Sept. 13, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Disregarding the support of the Saeima Budget and Finance Commission for the candidates for the post of the Chairman of the Capital Market Commission E.Krastins and his deputy - J.Brazovskis, the faction TB/LNNK still keep their coalition partners in uncertainty about their possible vote. The Chairman of LC A.Pantelejevs admits that if the coalition is not united the situation could become serious for the stability of the Government.

Disregarding the support of the Saeima Budget and Finance Commission for the candidates for the post of the Chairman of the Capital Market Commission E.Krastins and his deputy - J.Brazovskis, the faction TB/LNNK still keep their coalition partners in uncertainty about their possible vote. The Chairman of LC A.Pantelejevs admits that if the coalition is not united the situation could become serious for the stability of the Government. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika

Public integration program for 2001 could receive Phare financing on the condition if in the nearest future will be accepted establishing and principles of activities of Public Integration Fund. The International Aid Co-operation Board thinks that, taking into consideration the interest of Europe in this project, the project could receive support even if it would be submitted later that the formal and already delayed deadline.

Public integration program for 2001 could receive Phare financing on the condition if in the nearest future will be accepted establishing and principles of activities of Public Integration Fund. The International Aid Co-operation Board thinks that, taking into consideration the interest of Europe in this project, the project could receive support even if it would be submitted later that the formal and already delayed deadline. Diena

After seceding from Latvijas Cels, former Minister of Interior D.Turlais does not intend to leave politics but to participate in establishing a new political party that would defend interests of medium size entrepreneurs.

After seceding from Latvijas Cels, former Minister of Interior D.Turlais does not intend to leave politics but to participate in establishing a new political party that would defend interests of medium size entrepreneurs. Diena

Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.H.Ilvess does not foresee any changes in Estonia’s relations with Russia while Russia itself does not decide to change its attitude towards neighbouring countries. He said it to an Estonian newspaper and added that the general attitude of Russian President V.Putin had remained the same and nothing new was observed.

Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.H.Ilvess does not foresee any changes in Estonias relations with Russia while Russia itself does not decide to change its attitude towards neighbouring countries. He said it to an Estonian newspaper and added that the general attitude of Russian President V.Putin had remained the same and nothing new was observed. Diena

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga received accreditation letters from three new foreign Ambassadors – Swedish - T.Bertelman, Finish - K.Eskelinen-Liukkonen and Dutch - N.Beets.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga received accreditation letters from three new foreign Ambassadors – Swedish - T.Bertelman, Finish - K.Eskelinen-Liukkonen and Dutch - N.Beets. Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Lauku Avize

More and more Latvian pupils chose to study the Russian language instead of French or German. According to the Ministry of Education data in 1998 the centralised Russian language exam passed only 844 graduates of Latvian schools, in 1999 – 2743 but last year – 3092.

More and more Latvian pupils chose to study the Russian language instead of French or German. According to the Ministry of Education data in 1998 the centralised Russian language exam passed only 844 graduates of Latvian schools, in 1999 – 2743 but last year – 3092. Rigas Balss

Yesterday Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs, speaking at the conference on transit in Sankt-Petersburg, called Russia for co-operation in the field of transit. He pointed out that Latvia and Russia should co-operate not compete. Russian Prime Minister M.Kasyanov supported the idea.

Yesterday Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs, speaking at the conference on transit in Sankt-Petersburg, called Russia for co-operation in the field of transit. He pointed out that Latvia and Russia should co-operate not compete. Russian Prime Minister M.Kasyanov supported the idea. Respublika

Z.Kac in Respublika analyses the situation Peoples Harmony Party found itself after the conference of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia adopted a resolution on starting actions of non-violent resistance. Mr. Kac says that by joining the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia Peoples Harmony Party paid with loosing a considerable part of political sovereignty but gained the aimed goal – 16 seats in the Parliament. And now the leaders of the party see that they have become hostages of the political process they were leaders some time ago.

