Sept. 8, 2007

  • Riga City Council issued permission to hold a meeting Russian Standing in Riga on 8 September
On Friday the Executive Director of the Riga City Council Andris Grinbergs has issued permission to hold a meeting “Russian Standing” in Riga on 8 September. As reported, earlier the City Council has put a ban on holding a procession “Russian March” planned by radical political organisations.

On Friday the Executive Director of the Riga City Council Andris Grinbergs has issued permission to hold a meeting Russian Standing in Riga on 8 September. As reported, earlier the City Council has put a ban on holding a procession Russian March planned by radical political organisations. Vesti Segodnya, Diena

Sept. 7, 2007

  • Riga Regional Court rejected an appeal to abolish the ban on Russian March on 8 September in Riga
  • Saeima has refused the draft amendments to the State Language Law proposed by the political party FHRUL
  • Chas features an interview with the head of Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs on application of the Article 78 of the Criminal Code in Latvian court practice
  • Kulturas Diena prints an article by ex-Minister of Integration Nils Muiznieks on integration process in Latvia
Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court rejected an appeal of the Latvian National Democratic Party (LNDP) and the NGO “Motherland” to abolish the decision of the Riga City Council to ban “Russian March” on 8 September in Riga. However, the leader of the LNDP Jevgenijs Osipovs has stated that the organisers are going to submit new application on Friday to the City Council to hold a meeting with the same slogans at the same day and at the same place.

Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court rejected an appeal of the Latvian National Democratic Party (LNDP) and the NGO Motherland to abolish the decision of the Riga City Council to ban Russian March on 8 September in Riga. However, the leader of the LNDP Jevgenijs Osipovs has stated that the organisers are going to submit new application on Friday to the City Council to hold a meeting with the same slogans at the same day and at the same place. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

Yesterday, the Saeima has refused the draft amendments to the State Language Law proposed by the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) which stipulated granting official status to ethnic minorities’ languages in territories inhabited by ethnic minorities in substantial numbers.

Yesterday, the Saeima has refused the draft amendments to the State Language Law proposed by the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) which stipulated granting official status to ethnic minorities languages in territories inhabited by ethnic minorities in substantial numbers. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Chas features an interview with the head of Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs who has presented a report on application of the Article 78 of the Criminal Code (which stipulates punishment for incitement to national, ethnic or racial hatred) in Latvian court practice in the context of implementation of the UN Convention on elimination of all kinds of racial discrimination. Arturs Kucs has stated that rulings in several criminal cases show that Latvian judges and prosecutors do not understand how to use the Convention due to the luck of training. Commenting on a decision of the Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court Ieva Garanca to terminate criminal proceedings in the case of Andris Jordans (who has stated at a public discussion that it would be preferable to exterminate Jews and Roma people as ‘non-humans), Mr.Kucs pointed that the Prosecutor only referred to a principle of freedom of speech set in the European Convention on Human Rights and did not take into account that the Convention does not relate to the statement which openly incite to racial hatred an intolerance. Arturs Kucs also believes that position of Jewish and Roma communities is very important in such cases.

Kulturas Diena prints an article by political scientist, ex-Minister of Integration Nils Muiznieks on integration process in Latvia. Nils Muiznieks believes that integration tasks in Latvian as well as in Europe will remain topical for long time period. According to Mr.Muiznieks, there are four important integration tasks for Latvia to be accomplished. First, to prepare timely for new immigration which will complicate the integration tasks even more. Second, to collect ethnic data to ensure equal opportunities for all people and actively combat discrimination by holding educative events and by strict application of law. Third, to promote democratic values and ensure various ways of involvement. Fourth, to evaluate and correct integration policy systematically according to international practice.

Sept. 6, 2007

  • State Duma of Russian Federation has ratified a border agreement between Latvia and Russia
  • Chas prints an article about illegal immigration to Latvia
  • Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins criticizes the FHRUL for proposed draft amendments to the State Language Law
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools decided to support Russian March
  • MP Juris Dobelis is planning to come with a proposal to grant privileged status to Latvian WWII legionnaires
  • Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins has received a report evaluating functions, funding, staff and plans of the Naturalisation Board and the State Language Centre
  • Prosecutors Office has forwarded a criminal case on hate speech to the Riga Regional Court
Yesterday, the State Duma of Russian Federation has ratified a border agreement between Latvia and Russia. Further the agreement has to be ratified by the Council of Federation and signed by the President of Russia. As reported, Latvia has ratified the agreement in May. The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks believes that ratification of the border agreement will improve mutual relations between both countries and ensure security of Latvia.

