Sept. 18, 2004

  • Dr. Denis Hanovs about intolerance towards others in Latvia
  • International conference ‘Identity Changes: Latvian Society in the European Context took place in Riga
  • Discussions about the unification of all national forces before elections launched
  • Russian organisations in Latvia protestagainst claims of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia to speak on the behalf of all Russians
  • United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia will open its offices in Moscow and Strasbourg
  • Founder of a new party of entrepreneurs concerned about consolidation of Latvian society
  • Ventspils Administrative Committee imposes fines on parents whose children participated in unapproved meeting during classes
  • Latvijas Avize comments on the forthcoming visit of the OSCE HCNM
Dr. Denis Hanovs publishes an article about intolerance towards others in Latvia. He was motivated to write the article by the response of mass media towards the results of studies, which indicate that the level of intolerance in Latvian society towards others grows. Majority of newspapers expressed incomprehension about the need of such studies, because ‘intolerance is a part of human being.’ First, the author looks into the possible causes of intolerance and after summarising the market of ideas in Latvia concludes that tolerance, equality and intercultural dialogue do not have hopes for mass support in Latvia now. The author warns about the possible consequences of intolerance – unstable society, escalation of violence, etc. Hanovs admits that sometimes intolerance may seem the fastest way to reach one’s goals, however, it has never worked in a long-run. All members of society need tolerance. Denis Hanovs reminds that EU directives provide that legislation of new EU countries should ensure a minimum of tolerance and anti-discrimination. And it is an obligation of Latvian legislators to introduce these norms. He stresses that specific intolerance in Latvia is observable towards memories, historic events of other groups. In conclusion he suggests to 1) develop societal legal activities, for instance court cases dealing with expressions of intolerance; 2) tolerance should be taught at schools, however, first of all teachers and 3) it should be one of the tasks of mass media to develop tolerance.

Dr. Denis Hanovs publishes an article about intolerance towards others in Latvia. He was motivated to write the article by the response of mass media towards the results of studies, which indicate that the level of intolerance in Latvian society towards others grows. Majority of newspapers expressed incomprehension about the need of such studies, because ‘intolerance is a part of human being. First, the author looks into the possible causes of intolerance and after summarising the market of ideas in Latvia concludes that tolerance, equality and intercultural dialogue do not have hopes for mass support in Latvia now. The author warns about the possible consequences of intolerance – unstable society, escalation of violence, etc. Hanovs admits that sometimes intolerance may seem the fastest way to reach ones goals, however, it has never worked in a long-run. All members of society need tolerance. Denis Hanovs reminds that EU directives provide that legislation of new EU countries should ensure a minimum of tolerance and anti-discrimination. And it is an obligation of Latvian legislators to introduce these norms. He stresses that specific intolerance in Latvia is observable towards memories, historic events of other groups. In conclusion he suggests to 1) develop societal legal activities, for instance court cases dealing with expressions of intolerance; 2) tolerance should be taught at schools, however, first of all teachers and 3) it should be one of the tasks of mass media to develop tolerance. Diena

Chas reports about the international conference ‘Identity Changes: Latvian Society in the European Context organised by the University of Latvia and the Institute of Political and Sociological Studies. Among prominent speakers was the Professor of Stanford University David Laitin who gave the presentation of his research on Russian identities in Briton Beach New York.

The Board of the New Era will meet one of the founders of the Latvian National Independence Movement (LNIM) Eduards Berklavs to discuss his idea to unite all national forces and parties for the next Saeima elections. The member of the New Era Krisjanis Karins believes that the idea is good, however, it is not very clear how to realise the idea.

The Board of the New Era will meet one of the founders of the Latvian National Independence Movement (LNIM) Eduards Berklavs to discuss his idea to unite all national forces and parties for the next Saeima elections. The member of the New Era Krisjanis Karins believes that the idea is good, however, it is not very clear how to realise the idea. Diena, Chas

The Association of Russian Organisations in Latvia has issued a statement saying that FHRUL and the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools use Russian education issues with the only goal – to advertise the party before municipal elections. The statement stresses that the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia does not have the right to speak on the behalf of all Russians in Latvia. 

The Association of Russian Organisations in Latvia has issued a statement saying that FHRUL and the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools use Russian education issues with the only goal – to advertise the party before municipal elections. The statement stresses that the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia does not have the right to speak on the behalf of all Russians in Latvia.