Z.Kac in Respublika analyses the situation Peoples Harmony Party found itself after the conference of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia adopted a resolution on starting actions of non-violent resistance. Mr. Kac says that by joining the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia Peoples Harmony Party paid with loosing a considerable part of political sovereignty but gained the aimed goal – 16 seats in the Parliament. And now the leaders of the party see that they have become hostages of the political process they were leaders some time ago. Respublika


published an article of Latvian journalist V.Avotins where he expressed his opinion about the activities of For Human Rights in United Latvia. The Union decided to organise a peaceful language riot using the language polity just as a reason for it. But the real cause is the close municipal election. The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane reported to the Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commission about the activities of the Board. According to Mr. Aldermane the main topic of discussions was those private companies that prepare people for naturalisation tests or to be more precise – the ones that assure their customers of 100% success in passing the test. These companies do not teach the language, just train people to take the test. Nevertheless the Saeima does not intend to take any actions against them because there is no alternative.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane reported to the Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commission about the activities of the Board. According to Mr. Aldermane the main topic of discussions was those private companies that prepare people for naturalisation tests or to be more precise – the ones that assure their customers of 100% success in passing the test. These companies do not teach the language, just train people to take the test. Nevertheless the Saeima does not intend to take any actions against them because there is no alternative. Chas

One of the leaders of the union For Human Rights in United Latvia T.Zhdanok assured that Peoples Harmony Party had received the final draft of the famous resolution on non-violent resistance and said that she waited for apologies from J.Jurkans for his “unconsidered words”.

One of the leaders of the union For Human Rights in United Latvia T.Zhdanok assured that Peoples Harmony Party had received the final draft of the famous resolution on non-violent resistance and said that she waited for apologies from J.Jurkans for his unconsidered words. Chas

Only 4 of 7 invited states confirmed their participation in the international conference on criminal cases of war time criminals K.Konrads and K.Ozols, organised by Latvian Prosecutor’s General Office. They are the USA, Germany, Australia and GB. There was no response from Israel, Canada and Russia.

Only 4 of 7 invited states confirmed their participation in the international conference on criminal cases of war time criminals K.Konrads and K.Ozols, organised by Latvian Prosecutors General Office. They are the USA, Germany, Australia and GB. There was no response from Israel, Canada and Russia. Panorama Latvii

Since the regulations on the State Language Law took effect Riga City Council has received 3 applications written in the Russian language. They have been sent back to their authors with a request to send the application in the Latvian language or provide an authorised translation.

Since the regulations on the State Language Law took effect Riga City Council has received 3 applications written in the Russian language. They have been sent back to their authors with a request to send the application in the Latvian language or provide an authorised translation. Panorama Latvii

Sept. 12, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

TB/LNNK does not rush to support E.Krastins as a candidate for the post of Finance and Capital Market Commission Chairman. People’s Party and Latvijas Cels agreed to support this candidate already some moths ago. The lingering of TB/LNNK does not ensure the necessary majority for electing him. The President of Latvian Bank E.Repse is sure about the suitability of E.Krastins to this post. If the candidate would not be approved, the LB President would have problems to find another suitable candidate.

TB/LNNK does not rush to support E.Krastins as a candidate for the post of Finance and Capital Market Commission Chairman. Peoples Party and Latvijas Cels agreed to support this candidate already some moths ago. The lingering of TB/LNNK does not ensure the necessary majority for electing him. The President of Latvian Bank E.Repse is sure about the suitability of E.Krastins to this post. If the candidate would not be approved, the LB President would have problems to find another suitable candidate. Diena


and Respublika write that some politicians doubt E.Krastinss impartiality in managing the Commission. Yesterday the Saeima factions did not return to the vote on starting criminal proceedings against J.Adamsons as it was planned before. As several deputies from the Government forming factions voted against delivering J.Adamsons, some deputies thought that it could influence the stability of the Government.

Yesterday the Saeima factions did not return to the vote on starting criminal proceedings against J.Adamsons as it was planned before. As several deputies from the Government forming factions voted against delivering J.Adamsons, some deputies thought that it could influence the stability of the Government. Diena, Neatkariga

Peoples’ Harmony Party is planning to discuss its activities concerning the State Language Law and the implementation regulations in the nearest future because there are many inaccuracies in the draft resolution that was prepared in a rush just by some people. It was announced to the press by the Party Chairman J.Jurkans. At the same time he characterised the Government’s reaction to this resolution as a “foolish and not meaning anything to the Party”.

