Feb. 15, 2012

  • Voter turnout at the referendum on 18 February expected to be high
  • Leader of an NGO Native Language Vladimirs Lindermans: referendum will not be considered as failure anyway
  • Latvian Language Agency presented study Language Situation in Latvia: 2004-2010
  • Ministry of Justice: preservation and cultivation of Latvian languages Latgalian dialect is very important issue for nation of ethnic Latvians

According to an opinion poll conducted by the Centre of Public Opinion and Market Studies, 85 % of Latvian citizens are planning to take part in the national referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia. As reported, the referendum will be conducted on 18 February. Chas

Leader of an NGO Native Language, one of the initiators of the referendum on status of Russian language Vladimirs Lindermans in an interview with Chas states that even if the majority of Latvian citizens does not support the referendum it will not be considered as a failure. Mr Lindermans believes that Russian community formulated its position reflected in the referendum and ethnic Latvian will have to take it into consideration. Mr Lindermans believes that the referendum is only the beginning of discussions about status of Russian language.

The Latvian Language Agency (LLA) presented its study Language Situation in Latvia: 2004-2010. According to one of the studys conclusions, although the state language proficiency of ethnic minorities has sufficiently improved, they avoid to use it in the society. The study highlights that the improvement of the state language proficiency is mostly achieved by various administrative requirements for usage of Latvian rather than of personal interest. According to the head of the (LLA) Janis Valdmanis, the biggest problem for the future of Latvian language is more frequent usage of different foreign languages in Latvia instead of state language. Neatkariga

According to the Ministry of Justice (MJ), preservation and cultivation of Latvian languages Latgalian dialect and development of written Latgalian is very important issue for nation of ethnic Latvians. Therefore, this issue is a priority for the MJ and the State Language Centre. According to the MJ, every state and municipal institution, as well as every person in communication with Latgalians should respect the identity of this part of ethnic Latvian nation. Latvijas Avize

Feb. 14, 2012

  • Good Will Manifesto signed at the Presidential Palace
  • NRA: the referendum is not decisive event and its outcome is known in advance
  • Russian Ambassador: the referendum is an internal affair of Latvia
The president of the Republic of Latvia Andris Berzins, and a number of other prominent persons, have signed a “Good Will Manifesto” at the Presidential Palace yesterday. The “Manifesto” calls for reconciliation of different groups of society, love and respect for Latvia as common motherland. The document highlights the need to care about Latvia’s future and to value its unique history, ethnic Latvian traditions, cultural space and Latvian language, as well as to love and respect also other traditions and cultures existing in the country, people of all ethnic affiliations. The “Manifesto”, written by a Lutheran pastor, is open for signing for everyone.

The president of the Republic of Latvia Andris Berzins, and a number of other prominent persons, have signed a Good Will Manifesto at the Presidential Palace yesterday. The Manifesto calls for reconciliation of different groups of society, love and respect for Latvia as common motherland. The document highlights the need to care about Latvias future and to value its unique history, ethnic Latvian traditions, cultural space and Latvian language, as well as to love and respect also other traditions and cultures existing in the country, people of all ethnic affiliations. The Manifesto, written by a Lutheran pastor, is open for signing for everyone. Chas, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

NRA briefly interviewed several prominent persons about the upcoming referendum. The majority of the interviewed believe that the referendum is not a decisive event for the future of Latvia and that the results of the referendum are known in advance.

In an interview with

In an interview with Latvijas Avize, the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Aleksander Veshnyakov has stated that it is up to Latvias citizens to evaluate the activities of various political parties and the upcoming referendum is an internal affair of Latvia.

Feb. 9, 2012

  • Chas criticizes the Ombudsman Juris Jansons for being depended on opinion of political parties
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the President of Latvia Andris Berzins
  • Riga City Council will search for extra funding for free-of-charge Latvian language courses

Chas criticizes the Ombudsman Juris Jansons for the fact that his statements differs depending on an audience he speaks to. Thus, in a letter to the Council of Non-governmental Organisations, the Ombudsman criticizes the state policy concerning non-citizens and supports widening rights of non-citizens including granting them voting rights in local elections. At the same time, in a publication on the Internet, the Ombudsman states that differences in rights of citizens and non-citizens are not discriminatory and the fact that non-citizens do not want to naturalise indicates that they are satisfied with the amount of granted rights. Representative of a movement For Equal Rights in an interview with Chas states that it is inappropriate that the opinion of the Ombudsman fully depends on the opinion of governing political parties.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the President of Latvia Andris Berzins. The President believes that the meaning of Latvian language as the only state language in Latvia is very important and it is the foundation of the state. At the same time, the President believes that the politicians manipulate with the language issues, but the majority of residents are more concerned about the domestic problems.

The Riga City Council is planning to search for extra funding in amount of LVL 100,000 (EUR 141,000) in order to satisfy the demand for free-of-charge Latvian language courses among Riga residents. As reported, the city Council already granted LVL 65,000 for the courses, however, all the vacancies for 1,130 persons got filled in one day.