Yesterday, the State Duma of Russian Federation has ratified a border agreement between Latvia and Russia. Further the agreement has to be ratified by the Council of Federation and signed by the President of Russia. As reported, Latvia has ratified the agreement in May. The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks believes that ratification of the border agreement will improve mutual relations between both countries and ensure security of Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA

Chas prints an article about illegal immigration to Latvia. Columnist of the newspaper argues that business on illegal transportation of migrants through Latvian border is not topical anymore. According to columnist, more topical becomes illegal migration of wealthy persons from Russia or Belarus who in fictive way are trying to receive residency permit in Latvia with an aim to have visa-free travel within the Schengen countries (Latvia will join the Schengen agreement as of 1 January 2007), but are not planning to live in Latvia. The columnist also argues that there are two ways in which foreigners are trying to receive the permit – fictive marriages with Latvian residents and purchase of fictive real estate in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins has criticized the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) for proposed draft amendments to the State Language Law, which will be reviewed by the Saeima today. The draft amendments stipulate granting official status to ethnic minorities languages in territories inhabited by ethnic minorities in substantial numbers. The Minister has stated that fluency in Latvian language is an indicator of attitude of a person towards the state. Therefore, the Minister believes that on the contrary, positions of the state language must be strengthened. Historian Ilga Kreituse in an interview with Latvijas Avize also has criticized the draft amendments. According Mrs. Kreituse, submission of such proposals is a waste of time because it will be refused in any case. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools decided to support Russian March planned by radical political organisations in Riga on 8 September. However, the Headquarters demanded to remove several slogans and emblem of the march – a bear with grenade and bloody arm. Only one of the members of the Headquarters disagreed with the decision arguing that the march is analogous with Russian Marches held in Russia, which were pro-fascist. As reported, the Riga City Council has decided to forbid the march due to the security reasons. However, the decision of was appealed in the court which has to review the complaint today.

The MP Juris Dobelis (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) is planning to come with a proposal to grant Latvian WWII legionnaires special status equal with the status of the members of the National resistance movement.

The MP Juris Dobelis (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) is planning to come with a proposal to grant Latvian WWII legionnaires special status equal with the status of the members of the National resistance movement. Latvijas Avize

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins received a report evaluating functions, funding, staff and plans of the Naturalisation Board and the State Language Centre. The report was prepared by a working group of the Ministry and is a basis for elaboration of restructuring plan of both institutions. As reported, Gaidis Berzins has come with a proposal to merge the Naturalisation Board and the State Language Centre into one institution.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins received a report evaluating functions, funding, staff and plans of the Naturalisation Board and the State Language Centre. The report was prepared by a working group of the Ministry and is a basis for elaboration of restructuring plan of both institutions. As reported, Gaidis Berzins has come with a proposal to merge the Naturalisation Board and the State Language Centre into one institution. Latvijas Avize

The Prosecutor’s Office has forwarded a criminal case on hate speech to the Riga Regional Court. The case was initiated regarding insulting statement towards Latvia, ethnic Latvians and Latvian legionnaires published on an internet forum. The Security Police has found that an author of the statements is a 23 year-old woman. A woman has admitted her guilt.

The Prosecutors Office has forwarded a criminal case on hate speech to the Riga Regional Court. The case was initiated regarding insulting statement towards Latvia, ethnic Latvians and Latvian legionnaires published on an internet forum. The Security Police has found that an author of the statements is a 23 year-old woman. A woman has admitted her guilt. Latvijas Avize






Sept. 5, 2007

  • Members of the FHRUL will hold a picket in support of draft amendments to the State Language Law
  • Ex-activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs criticizes plans to hold Russian March in Riga
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks has appealed to the members of the World Federation of Free Latvians not to revenge Russia for past insults
Tomorrow, members of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) will hold a picket in support of draft amendments to the State Language Law which stipulate granting official status to ethnic minorities’ languages in territories inhabited by ethnic minorities in substantial numbers. The draft amendments will be reviewed tomorrow in the Saeima.

