Nov. 8, 2011

  • Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs signed for the initiative on granting Russian status of official language in Latvia
  • Minister of Culture Zaneta Jaunzeme-Grende: culture is the beginning of integration
  • Chas prints a schools project on involvement of Roma children in the education process
Newspapers print an opinion of the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs about the collection of signatures in support of granting Russian language status of official in Latvia. Mr. Usakovs states that he has signed for support of the initiative and he believes that this way he, as a Latvian citizen, displayed his protest against politicians who do not take into account interests of Latvian residents including ethnic Latvians. Mr Usakovs believes that those citizens who support the initiative do not stand against the Latvian language and ethnic Latvians, but they just want to show the politicians that they want to preserve their dignity.

Newspapers print an opinion of the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs about the collection of signatures in support of granting Russian language status of official in Latvia. Mr. Usakovs states that he has signed for support of the initiative and he believes that this way he, as a Latvian citizen, displayed his protest against politicians who do not take into account interests of Latvian residents including ethnic Latvians. Mr Usakovs believes that those citizens who support the initiative do not stand against the Latvian language and ethnic Latvians, but they just want to show the politicians that they want to preserve their dignity. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga

Diena prints an interview with the new Minister of Culture Zaneta Jaunzeme-Grende. The Minister believes that culture is the beginning of integration, because culture brings positive emotions to people. The Minister also believes that many residents do not feel fully attached to Latvia, and the task is to achieve that they feel here like home and that Latvian culture gives richness to identity.

Chas prints an article about Jurmalas Mezmalas secondary schools project funded by the Latvian – Swiss co-operation fund on involvement of Roma children in the education process. In the framework of the project, Roma children in the age of 5-8 years take part in common school events and some classes (music, sports, dances etc.) together with other school kids but the rest of the lessons they study within one special class. Roma teachers assistant takes part in the classes helping the children to explain things in their native language. According to the director of the school, the main task of the project is to achieve that Roma children successfully start the education process and continue it.

Nov. 7, 2011

  • State Language Centre fined 794 persons for violations of the State Language Law
  • Vladimirs Lindermans: Russian speakers are not foreigners in Latvia
During nine months of 2011, the State Language Centre fined 794 persons and drew up 2,159 protocols for violations of the State Language Law. The majority of persons got fined for insufficient usage of the state language at work.

During nine months of 2011, the State Language Centre fined 794 persons and drew up 2,159 protocols for violations of the State Language Law. The majority of persons got fined for insufficient usage of the state language at work. Chas

Neatkariga prints an interview with Vladimirs Lindermans - one of the initiators of the collection of signatures in support of granting Russian language status of official in Latvia. According to Mr Lindermans, Russian speaking residents are not foreigners in Latvia and their language also should not be considered as foreign here. Mr Lindermans considers that Russian language is not brought to Latvia from somewhere, but it always existed here.

Nov. 4, 2011

  • Minister of Education and Science Roberts Kilis: emphasis in integration field should be put on learning of Latvian language

Latvijas Avize prints an article about the vision of the Minister of Education and Science Roberts Kilis regarding the society integration issues. As reported, according to the governing coalitions agreement the society integration issues are partly transferred from the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Education and Science. Roberts Kilis believes that the emphasis in integration field should be put on learning of Latvian language. The Minister believes that the desire of non-Latvians to learn and to use Latvian language should be promoted in a positive way. Mr Kilis also believes that for successful integration process it is very important to achieve that ethnic Latvians feel safe about the security of Latvian as the only state language while ethnic minorities feel that their language and traditions are respected. The Minister states that the recently accepted Guidelines of National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy might be changed regarding some of the definitions used in it

Nov. 3, 2011

  • Saeimas Legal Committee established a sub-committee on elaboration of draft amendments to the Citizenship Law
The Saeima’s Legal Committee decided to establish a sub-committee on elaboration of draft amendments to the Citizenship Law. It is planned to discuss allowing dual citizenship to children born abroad in a family of Latvian citizen and foreigner and to those who got deprived of Latvian citizenship after receiving other’s countries citizenship. The MPs also will discuss granting Latvian citizenship to Latvians who emigrated from the country before the restoration of independence in 1991 (at present, only those immigrants were granted Latvian citizenship who registered before 1995); and granting citizenship automatically to children born in a family of Latvian non-citizens.

The Saeimas Legal Committee decided to establish a sub-committee on elaboration of draft amendments to the Citizenship Law. It is planned to discuss allowing dual citizenship to children born abroad in a family of Latvian citizen and foreigner and to those who got deprived of Latvian citizenship after receiving others countries citizenship. The MPs also will discuss granting Latvian citizenship to Latvians who emigrated from the country before the restoration of independence in 1991 (at present, only those immigrants were granted Latvian citizenship who registered before 1995); and granting citizenship automatically to children born in a family of Latvian non-citizens. Vesti Segodnya

Nov. 2, 2011

  • Opinion poll: 29% of residents are ready to sign for the initiative to grant Russian language the status of official in Latvia
  • Administrative District Court of Riga satisfied the claim of Vladimirs Lindermans against the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs on refusal of naturalisation application
  • Head of the Presidents State Language Commission believes that the MPs have the right to speak Latgalian at work

According to an opinion poll conducted by the TNS Latvia and the TV broadcast 900 seconds, 29% of economically active Latvian residents are planning to sign for amendments to the Constitution of Latvia granting Russian language the status of official in the country. The majority of the respondents willing to sign for support of the initiative are 18 to 29 years old, mostly residents of Riga and Latgale region (Eastern part of Latvia). As reported, yesterday, the Central Elections Committee began collection of signatures in support of the initiative. Chas

Diena reports that the Administrative District Court of Riga satisfied the claim of Vladimirs Lindermans against the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) on refusal to accept Lindermans application for naturalisation. The OCMA argued that Mr Lindermans has no right to apply for Latvian citizenship because he did not reside in Latvia during the last five years continuously. Mr Lindermans, in his turn, argued that the legal acts say that the applicant for naturalisation should reside in Latvia at least five years but the word continuously is not mentioned. The Court satisfied the claim and prescribed the OCMA to accept Lindermans application. Vladimirs Lindermans is a left wing activist known for his activities in support of Russian speakers and Russian language in Latvia. Mr Lindermans joined the Russian National Bolshevik party in 1997, became leader of the Latvian chapter, and resided illegally in Russia from 2002 until his extradition to Latvia in 2008.

Head of the Presidents State Language Commission Andreis Veisbergs believes that the MPs have the right to speak Latgalian at work if other MPs understand it. Issue of usage of Latgalian language became topical because recently several MPs spoke in it from the Saeimas tribune. Neatkariga

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