tuesday the Government passed the Language Law regulations and they will come into force as of 1 September. In opposition to OSCE proposals the six language skill levels are preserved, however, it is up to the employer him-/herself to decide which language level is required from an employee. Also the condition that the names of private companies have to be in Latvian is left unchanged. OSCE proposal to leave the names of foreign persons unchanged was not taken into consideration, however, now according to the regulations it is allowed to organise international public events also in other languages. Tatjana Zhdanokas, Lidztiesiba leader, opinion is that the regulations are still discriminating for some part of the society. Diena, Rigas Balss, Panorama Latvii, Chas

On Tuesday the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the schedule for teachers’ salary increase. Municipalities are concerned with the decision as the funds for increase will be taken from the funds that previously were used for allocating bonuses and extra pays to teachers and there is no increase for teachers working in kindergartens.

On Tuesday the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the schedule for teachers salary increase. Municipalities are concerned with the decision as the funds for increase will be taken from the funds that previously were used for allocating bonuses and extra pays to teachers and there is no increase for teachers working in kindergartens. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika, Chas

An Estonian citizen was held on the charge to bribe immigration policeman in order to receive resident permit.

An Estonian citizen was held on the charge to bribe immigration policeman in order to receive resident permit. Diena, Chas

Janis Karklins, permanent representative in United Nations, handed in the accreditation letter.

Janis Karklins, permanent representative in United Nations, handed in the accreditation letter. Diena, Neatkariga

Normunds Rudevics, Saeima deputy and the chairman of Latvian National Gypsies, was elected in the post of the World Gypsies Prime Minister

Normunds Rudevics, Saeima deputy and the chairman of Latvian National Gypsies, was elected in the post of the World Gypsies Prime Minister. Neatkariga, Jauna

At the end of the August, the meeting of 3 Baltic States and 5 Scandinavian Prime Ministers and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs is scheduled in Pernava.

At the end of the August, the meeting of 3 Baltic States and 5 Scandinavian Prime Ministers and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs is scheduled in Pernava. Neatkariga

Russian newspaper

Chas gives a story about naturalisation procedure and process of a real person.

Aug. 22, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Raimonds Pauls has left the New Party. Raimonds Pauls, ex-chairman of the New Party, bases his decision on “not healthy relations in the Party”. Exactly at the same time the current leader of this party A.Slesers has proposed Latvijas cels to start discussions about consolidation. R.Pauls does not have any intentions to leave nor Saeima neither political stage of the country.

Raimonds Pauls has left the New Party. Raimonds Pauls, ex-chairman of the New Party, bases his decision on not healthy relations in the Party. Exactly at the same time the current leader of this party A.Slesers has proposed Latvijas cels to start discussions about consolidation. R.Pauls does not have any intentions to leave nor Saeima neither political stage of the country. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Respublika, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

On Monday the Government Committee accepted the State Language regulations without essential changes. Supposedly, the Cabinet of Ministers will approve them on Tuesday.

On Monday the Government Committee accepted the State Language regulations without essential changes. Supposedly, the Cabinet of Ministers will approve them on Tuesday. Diena, Chas

Neatkariga informs that Olafs Bruvers, the director of the Bureau of Human Rights, is satisfied with the last version of the law as proposals from both BHR and Max van der Stoel are taken into consideration. However, the left wing Union for Human Rights in United Latvia, is still not satisfied. They are planning to continue with protests, however, the more accurate plans will be made after learning the passed version of the regulations in September.

Neatkariga informs that Olafs Bruvers, the director of the Bureau of Human Rights, is satisfied with the last version of the law as proposals from both BHR and Max van der Stoel are taken into consideration. However, the left wing Union for Human Rights in United Latvia, is still not satisfied. They are planning to continue with protests, however, the more accurate plans will be made after learning the passed version of the regulations in September. Panorama Latvii reflects the opinion of Miroslav Mitrofanov (Union for Human Rights in United Latvia) regarding the Language Law. M.Mitrofanov considers that the changes made are not a compromise but only an imitation of it as no changes were introduced in three important spheres – 1) free translations of personal written documents addressed to the state institutions and municipalities; 2) duplication of the information in Russian and other languages; 3) cancelling the mandatory requirement to provide translation into the state language for the public events.

