Sept. 12, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


talks to a number of mixed families and discusses their possible choices in the 8th Saeima elections. The official of the Latvian Sea Administration in Ventspils states that a stereotype that Russians mostly vote for FHRUL or pro-Moscow parties is too exaggerated. talks to a number of mixed families and discusses their possible choices in the 8th Saeima elections. The official of the Latvian Sea Administration in Ventspils states that a stereotype that Russians mostly vote for FHRUL or pro-Moscow parties is too exaggerated. DienaDiena provides statistics about mixed marriages in Latvia: 20% of Latvians and about 40% of Russians have mixed marriages, while other nationalities, such as Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians and Jews have mixed marriages in 90% of cases. provides statistics about mixed marriages in Latvia: 20% of Latvians and about 40% of Russians have mixed marriages, while other nationalities, such as Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians and Jews have mixed marriages in 90% of cases.

Lauku Avize

comments on the interpretation of the decision taken by the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council about not resuming monitoring of human rights in Latvia given by Russian newspapers. comments on the interpretation of the decision taken by the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council about not resuming monitoring of human rights in Latvia given by Russian newspapers. Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii and and VestiVesti interpreted the decision in a way that human rights monitoring will definitely be resumed, it is just a matter of time. interpreted the decision in a way that human rights monitoring will definitely be resumed, it is just a matter of time. Lauku AvizeLauku Avize notes that notes that Telegraf Telegraf was the only Russian newspaper, which provided objective information. was the only Russian newspaper, which provided objective information.

Vesti Segodnya

reports on the last preparatory works for a conference held by the Association for the Support of Russian Schools in Latvia, which will take place on September 14. The ASRSL states that the number of interested people is high, however, many Russian teachers and principles will not participate in the conference because they are afraid of possible repression, which could follow after the conference. The Minister of Education and Science, as well as officials of the Ministry, representatives of international organisations and foreign embassies are invited to the conference. reports on the last preparatory works for a conference held by the Association for the Support of Russian Schools in Latvia, which will take place on September 14. The ASRSL states that the number of interested people is high, however, many Russian teachers and principles will not participate in the conference because they are afraid of possible repression, which could follow after the conference. The Minister of Education and Science, as well as officials of the Ministry, representatives of international organisations and foreign embassies are invited to the conference. ChasChas The Riga City Council just recently established a position of a senior expert in national minority education issues and assigned Yelena Matyabukova to this position. In her interview to

The Riga City Council just recently established a position of a senior expert in national minority education issues and assigned Yelena Matyabukova to this position. In her interview to Chas, Yelena Matyabukova states that the key task is to find a place for national minority education in the Latvian education system, while preserving cultural identity. Now she has started to work at developing curriculum for teaching the history of national minorities in Latvia. Another important task is to develop relations and co-operation with the home countries of minorities.

Vesti Segodnya

reports about the campaign Non-elections, which will take place this weekend. All residents of Latvia will be able to vote for anybody whom they want to see in the Latvian Parliament. reports about the campaign “Non-elections,” which will take place this weekend. All residents of Latvia will be able to vote for anybody whom they want to see in the Latvian Parliament. Aleksandr Gilman comments on a study “Occupational Presentation and Ethnic Discrimination in Latvia” conducted by political scientist Artis Pabriks and believes that the study confirms the existence of discrimination against Russian-speakers in Latvia.

Aleksandr Gilman comments on a study Occupational Presentation and Ethnic Discrimination in Latvia conducted by political scientist Artis Pabriks and believes that the study confirms the existence of discrimination against Russian-speakers in Latvia. Panorama Latvii

Sept. 11, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Yesterday the Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia gave a press conference about the results of preparatory works for the Conference of Russian Students’ Parents, which will be held this weekend. The ASRLSL had asked all political parties to voice their opinion about the switch of minority secondary school to Latvian in 2004. Only three parties – FHRUL, the Russian Party and the Welfare Party – are categorically against the switch. Three parties – Latvia’s Way, FF/LNNK and the People’s Party – have not provided any response. The political Union “Centrs” suggests postponing the implementation of the switch to 2007, while the New Era proposes implementing the reform gradually.