Tomorrow, members of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) will hold a picket in support of draft amendments to the State Language Law which stipulate granting official status to ethnic minorities languages in territories inhabited by ethnic minorities in substantial numbers. The draft amendments will be reviewed tomorrow in the Saeima. Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf prints an interview with one of the activists of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs who was expelled from Latvia in 2004 because of his political activities. Aleksandrs Kazakovs considers that Russian March planned by radicals political organisations in Riga on 8 September is a provocation against Russian residents of Latvia. Mr. Kazakovs believes that the march is an aggressive event aimed at the split of society. On the surface this event may look like it is aimed at the protection of rights of Russians, but in reality it harms the interests of the Russian community. Mr. Kazakovs also has stated that he has made a decision not to be a member of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools anymore because the Headquarter has supported the march and radically minded organisations.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks at the annual meeting of the World Union of Free Latvians held in Riga has appealed to the members of the meeting (mostly Latvians who live abroad) not to revenge Russia for past insults. Artis Pabriks believes that relations between Latvia and Russia are very important for further development of Latvia. The Minister also has stated that “western” Latvians have to share with their experience of democracy with new generation of Latvians

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks at the annual meeting of the World Union of Free Latvians held in Riga has appealed to the members of the meeting (mostly Latvians who live abroad) not to revenge Russia for past insults. Artis Pabriks believes that relations between Latvia and Russia are very important for further development of Latvia. The Minister also has stated that western Latvians have to share with their experience of democracy with new generation of Latvians. Chas, Telegraf

Sept. 4, 2007

  • Latvia got one of the lowest assessments in Simon Wiesenthal Centre annual report on worldwide investigation and prosecution of Nazi war criminals
  • Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins blames the idea to hold Russian March
  • State Language Centre has fined 22 shop owners
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has published its annual report on worldwide investigation and prosecution of Nazi war criminals according to which Latvia has one of the lowest assessments. According to the report, there are legal hindrances for investigation and prosecution of persons suspected in war crimes in Latvia, however, search of criminals is not conducted due to the luck of political will, resources or experts.

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has published its annual report on worldwide investigation and prosecution of Nazi war criminals according to which Latvia has one of the lowest assessments. According to the report, there are legal hindrances for investigation and prosecution of persons suspected in war crimes in Latvia, however, search of criminals is not conducted due to the luck of political will, resources or experts. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins blames the idea to hold “Russian March”. The Minister believes that slogans and symbols of “Russian March” contradict Latvian constitution and basic values of Latvian state and society. As reported, political organisations Latvian National Democratic Party (LNDP) and Russian national union “Motherland” are planning to hold “Russian March” on 8 September in the centre of Riga in support of positions of Russian language and Russians in Latvia. Main slogans of the action are: “Citizenship and Voting Rights to All”, “Russian Education for Russians”, “This is Our Country ”, “Official Status for Russian Language” and other. The Riga City Council has decided to forbid the march due to the security reasons.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins blames the idea to hold Russian March. The Minister believes that slogans and symbols of Russian March contradict Latvian constitution and basic values of Latvian state and society. As reported, political organisations Latvian National Democratic Party (LNDP) and Russian national union Motherland are planning to hold Russian March on 8 September in the centre of Riga in support of positions of Russian language and Russians in Latvia. Main slogans of the action are: Citizenship and Voting Rights to All, Russian Education for Russians, This is Our Country , Official Status for Russian Language and other. The Riga City Council has decided to forbid the march due to the security reasons. Chas

The State Language Centre has fined 22 shop owners in various cities for breach of a legal norm according to which marking of products and usage instructions must be translated to Latvian.

The State Language Centre has fined 22 shop owners in various cities for breach of a legal norm according to which marking of products and usage instructions must be translated to Latvian. Latvijas Avize

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