Aug. 10, 2011

  • Security Police initiated a criminal proceeding on incitement to ethnic hatred against the MP Janis Iesalnieks for his comment about the tragic events in Norway
  • Newspapers reader about inscription Russians out! written on a building in the centre of a town

The Security Police initiated a criminal proceeding on incitement to ethnic hatred against the member of nationalists party All for Latvia!, MP Janis Iesalnieks for his comment about the tragic events in Norway on 22 July. As reported, Janis Iesalnieks in his Twitter forum stated that multiculturalists should feel guilty for the massacre because their policy of islamisation led to insanity of the attacker. The Iesalnieks statement caused a wave of criticism in the society and pushed him to leave the post of the partys board member and announce that he will not to stand for the up-coming Saeimas election. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena

Chas reports about a complaint of the newspapers reader about inscription Russians out! written on abandoned building in the centre of Skulte (small town near Riga). According to the complaint, the inscription was made in spring.


Aug. 9, 2011

  • Ombudsman Juris Jansons: Ombudsmans Office did enough to facilitate issues regarding non-citizens rights
  • Minister of Culture presented the President of Latvia the draft program of national identity and integration
  • Head of the Riga bureau of the IOM Ilmars Mezs: Latvia itself will invite immigrants by 2020
  • Diena prints an article about the discourse of Russian language printed media

Telegraf prints an interview with the Ombudsman Juris Jansons. Replying to a question whether the Ombudsman will come with any initiatives following the opinion presented by the former Ombudsman Romans Apsitis on unjustified restrictions on the rights of non-citizens, Mr Jansons stated that the opinion was presented to the Saeima and the Cabinet of Ministers, however there are no further developments regarding the issues. Mr Jansons believes that the Ombudsmans Office did enough to facilitate these issues. As reported, in 2008, the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis published opinion on differences between rights of citizens and non-citizens concluding that some restrictions on non-citizens are not justified.

Yesterday, the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte presented the President of Latvia Andris Berzins the draft program of national identity and integration. The Minister and the President agreed that Latvian language has great importance for integration and the most effective integration process would be starting it in the pre-school years teaching small children Latvian language.

Yesterday, the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte presented the President of Latvia Andris Berzins the draft program of national identity and integration. The Minister and the President agreed that Latvian language has great importance for integration and the most effective integration process would be starting it in the pre-school years teaching small children Latvian language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Latvia itself will invite immigrants by 2020 due to shortage of labour force – believes the head of the Riga bureau of the International Migration Office (IOM) Ilmars Mezs. According to Mr Mezs immigration policy in Latvia and Estonia is the most severe comparing to the other EU countries. Mr Mezs also believes that it would be fair for Latvia to take part in the allocation of refugees arrived to Europe according to its economic opportunities.

Latvia itself will invite immigrants by 2020 due to shortage of labour force – believes the head of the Riga bureau of the International Migration Office (IOM) Ilmars Mezs. According to Mr Mezs immigration policy in Latvia and Estonia is the most severe comparing to the other EU countries. Mr Mezs also believes that it would be fair for Latvia to take part in the allocation of refugees arrived to Europe according to its economic opportunities. Vesti Segodnya

According to the acting Minister of Interior Aigars Stokenbergs, there is increase of display of radical opinions in the Russian language newspapers. However, media experts interviewed by Diena do not confirm such statement.  The experts consider that discourse of Russian language printed media differs from the discourse of Latvian language newspapers but it has not changed during past several years.

According to the acting Minister of Interior Aigars Stokenbergs, there is increase of display of radical opinions in the Russian language newspapers. However, media experts interviewed by Diena do not confirm such statement. The experts consider that discourse of Russian language printed media differs from the discourse of Latvian language newspapers but it has not changed during past several years. Diena

Aug. 8, 2011

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Girts Valdis Kristovskis: electorate of the Concord Centre does not understand interests of the national state
  • NGO Latgolys Saeima collects signatures in support of granting Latgalian language status of regional language
According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Girts Valdis Kristovskis, the electorate of the Concord Centre does not understand interests of the national state and its advantages. Mr Kristovskis believes that documents on establishment of Latvian Republic and the Constitution show that Latvia is state of ethnic Latvian nation.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Girts Valdis Kristovskis, the electorate of the Concord Centre does not understand interests of the national state and its advantages. Mr Kristovskis believes that documents on establishment of Latvian Republic and the Constitution show that Latvia is state of ethnic Latvian nation. Vesti Segodnya

An NGO “Latgolys Saeima” initiated a collection of signatures on the Internet in support of granting Latgalian language status of regional language in Latvia. According to the NGO, Latgalian language which is mother tongue for large part of the Latvian residents does not have any formal rights.