The possibility that the salaries of the teachers will be raised is under doubt. Today the Cabinet of the Ministers is planning to discuss the way the salary increase for teachers will be arranged. The concern is that the increase is based on the old and not updated scheme.

The possibility that the salaries of the teachers will be raised is under doubt. Today the Cabinet of the Ministers is planning to discuss the way the salary increase for teachers will be arranged. The concern is that the increase is based on the old and not updated scheme. Neatkariga

Maira Mora will take the position of the ambassador in Lithuania. The previous ambassador A. Sjanits will continue to work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs taking the post of the advisor in foreign affairs.

Maira Mora will take the position of the ambassador in Lithuania. The previous ambassador A. Sjanits will continue to work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs taking the post of the advisor in foreign affairs. Neatkariga

Leonid Kuchma, the President of Ukraine, is the only one official person who has been met by V.Vike-Freiberga during her vacation in Ukraine. In the course of this private meeting Leonid Kuchma invited the President of Latvia to visit Ukraine in official state visit. In the fall the Prime Minister of Ukraine will visit Latvia and after some time of this visit it will be followed by the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Leonid Kuchma, the President of Ukraine, is the only one official person who has been met by V.Vike-Freiberga during her vacation in Ukraine. In the course of this private meeting Leonid Kuchma invited the President of Latvia to visit Ukraine in official state visit. In the fall the Prime Minister of Ukraine will visit Latvia and after some time of this visit it will be followed by the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Neatkariga, Respublika, Chas

Aug. 21, 2000

Press Report

It is planned that the Government will consider the draft regulations to the State Language Law today, trying to balance the proposals of the OSCE experts, criticism of local politicians and interests of the whole populations. The OSCE had not sent its evaluation of the last version of the draft regulations until Friday.

It is planned that the Government will consider the draft regulations to the State Language Law today, trying to balance the proposals of the OSCE experts, criticism of local politicians and interests of the whole populations. The OSCE had not sent its evaluation of the last version of the draft regulations until Friday. Chas So far the major protests have came from the movement Equality and they will wait till the regulations would be adopted, but statements of the movements leader T.Zhdanoks indicate that the left-wingers would continue their protest actions. Diena

On Sunday evening Ukrainian President L.Kuchma met with Latvian President V.V.Freiberga in Kuchma’s residence in Yalta where Latvian President received an invitation to visit Ukraine on an official visit. Both Presidents found bilateral relations to be excellent.

On Sunday evening Ukrainian President L.Kuchma met with Latvian President V.V.Freiberga in Kuchmas residence in Yalta where Latvian President received an invitation to visit Ukraine on an official visit. Both Presidents found bilateral relations to be excellent. Diena

About 300 former legionnaires and their relatives gathered in Smarde for the second meeting of Latvian legionnaires to remember their wartime experiences.

About 300 former legionnaires and their relatives gathered in Smarde for the second meeting of Latvian legionnaires to remember their wartime experiences. Diena

This summer in Czech Republic took place Congress of Roma communities. The representatives of Roma people established a united structure with the Parliament, Cabinet of Ministers (Commissariat) and Roma Court. The Chief Commissioner of the World Roma Government became the deputy of Latvian Saeima N.Rudevics.

This summer in Czech Republic took place Congress of Roma communities. The representatives of Roma people established a united structure with the Parliament, Cabinet of Ministers (Commissariat) and Roma Court. The Chief Commissioner of the World Roma Government became the deputy of Latvian Saeima N.Rudevics. Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 19, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Council of Latvijas Cels supported the request of the Prosecutor General to the Saeima to agree to start criminal proceedings against the Saeima deputy J.Adamsons. It means that the majority of LC Saeima faction could have the same opinion. But still there is no certainty that all LC faction deputies will vote for this proposal. In its turn the Council of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party did not agree to the request of the Prosecutor General.

