Sept. 25, 2006

  • MP Janis Urbanovics: best example of integration is cooperation between Latvians and Russians in the government

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the MP Janis Urbanovics (The Concord Centre) on the relations between Russians and Latvians. Janis Urbanovics believed that the best example of integration is cooperation of Latvians and Russians in the government.

Sept. 23, 2006

  • Book about Latvian non-citizens The Last Prisoners of the Cold War
  • Chas and Latvijas Avize continue to report on the court proceeding against Aivars Garda, Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa
On 22 September, the MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka has held a presentation of a book “The Last Prisoners of the Cold War” about Latvian non-citizens. The book compiles life stories of 30 Latvian non-citizens.

On 22 September, the MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka has held a presentation of a book The Last Prisoners of the Cold War about Latvian non-citizens. The book compiles life stories of 30 Latvian non-citizens. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Chas and Latvijas Avize continue to report on the court proceedings against the leader of the extreme right-wing organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and its members Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa who also publish the national radical newspaper DDD. As reported, the persons face charges for instigation to ethnic hatred in several articles published in DDD in 2004 and 2005. On 22 September, the Riga Regional Court satisfied a claim of the lawyers of the accused persons and took a decision to re-examine the questioned statements more thoroughly.

Sept. 22, 2006

  • Saeima did not accept the draft amendments to the Education Law and the Saeimas Rules of Procedure proposed by FF /LNIM
  • NGO Prata Speks offers free-of-charge courses aimed at preparation for naturalisation examinations
  • Leader of The Concord Centre Nils Usakovs: Russians in Latvia have to resist assimilation
  • Telegraf prints articles about activities of the Ukrainian Cultural – Educational Society Dnipro and the Riga Ukrainian Secondary School
  • Most popular parties in September: Peoples Party, the Union of Greens and Farmers, and FHRUL
Yesterday, the Saeima declined the draft amendments to the Education Law and to the Saeima’s Rules of Procedure proposed by the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, the draft amendments to the Education Law stipulated that the state examinations in minority educational institutions funded by state and municipalities have to be taken only in the state language. The declined draft amendments to the Rules of Procedure stipulated that MPs would be forbidden to speak Russian during sessions of parliamentary factions.

Yesterday, the Saeima declined the draft amendments to the Education Law and to the Saeimas Rules of Procedure proposed by the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, the draft amendments to the Education Law stipulated that the state examinations in minority educational institutions funded by state and municipalities have to be taken only in the state language. The declined draft amendments to the Rules of Procedure stipulated that MPs would be forbidden to speak Russian during sessions of parliamentary factions. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis

Yesterday, the NGO “Prata Speks” re-launched free-of-charge courses which aim is to prepare applicants for naturalisation examinations. The head of the “Prata Speks” Igors Kuzmuks in an interview with

Yesterday, the NGO Prata Speks re-launched free-of-charge courses which aim is to prepare applicants for naturalisation examinations. The head of the Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks in an interview with Chas stated that about 1,500 persons have attended the courses since the initiative was launched five years ago. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the leader of the political party The Concord Centre Nils Usakovs. Mr. Usakovs argues that Russians in Latvia face assimilation, however, they have to become equal members of the Latvian nation.

Telegraf in its supplement Latvia-Ukraine prints an article about activities of the Ukrainian Cultural – Educational Society Dnipro which celebrates its 18th anniversary. The newspaper also interviews the director of the Riga Ukrainian Secondary School about schools activities.

According to the public opinion survey conducted by the company "Latvijas fakti," the People’s Party would receive 13.3 % of votes, the Union of Greens and Farmers – 12.1%, For Human Rights in the United Latvia – 9.3% if the Saeima elections were hold in September. The party New Era (8.1%), the Union of Latvia’s First Party and Latvia’s Way (6.3%), For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (5.8%) and “The Concord Centre” (5.7%) would also pass the required 5 per cent barrier. However, 16.7 % of the respondents responded that they do not know whom will they vote for yet, and 10.5% stated that they will not participate in the elections.

According to the public opinion survey conducted by the company "Latvijas fakti," the Peoples Party would receive 13.3 % of votes, the Union of Greens and Farmers – 12.1%, For Human Rights in the United Latvia – 9.3% if the Saeima elections were hold in September. The party New Era (8.1%), the Union of Latvias First Party and Latvias Way (6.3%), For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (5.8%) and The Concord Centre (5.7%) would also pass the required 5 per cent barrier. However, 16.7 % of the respondents responded that they do not know whom will they vote for yet, and 10.5% stated that they will not participate in the elections. Diena

Sept. 21, 2006

  • Riga Regional Court reviews a criminal case of national radicals Aivars Garda, Liga Muzikante, and Ilze Liepa on the instigation to ethnic hatred
  • Conference Model of Intercultural Education for Latvia will be hold tomorrow in Riga
Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court started to review a criminal case against leader of the extreme right-wing organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and its members Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa who also publish the national radical newspaper

Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court started to review a criminal case against leader of the extreme right-wing organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and its members Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa who also publish the national radical newspaper DDD. As reported, the persons face charges for instigation to ethnic hatred in several articles published in DDD in 2004 and 2005. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena

Tomorrow, the political party “The Concord Centre” in cooperation with the Latvian Association for Support of Russian-Language Schools, NGO “Seminarium Hortus Humanities”, NGO “Humanity Perspective”, and the Union of Citizens and Non-citizens will hold a conference “Model of Intercultural Education for Latvia” in Riga.

