Sept. 9, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

    Rating of New Era party drops
  • Rating of New Era party drops
  • About the meeting against education reform
  • About the meeting against education reform
  • Chas reports that Russian Foreign Ministry finds EU more responsive to Russian concerns regarding minority rights in Latvia and Estonia
  • Vechernaya Riga about prospective expulsion of a resident of Latvia with citizenship of Belorussia
  • Kargin: Parekss Banka has no connections to party BITE
  • Kargin: Parekss Banka has no connections to party BITE

      Opinion polls show that he rating of party New Era in August has fallen by 4%, but is still the most popular party, having the support of 19% of voters. The Union of Greens and Farmers rate 10,6%, Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK 6,1% and the First Party 5,2%. Opposition parties ratings are: Peoples Party 11,9%, For Human Rights in United Latvia 7%, Equality 3,3% Socialist Party 1,1%. The extra-parliamentary LSDSP shows a rating just above the barrier for entering parliament: 5,1%. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segondya, Chas, Telegraf

      Discussion about the September 4th meeting against education reform continues. Lauku Avize asserts that politicians and the police did not react adequately against the protestors, who the newspaper holds to be guilty of libel against the state and the Latvian people.Russian-language newspaperscriticise the submission to the Saeima by party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, which proposes to not allow such meetings with deputies in parks or other public spaces. Lauku Avize, Vesti Segondya, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga


      reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has expressed the opinion that the EU recently more frequently responds to Russian concerns about the observance of minority rights in Latvia and Estonia.

      Vechernaya Riga

      reports on the prospective expulsion of a citizen of Belorussia from Latvia. The man was born in Latvia and his family are also Latvian residents, but in 1993 he automatically acquired the citizenship of Belorussia, because at the time he was a military in Belorussia. According to Genadij Kotov, politician and human rights activist, in this case the decision of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs will be in breech of both Latvian and international law.

      Valerij Kargin, the president of Parekss Banka, denies Janis Jurkans allegations that he is connected to the foundation of the new party BITE. Vesti Segondya informs that the new party could be registered until September 22nd. Lauku Avize, Vesti Segondya

  • Sept. 8, 2003

    Integration and Minority Information Service
    of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

    • Non-citizens dissatisfied with Latvian courses
    Russian-language media continues discussion about the education reform
  • Bill Miller, MP of Great Britain: minority voters should vote for accession to the EU
  • Telegraf interviews with Janis Jurkans, the leader of Peoples Solidarity party, about education reform and the alterations into coalition For Human Rights in United Latvia
    • Non-citizens are dissatisfied with the teaching of Latvian courses offered by the Naturalisation Board. While non-citizens complain about the complexity of courses and the lack of teaching methodology, officials of Naturalisation Boards explain that those who participate in these courses need to have previous basic knowledge of Latvian, since otherwise there is no possibility to master a language in 2,5 months. Neatkariga Rita Avize

      Russian-language media continues discussion about the education reform, reporting about the rock concert against the reform and actions by the Headquarters for the defence of Russian schools. Chas also publishes an articleby sociolinguist Gatis Dilans presenting the concept of linguistic nationalism. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

      Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Bill Miller, Labourite MP of Great Britain, who insists that the EU will help to guarantee the rights of minorities in Latvia, and therefore minority voters should vote for accession to the EU. He observes that the fact that the non-citizens -- one third of the inhabitants of Latvia -- do not have the right to participate in deciding such a vital issue is not defensible.


      prints an interview with Janis Jurkans, the leader of Peoples Solidarity party. Jurkans states that all inhabitants of Latvia should accept that Latvian is the state language, while the state, considering language an important aspect of integration, should provide the possibility to all to acquire it at a high level. He also contends that the departure of Jakov Pliner from the Peoples Solidarity party and the establishment of the new party BITE is related to the desire of Parekss Banka to have more left-wing organisations friendly to the bank participating in the municipal elections.

