jūlijs 24, 2014

24 July 2014 

  • During 2009-2013 the number of ethnic Russian citizens decreased by 8 671, the number of ethnic Russian non-citizens decreased by 50 167 and the number of citizens of Russia in Latvia increased by 18 545 persons 

According to the data of the Population Register, during 2009-2013 the number of citizens of Russian Federation among the people living in Latvia increased by 18 545 persons. As of 1 January 2014, there were 48 873 citizens of Russian Federation. At the same time, there were 358 991 ethnic Russian citizens of Latvia and 185 741 ethnic Russian non-citizens of Latvia. Comparing to 2009 data, the number of ethnic Russian citizens of Latvia decreased by 8 671 persons and the number of ethnic Russian non-citizens of Latvia decreased by 50 167 persons. Diena, Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 23, 2014

23 July 2014 

  • 88 years old complained about the lack of Russian version of medicines’ instructions – complaint rejected because "written in a non-state language"
  • The most popular social networking site in Latvia draugiem.lv would delete posts about the "New Wave" music contest
  • Member of the National Electronic Mass Media Council: draft amendments on broadcasting in only one language are necessary because commercial radio stations acted for their profit and linguistically there are two radio sectors 

Vesti Segodnya was contacted by a 88 years old pensioner Naum Lorteistein, who complained to the Parliament about the fact that instructions to the medicines sold in pharmacies in Latvia now lack versions in Russian – his native language. His complaint letter was denied consideration, officially "because it was written in a non-state language". Mr Lorteistein is discontent with the fact that the Parliament rejected his letter instead of providing a substantive answer. The author believes that Latvia’s minorities are constantly being discriminated against on the ground of language, and that the lack of Russian versions of instructions and the rejection by the Parliament on the ground of language contradict the statements of the Ombudsman Juris Jansons, who insists the rights of Latvia’s minorities are not violated. 

The Director of the most popular social networking site in Latvia draugiem.lv Guntis Meluskans announced it would delete the news posts about the "New Wave" music contest currently taking place in the sea resort town Jurmala. Internal language of the contest is mostly Rusian and it attracts performers mostly from Russia. Mr Meluskans called this event a "picnic" and stated that information about it at the top page of draugiem.lv is "very unwanted". Vesti Segodnya 

Member of the National Electronic Mass Media Council Dainis Mjartans stated that the new draft amendments to the Electronic Mass Media Law, which envision broadcasting in only one language, are necessary because the commercial radio stations acted in the interests of their profit and as a result, linguistically, there are two radio broadcasting sectors in Latvia. Mr Mjartans also discusses with the representatives of radio broadcasters the possibility to air advertisements only in Latvian. Currently, there are 37 radio stations broadcasting only in Latvian, 17 mostly or partially in "foreign language" (i.e. Russian), and 13 radio stations broadcasting half of the time in Latvian and half in "foreign language". The newspaper highlights that in theory, the amendments would allow a license to broadcast in Russian, however, it is unclear if applications to broadcast in Russian would be approved in practice. Vesti Segodnya


jūlijs 22, 2014

22 July 2014 

  • Non-citizens do not apply for naturalisation mainly because of the fear to fail Latvian language examination
  • The State Language Centre conducted 2327 state language usage checks and imposed 443 administrative fines during the first half of 2014 

According to the Head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Justice Vilnis Jekabsons, 220 persons renounced Latvian citizenship and 56 persons were deprived of Latvian citizenship during 2013. The loss of Latvian citizenship is related to the issue of dual citizenship, because Latvian legislation allows dual citizenship only with specific set of countries. According to Mr Jekabsons, every year, around two thousand people receiving Latvian citizenship through naturalisation, while around three thousand Latvian non-citizens take Russian citizenship and remain permanent residents of the country. The main reasons why people do not apply for naturalisation are the fear to fail Latvian language examination as well as the hope that the citizenship would be given by registration or the requirements simplified. Currently, 41% of the naturalisation applicants fail Latvian language exam and 23% fail history exam. Vesti Segodnya 