Tomorrow, the political party The Concord Centre in cooperation with the Latvian Association for Support of Russian-Language Schools, NGO Seminarium Hortus Humanities, NGO Humanity Perspective, and the Union of Citizens and Non-citizens will hold a conference Model of Intercultural Education for Latvia in Riga. Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with participants of the conference Viktors Gluhovs and Boriss Cilevics (both from The Concord Centre). Viktors Gluhovs stated that: Latvia is a multi-national, multi-linguistic, multi-cultural, and multi-religion country. Therefore, education has to reflect the situation in the country.

Sept. 20, 2006

  • Society Integration Foundation announces EU-funded project tender on promotion of ethnic integration and tolerance
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on a study the results of the research on tolerance conducted by
  • MPs held a discussion with integration experts on tolerance in Latvia
  • FF/LNIM has submitted to the Saeima the draft amendments to the Education Law
  • Ukrainian Union has presented a book about history of the Ukrainian diaspora in Latvia

Diena reports that the Society Integration Foundation (SIF) announced an EU-funded project tender on ethnic integration and tolerance. The total amount of the grant is EUR 900, 000. The grant scheme is divided into three areas: 1) activity projects on promotion of ethnic integration and acquisition of Latvian citizenship; 2) activity projects aimed at promotion of tolerance; 3) research projects on the above mentioned subjects. The deadline for application is 20 November.

The NGO “” presented a study “Tolerance Promoting Policies Based on Researches.” The study is composed of two parts: overview on the existing situation and the opinion poll. The study reveals that though respondents accept tolerance as a value their statements and beliefs show contrary: according to the opinion poll 38. 8% of Latvia’s residents do not want to have Roma, 35. 3%  - homosexuals and 21. 7% - Muslims as their neighbours. The study also provides extensive and detailed list of recommendations to various actors, including state, municipalities, NGOs, etc, - to promote tolerance in Latvia.

The NGO presented a study Tolerance Promoting Policies Based on Researches. The study is composed of two parts: overview on the existing situation and the opinion poll. The study reveals that though respondents accept tolerance as a value their statements and beliefs show contrary: according to the opinion poll 38. 8% of Latvias residents do not want to have Roma, 35. 3% - homosexuals and 21. 7% - Muslims as their neighbours. The study also provides extensive and detailed list of recommendations to various actors, including state, municipalities, NGOs, etc, - to promote tolerance in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

The study is available in Latvian at

The study is available in Latvian at

Yesterday, MPs of the Saeima’s Subcommittee on Social Integration of Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee held a discussion with integration experts on issues regarding tolerance in Latvia. The representative of the Secretariat of the Minister for Social Integration Deniss Hanovs argued that it is difficult to define whether Latvian society is tolerant or intolerant, however, in comparison to other European countries Latvia is a relatively tolerant country. However, Mr. Hanovs noted that manifestations of homophobia and attitudes towards refugees have become potential risk zones. The director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehre voiced her concern regarding the increase of racially motivated attacks and police’s response to these attacks. She also reminded that despite the marked deadline Latvia has not transposed the two EU anti-discrimination directives yet.

Yesterday, MPs of the Saeimas Subcommittee on Social Integration of Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee held a discussion with integration experts on issues regarding tolerance in Latvia. The representative of the Secretariat of the Minister for Social Integration Deniss Hanovs argued that it is difficult to define whether Latvian society is tolerant or intolerant, however, in comparison to other European countries Latvia is a relatively tolerant country. However, Mr. Hanovs noted that manifestations of homophobia and attitudes towards refugees have become potential risk zones. The director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehre voiced her concern regarding the increase of racially motivated attacks and polices response to these attacks. She also reminded that despite the marked deadline Latvia has not transposed the two EU anti-discrimination directives yet. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, the Saeima’s faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has submitted to the Saeima the draft amendments to the Education Law which stipulate that the state examinations in minority educational institutions funded by state and municipalities have to be taken only in the state language. Presently, the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers stipulate that as of 2007 examination questions have to be in Latvian, however, students might answer in a minority language.

Yesterday, the Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has submitted to the Saeima the draft amendments to the Education Law which stipulate that the state examinations in minority educational institutions funded by state and municipalities have to be taken only in the state language. Presently, the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers stipulate that as of 2007 examination questions have to be in Latvian, however, students might answer in a minority language. Chas

The Ukrainian Union of Latvia, in the framework of its 10 year anniversary, held a presentation of a book “Ukrainians in Latvia” about the life of the Ukrainian diaspora in Latvia since the beginning of XX century.

The Ukrainian Union of Latvia, in the framework of its 10 year anniversary, held a presentation of a book Ukrainians in Latvia about the life of the Ukrainian diaspora in Latvia since the beginning of XX century. Chas

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