      Sept. 6, 2003

      Integration and Minority Information Service
      of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

      • Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission, on Latvias accession to the EU
      • Interview with Krista Prets, MP of European Parliament about the situation of non-citizens in Latvia after EU membership
      • Lauku Avize
      • about education reform
      • Per Stanman, MP of European Parliament: Russia should apologise to Latvia
      • Diena

        features an interview with Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission. The Commissioner stresses, that the EU will not ask Latvia to meet any new requirements on minority rights, because it is not the competency of EU, but the Council of Europe. He also stresses that the existent EU policy towards Russia defines relations with this country as a good neighbour and not as with a member of the EU. features an interview with Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission. The Commissioner stresses, that the EU will not ask Latvia to meet any new requirements on minority rights, because it is not the competency of EU, but the Council of Europe. He also stresses that the existent EU policy towards Russia defines relations with this country as a good neighbour and not as with a member of the EU.

        Lauku Avize

        reports on the discussion 1852 kilometres from Tukums till Brisele. Gains and Losses with the Accession to the EU, organised by the newspaper, which reflects the opinion of Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission about Latvias membership in EU. reports on the discussion “1852 kilometres from Tukums till Brisele. Gains and Losses with the Accession to the EU,” organised by the newspaper, which reflects the opinion of Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission about Latvia’s membership in EU.

        Vesti Segondya

        features an interview with Krista Prets, MP of the European Parliament, representing the group of social democrats and socialists. The MP asserts that the issues of citizenship and naturalisation are within the competence of each state, but admits that in the case of Latvia, the EU would have to assist in solving these issues, because there are to many non-citizens in Latvia. features an interview with Krista Prets, MP of the European Parliament, representing the group of social democrats and socialists. The MP asserts that the issues of citizenship and naturalisation are within the competence of each state, but admits that in the case of Latvia, the EU would have to assist in solving these issues, because there are to many non-citizens in Latvia.

        Lauku avize

        prints a critical article on the public meeting against education reform, including the opinions of participants about the preparedness of Russian-language secondary schools to teach 60% of subjects in Latvian. The article also states that participants of the protest meeting demand state language status for the Russian language. In addition, the newspaper informs, Igor Pimenov, the Chairman of the Board of Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools has tabled suggestions about minority education in Latvia to theAdvisory Council on Minority Education issues. prints a critical article on the public meeting against education reform, including the opinions of participants about the preparedness of Russian-language secondary schools to teach 60% of subjects in Latvian. The article also states that participants of the protest meeting demand state language status for the Russian language. In addition, the newspaper informs, Igor Pimenov, the Chairman of the Board of Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools has tabled suggestions about minority education in Latvia to theAdvisory Council on Minority Education issues. Expressing apologies to Latvia about past Soviet misdeeds would promote democracy in Russia, the legal follower of the USSR, emphasised Pier Stanman, MP of European Parliament from Sweden, at the conference “EU – Closer to Society” organised by the party New Era. He thinks that Russia should assume the responsibility not solely of Soviet-era deportations but also of about the low level of welfare of the citizens of Baltic countries.

        Expressing apologies to Latvia about past Soviet misdeeds would promote democracy in Russia, the legal follower of the USSR, emphasised Pier Stanman, MP of European Parliament from Sweden, at the conference EU – Closer to Society organised by the party New Era. He thinks that Russia should assume the responsibility not solely of Soviet-era deportations but also of about the low level of welfare of the citizens of Baltic countries. Lauku avize

        Sept. 5, 2003

        Integration and Minority Information Service
        of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

          Latvian media reports on meeting against education reform
        • Latvian media reports on meeting against education reform
        • Eizenija Aldermane, the Head of Naturalisation Board, about the naturalisation process after Latvia’s EU membership
        • Eizenija Aldermane, the Head of Naturalisation Board, about the naturalisation process after Latvias EU membership
        • Chas
        • reports about the visit to Daugavpils of Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission
        • Vesti Segodnya
        • about the situation of non-citizens after Latvias EU membership About 4,000 people attended the meeting against the education reform yesterday, report all newspapers except

          About 4,000 people attended the meeting against the education reform yesterday, report all newspapers except Vesti Segodnya, which estimates the number of participants at 10,000. At the meeting MP Jakov Pliner invited the Ministry of Education and Science to allow schools to freely choose the language of education. Rigas Balss features an article by Arnis Kluinis, who claims that only politicians and Russian-language newspapers in Latvia are interested in the continued existence of the Russian language and Russian community in Latvia. Russian-language newspapers report that teachers have received warnings that they may lose their jobs if they take part in this meeting. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

          Eizenija Aldermane, the Head of Naturalisation Board, predicts that after Latvias EU accession non-citizens will be more active in the naturalisation process, because the citizenship of Latvia then will be a citizenship of EU.

