Sept. 19, 2006

  • FF/LNIM proposes to forbid speak Russian at sessions of Saeimas factions
  • LASHOR reproaches state and municipalities for manipulations with numbers of students
  • Latvijas Vestnesis prints an article on migration issues in the world, including Latvia
  • Chas prints an interview with the head of the Institute of CIS Countries, activist of the Union of Orthodox Citizens Kirill Frolov
The political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has submitted to the Saeima the draft amendments to the Saeima’s Rules Procedure which stipulate that MPs are forbidden to speak Russian during sessions of parliamentary factions.

The political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has submitted to the Saeima the draft amendments to the Saeimas Rules Procedure which stipulate that MPs are forbidden to speak Russian during sessions of parliamentary factions. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Newspapers write that the Latvian Association for Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR in its Russian acronym) has stated that the state and municipalities want to take advantage of the fall in number of students, including minority students, due to low fertility in Latvia and on that basis transform all schools in Latvia into schools teaching only in Latvian. According to the LASHOR several regional schools are planning to close minority classes in couple years because of the decreasing number of Russian students. The LASHOR has also proposed that the government should establish the exceptional requirements regarding the required number of students at minority schools.

Newspapers write that the Latvian Association for Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR in its Russian acronym) has stated that the state and municipalities want to take advantage of the fall in number of students, including minority students, due to low fertility in Latvia and on that basis transform all schools in Latvia into schools teaching only in Latvian. According to the LASHOR several regional schools are planning to close minority classes in couple years because of the decreasing number of Russian students. The LASHOR has also proposed that the government should establish the exceptional requirements regarding the required number of students at minority schools. Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Vestnesis prints an article on migration issues in the world, including Latvia, by professor Georgs Libermanis. According to Mr. Libermanis deficiency of labour force in Latvia cannot be solved by the influx of immigrants from Asia and Africa because they are not qualified labour force, while Latvia is in shortage of high-qualified labour force. In their turn, high qualified labour force is not interested in employment in Latvia because of low level of average salary. Therefore, Georgs Libermanis concludes that Latvia will not face serious immigration problems in the near future.

Chas prints an interview with the head of the Institute of CIS Countries, activist of the Union of Orthodox Citizens Kirill Frolov who took part in a conference Cultural Autonomy for National Minorities: Experience and Perspectives held by the European Russian Alliance. Kirill Frolov believes that Russians in Latvia have been able to preserve high social status and that: the Russian community will become an important social and political force sooner or later.

Sept. 18, 2006

  • Insulting statements and swastika have appeared on the walls of buildings in Daugavpils
  • Leader of the „The Concord Centre Janis Urbanovics: number of representatives of ethnic minorities in the Saeima will increase after the elections
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article by psychologist Andris Tertars on Roma integration program

Chas reports that statements insulting Russians and swastika have appeared on the walls of buildings in Daugavpils.

The leader of the political party „The Concord Centre” Janis Urbanovics in an interview with

The leader of the political party „The Concord Centre Janis Urbanovics in an interview with Vesti Segodnya stated that the number of representatives of ethnic minorities in the Saeima will increase after the up-coming Saeima elections.

Latvijas Avize prints an article by psychologist Andris Tertars of Romani origin. Mr. Tertars considers that the draft national action plan for integration of Roma in Latvia 2007-2009 will ensure a possibility for active representatives of the Romani community in Latvia to focus on problematic issues and develop their own projects.

Sept. 16, 2006

  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the Romani Cultural Association Normunds Rudevics
  • Latvijas Avize elaborates on a conflict between the NGO, which accommodated seven Somalis,and the owner of the real estate rented out for the NGO.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the Romani Cultural Association Normunds Rudevics. Mr. Rudevics criticizes the national action plan for integration of Roma in Latvia 2007-2009 elaborated under auspices of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration. Normunds Rudevics states that Roma do not need any integration plans because they are already integrated into the society: the majority of Roma like any other Latvias resident can find a job or go to school. Mr. Rudevics also believes that the state funding has to be granted to Roma with the aim to develop private businesses or build new Romani cultural centres.

Latvijas Avize elaborates on a conflict between the NGO, which accommodated seven Somalis who were granted the alternative status in summer 2006, and the owner of the real estate rented out for the NGO. As reported, NGO „Zvannieku Mājas accommodated the seven Somalis when they did not have any place to go, however, the owner of the real estate rented by the NGO claimed that by accommodating the Somalis the NGO has breeched the rent agreement. Owner of the real estate Janis Ezergailis in an interview with Latvijas Avize stated that „Veczvannieki is not a place for the Somalis because it is a crises centre for Latvian children from disadvantageous families. While head of the „Zvannieku Mājas Sandra Dzenite believes that by accommodating the Somalis, the NGO has not breeched the rent agreement as the mission of the centre is to help children and their family members. Currently, the Somalis have moved out of Veczvannieki and have found the place of residency at a guesthouse. Latvijas Avize

Sept. 15, 2006

  • Saeima rejected a draft law on granting Latvian citizenship automatically to persons who have suffered under Nazi and Stalins repressions
  • Sixth international conference „Jews in a Changing World
  • Magazine Republika prints an interview with MP and leader of FHRUL Jakovs Pliners
Yesterday, the Saeima rejected a draft law, elaborated by the political party “The Concord Centre”, which stipulates granting Latvian citizenship automatically to those residents of Latvia who have suffered under Nazi and Stalin’s regimes.

Yesterday, the Saeima rejected a draft law, elaborated by the political party The Concord Centre, which stipulates granting Latvian citizenship automatically to those residents of Latvia who have suffered under Nazi and Stalins regimes. Chas

Sixth international conference „Jews in a Changing World” was held in Riga this week. About 60 researchers from France, Israel, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the U.S., Rumania, Germany, and the Baltic States took part in the conference. The participants discussed issues concerning history and culture of Jews, integration of ethnic minorities, and interethnic relations.

Sixth international conference „Jews in a Changing World was held in Riga this week. About 60 researchers from France, Israel, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the U.S., Rumania, Germany, and the Baltic States took part in the conference. The participants discussed issues concerning history and culture of Jews, integration of ethnic minorities, and interethnic relations. Vesti Segodnya

The weekly magazine

The weekly magazine Republika prints an interview with the MP and leader of the political union For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) Jakovs Pliners. Mr. Pliners stated that FHRUL accepts that the Latvian language has to be the only state language. However, FHRUL proposes to authorise use the Russian language in municipal institutions and courts.

Sept. 14, 2006

  • Chas features an article about skinheads and White Power in Latvia
  • Four of seven Somalians were issued residency permit

Chas features an article about skinheads and a racist movement White Power in Latvia. According to the newspaper police have recorded a record-high number of racially motivated crimes within this year. The newspaper interviews a representative of skinheads and he says that skinheads are committing violent attacks and making verbal abuses towards dark-skinned people because they want to prevent the influx of migrants into the country. The columnist of the newspaper argues that in fact the main enemies of skinheads in Latvia are not dark-skinned people, but National Bolsheviks. The leader of National Bolsheviks in Riga states that the movement White Power has become fashionable among young Europeans all over Europe, including Latvia, and it is a response towards the influx of Muslims and migrants.

Diena reports that four of seven Somalians, who recently were granted an alternative status in Latvia, received residency permits, while residency permits of another three Somalians will be issued in the nearest future.

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