Aug. 25, 2008

  • Newspapers report about a conference Russian World in the Baltic States as a Factor for Co-operation and Development of the Society
  • MP Ainars Slesers: all special assignments secretariats probably will be liquidated
  • The Border Guard Service has detained a citizen of Azerbaijan illegally crossing Latvias-Russias border for second time

Newspapers report about a conference Russian World in the Baltic States as a Factor for Co-operation and Development of the Society held in Riga on 22 and 23 August. Members of Russian NGOs in Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, Russias Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Veshnyakov and Russias officials took part in the conference. The Russias Ambassador has stated that Russian residents in Latvia should co-operate with Latvian state authorities for establishment of integrated society. The participants of the conference adopted a common resolution calling on Latvian government to grant Latvian non-citizens rights to vote and to stand as candidates in elections to the European Parliament and municipalities. Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

The leader of the Latvia’s First Party/Latvia’s Way, MP Ainars Slesers in an interview with

The leader of the Latvias First Party/Latvias Way, MP Ainars Slesers in an interview with Telegraf has stated that special assignments secretariats including the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration probably will be liquidated from 1 January 2009. Functions of secretariats will be divided between various ministries.

Telegraf reports that the Border Guard Service has detained a citizen of Azerbaijan illegally crossing Latvias-Russias border for second time. According to detained citizen of Azerbaijan, he is forced to cross the border illegally in order to visit his wife, who is Latvian citizen. Representative of the Border Guard Service has stated that although the man is married to a Latvian citizen, he is included into the list of persons banned from entering Schengen area. After the reasons why he was denied Schengen visa will be clarified, the man could be granted so-called limited visa which would allow his stay only in Latvia.


Aug. 22, 2008

  • Chas prints an article about Roma in Europe and Latvia
  • Latvian writer Aivars Tarvids: it is time to demolish the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the leaders of the nationalistic Latvian party All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars and Imants Paradnieks

Chas prints an article about Roma in Europe and Latvia. According to the head of Roma NGO in Daugavpils Nevodrom Vjaceslavs Nefedovs, Roma have troubles to get employed in Latvia because of poor state language proficiency and luck of education, therefore, there is high need for language courses. However, Mr. Nefedovs complains that funding granted to the NGO is too low for effective integration of Roma.

Vesti Segodnya reports that famous Latvian writer Aivars Tarvids has stated that on the eve of 90th anniversary of the independence of Latvian state it is time to demolish the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders. Aivars Tarvids believes that military conflict in Georgia indicated that there is spilt in Latvian society as ethnic Russian residents support Russia while ethnic Latvians – Georgia and that open confrontation between Russians and Latvians in Latvia is possible.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the leaders of the nationalistic Latvian party All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars and Imants Paradnieks. According to them many ethnic Latvians do not feel like they are owners of Latvia because of large number of non-Latvian residents, therefore, it is important to achieve at least that Latvian language is dominating in all spheres of life. Raivis Dzintars believes that ethnic Latvians are discriminated against when required Russian language proficiency and usage at work.

Aug. 21, 2008

  • Chas prints an article about consolidation of Russians in Latvia
  • All for Latvia! will hold an ending event of the action Protect Language in the centre of Riga

Chas prints an article by the member of the Russian Community in Latvia and the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia Igors Vatolins about consolidation of Russians in Latvia. Mr. Vatolins believes that Russian community in Latvia has many resources such as large number of Russian speaking residents, successful Russian entrepreneurs, Russian language schools and other cultural-educational establishments. However, luck of ability to co-operate among Russian NGOs and luck of precisely defined common aims, tasks and slogans hinder development and success of the whole Russian community in Latvia.

Tomorrow, activist of the nationalistic party “All for Latvia!” will hold an ending event of the action “Protect Language” in the centre of Riga. As reported, the aim of the action is to make sure that all state funded schools provide education only in Latvian language starting from first and strengthen the state language positions in the state.

Tomorrow, activist of the nationalistic party All for Latvia! will hold an ending event of the action Protect Language in the centre of Riga. As reported, the aim of the action is to make sure that all state funded schools provide education only in Latvian language starting from first and strengthen the state language positions in the state. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 20, 2008

  • Diena prints an article by a researcher of the Centre for Public Policy Providus about the results of a new study on impact of Latvian legislation on integration of immigrants
  • Two Georgians ask for asylum in Latvia

Diena prints an article by a researcher of the Centre for Public Policy Providus Dace Akule about the results of a new study on impact of Latvian legislation on integration of immigrants in such fields as access to labour market, family unification and conditions to receive residency permit, political participation and anti-discrimination. According to the study, immigrants with a temporary residency permits are in unfavorable situation as compared with local residents, residents with permanent residency permits and EU permanent residents. Despite the fact that residents with temporary residency permit pay the same amount of taxes as local residents, they and their children are not granted state funded health care, social and legal aid, nor education. The state also does not provide learning of Latvian language for immigrants. The study also reveals that data about social-economic situation, access to health care, education and other social services of immigrants and their families are not gathered, as well as discrimination of migrants is not monitored. Author of the study believes that all these factors hinder integration of immigrants and might lead to split of society and negative social economic consequences.

Yesterday, two Georgians have appealed to the State Border Guard Service asking for asylum in Latvia. In accordance with the Asylum Law, the applications were accepted and both applicants got interviewed. Materials of the case are forwarded to the Citizenship and Migration Board for evaluation.

Yesterday, two Georgians have appealed to the State Border Guard Service asking for asylum in Latvia. In accordance with the Asylum Law, the applications were accepted and both applicants got interviewed. Materials of the case are forwarded to the Citizenship and Migration Board for evaluation. Latvijas Avize

Aug. 19, 2008

  • Two Uzbeks escaped from the camp for illegal immigrants in Olaine
  • Ministry of Justice forms a working group which will repeatedly evaluate how to compensate Latvias Jewish community properties lost during the Holocaust

Chas and Vesti Segodnya report that two citizens of Uzbekistan who illegally arrived to Latvia have escaped from the camp for illegal immigrants in Olaine.

NRA reports that by repeated order of the Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis, the Ministry of Justice forms a new working group which will evaluate how to compensate Latvias Jewish community properties lost during the Holocaust. As reported, in 2006, Saeima did not support the draft law on granting LVL 32,000,000 (EUR 45,531,897) and some real estate buildings to the Jewish Community arguing that it contradicts Latvian Civil Law. According to the newspaper, the Prime Minister ordered to form the working group after conversation with the U.S.A. Ambassador to Latvia Charles Larson who asked to draw attention to this issue again.

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