          Rigas Balss


          reports about the visit to Daugavpils of Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission, writing that the Commissioner is convinced that the city is a model of multicultural Europe. He said that Latvia has met all the requirements of EC, including observing the rights of ethnic minorities. reports about the visit to Daugavpils of Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission, writing that the Commissioner is convinced that the city is a model of multicultural Europe. He said that Latvia has met all the requirements of EC, including observing the rights of ethnic minorities.

          Vesti Segodnya

          features an article about the situation of non-citizens after Latvias EU membership, quoting the opinion of Finlands Euro-sceptics that EU will not advocate the rights of the ethnic minorities of Latvia. features an article about the situation of non-citizens after Latvia’s EU membership, quoting the opinion of Finland’s Euro-sceptics that EU will not advocate the rights of the ethnic minorities of Latvia.

          Sept. 4, 2003

          Integration and Minority Information Service
          of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

          Meeting against education reformMeeting against education reform
        • Chas comments the attitude towards the Latvian language
        • Vesti Segodnya complains that issue of non-citizens was not discussed during the visit of Gunter Verheugen
        • Telegraf article about necessity to make amendments in law of radio and television
        • Telegraf interview with Roman Alyev, the Principal of Riga Classical gymnasium, about bilingual education
        • Latvian-language media reports on meeting against education reform taking place today. Russian-language newspapers invite people to participate at this meeting.

          Latvian-language media reports on meeting against education reform taking place today. Russian-language newspapers invite people to participate at this meeting. Chas concludes that the reform is premature, because no teaching methodology has been developed nor teachers trained for the implementation. Lauku avize reports that Karlis Sadurskis, the Minister of Education and Science, yesterday informed MPs about accomplished tasks in the area of reform. According to the newspaper, MPs from Peoples Party are concerned about the possibility for minority schools to themselves choose the subjects to be taught in Latvian, which in their view could lead to only unimportant subjects being taught in the state language. Diena, Lauku Avize, Chas, Vechernaya Riga, Vesti Segodnya

          Chas discusses reasons for a negative attitude towards learning Latvian, proposing that first and foremost there need to be stimuli for communication and dialogue between ethnic groups and then the need for Latvian language skills will become self-evident.

          Chas discusses reasons for a negative attitude towards learning Latvian, proposing that first and foremost there need to be stimuli for communication and dialogue between ethnic groups and then the need for Latvian language skills will become self-evident.

          Vesti Segodnya

          complains that the issue of non-citizens was not discussed during the visit of Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission. The newspaper also reports that next week Aivars Aksenoks, the Minister of Justice, should provide explanations to a parliamentary committee about budget cuts to the Naturalization Board. complains that the issue of non-citizens was not discussed during the visit of Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission. The newspaper also reports that next week Aivars Aksenoks, the Minister of Justice, should provide explanations to a parliamentary committee about budget cuts to the Naturalization Board.


          writes about the necessity to make amendments in the Law on Radio and Television. The law could be supplemented with a norm, which would make it mandatory for TV and radio stations of several areas (for example, Latgale, Daugavpils, Liepaja and Riga) to provide a specified number of programs in Latvian. writes about the necessity to make amendments in the Law on Radio and Television. The law could be supplemented with a norm, which would make it mandatory for TV and radio stations of several areas (for example, Latgale, Daugavpils, Liepaja and Riga) to provide a specified number of programs in Latvian.


          features an interview with Roman Alyev, the Principal of Riga Classical gymnasium about bilingual education. features an interview with Roman Alyev, the Principal of Riga Classical gymnasium about bilingual education.

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