The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia will have to representative offices outside Latvia – one in Moscow and another in Strasbourg. The office in Moscow will be opened by the Advisor to the member of the Russian State Duma Aleksandr Kazakov who was recently deported from Latvia because of his active involvement in the protest actions against the education reform.

The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia will have to representative offices outside Latvia – one in Moscow and another in Strasbourg. The office in Moscow will be opened by the Advisor to the member of the Russian State Duma Aleksandr Kazakov who was recently deported from Latvia because of his active involvement in the protest actions against the education reform. Diena

Chas talks to Juris Brivzemnieks who is forming a party of entrepreneurs. He states that none of Latvian governments had even attempted to consolidate Latvian society and accuses governments in being interested in having divided society. He believes that the number of state functions should be restricted.

The Administrative Committee of the Ventspils City reviewed the case of a number of students who were absent from classes because participated in an unapproved meeting in the support for Kazakov, the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools just recently expulsed from Latvia. The Committee ruled that parents are responsible that their children did not attend classes and were imposed a fine in the amount of LVL 10 (EUR 15). The member of the Headquarters commented that the Committee has misinterpreted the norm according to which it sentenced the parents and that the norm in fact deals with socially excluded families. The decision will be appealed with the District Court.

The Administrative Committee of the Ventspils City reviewed the case of a number of students who were absent from classes because participated in an unapproved meeting in the support for Kazakov, the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools just recently expulsed from Latvia. The Committee ruled that parents are responsible that their children did not attend classes and were imposed a fine in the amount of LVL 10 (EUR 15). The member of the Headquarters commented that the Committee has misinterpreted the norm according to which it sentenced the parents and that the norm in fact deals with socially excluded families. The decision will be appealed with the District Court. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize comments on the forthcoming visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Ralf Ekeus to Latvia. The columnist Aija Calite states that his visits always bring some negativism, because they make Latvia justify her decisions and actions. The columnist reports that the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told her that the visit will be an ordinary working visit and Latvia does not have to consider whether she has committed any violations and look for possible excuses.



Sept. 17, 2004

  • Saeima adopts amendments which provides that Latvian non-citizens can work as pilots and crew members
  • Situation concerning Latvian language courses provided in Daugavpils and in general
  • Riga City Council sees no need in the development of the Law on Minority Schools
  • Directors of minority schools claim that their students have no objections to increased number of subjects in Latvian
  • Vesti Segodnya: due to education reform Russian parents want their children attend Latvian kindergartens
  • Latvijas Avize names schools whose students have taken the most active part in protest actions against the education reform
  • National Radio and TV Council critical about a the content of a programme aired in Russian by the National Television
  • Detailed article about leaders and programmes of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia
Yesterday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Aviation. The new provisions stipulate that from now on Latvian non-citizens and citizens of the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein can take positions of pilots and other crewmembers.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Aviation. The new provisions stipulate that from now on Latvian non-citizens and citizens of the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein can take positions of pilots and other crewmembers. Vesti Segodnya

Diena prints reportage on the situation concerning Latvian language learning in Daugavpils (the second biggest city in Latvia where the predominantly majority of residents are non-Latvians), in particular, about Latvian language courses offered by the Societal Integration Foundation and people who apply for these courses. Experience from other cities in Latvia shows that there is a strong interest to learn the Latvian language. In Daugavpils people explain their interest mostly with the need to understand what their children study at school. However, next year the Societal Integration Foundation will not provide money for organising Latvian language courses free of charge. The Minister for Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks believes that funding could be obtained from the European Social Foundation, however, the Ministry of Welfare reports that none of Foundations programmes is aimed specifically at learning the Latvian language. There are programmes, which will provide an opportunity to study Latvian for socially excluded groups, such as, long-term unemployed, disabled persons etc.

The Department of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport of the Riga City Council after the analysis of Latvian legislation has come to a conclusion that there is no need in the development of the Law on Minority and sent its conclusion to the Saeima and the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Department of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport of the Riga City Council after the analysis of Latvian legislation has come to a conclusion that there is no need in the development of the Law on Minority and sent its conclusion to the Saeima and the Cabinet of Ministers. Latvijas Avize

Directors of minority schools in Riga claim that they do not feel any opposition from their pupils to study in Latvian, however, they feel under pressure because of continuous attention from mass media. Any conclusions about changes in grades of minority students after having increased number of subjects in Latvian can be drawn only at the end of the first semester.

