Aug. 30, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Government excluded the norm in the Regulations on Acquiring Citizenship after Nnaturalisation, which determined easier language and knowledge tests for pensioners whose state of health according to doctors’ conclusions were equivalent to the state of health of persons with disabilities.

The Government excluded the norm in the Regulations on Acquiring Citizenship after Nnaturalisation, which determined easier language and knowledge tests for pensioners whose state of health according to doctors conclusions were equivalent to the state of health of persons with disabilities. Diena

The newspaper

The newspaper Chas comments this exclusion the life of the older people is made more difficult. NB press secretary K.Poljakovs says that these amendments have only technical character. The Ministry of Justice that implemented this amendment says that pensioners felt psychological discomfort for being equalised with persons having mental or psychological disabilities. Panorama Latvii.

According to the pool carried out in August the most popular politician is the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the most popular member of the Government is the Prime Minister Andris Berzins. The popularity of left wing (the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia) has dropped. The most unpopular person is the leader of Peoples’ Party Andris Skele. Among the political parties the most popular is Latvia’s Social Democratic Workers Party and the least popular – the New Party.

According to the pool carried out in August the most popular politician is the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the most popular member of the Government is the Prime Minister Andris Berzins. The popularity of left wing (the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia) has dropped. The most unpopular person is the leader of Peoples Party Andris Skele. Among the political parties the most popular is Latvias Social Democratic Workers Party and the least popular – the New Party. Diena, Rigas Balss, Jauna

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of 3 Baltic and 5 Scandinavian countries have a meeting in Denmark. The main discussion topics of the meeting are safety issues, EU, regional co-operation and relations with Russia.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of 3 Baltic and 5 Scandinavian countries have a meeting in Denmark. The main discussion topics of the meeting are safety issues, EU, regional co-operation and relations with Russia. Neatkariga

On Thursday the President of Latvia after her vacation in Ukraine will have meetings with several high officials of Latvia – the Prime Minister A.Berzins, the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, the Minister of Education K.Greiskalns. And already at this weekend the President is going to the US to attend the Millenniums Session of the United Nations

On Thursday the President of Latvia after her vacation in Ukraine will have meetings with several high officials of Latvia – the Prime Minister A.Berzins, the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, the Minister of Education K.Greiskalns. And already at this weekend the President is going to the US to attend the Millenniums Session of the United Nations. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Jauna, Vesti Segodnja

Russia’s newspapers

Russias newspapers Nezavisimaja Gazeta and Vremja MN wrote that the addopted State Language Law is not favourable for Russian-speaking people and Latvia has fooled Europe again. The most unacceptable norm from their point of view is the prohibition to use Russian in communication with state administrative institutions. The newspapers admit that Latvias officials made strategy that will receive positive approval of international organisations. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

On the invitation of the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia (UHRUL) Austria’s Freedom Party General Secretary Peter Zihrosky arrived in Riga. P.Zihrovskis came to Riga to learn more about Baltijas Banka ex-head Aleksandr Lavent’s claim to the European Court of Human Rights. P.Zihrovskis did not receive a permission to visit A.Lavents

On the invitation of the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia (UHRUL) Austrias Freedom Party General Secretary Peter Zihrosky arrived in Riga. P.Zihrovskis came to Riga to learn more about Baltijas Banka ex-head Aleksandr Lavents claim to the European Court of Human Rights. P.Zihrovskis did not receive a permission to visit A.Lavents. Neatkariga, Chas

Aug. 29, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

On August 25 Prime Minister A.Berzins signed the new state language law regulations. It is planned that they would be published on Tuesday.

On August 25 Prime Minister A.Berzins signed the new state language law regulations. It is planned that they would be published on Tuesday. Respublika, Chas

Latvijas Vestnesis

published the full text of the new language law regulations. published the full text of the new language law regulations. According to SKDS data popularity of Social Democrats is increasing already for four months. Now it has reached 16,6% and Social Democrats are the most popular political party. The same happens with The New Party (3.9%) and Latvijas Cels (12.5%). It is decreasing for TB/LNNK (12.7), For Human Rights in United Latvia (6.8%) and Peoples' Party (7.9%).

According to SKDS data popularity of Social Democrats is increasing already for four months. Now it has reached 16,6% and Social Democrats are the most popular political party. The same happens with The New Party (3.9%) and Latvijas Cels (12.5%). It is decreasing for TB/LNNK (12.7), For Human Rights in United Latvia (6.8%) and Peoples' Party (7.9%). Diena, Lauku Avize, Respublika

The Newspaper

The Newspaper Neatkariga interviewed experts about the situation when for a long time the most unreliable institutions in Latvia according to the opinion polls data are the Government and Saeima, but Prime Minister A.Berzins has become the most popular politician. Experts link it with the political culture in the country and the fact that the society does not link A.Berzins with his government. Speaking about the low ratings of the Saeima and government, the experts said that there was a loyalty crisis towards authorities. Neatkariga

Senior Councillor of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee M.Haltzel arrived to Riga on a two day visit t collect more information on the priorities of Latvian foreign policy - joining and NATO.