Peoples Harmony Party is planning to discuss its activities concerning the State Language Law and the implementation regulations in the nearest future because there are many inaccuracies in the draft resolution that was prepared in a rush just by some people. It was announced to the press by the Party Chairman J.Jurkans. At the same time he characterised the Governments reaction to this resolution as a foolish and not meaning anything to the Party. Diena, Jauna Avize, Respublika

J.Jurkans pointed out that the statement as if the left-wingers wanted the Russian language to be granted the status of the second state language was improper.

J.Jurkans pointed out that the statement as if the left-wingers wanted the Russian language to be granted the status of the second state language was improper. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Human rights activist L.Kurdyumov, who was one of the organisers of the notorious For Human Rights in United Latvia conference, assured that the resolution was adopted unanimously and now the Peoples Harmony Party was just backing. Nevertheless Mr. Kurdyumor refused a possibility of a split in the Union.

Human rights activist L.Kurdyumov, who was one of the organisers of the notorious For Human Rights in United Latvia conference, assured that the resolution was adopted unanimously and now the Peoples Harmony Party was just backing. Nevertheless Mr. Kurdyumor refused a possibility of a split in the Union. Chas

Riga City Council deputy L.Ozolins informed the Council Chairman that he seceded from People’s Party and from the Riga City Council People’s Party faction as well. He will act in the Council as an independent deputy. According to the press agency BNS it means the end to the People’s Party faction because a faction needs at least three deputies, but after Mr. Ozolins’s decision in the faction remain only two deputies.

Riga City Council deputy L.Ozolins informed the Council Chairman that he seceded from Peoples Party and from the Riga City Council Peoples Party faction as well. He will act in the Council as an independent deputy. According to the press agency BNS it means the end to the Peoples Party faction because a faction needs at least three deputies, but after Mr. Ozolinss decision in the faction remain only two deputies. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize,

The municipal election that will take place on March 11, 2001 will be announced not later than on December 11, 2000 and, according to the Central Statistics Board’s data 58% of the electorate plan to participate in it for sure.

The municipal election that will take place on March 11, 2001 will be announced not later than on December 11, 2000 and, according to the Central Statistics Boards data 58% of the electorate plan to participate in it for sure. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Respublika

On Friday the Prime Minister A.Berzins assured that the Saeima decision not to deliver J.Adamsons had not influenced the Government’s stability but he did not refuse a possibility that the Government would have to be turned into a minority government if the contradictions in the Government forming factions were not stopped of hidden.

On Friday the Prime Minister A.Berzins assured that the Saeima decision not to deliver J.Adamsons had not influenced the Governments stability but he did not refuse a possibility that the Government would have to be turned into a minority government if the contradictions in the Government forming factions were not stopped of hidden. Rigas Balss, Latvijas Vestnesis

The general meeting of the Latvijas Cels Riga section supported the proposal of the Party Board to nominate A.Poca for the post of Riga Mayor.

The general meeting of the Latvijas Cels Riga section supported the proposal of the Party Board to nominate A.Poca for the post of Riga Mayor. Rigas Balss

Estonia has unilaterally introduced a visa regime for Estonian citizens, who reside in Narva, and Russian citizens from Ivangorod. So far the residents of these towns crossed the border according to the so-called simplified procedure – with a pass or according to a special list. By January 1, 2001 it is planned to introduce a visa regime for crossing Russian border for Estonian non-citizens with so called “grey passports”. There are about 200 000 people with such passports in Estonia.

Estonia has unilaterally introduced a visa regime for Estonian citizens, who reside in Narva, and Russian citizens from Ivangorod. So far the residents of these towns crossed the border according to the so-called simplified procedure – with a pass or according to a special list. By January 1, 2001 it is planned to introduce a visa regime for crossing Russian border for Estonian non-citizens with so called grey passports. There are about 200 000 people with such passports in Estonia. Lauku Avize

In August through the process of naturalisation 1343 people received Latvian citizenship, including 241 children. From 1995 Latvian citizenship has been granted to 34 866 people including 4522 children. The number of naturalisation applications received this year is 7304, in August -726.

In August through the process of naturalisation 1343 people received Latvian citizenship, including 241 children. From 1995 Latvian citizenship has been granted to 34 866 people including 4522 children. The number of naturalisation applications received this year is 7304, in August -726. Respublika

In August Latvian Human Rights Committee received 295 complains – 48% were about flat problems, 17% concerning problems of politically repressed persons, 9% about the activities of the DCMA and 5 % - social problems.