The Riga City Council is planning to search for extra funding in amount of LVL 100,000 (EUR 141,000) in order to satisfy the demand for free-of-charge Latvian language courses among Riga residents. As reported, the city Council already granted LVL 65,000 for the courses, however, all the vacancies for 1,130 persons got filled in one day. Neatkariga

Feb. 8, 2012

  • Chas prints an interview with the newly elected Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muiznieks
  • Diena interviews well-known representatives of ethnic minorities on their attitude towards the up-coming referendum
  • Discussion on social integration of refugees conducted by the Ombudsmans Office and the NGO Shelter. Safe House.
  • Latvian Centre for Human Rights calls upon the Prime Minister to reconsider the appointment of the former Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte as advisor on integration
  • President of Latvia Andris Berzins held a round table discussion on integration issues
  • MEP from Latvia Krisjanis Karins: existing education system segregates the society
  • Latvijas Avize interviews head of the control department of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis

Chas prints an interview with the newly elected Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muiznieks. According to Mr Muiznieks it is absurd that 20 years since the restoration of independence, non-citizen children continue to be born in Latvia. Mr Muiznieks also questions the proportionality of the restrictions for non-citizens to occupy several posts and professions and requirements regarding the use of state language (Latvian) in the private sector. Mr Muiznieks also believes that there is no integration policy in Latvia and the political elite is split because ethnic Latvian politicians do not trust ethnic Russians.

Diena interviews well-known representatives of ethnic minorities on their attitude towards the up-coming referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian the status of a state language in Latvia. The majority of the interviewed said the referendum has evoked negative filings. Some state they will not take part in the referendum because debating the issue by way of a referendum is inaappropriate to them. Some state that they most likely will take part in the referendum but did not want to reveal how will vote. Some of the respondents did not want to discuss about their attitude.

Neatkariga reports about a discussion on the social integration of refugees conducted by the Ombudsmans Office and an NGO Shelter. Safe House. According to the Ombudsman Juris Jansons, the state does not provide sufficient support to refugees and persons granted alternative status despite all the international obligations which Latvia has accepted. The head of the Asylum Affairs Department of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Liga Vijupe highlighted that there is no state institution responsible for further integration of a refugee or a person who has been granted alternative status in Latvia. The integration program elaborated by the Ministry of Culture does not single out the refugees as the separate target group but put places them together with immigrants from third countries. UNHCR representative Andrei Arjupin stated that it is inappropriate to put together persons who have fled their home country, most often without any documents, seeking asylum with the other immigrants. Mr Arjupin highlighted that state funded refugee integration programme is the precondition for the effective state policy.

News agensy BNS and www. diena.lv report about the call of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights upon Prime Minister V.Dombrovskis to reconsider the earlier appointment of Sarmite Elerte, former Minister of Culture, as his advisor on integration issues. LCHR draws attention to Elertes activities as Minister criticising her as having sown ethnic discord and alienated Russian speaking population. LCHR highlights that the Latvian political elite should show their commitment to engage in a long-term dialogue with minority representatives.

The President of Latvia Andris Berzins held a round table discussion on integration issues. Members of the Saeimas Society Unity Committee (ex-Citizenship Implementation Committee), political scientists and representatives of religious communities took part in the discussion. According to the Archbishop of the Latvian Catholic Church Zbignevs Stankevics, granting the status of a bank holiday to Orthodox Christmas (7 January) in Latvia would be a step towards Russian speaking residents of Latvia. Representative of the Lutheran church Juris Rubenis, in his turn, had prepared a memorandum on reconciliation based on moral values between ethnic Latvian and Russian speaking residents. Members of the Parliaments Committee, in their turn, asserted that their readiness to discuss all issues regarding the consolidation of the society. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

MEP from Latvia Krisjanis Karins (the Unity) believes that the existing bilingual education system in Latvia segregates the society. Mr Karins believes that there should be a new uniform school system named state school in which the only language of instruction would be Latvian, which would be a way to consolidate the society. Latvijas Avize

According to the Head of the Control department of the State Language Centre (SLC) Antons Kursitis, there remain no new concrete actions on the strengthening of the Latvian language in Latvia. Despite the fact that on the eve of the national referendum on the status of Russian language, the role of Latvian as the only state language has been discussed on the highest political level, nothing is done in practice to strengthen the position of Latvia. In an interview with Latvijas Avize, Mr Kursitis states that the complaints received by the SLC reflect the increase of ethnic tensions in the country.

Feb. 7, 2012

  • Riga City Council granted LVL 65,746 for free-of-charge Latvian language courses
  • Movement For Equal Rights will start a campaign on granting citizenship to all Latvian non-citizens after the referendum
  • Radical nationalist Igors Siskins invited representatives of the ultra-right movements from Ukraine, Russia, Germany and Poland to Riga on 16 March


The Riga City Council granted LVL 65,746 (EUR 93,283) for implementation of six projects providing free-of-charge Latvian language courses for residents of Riga. The Riga City Council provides free-of –charge courses for second year. Telegraf

A movement For Equal Rights is planning to begin a campaign promoting collection of signatures in support of the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law granting citizenship to all Latvian non-citizens after 18 February (the referendum on status of Russian language). According to a representative of the movement, at present, only about 500-600 signatures were collected. Chas

An ultra-right radical nationalist Igors Siskins stated that he invited representatives of the ultra-right movements from Ukraine, Russia, Germany and Poland to the 16 March (unofficial day of commemoration of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires) events in Riga. Representatives of anti-fascist organisations, in their turn, stated that they will invite the U.S. congressmen to Riga in order to show the procession of neo-Nazis in Riga on 16 March. Vesti Segodnya

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