Yesterday the Association for Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia gave a press conference about the results of preparatory works for the Conference of Russian Students Parents, which will be held this weekend. The ASRLSL had asked all political parties to voice their opinion about the switch of minority secondary school to Latvian in 2004. Only three parties – FHRUL, the Russian Party and the Welfare Party – are categorically against the switch. Three parties – Latvias Way, FF/LNNK and the Peoples Party – have not provided any response. The political Union Centrs suggests postponing the implementation of the switch to 2007, while the New Era proposes implementing the reform gradually. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Vechernaya Riga

comments on the political show Fight of Giants where representatives of most popular political parties discussed minority issues in Latvia. The newspaper writes that representative of the Union of the Green Party and the Farmers Party Ruta Bendere was the only one who did not include Russians in her definition of a national minority in Latvia. Leader of FF/LNNK Maris Grinblats was the only one who opposed categorically ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. All parties, except for the Latvian Social Democrats and FHRUL, agreed that non-citizens should not be given the right to participate in municipal elections. comments on the political show “Fight of Giants” where representatives of most popular political parties discussed minority issues in Latvia. The newspaper writes that representative of the Union of the Green Party and the Farmers’ Party Ruta Bendere was the only one who did not include Russians in her definition of a national minority in Latvia. Leader of FF/LNNK Maris Grinblats was the only one who opposed categorically ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. All parties, except for the Latvian Social Democrats and FHRUL, agreed that non-citizens should not be given the right to participate in municipal elections. Vesti Segodnya, Panorama LatviiVesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii


writes that voters ethnic backgroundwill determine political choices in the Saeima elections. Head of the research company SKDS Arnis Kaktins says that ethnicity is the only factor which could explain great fluctuations of partys popularity ratings in different regions of Latvia. Latvias Way and Latgales Light have strong positions in Latgale, the eastern part of Latvia, while the Peoples Party is the most popular in Vidzeme. However, Kaktins suggests not relying on the data of opinion polls, as a half of all people surveyed said that they had not made a decision yet or that they could change their minds. writes that voters’ ethnic backgroundwill determine political choices in the Saeima elections. Head of the research company SKDS Arnis Kaktins says that ethnicity is the only factor which could explain great fluctuations of party’s popularity ratings in different regions of Latvia. Latvia’s Way and Latgale’s Light have strong positions in Latgale, the eastern part of Latvia, while the People’s Party is the most popular in Vidzeme. However, Kaktins suggests not relying on the data of opinion polls, as a half of all people surveyed said that they had not made a decision yet or that they could change their minds. Yesterday the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee decided that it is not necessary to vote on the resolution submitted by Russia about resuming human rights monitoring in Latvia. All three representatives of Latvia voted against resuming monitoring. Committee chairwoman Josette Durier will visit Latvia at the end of October after the 8th Saeima elections.

Yesterday the Council of Europes Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee decided that it is not necessary to vote on the resolution submitted by Russia about resuming human rights monitoring in Latvia. All three representatives of Latvia voted against resuming monitoring. Committee chairwoman Josette Durier will visit Latvia at the end of October after the 8th Saeima elections. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

This year’s reports of the European Commission on the progress of candidate states will most probably conclude that 10 candidate countries have met all accession criteria and are ready to become full-fledged member states of the EU. However, Vice-secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andris Kesteris admitted that a number of issues included in this year’s progress report should be taken into account by the Latvian Government. According to this year’s progress report of the EU on Latvia, the Latvian Government should continue to focus on promoting naturalisation. The tempo of naturalisation after last year’s citizenship promotion campaign increased during the first 6 months of this year, but started to decrease in July. The report of the European Commission discusses the education system in Latvia as well, however, it does not suggest reviewing the planned switch of minority secondary schools to Latvian in 2004

This years reports of the European Commission on the progress of candidate states will most probably conclude that 10 candidate countries have met all accession criteria and are ready to become full-fledged member states of the EU. However, Vice-secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andris Kesteris admitted that a number of issues included in this years progress report should be taken into account by the Latvian Government. According to this years progress report of the EU on Latvia, the Latvian Government should continue to focus on promoting naturalisation. The tempo of naturalisation after last years citizenship promotion campaign increased during the first 6 months of this year, but started to decrease in July. The report of the European Commission discusses the education system in Latvia as well, however, it does not suggest reviewing the planned switch of minority secondary schools to Latvian in 2004. Diena

Telegraf publishes a long article by FHRUL MP Boriss Cilevics about myth and realities regarding the rights of national minorities in Latvia and in the world. Boriss Cilevics writes about the key international human rights instruments and organisations, such as the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the EU, and their influence and activities in Latvia in the sphere of national minority rights.