In August Latvian Human Rights Committee received 295 complains – 48% were about flat problems, 17% concerning problems of politically repressed persons, 9% about the activities of the DCMA and 5 % - social problems. Panorama Latvii

Sept. 11, 2000

Press Report

September 13 and 14 in Vilnius the representatives from the EU member states will meet with the EU experts from France to discuss the accession process of the member states to the EU. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia A.Kesteris will represent Latvia.

September 13 and 14 in Vilnius the representatives from the EU member states will meet with the EU experts from France to discuss the accession process of the member states to the EU. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia A.Kesteris will represent Latvia. Diena

The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will participate in the free discussions of the UN Millennium Session September 11-14. He will give a speech on the reforms in the UN, human rights and prospective for Latvia. He will meet with the Ministers of FA of Mexico, Hungary and Poland, as well as the representatives of the American Jewish Committee.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will participate in the free discussions of the UN Millennium Session September 11-14. He will give a speech on the reforms in the UN, human rights and prospective for Latvia. He will meet with the Ministers of FA of Mexico, Hungary and Poland, as well as the representatives of the American Jewish Committee. Diena, Jauna

Neatkariga and

Neatkariga and Chas gives the summary of the meetings the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga had in the frameworks of the UN Millennium Session. She has met with 24 presidents, 7 prime ministers, 3 kings and 2 princes. The newspaper stresses that the President did not meet the President of Russia. Vesti Segodnja

The Ministers of Justice of 3 Baltic States have signed an agreement on co-operation in the legislation area among the 3 countries. In the framework of this agreement next year will be held seminars on the exchange of the electric documents and the possibilities to make the criminal action less complicated.

The Ministers of Justice of 3 Baltic States have signed an agreement on co-operation in the legislation area among the 3 countries. In the framework of this agreement next year will be held seminars on the exchange of the electric documents and the possibilities to make the criminal action less complicated. Diena, Neatkariga

At the Baltic Assembly the representatives of the Parliaments of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania could discuss how to get compensation for losses, which occurred while the Baltic countries were under Russian occupation. TBB/LNNK is preparing the draft on the Law on the Compensation. However, other deputies think that it would make relations with Russia even worse.

At the Baltic Assembly the representatives of the Parliaments of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania could discuss how to get compensation for losses, which occurred while the Baltic countries were under Russian occupation. TBB/LNNK is preparing the draft on the Law on the Compensation. However, other deputies think that it would make relations with Russia even worse. Neatkariga, Vesti Segoddnja

The Director of National Human Right Office O.Bruvers gives information about the competencies of his institution and in this regard talks about the necessity to establish a new independent institution (the post of ombudsmen). In his opinion it would be better to extend the rights and obligations of his institution rather than the foundation of a new one.

The Director of National Human Right Office O.Bruvers gives information about the competencies of his institution and in this regard talks about the necessity to establish a new independent institution (the post of ombudsmen). In his opinion it would be better to extend the rights and obligations of his institution rather than the foundation of a new one. Jauna.

Journalist of

Journalist of Panorama Latvii gives views of several Latvian journalists regarding the UHRUL call to the people to show resistance to the State Language Law. The journalist V.Chepurov says that it is the opinion of only some individuals and not Russians as such. And also other journalists say that Russians are not the only nationality concerned and that the Law applies also to the Jews, Polish people, etc. From the point of view of these journalists the invitation of the UHRUL shows that the Union probably has the support of Russia.

Another Russian newspaper

Another Russian newspaper Vesti Segodnja talks with 4 politicians about the call of the UHRUL. Martjan Bekasov (UHRUL) says that the goal of their call is to draw attention of the people of Latvia and the world to the situation regarding the usage of the language in Latvia and start an open dialogue with the state on the issues concerning national minorities. Social Democrat R.Labanoskis thinks that the judicial authorities should examine the call and that ‘the normal Russians will not obey to it. The deputy from TB P.Tabuns sees this call as a provocation. The Prime Minister A.Berzins says that it is hard to see how this campaign will go, however, the UHRUL should think before gives out such invitations to the people.