Senior Councillor of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee M.Haltzel arrived to Riga on a two day visit t collect more information on the priorities of Latvian foreign policy - joining and NATO. Diena, Neatkariga

Attempts of the deputies of the New Party to find a compromise failed. With the votes of those deputies, who do not belong to the party any more the faction, was exchanged the faction leader. The new chairman is I.Udre, who left the faction some time ago. The Council of the New Party announced that they would assume political responsibility only for the actions of the two ministers, representing the party, and three Saeima deputies.

Attempts of the deputies of the New Party to find a compromise failed. With the votes of those deputies, who do not belong to the party any more the faction, was exchanged the faction leader. The new chairman is I.Udre, who left the faction some time ago. The Council of the New Party announced that they would assume political responsibility only for the actions of the two ministers, representing the party, and three Saeima deputies. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize, Respublika, Chas

The leader of Social Democrats, speaking about the statement of A.Rubiks (FHRUL) that they would co-operate in the Riga City Council after the new municipal election, stated that the party would look for co-operation partners only after the election. Lauku Avize

The leader of Social Democrats, speaking about the statement of A.Rubiks (FHRUL) that they would co-operate in the Riga City Council after the new municipal election, stated that the party would look for co-operation partners only after the election. Lauku Avize

The faction leader of FHRUL J.Jurkans announced that the adopted language law regulations were a great victory of all left wingers, journalist, who wrote about this problem, even the High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Lauku Avize

The faction leader of FHRUL J.Jurkans announced that the adopted language law regulations were a great victory of all left wingers, journalist, who wrote about this problem, even the High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

interviewed Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins about the situation in Latvia. Speaking about the gap between the Government and society, Prime Minister said that it was not a task for one day not even 1000 to fill in this gap. A task of the government is to speak openly, explain the situation and regain the lost loyalty. When asked about the protest activities against the language law regulations of the left wingers, who had promised to organise a conference on non-violent resistance, A.Berzins explained it with the approaching election. Prime Minister stated that the task of the government was to maintain the dominant role of the Latvian language, did not make any damage to it, and also harmonise the regulations. When the journalist asked, "What would happen if Max van der Stoel wrote a new recommendation letter?" Prime Minister said that he had a feeling that the High Commissioner should not do it. If he does - let us see what is in there. But it is clear that the Latvian language is the only state language and there will be no second one. interviewed Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins about the situation in Latvia. Speaking about the gap between the Government and society, Prime Minister said that it was not a task for one day not even 1000 to fill in this gap. A task of the government is to speak openly, explain the situation and regain the lost loyalty. When asked about the protest activities against the language law regulations of the left wingers, who had promised to organise a conference on non-violent resistance, A.Berzins explained it with the approaching election. Prime Minister stated that the task of the government was to maintain the dominant role of the Latvian language, did not make any damage to it, and also harmonise the regulations. When the journalist asked, "What would happen if Max van der Stoel wrote a new recommendation letter?" Prime Minister said that he had a feeling that the High Commissioner should not do it. If he does - let us see what is in there. But it is clear that the Latvian language is the only state language and there will be no second one. Ministry of Justice came to a conclusion that it would make pensioners to feel uncomfortable when they were on the list of persons, entitled for easements in the naturalisation process together with handicapped people, so the Government deprived them the right to reduced fees for naturalisation exams.

Ministry of Justice came to a conclusion that it would make pensioners to feel uncomfortable when they were on the list of persons, entitled for easements in the naturalisation process together with handicapped people, so the Government deprived them the right to reduced fees for naturalisation exams. Vesti Segodnya

A.Gilman writes about the different reaction of Latvians and non-Latvians towards the new language law regulations, reaction of international society to them. The last was characterised by two "devastating" letters of Max van der Stoel. What about his final statement, it most probably would be positive because the Latvian authorities have reacted to the majority of High Commissioner's recommendations.

A.Gilman writes about the different reaction of Latvians and non-Latvians towards the new language law regulations, reaction of international society to them. The last was characterised by two "devastating" letters of Max van der Stoel. What about his final statement, it most probably would be positive because the Latvian authorities have reacted to the majority of High Commissioner's recommendations. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers intended to adopt amendments to the Administrative Code concerning new fines for language law violations but, after considering it, came to a conclusion that it should be sent back to the Ministry of Justice to improve the document.