The Council of Latvijas Cels supported the request of the Prosecutor General to the Saeima to agree to start criminal proceedings against the Saeima deputy J.Adamsons. It means that the majority of LC Saeima faction could have the same opinion. But still there is no certainty that all LC faction deputies will vote for this proposal. In its turn the Council of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party did not agree to the request of the Prosecutor General. Diena

The leader of the movement Equality T.Zhdanok informed that left wing political organisations were still dissatisfied with the last draft regulations to the State Language Law after the Government had incorporated there the recommendations of the OSCE experts, they and would continue protest actions. The left wing Union For Human Rights in United Latvia evaluated yesterday the new wording of the regulations and came to a conclusion that no radical changes had been made. Left wingers do not like the facts that the six levels of the language proficiency were preserved and it would be the employer who decided the necessary language proficiency level for his employees.

The leader of the movement Equality T.Zhdanok informed that left wing political organisations were still dissatisfied with the last draft regulations to the State Language Law after the Government had incorporated there the recommendations of the OSCE experts, they and would continue protest actions. The left wing Union For Human Rights in United Latvia evaluated yesterday the new wording of the regulations and came to a conclusion that no radical changes had been made. Left wingers do not like the facts that the six levels of the language proficiency were preserved and it would be the employer who decided the necessary language proficiency level for his employees. Neatkariga

Co-Chairman of the New Party A.Slesers made a proposal to unite the New Party with Latvijas Cels. LC Chairman A.Pantelejevs pointed out that so far his was only A.Slesers’ idea because the party statutes did not stipulate uniting of parties.

Co-Chairman of the New Party A.Slesers made a proposal to unite the New Party with Latvijas Cels. LC Chairman A.Pantelejevs pointed out that so far his was only A.Slesers idea because the party statutes did not stipulate uniting of parties. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

Disregarding the rumours about visiting terrorists, Latvian MFA do not plan to make stricter entry procedures for foreigners coming to Latvia. Also Latvian diplomatic representatives abroad would keep the same working hours.

Disregarding the rumours about visiting terrorists, Latvian MFA do not plan to make stricter entry procedures for foreigners coming to Latvia. Also Latvian diplomatic representatives abroad would keep the same working hours. Chas

Aug. 18, 2000

Press Report

The Satversme Court considered the request of the 23 opposition MPs to evaluate the conformity of the Saeima and municipal election laws, prohibiting former KGB employees and persons who were in the Communist party after January 13, 1991 to run for election, to the Constitution and international human rights standards. The decision will be announced on August 30.

The Satversme Court considered the request of the 23 opposition MPs to evaluate the conformity of the Saeima and municipal election laws, prohibiting former KGB employees and persons who were in the Communist party after January 13, 1991 to run for election, to the Constitution and international human rights standards. The decision will be announced on August 30. Diena, Neatkariga,

Chas describes it as the first political court proceeding in Latvia – questioned is correctness of the internal policy of Latvia.

Chas describes it as the first political court proceeding in Latvia – questioned is correctness of the internal policy of Latvia.

Latvian University Philosophy and Sociology Institute published a book “Integration and Ethnic Policy” where the authors analyse ethnic political situation in Latvia and its role in the process of integration.

Latvian University Philosophy and Sociology Institute published a book Integration and Ethnic Policy where the authors analyse ethnic political situation in Latvia and its role in the process of integration. Diena

Taking into consideration the recent successful co-operation with Russia in the investigation process on the war criminals K.Kalejs and K.Ozols, Latvian Prosecutor General’s Office decided to invite this country for an international meeting to discuss the criminal investigation process concerning those two men.

Taking into consideration the recent successful co-operation with Russia in the investigation process on the war criminals K.Kalejs and K.Ozols, Latvian Prosecutor Generals Office decided to invite this country for an international meeting to discuss the criminal investigation process concerning those two men. Neatkariga, Chas

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga after returning from her vacation has planned two international visits – on September 3 – 8 she will go the USA for the UN Millennium Summit and on September 20 – 2- to Norway.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga after returning from her vacation has planned two international visits – on September 3 – 8 she will go the USA for the UN Millennium Summit and on September 20 – 2- to Norway. Neatkariga

The Deputy Chairman of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Urbanovics in

The Deputy Chairman of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Urbanovics in Respublika speaks about Latvian – Russian relations. He states that those countries never had either long or short-term strategy for developing these relations. The relations depend on political situation. And the Russian speaking population in Latvia has become a political hostage of both countries.

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