Sept. 9, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The member of the board TBB/LNNK party A.Kimenis gives his views about the State Language Law. In his opinion, the Law and the Regulations are too liberal and some norms (such as, the norm that determines that in the private business the employer himself/herself can determine which language level is required for his/her employees) threatens the survival of the Latvian language. He thinks that the invitation of the left-wingers to show civil resistance to the Law can be considered as “declaration of the war”.

The member of the board TBB/LNNK party A.Kimenis gives his views about the State Language Law. In his opinion, the Law and the Regulations are too liberal and some norms (such as, the norm that determines that in the private business the employer himself/herself can determine which language level is required for his/her employees) threatens the survival of the Latvian language. He thinks that the invitation of the left-wingers to show civil resistance to the Law can be considered as declaration of the war. Diena

Saeima deputy Dz.Abikis has asked the State Prosecutor to examine the compliance of the invitation announced by the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia to show civil resistance to the Language Law with the legislative norms.

Saeima deputy Dz.Abikis has asked the State Prosecutor to examine the compliance of the invitation announced by the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia to show civil resistance to the Language Law with the legislative norms. Diena, Jauna, Chas

The Leader of the China People Republic Li Pen is on the official visit in Riga from 9 to 11 September. The main points of the meetings were the improvement of economic co-operation between the countries. This is the first visit of the leader of the China People Republic to Latvia on such a high level.

The Leader of the China People Republic Li Pen is on the official visit in Riga from 9 to 11 September. The main points of the meetings were the improvement of economic co-operation between the countries. This is the first visit of the leader of the China People Republic to Latvia on such a high level. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

The officers of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Latvia met to discuss the abolishment of easier conditions for border passing for people who live in the eastern border area as of October 10. In compliance with the EU regulations the easier conditions have to be abolished and the regular visa regime should be implemented.

The officers of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Latvia met to discuss the abolishment of easier conditions for border passing for people who live in the eastern border area as of October 10. In compliance with the EU regulations the easier conditions have to be abolished and the regular visa regime should be implemented. Diena, Chas

In the framework of the UN Millennium Session the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga had a meeting with New-York’s Jewish community.

In the framework of the UN Millennium Session the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga had a meeting with New-Yorks Jewish community. Neatkariga

The Movement for Europe in Latvia organised the seminar on the subject ‘EU and Latvia’ for representatives of 5 public groups (businessmen, farmers, the representatives of the Unions, pensioners and intellectual workers). The conclusions were that there is not sufficient amount of information available, people should be more informed about what Latvia will gain and what it will lose by becoming a part of the EU. More than 20 proposals on how to establish better integration were expressed.

The Movement for Europe in Latvia organised the seminar on the subject ‘EU and Latvia for representatives of 5 public groups (businessmen, farmers, the representatives of the Unions, pensioners and intellectual workers). The conclusions were that there is not sufficient amount of information available, people should be more informed about what Latvia will gain and what it will lose by becoming a part of the EU. More than 20 proposals on how to establish better integration were expressed. Neatkariga.


Sept. 8, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Saeima majority did not agree to start criminal proceedings against the Social Democrat J.Adamsons. So he will be able to continue his work in the parliament.

The Saeima majority did not agree to start criminal proceedings against the Social Democrat J.Adamsons. So he will be able to continue his work in the parliament. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya, Respublika

In the Saeima vote, not allowing to start criminal proceedings against MP J.Adamsons, the leader of People’s Party A.Skele sees threat to the existence of the Government because the Saeima majority did not support the call of the Prime Minister A.Berzins to support the request of the Prosecutor’s General Office. The Prime Minister himself does not connect this vote to the stability of the Government.

In the Saeima vote, not allowing to start criminal proceedings against MP J.Adamsons, the leader of Peoples Party A.Skele sees threat to the existence of the Government because the Saeima majority did not support the call of the Prime Minister A.Berzins to support the request of the Prosecutors General Office. The Prime Minister himself does not connect this vote to the stability of the Government. Diena

In the annual research of the US State Department Democracy, Human Rights and Employment Office stated that there is a freedom of religion in Latvia, but the only problem in this respect are the bureaucratic restrictions that face religious minorities. It is pointed out in the research that Latvian Government makes difference between the “traditional” and “new” religions.