Telegraf publishes a long article by FHRUL MP Boriss Cilevics about myth and realities regarding the rights of national minorities in Latvia and in the world. Boriss Cilevics writes about the key international human rights instruments and organisations, such as the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the EU, and their influence and activities in Latvia in the sphere of national minority rights.

Sept. 10, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Diena features an article about new citizens in Seda, a small town (1775 residents) with the largest share of non-citizens in Latvia. The town is noteworthy for the recent jump in the naturalisation rate. While only 30 people acquired citizenship from 1995 through 2000 and 15 become citizens in 2001, in 2002 already 54 persons have acquired citizenship.


interviews leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans. When asked whether giving Latvian citizenship to people who do not speak Latvian would foster integration, Janis Jurkans states that the Latvian language is a key element in granting citizenship and it should not be granted if a person does not speak Latvian. However, the demand for zero option citizenship included in the Unions pre-election programme was a compromise among three parties within the Union. Janis Jurkans states that Moscows positive assessment of social integration in Latvia is a core determinant of Latvias domestic development and international success. interviews leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans. When asked whether giving Latvian citizenship to people who do not speak Latvian would foster integration, Janis Jurkans states that the Latvian language is a key element in granting citizenship and it should not be granted if a person does not speak Latvian. However, the demand for zero option citizenship included in the Union’s pre-election programme was a compromise among three parties within the Union. Janis Jurkans states that Moscow’s positive assessment of social integration in Latvia is a core determinant of Latvia’s domestic development and international success.

Vechernaya Riga

publishes an article about a reception for Russian language teachers who attended summer courses in Moscow held by Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov. Teachers highly appreciate the quality of the courses and share their positive impressions. Russian ambassador Igor Studennikov stressed that the switch of minority secondary schools to Latvian in 2004 is one of the key aspects in relations between Russia and Latvia. He said, We are not interfering in Latvias domestic affairs, Latvia should just observe international norms. publishes an article about a reception for Russian language teachers who attended summer courses in Moscow held by Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov. Teachers highly appreciate the quality of the courses and share their positive impressions. Russian ambassador Igor Studennikov stressed that the switch of minority secondary schools to Latvian in 2004 is one of the key aspects in relations between Russia and Latvia. He said, “We are not interfering in Latvia’s domestic affairs, Latvia should just observe international norms.”


publishes an article by Anatolijs Kamenevs stating that these elections will be the last elections where the ethnic factor will play an important role. He writes that in the upcoming years all national problems and non-citizen issues will be solved if Latvia wants to become a member of the EU or NATO. publishes an article by Anatolijs Kamenevs stating that these elections will be the last elections where the ethnic factor will play an important role. He writes that in the upcoming years all national problems and non-citizen issues will be solved if Latvia wants to become a member of the EU or NATO. The opinion poll conducted by the company “Latvijas fakti” confirms the trend featured by the opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS: in August the rating of Latvia’s Way has dramatically decreased (only 4.5% of Latvian citizens would vote for Latvia’s Way), while the ratings of the People Party and the Union of the Green Party and the farmers’ Union have grown. The New Era is still the most popular party, although its rating has slightly decreased.

The opinion poll conducted by the company Latvijas fakti confirms the trend featured by the opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS: in August the rating of Latvias Way has dramatically decreased (only 4.5% of Latvian citizens would vote for Latvias Way), while the ratings of the People Party and the Union of the Green Party and the farmers Union have grown. The New Era is still the most popular party, although its rating has slightly decreased. Diena, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Panorama Latvii

reports about the OSCE Human Dimension meeting in Warsaw which discusses the implementation of human right standards in member states of the OSCE. Members of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Tatyana Zdanoka and the Russian Association in Latvia are the sole NGO delegates from Latvia in the meeting. reports about the OSCE Human Dimension meeting in Warsaw which discusses the implementation of human right standards in member states of the OSCE. Members of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Tatyana Zdanoka and the Russian Association in Latvia are the sole NGO delegates from Latvia in the meeting.

Sept. 9, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Chas talks to one of the leaders of the Union of the Green Party and the Farmers Union Ingrida Udre. She states that the attitude towards minority issues within the Union is not uniform as the Union is composed of two parties. Ingrida Udre says that when the elections come closer a conference will be held and the opinion of the Union about minority issues will be more specified. Ingrida Udre says that all residents should take part in municipal elections. Regarding the education reform in 2004, Ingrida Udre believes that the reform should not be implemented in 2004, as all preparatory tasks have not been completed yet.