During the first six months of 2014, the State Language Centre conducted 2327 checks of state language usage and imposed 443 administrative fines. According to the Head of the Language Control Regional Section of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis, more than a half of the fines were imposed for insufficient language usage at work. During the same period, the citizens informed about 502 possible violations of the State Language Law. The State Language Centre also calls on citizens to inform about possible lack of compliance with the requirements of the State Language Law in the future. Latvijas Avīze


jūlijs 21, 2014

15 July 2014 

  • LTV7 to offer more programmes in Russian 

Starting with September Latvia’s public channel LTV7 will offer more programmes in Russian: a morning news programme in Russian, analytical weekly programme in Russian on Sundays similar to the investigative journalism LTV1 programme „De facto” in Latvian. R.Ruduša, content editor of documentary, news and sports programmes of the Latvian TV highlights that news and analytical programmes should be initially strengthened before expanding entertainment programmes in Russian. Latvia’s Radio Channel 4 (broadcasting in Russian) will start programme series „What’s Happening in the Former USSR” on the 12 former Soviet republics [except for the 3 Baltic States]. Russian section of the public media internet webpage www.lsm.lv will also be expanded. 682,399 EUR have been allocated for the purpose (27,852 EUR for the Latvian Radio Channel 4, LTV& morning news programme in Russian – 200,000 EUR, analytical programme on Sundays – 285,000 EUR, expanding information in Russian on public media website – 37,752 EUR, publicity events for public media – 131,793 EUR). The measures to strengthen the local programming and provide alternative sources of information in Russian in Latvia are being taken to tackle the propaganda of Russia’s official mass media. Latvijas Avīze 


16 July 2014 

  • Interview with the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs 

Vesti Segodnya interviews the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs (Concord Centre). Mr Usakovs believes the coalition of the "Concord Centre" and the "Honour to Serve Riga!" is a good example of overcoming ethnic divisions for the common good of all residents. He also states that during the last 5 years their coalition implemented social democratic policy in Riga. He also claims that numerous "right-wing" parties in Latvia were engaged in theft and used the slogan of "Russian threat" to cover-up. According to Mr. Usakovs, as a result of the financial crisis five years ago, the income of the Riga city council has decreased from EUR 854 million in 2008 to EUR 570 million in 2009, when he took the office. Mr. Usakovs admits that he is ethnic Russian and believes that Riga is multi-ethnic city and that as a Mayor, he is equally responsible to all voters and defends the interests of all regardless of ethnicity. According to the SKDS public opinion survey the work of Mr. Usakovs is supported by 78,5% of the residents of Riga. 


17 July 2014 

  • Ministry of Education work group develops proposals to increase the number of Latvian language lessons in national minority kindergartens
  • Implementation plan of the "Fundamentals of National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy" criticised 

The Minister of Education Ina Druviete established work group which would develop proposals to increase the number of Latvian language lessons in national minority kindergartens. The regulations currently in force envision two Latvian language lessons per week for children aged 2 to 5 years old and one Latvian language lesson every day above 5 years old. Ms Druviete recalls that in 2012 she participated as an expert in a work group on the same issue, yet the work group decided to leave these requirements unchanged, because representatives of parents of national minority children believed the current number is sufficient. The newspaper highlights that one can expect clash of views, as one of the participants stated that the minority kindergartens shall have the right to decide the number of language lessons and that the parents shall have the right to choose which education programme offered by the kindergarten is more suitable for their children. The same representative also mentioned that minority kindergartens already opened Latvian language groups, because there is a demand among minority parents. Latvijas Avize 

Vesti Segodnya reports about the implementation plan of the "Fundamentals of National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy". The plan requires basic funding of EUR 2,4 million in 2015 and EUR 1,6 million in 2016, as well as additional funding of EUR 11,2 million in 2015 and EUR 10,5 million in 2016. The newspaper criticises the plan for alleged emphasis on various research and monitoring activities in the areas of education, employment and healthcare instead of measures to ensure equality for minorities in these areas. The newspaper also asks why the aim of "popularising the usage of the state language in public sphere" is necessary given the fact that the overwhelming majority of employees of public bodies are already native speakers of Latvian language, as well as questions the stated aim of creating "united social memory".


jūlijs 14, 2014

  • Draft amendments envision banning non-EU languages, including Russian, from public information

 The Ministry of Justice prepared draft amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers’ regulations regarding the use of languages in information. The draft envisions that the provision of public information, alongside Latvian, would only be allowed in the official EU languages.  The regulations currently in force allow the usage of foreign languages, including Russian, in public information related to the free movement of goods of the EU, international tourism and events. The newspaper notes that the amendments effectively impose a ban on the usage of Russian language in public information. Vesti-Segodnya

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