In the annual research of the US State Department Democracy, Human Rights and Employment Office stated that there is a freedom of religion in Latvia, but the only problem in this respect are the bureaucratic restrictions that face religious minorities. It is pointed out in the research that Latvian Government makes difference between the traditional and new religions. Diena

On Thursday the Saeima adopted the much discussed and criticised Civil Service Code that stipulated the procedure of appointing and dismissing civil servants, demands for them and their duties and rights.

On Thursday the Saeima adopted the much discussed and criticised Civil Service Code that stipulated the procedure of appointing and dismissing civil servants, demands for them and their duties and rights. Diena

One of the former leaders of the Democratic Party Saimnieks D.Turlais, who nine months ago joined Latvijas Cels, decided to leave this party. He did not explain his reasons but, according to an unofficial information, D.Turlais was dissatisfied with his present position in LC and had received a better proposal from some other party for the next municipal election.

One of the former leaders of the Democratic Party Saimnieks D.Turlais, who nine months ago joined Latvijas Cels, decided to leave this party. He did not explain his reasons but, according to an unofficial information, D.Turlais was dissatisfied with his present position in LC and had received a better proposal from some other party for the next municipal election. Neatkariga

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga in her address to the UN Millennium Summit said that this summit was a proper time to evaluate the effectiveness of UN and propose steps to improve the organisation. V.V.Freiberga mentioned that UN should strengthen it role in the field of co-ordination and improve co-operation among its institutions. And UN should reconsider allocation of resources that several times turned out to be lavish and ineffective.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga in her address to the UN Millennium Summit said that this summit was a proper time to evaluate the effectiveness of UN and propose steps to improve the organisation. V.V.Freiberga mentioned that UN should strengthen it role in the field of co-ordination and improve co-operation among its institutions. And UN should reconsider allocation of resources that several times turned out to be lavish and ineffective. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Respublika, Chas

Rigas Balss

interviewed the Director of the National Human Rights Office O.Bruveris about the human rights situation in Latvia and the idea to establish an ombudsmen institution in Latvia. Mr. Bruveris told the journalist that the ombudsmen idea was not originated in the Office but came from a Latvian Canadian Professor J.Dreifelds and the President supported it. Answering to the question whether the demand use mostly the Latvian language in public communication could be regarded as a violation of the rights of national minorities, the Director said that it was not so and like anywhere in the world. The State Language Law implementation regulations, as the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel had stated, were elaborated neither to violate the rights of national minorities nor the right of Latvians to use their mother tongue. The Russian speaking press writes about the State Language Law regulations as a tragic event but during the whole history of the National Human Rights Office there had been only few complains about the language usage. interviewed the Director of the National Human Rights Office O.Bruveris about the human rights situation in Latvia and the idea to establish an ombudsmen institution in Latvia. Mr. Bruveris told the journalist that the ombudsmen idea was not originated in the Office but came from a Latvian Canadian Professor J.Dreifelds and the President supported it. Answering to the question whether the demand use mostly the Latvian language in public communication could be regarded as a violation of the rights of national minorities, the Director said that it was not so and like anywhere in the world. The State Language Law implementation regulations, as the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel had stated, were elaborated neither to violate the rights of national minorities nor the right of Latvians to use their mother tongue. The Russian speaking press writes about the State Language Law regulations as a tragic event but during the whole history of the National Human Rights Office there had been only few complains about the language usage. The Naturalisation Board is not ready to pass its decision of the request of the former red guerrilla man V.Kononov on giving up Latvian citizenship. The Naturalisation Board had received information from the Prosecutor’s Office but the officials were not sure whether V.Kononov would be deprived of Latvian citizenship.

The Naturalisation Board is not ready to pass its decision of the request of the former red guerrilla man V.Kononov on giving up Latvian citizenship. The Naturalisation Board had received information from the Prosecutors Office but the officials were not sure whether V.Kononov would be deprived of Latvian citizenship. Vesti Segodnya

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane told the newspaper

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane told the newspaper Respublika about her visit to Moscow and a press conference with Russian mass media representatives. About 30 journalists arrived to this conference, and Ms.Aldermane was impressed not about the questions asked but about their tonality –questions were correct and showed real interest in the processes in Latvia. After the press conference they spent two more hours in informal situation. The most discussed topics were integration and language. Respublika

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