Vesti Segodnya

reports that a conference Latvia Towards the Year 2002. Integration, Alternatives organised by the Union of Citizens and Non-citizens and the non-governmental organisation Civil Initiative XXI will be held this Wednesday. The organisers will present a book in the Russian language, which is a compilation of articles about integration issues in Latvia. reports that a conference “Latvia Towards the Year 2002. Integration, Alternatives” organised by the Union of Citizens and Non-citizens and the non-governmental organisation “Civil Initiative XXI” will be held this Wednesday. The organisers will present a book in the Russian language, which is a compilation of articles about integration issues in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya

looks into the recently adopted and shortly to be adopted legislation concerning refugees. The newspaper states that life for immigrants will be much better than for many residents of Latvia as immigrants will receive up to LVL 35 from the state budget to attend Latvian language courses. looks into the recently adopted and shortly to be adopted legislation concerning refugees. The newspaper states that life for immigrants will be much better than for many residents of Latvia as immigrants will receive up to LVL 35 from the state budget to attend Latvian language courses.

Sept. 7, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The selection commission for the post of director of the State Language Centre decided to recommend to the Minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka both applicants -- Maris Birzgalis and Agris Timuska. The Minister of Justice is responsible for appointing a director to the State Language Centre.

The selection commission for the post of director of the State Language Centre decided to recommend to the Minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka both applicants -- Maris Birzgalis and Agris Timuska. The Minister of Justice is responsible for appointing a director to the State Language Centre. Neatkariga.

FHRUL MP Boriss Cilevics believes that at this moment no decision about resuming human rights monitoring in Latvia will be taken. He states that Latvia has not fulfilled the majority of recommendations, but it would not be sensible to resume monitoring just before the Saeima elections.

FHRUL MP Boriss Cilevics believes that at this moment no decision about resuming human rights monitoring in Latvia will be taken. He states that Latvia has not fulfilled the majority of recommendations, but it would not be sensible to resume monitoring just before the Saeima elections. Lauku Avize

Diena columnist Anita Brauna writes that Latvia has fulfilled almost all recommendations and monitoring should not be resumed. Anita Brauna believes that the voting whether monitoring should be resumed will prove right the previous statements by FHRUL MP Boriss Cilevics that these issues should be solved inside the country.

Diena columnist Anita Brauna writes that Latvia has fulfilled almost all recommendations and monitoring should not be resumed. Anita Brauna believes that the voting whether monitoring should be resumed will prove right the previous statements by FHRUL MP Boriss Cilevics that these issues should be solved inside the country.

The Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs has re-launched its website where interested people can find information about the department, its history, activities and services.

The Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs has re-launched its website where interested people can find information about the department, its history, activities and services. Neatkariga

Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov held a reception in honour of the 200-year anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and he answered several journalists’ questions. Ambassador Igor Studennikov argued against a statement widely used by Latvian politicians that relations between Poland and Russia improved after Poland became a member of NATO. However, the ambassador continued, “all countries are sovereign” and can take their own decisions. Ambassador Igor Studennikov denied allegations that the proposal to resume human rights monitoring in Latvia is linked to the upcoming NATO summit in Prague.

Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov held a reception in honour of the 200-year anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and he answered several journalists questions. Ambassador Igor Studennikov argued against a statement widely used by Latvian politicians that relations between Poland and Russia improved after Poland became a member of NATO. However, the ambassador continued, all countries are sovereign and can take their own decisions. Ambassador Igor Studennikov denied allegations that the proposal to resume human rights monitoring in Latvia is linked to the upcoming NATO summit in Prague. Chas, Panorama Latvii


analyses whether Latvias membership in NATO will improve relations with Russia. Columnist Sandris Tocs writes that neither the EU nor the USA would conflict with Russia to protect Latvias interests, therefore, Latvian politicians should realise that relations with Russia are only their own responsibility and should be improved not only in words. analyses whether Latvia’s membership in NATO will improve relations with Russia. Columnist Sandris Tocs writes that neither the EU nor the USA would conflict with Russia to protect Latvia’s interests, therefore, Latvian politicians should realise that relations with Russia are only their own responsibility and should be improved not only in words.
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