Directors of minority schools in Riga claim that they do not feel any opposition from their pupils to study in Latvian, however, they feel under pressure because of continuous attention from mass media. Any conclusions about changes in grades of minority students after having increased number of subjects in Latvian can be drawn only at the end of the first semester. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya writes that the number of Russian children whose parents have decided to send them to Latvian kindergartens has increased considerably. However, the newspaper also reports about the case when the administration of the Latvian kindergarten refused to enrol a Russian child because of her nationality. The administration of the kindergarten No 160 denies the accusations and states that the child was refused because there are no more free places for children of any nationality. Nevertheless, the Head of the kindergarten admits that 2-year-old children should not be taken out of their natural language environment.

According to the data provided by the Riga City Council Riga Secondary Schools No 21, 22 and 68 had the highest number of pupils who did not attend classes without justified reasons.

According to the data provided by the Riga City Council Riga Secondary Schools No 21, 22 and 68 had the highest number of pupils who did not attend classes without justified reasons. Latvijas Avize

The National Radio and TV Council is very cautious when gives an evaluation to the morning show in the Russian language, which is aired by the Channel 7 of the National Television. The member of the Conservative Party Valerijs Belokons who also owns the newspaper

The National Radio and TV Council is very cautious when gives an evaluation to the morning show in the Russian language, which is aired by the Channel 7 of the National Television. The member of the Conservative Party Valerijs Belokons who also owns the newspaper Telegraf funds the show. A member of the NRTC does not deny that there is a need for such programme because Russian-speakers residing in Latvia live in a totally different informative space; however, the programme contains too much news from Russia. Latvijas Avize

Chas introduces its readers to leaders of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia and their views and aims.

Sept. 16, 2004

  • Saeima Legal Committee supports amendments to the Constitution of Latvia to grant citizens of other EU countries the right to participate in municipal elections in Latvia
  • NGOs and left-wing MPs wants European institutions to influence Latvia so she would grant Latvian non-citizens the right to participatein municipal elections
  • Interview with the Peoples Harmony Party Parliamentary Group Janis Urbanovichs
  • Security Police: part of funding for the protest actions against the education reform comes from Russia
  • Open door day at the Naturalisation Board
  • President congratulates all Jews in Latvia with the beginning of a new year
The Saeima Legal Committee supported amendments to the Constitution of Latvia which provide the right to citizens of other EU countries to vote in municipal elections. MP Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia - FHRUL) suggested to include in the amendments also a norm which would grant Latvian non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections as well. The Committee did not support the proposal. It did not support another Buzajev’s proposal to amend the Rules of Procedure, which would allow MPs to give speeches in Russian in Saeima’s sessions.

The Saeima Legal Committee supported amendments to the Constitution of Latvia which provide the right to citizens of other EU countries to vote in municipal elections. MP Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia - FHRUL) suggested to include in the amendments also a norm which would grant Latvian non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections as well. The Committee did not support the proposal. It did not support another Buzajevs proposal to amend the Rules of Procedure, which would allow MPs to give speeches in Russian in Saeimas sessions. Latvijas Avize

A number of NGOs and left-wing MPs calls on the European Commission and the European Parliament to influence Latvia so it would grant its non-citizens the right to participate in municipal elections. Municipal elections will take place March 2005.

A number of NGOs and left-wing MPs calls on the European Commission and the European Parliament to influence Latvia so it would grant its non-citizens the right to participate in municipal elections. Municipal elections will take place March 2005. Rigas Balss, Chas

Chas interviews the leader of the Peoples Harmony Party Parliamentary Group Janis Urbanovichs, who is also the President of the upcoming ‘Baltic Forum. Janis Urbanovichs is convinced that Latvia herself has to deal with its domestic issues, although during 10 years of independence she has not made any progress regarding integration of two communities – Latvians and Russians. He believes that solution to the current situation would be if Latvians leave Russians alone anddo not impose on them the Latvian language, etc., while Russians realise that Latvians are afraid of them. He states that politicians should feel that there is a demand for peace and not for war.

According to the information, which is at the disposal of the Security Police, the advisor to the Head of the Russia State Duma’s Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandr Kazakov, who was very actively involved in the protest actions against the education reform in Latvia, has had relations with supporters in Russia who provided him with financial support.