An NGO Latgolys Saeima initiated a collection of signatures on the Internet in support of granting Latgalian language status of regional language in Latvia. According to the NGO, Latgalian language which is mother tongue for large part of the Latvian residents does not have any formal rights. Chas

Aug. 6, 2011

  • Number of residents who renounced the status of Latvian non-citizen in favour of other countries citizenship decreases
  • 62 third country nationals detained for illegal crossing of Latvian border
According to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA), this year, number of residents who renounced the status of Latvian non-citizen in favour of other countries’ citizenship decreased comparing with the 2010. During first six months of 2011, the OCMA reviewed 1,587 applications on renunciation of non-citizen’s status which is by 43% less than during the first half of 2010. The majority of non-citizens takes citizenship of Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany, but remains to reside in Latvia permanently.

According to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA), this year, number of residents who renounced the status of Latvian non-citizen in favour of other countries citizenship decreased comparing with the 2010. During first six months of 2011, the OCMA reviewed 1,587 applications on renunciation of non-citizens status which is by 43% less than during the first half of 2010. The majority of non-citizens takes citizenship of Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany, but remains to reside in Latvia permanently. Vesti Segodnya

The State Border Guard Service detained 62 third country nationals for illegal crossing of Latvian border during the first six months of 2011. The majority of illegals – 26 persons – were citizens of Democratic Republic of Congo.

The State Border Guard Service detained 62 third country nationals for illegal crossing of Latvian border during the first six months of 2011. The majority of illegals – 26 persons – were citizens of Democratic Republic of Congo. Diena

Aug. 5, 2011

  • 94 persons asked for asylum in Latvia
  • Education Initiative Centre will train more than 100 teachers and their assistants on how to work with Roma children and their families
  • Saeimas Committee rejected proposal to withdraw legal norms which stipulate granting residence permits to foreigners who possess expensive real estate in Latvia
  • Miroslavs Mitrofanovs: the aim of the FHRUL to is preserve Russian platform
  • Diena: none of the most popular political parties supports moratorium on sensitive ethnic and history issues
94 persons asked for asylum in Latvia during the first half of 2011 which is 71 persons more than in 2010. The majority of asylum seekers – 52 - were from Georgia and 14 from Congo.

94 persons asked for asylum in Latvia during the first half of 2011 which is 71 persons more than in 2010. The majority of asylum seekers – 52 - were from Georgia and 14 from Congo. Telegraf

An NGO “Education Initiative Centre” will train more than 100 teachers and their assistants on how to work with Roma children and their families in Riga, Daugavpils, Kuldiga and Tukums. Teachers will be trained about the principles of inclusive education.

An NGO Education Initiative Centre will train more than 100 teachers and their assistants on how to work with Roma children and their families in Riga, Daugavpils, Kuldiga and Tukums. Teachers will be trained about the principles of inclusive education. Latvijas Avize

The Saeima’s Defence, Interior Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee rejected proposal of the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to withdraw legal norms which stipulate granting residence permits to foreigners who possess expensive real estate in Latvia. Members of the nationalists’ union believe this norm represents an immoral sale of residence permits.

The Saeimas Defence, Interior Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee rejected proposal of the nationalists union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to withdraw legal norms which stipulate granting residence permits to foreigners who possess expensive real estate in Latvia. Members of the nationalists union believe this norm represents an immoral sale of residence permits. Latvijas Avize

According to one of the leaders of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) Miroslavs Mitrofanovs, the aim of the party is to preserve Russian platform which at present is disappearing due to changes in the Concord Centre (CC). Mr Mitrofanovs believes that the CC brushes aside issues regarding protection of rights of Russian speaking residents and history. Mr Mitrofanovs considers that all non-citizens should be grated Latvian citizenship automatically and Russian should become official language in Latvia.

According to one of the leaders of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) Miroslavs Mitrofanovs, the aim of the party is to preserve Russian platform which at present is disappearing due to changes in the Concord Centre (CC). Mr Mitrofanovs believes that the CC brushes aside issues regarding protection of rights of Russian speaking residents and history. Mr Mitrofanovs considers that all non-citizens should be grated Latvian citizenship automatically and Russian should become official language in Latvia. Telegraf

Diena reports that none of the most popular political parties supports moratorium on sensitive ethnic and history issues for the next three years proposed by the Concord Centre. The newspaper questioned representatives of the Unity, the All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, the Union of Greens and Farmers, the For Human Rights in United Latvia, and the Latvias First Party/Latvias Way.

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