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers intended to adopt amendments to the Administrative Code concerning new fines for language law violations but, after considering it, came to a conclusion that it should be sent back to the Ministry of Justice to improve the document. Chas

Aug. 28, 2000


Press Report

Today meet Prime Ministers of three Baltic States and northern countries in Estonia to discuss the development of IT, EU expansion problems and issues of regional co-operation. Neatkariga

Today meet Prime Ministers of three Baltic States and northern countries in Estonia to discuss the development of IT, EU expansion problems and issues of regional co-operation. Neatkariga

In the next list of the Riga City Council together with the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia will be the Peoples Harmony Party, Equality and Social Democrats. The Russian party is still thinking about this coalition. The leader of For Human Rights in United Latvia A.Rubiks assured that merging of those parties into one is impossible because in some basic issues their positions differed radically.

In the next list of the Riga City Council together with the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia will be the Peoples Harmony Party, Equality and Social Democrats. The Russian party is still thinking about this coalition. The leader of For Human Rights in United Latvia A.Rubiks assured that merging of those parties into one is impossible because in some basic issues their positions differed radically. Neatkariga

On Friday Latvian Communications Minister A.Gorbunovs met with high Russian officials and pointed out the necessity to solve the border crossing problem on Latvian – Russian border.

On Friday Latvian Communications Minister A.Gorbunovs met with high Russian officials and pointed out the necessity to solve the border crossing problem on Latvian – Russian border. Neatkariga

The OSCE Mission to Latvia confirmed the fact that the High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel was not planning to come to Latvia for a farewell visit in December when his term expired. The High Commissioner is going to visit several countries, also Estonia but the Mission did not have any information about his plan to visit Latvia.

The OSCE Mission to Latvia confirmed the fact that the High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel was not planning to come to Latvia for a farewell visit in December when his term expired. The High Commissioner is going to visit several countries, also Estonia but the Mission did not have any information about his plan to visit Latvia. Neatkariga

The Council of Latvijas Cels proposed for the post of Riga Mayor the MP A.Poca but the final decision will be taken on September 8 by the party’s Riga division.

The Council of Latvijas Cels proposed for the post of Riga Mayor the MP A.Poca but the final decision will be taken on September 8 by the partys Riga division. Rigas Balss

Rigas Balss

writes that as the Government did not adopt the norm that allowed employers themselves to establish the necessary state language proficiency level that for part of positions these levels will be mandatory – people employed in social and communal services, security and health care. Tomorrow the Government plans to consider amendments to those articles of the Administrative Code that stipulate responsibility for violation the State Language Law. The amendments will specify fines for such violations.

Tomorrow the Government plans to consider amendments to those articles of the Administrative Code that stipulate responsibility for violation the State Language Law. The amendments will specify fines for such violations. Jauna Avize

Aug. 26, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Russian MFA circulated an announcement where it was said that Latvian Government had accepted the amended State Language Law regulations in the worst version. In its turn, Latvia does not comprehend these reproaches because they are made basing on unofficial documents. Moscow finds unacceptable the norms that employers not only in the state but also in private sector has the right to establish on what level employee should know the state language and that at public national cultural events the organisers have to ensure interpretation into the state language.

Russian MFA circulated an announcement where it was said that Latvian Government had accepted the amended State Language Law regulations in the worst version. In its turn, Latvia does not comprehend these reproaches because they are made basing on unofficial documents. Moscow finds unacceptable the norms that employers not only in the state but also in private sector has the right to establish on what level employee should know the state language and that at public national cultural events the organisers have to ensure interpretation into the state language. Neatkariga, Diena(28.08)


informs that they got an information from an authoritative source that there was the second letter from the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel after he studied the completed version of the regulations, where he expressed his dissatisfaction with the norms concerning private businesses. Latvian authorities keep silent about this fact Representatives of Latvijas Cels and New Party on their Friday meeting had not discussed a possibility to establish a united block but agreed to continue negotiation on their future co-operation and undertook to prepare proposals for the intention protocol. Neatkariga, Diena

Representatives of Latvijas Cels and New Party on their Friday meeting had not discussed a possibility to establish a united block but agreed to continue negotiation on their future co-operation and undertook to prepare proposals for the intention protocol. Neatkariga, Diena

This and the next two years there will be big changes in the diplomatic corps of Latvia because a large part of Latvian ambassadors and heads of diplomatic representatives will be subjected to rotation – they will have either go to some other country of return to Latvia. Neatkariga

This and the next two years there will be big changes in the diplomatic corps of Latvia because a large part of Latvian ambassadors and heads of diplomatic representatives will be subjected to rotation – they will have either go to some other country of return to Latvia. Neatkariga