According to the information, which is at the disposal of the Security Police, the advisor to the Head of the Russia State Dumas Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandr Kazakov, who was very actively involved in the protest actions against the education reform in Latvia, has had relations with supporters in Russia who provided him with financial support. Diena

Yesterday the Naturalisation Board organised the open door day to inform all interests about procedures of naturalisation and examinations.

Yesterday the Naturalisation Board organised the open door day to inform all interests about procedures of naturalisation and examinations. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Latvian President wished happy Rosh Hashanah to all Latvian Jews.

Yesterday the Latvian President wished happy Rosh Hashanah to all Latvian Jews. Latvijas Avize




Sept. 15, 2004

  • Necessity in the development of the Law on Minority Schools still under discussions
  • Amendments to the Immigration Law exempt persons with specific diseases and disabilities from the Latvian language test when receiving a residence permit
  • Prime Ministers Adviser on National Security Andrejs Pantelejevs about education reform
  • Vesti Segodnya interviews board members of the new organisation United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia
  • Excerpts from an interview with Kazakov, just recently deported from Latvia because of his active involvement in protest activities against the education reform
  • National Radio and TV Council will decide whether a historical analytical programme produced by Russia should be aired in Latvia
  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities will visit Latvia
Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee charged a working group formed with the aim to draft the Law on Minority Schools to come up with sound and accurate arguments whether and why there is a need for the Law on Minority Schools in Latvia within a month time. The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis expressed his incomprehension why the issue whether the Law is necessary at all is still under discussions. While

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee charged a working group formed with the aim to draft the Law on Minority Schools to come up with sound and accurate arguments whether and why there is a need for the Law on Minority Schools in Latvia within a month time. The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis expressed his incomprehension why the issue whether the Law is necessary at all is still under discussions. While Telegraf interviews the Secretary of the Saeimas Education Committee Dzintars Abikis who believes that there is no need in the development of the Law. NRA, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday amendments to the Law on Immigration were adopted. The new amendments stipulate that persons suffering from certain diseases or having some disabilities will not have to pass the Latvian language examination when receiving a residence permit. The list of diseases is under discussions.

Yesterday amendments to the Law on Immigration were adopted. The new amendments stipulate that persons suffering from certain diseases or having some disabilities will not have to pass the Latvian language examination when receiving a residence permit. The list of diseases is under discussions. Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya interviews the Advisor to the Prime Minister on National Security Andrejs Pantelejevs. He believes that, in fact, nobody, even the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools, was interested in initiating ethnic conflicts on 1 September. Andrejs Pantelejevs argues that the government has done a lot in the last months before 1 September to ensure the implementation of the reform, however, he stresses that there are no winners, including the government, in this situation. He is convinced that the government has learned its lesson and refers to the development of the Law on Minority Schools as a proof of the governments good will. Aleksejs Pantelejevs states that issues and events concerning the implementation of the education reform were last issues on the grounds of ethnicity in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya interviews board members of the new organisation United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia. Majority of board members state that they joined the organisation because they want to foster the dialogue between the Latvian and Russian communities in Latvia. However, MP Boris Tsilevich, who was also elected in the Board of the Congress, doubts whether the Congress will achieve its aims.

Latvijas Avize reprints excerpts from the interview with the advisor to the Head of the Russia State Dumas Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandr Kazakov, who has been just recently deported from Latvia because of his active involvement in protest activities against the education reform. In his interview with the newspaper Izvestija, printed in Russia, Kazakov states that very soon Russian-speakers in Latvia will speak exclusively Russian and will refuse to buy goods if they do not contain any labels or instructions in Russian. He believes that in March there will be a two-community society in Latvia.

The National Radio and TV Council will look into a programme ‘Europe Sentenced’ produced by Russia’s TV channel ‘Pervij Baltijskij’ which airs in the Baltic States. The programme ‘Europe Sentenced’ discusses the Molotov - Ribentrop pact and was recommended not to be aired in Lithuania.  

The National Radio and TV Council will look into a programme ‘Europe Sentenced produced by Russias TV channel ‘Pervij Baltijskij which airs in the Baltic States. The programme ‘Europe Sentenced discusses the Molotov - Ribentrop pact and was recommended not to be aired in Lithuania.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the OSCE High Commissioner Ralf Ekeus will visit Latvia.


Sept. 14, 2004

  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans to implement new protest activities against the education reform
  • Comments on the formation of the new organisation United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia
  • Politicians and ministers discuss societal integration issues in Limbazi
  • Researcher: work of the Consultative Council on Nationality and Society Affairs not effective
  • Naturalisation Board does not halt naturalisation
  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities will look into the issues concerning the rights of Russian speakers in Latvia
The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans to implement new protest activities against the education reform because the protest actions in September were not effective. On Monday the hunger strike was stopped as well. Members of the Headquarters state that protests failed because the government started discussions about the development of the Law on Minority Schools and has not been very strict regarding the implementation of the ratio of instruction languages.

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans to implement new protest activities against the education reform because the protest actions in September were not effective. On Monday the hunger strike was stopped as well. Members of the Headquarters state that protests failed because the government started discussions about the development of the Law on Minority Schools and has not been very strict regarding the implementation of the ratio of instruction languages. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Dienas columnist Askolds Rodins comments on the formation of the new organisation United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (UCRCL). He stresses that at the congress there were representatives of 14 minority organisations who spoke on the behalf of all Russians in Latvia, although in total there are 40 minority organisations in Latvia. The columnist speculates that the new organisation may become a national radical satellite of FHRUL and then cleavages in the new organisation are not avoidable. The columnist concludes with the data from the recent study according to which 84% Latvians and 82% non-Latvians want to see a single-community society in Latvia. ‘Latvijas Avize asks views of Latvian politicians regarding the new organisation. Politicians agree that the goals and programmes of the new organisation are targeted against the development of Latvia; nevertheless no response to the Congress should be made.

Latvijas Avize reports on the Book festival in Limbazi (a town in a Northern part of Latvia) in which a number of politicians and members of government were present. Politicians and members of government also took part in the discussion organised by Latvijas Avize. Among other issues, participants of the discussion talked about social integration. Both the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis and the Societal Integration Minister Nils Muiznieks expressed their satisfaction with the governments activities in dealing with the implementation of the education reform and the protest activities, while the member of the Riga City Council Janis Karpovics argued that the Riga City Councilshould be thanked for a successful implementation of the education reform. Regarding the Law on Minority Schools, the Prime Minister repeatedly expressed his support for the development of the Law, while the representative of the New Era Krisjanis Karins believed that the adoption of such law would be a step towards a two-community society.

The assistant Sigita Zankovska-Odina working for the Centre for Ethnic Research of the University of Latvia evaluates the development of a dialogue between minorities and the government. She states that the Consultative Council on Nationality and Society Affairs established a year and a half ago under the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister of Societal Integration Affairs fails to be an effective mechanism of building a dialogue with minorities. She argues that the Council lost its expected efficiency because the body of the Council and its preliminary program were changed. Zankovska-Odina believes that the body of the Council proves that minorities are not able to consolidate, resultantly state institutions have difficulties with identification of partners. She summarises that through the Council minorities and organisations dealing with integration issues are given the possibility to be heard and it is up to them whether their views are taken into account. She also notes that a big part of society are not aware of the existence of the Council, therefore she advises the Ministry to promote activities of the Council.

The assistant Sigita Zankovska-Odina working for the Centre for Ethnic Research of the University of Latvia evaluates the development of a dialogue between minorities and the government. She states that the Consultative Council on Nationality and Society Affairs established a year and a half ago under the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister of Societal Integration Affairs fails to be an effective mechanism of building a dialogue with minorities. She argues that the Council lost its expected efficiency because the body of the Council and its preliminary program were changed. Zankovska-Odina believes that the body of the Council proves that minorities are not able to consolidate, resultantly state institutions have difficulties with identification of partners. She summarises that through the Council minorities and organisations dealing with integration issues are given the possibility to be heard and it is up to them whether their views are taken into account. She also notes that a big part of societyare not aware of the existence of the Council, therefore she advises the Ministry to promote activities of the Council. Diena

Chas investigates whether the tempo of naturalisation is intentionally halted before municipal elections in Latvia. The press secretary of the Naturalisation Board notes that on contrary the number of naturalisation applicants is increasing and explains more in detail theflow of documents and naturalisation procedures.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Ralf Ekeus is charged to clarify the situation regarding violations of rights of Russian-speakers in Latvia.



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