The union of political organisations For Human Rights in United Latvia considers that the adopted State Language Law regulations are a progress in observing human rights in Latvia. It is said in their statement that most of their proposals were elaborated in the new regulation but still the regulations do not comply fully with the frame convention on national minorities. Neatkariga

The union of political organisations For Human Rights in United Latvia considers that the adopted State Language Law regulations are a progress in observing human rights in Latvia. It is said in their statement that most of their proposals were elaborated in the new regulation but still the regulations do not comply fully with the frame convention on national minorities. Neatkariga


writes about an event that took place in one of Riga City house managers offices. Inspectors from State Language Inspection came there and three people – an accountant and two plumbers would be fired. The accountant informed the newspaper about this and explained her situation. She has the second level state language proficiency certificate but still has problems with speaking. The inspector was not rude with her, even offered her two-month period to improve her language skills, but she refused and resigned because of the situation within the office. What concerns both plumbers, they did not have any certificate and, as the head of the office explained were not the best workers anyway. writes about an event that took place in one of Riga City house manager’s offices. Inspectors from State Language Inspection came there and three people – an accountant and two plumbers would be fired. The accountant informed the newspaper about this and explained her situation. She has the second level state language proficiency certificate but still has problems with speaking. The inspector was not rude with her, even offered her two-month period to improve her language skills, but she refused and resigned because of the situation within the office. What concerns both plumbers, they did not have any certificate and, as the head of the office explained were not the best workers anyway.

Aug. 24, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Some involved and interested parties express their opinion on the Language Law regulations. Anna Stroy, Chas journalist, in the interview for the newspaper “Diena” said that although some discriminating conditions are left, such as, the Russian language is not given any priorities to other foreign languages, however, it is a step forward to a dialogue. Ina Druviete, professor of philology, says that the trade-off between the interests of the Latvian language and international standards is found. Anna Stroy, Chas journalist, still finds some not very acceptable norms in the regulations, such as, actual prohibition to use Cyrillic in the public sphere and not very clear categorisation of jobs and respectively required language skills for them. However, the planned protest meeting on 31 August will not be organised as some progress is reached, says M.Mitrofanov, the deputy of Saeima, left wing. Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Lauku Avize.

Some involved and interested parties express their opinion on the Language Law regulations. Anna Stroy, Chas journalist, in the interview for the newspaper Diena said that although some discriminating conditions are left, such as, the Russian language is not given any priorities to other foreign languages, however, it is a step forward to a dialogue. Ina Druviete, professor of philology, says that the trade-off between the interests of the Latvian language and international standards is found. Anna Stroy, Chas journalist, still finds some not very acceptable norms in the regulations, such as, actual prohibition to use Cyrillic in the public sphere and not very clear categorisation of jobs and respectively required language skills for them. However, the planned protest meeting on 31 August will not be organised as some progress is reached, says M.Mitrofanov, the deputy of Saeima, left wing. Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Lauku Avize.

The Constitution Defence Office has raised a criminal case against bolshevistic newspaper “Tribunal” in violation national and race equality. The newspaper published articles that violated national and race equality. Diena

The Constitution Defence Office has raised a criminal case against bolshevistic newspaper Tribunal in violation national and race equality. The newspaper published articles that violated national and race equality. Diena

The Prime Ministers of Latvia and Lithuania will have a meeting in

The Prime Ministers of Latvia and Lithuania will have a meeting in Birzu on Thursday. The main point of discussions will be the issues regarding border passing. Diena.

In the remembrance of Molotov-Ribentrov pact the meetings (about 20 people) were organised at two embassies – Russian and German. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Rigas Balss, Lauku Avize

In the remembrance of Molotov-Ribentrov pact the meetings (about 20 people) were organised at two embassies – Russian and German. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Rigas Balss, Lauku Avize

The Board of the New Party proposed to Latvia’s Road work in Saeima in one political block. The issue will be discussed more in detail on Friday. Diena, Jauna, Respublika

The Board of the New Party proposed to Latvias Road work in Saeima in one political block. The issue will be discussed more in detail on Friday. Diena, Jauna, Respublika

Yesterday Indulis Berzins, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Ginter Veis, the Ambassador of European Delegation. They talked about Latvia’s accession to EU, society integration issues.

Yesterday Indulis Berzins, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Ginter Veis, the Ambassador of European Delegation. They talked about Latvias accession to EU, society integration issues.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved Martins Bichevski for the post of the Head of DCMA. Respublika, Panorama Latvii.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved Martins Bichevski for the post of the Head of DCMA. Respublika, Panorama Latvii.

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