Sept. 20, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The vandals of the New Jewish Cemetery arrested
  • Appeal of the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools
  • Non-citizens opinion poll
  • Interview with Reuven Rivlin, the Speaker of the Knesset
  • Lauku Avize about the visit of delegation of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
  • Leonid Fedoseyev about Latvias EU membership positive aspects for non-citizens
  • Deniss Hanovs, deputy director of the Department of National Minorities of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, and Gatis Dilans, lecturer of intercultural communication, on the situation of ethnic groups in Latvia
Police has arrested five young persons, suspected as the vandals of the New Jewish Cemetery. Teenagers confessed that they have been under the influence of alcohol when committing the crime and that the initiator of this vandalism act was a 16-year-old youth who considers himself a skinhead with extreme right political views. The alleged criminal admitted to hating Jews because his Jewish girlfriend had left him and his Jewish friend had beaten him.

Police has arrested five young persons, suspected as the vandals of the New Jewish Cemetery. Teenagers confessed that they have been under the influence of alcohol when committing the crime and that the initiator of this vandalism act was a 16-year-old youth who considers himself a skinhead with extreme right political views. The alleged criminal admitted to hating Jews because his Jewish girlfriend had left him and his Jewish friend had beaten him. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

The Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools appeals to Russian-speakers to support Latvia’s accession to the EU. According to the leader of the organization, Igor Pimenov, closer collaboration with Europe with its democratic values will enhance the opportunities of all to get education in their mother tongue.

The Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools appeals to Russian-speakers to support Latvias accession to the EU. According to the leader of the organization, Igor Pimenov, closer collaboration with Europe with its democratic values will enhance the opportunities of all to get education in their mother tongue. Diena, Chas

Vesty Segodnya features an article about a non-citizens opinion poll, conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. According to the newspaper the survey shows that the education reform is the main problem of non-citizens.

Lauku Avize features an interview with Reuven Rivlin, the Speaker of the Knesset and his speech in the Saeima, stressing that Latvia should take moral responsibility for the Holocaust, therefore improving relations between Jews and Latvians, based upon the mutual understanding.

Lauku Avize comments the impact of politicians from Russia on the upcoming visit of delegation of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

Leonid Fedoseyev writes about positive aspects for non-citizens of Latvia’s EU membership. Chas

Leonid Fedoseyev writes about positive aspects for non-citizens of Latvias EU membership. Chas

Diena features the opposing views of Deniss Hanovs, the deputy director of Department of National Minorities of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, and Gatis Dilans, a lecturer of intercultural communication of School of Economics and Culture about the situation of ethnic groups in Latvia.

Sept. 19, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Unapproved walk against the education reform
  • About the visit of Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Knesset
  • The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration stresses the continuing of positive role of the EU in societal integration after Latvias accession
  • Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools calls on supporters to vote against Latvias accession to the EU
  • Liquidation of the extremist National-Bolshevik organization Victory
  • Chas columnist about the reasons of negative attitudes of Russians towards Latvias accession to the EU
  • Ambassador of Germany to Latvia about the status of non-citizens in Latvia after accession to the EU
Yesterday about 200 young people participated in an unapproved walk against the education reform, passing by the Saeima, Cabinet of Ministers, City Council of Riga and the Palace of Riga.

Yesterday about 200 young people participated in an unapproved walk against the education reform, passing by the Saeima, Cabinet of Ministers, City Council of Riga and the Palace of Riga. Chas, Diena, Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga

Russian language newspapers feature articles about the visit of Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Knesset in Latvia. According to

Russian language newspapers feature articles about the visit of Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Knesset in Latvia. According to Vesti Segodnya, inhis speech in Saeima Reuven stated that the Israeli people does not blame all the population of Latvia for the act of vandalism at the New Jewish cemetery. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

Chas features article by Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, about minority situation after Latvias membership to EU. The Minister points to the negative attitude of minorities against the EU and stresses that the EU has supported the ethnic integration process in Latvia and will continue this support if Latvia becomes a member of the EU.

Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools asks their supporters to vote against the accession of Latvia to the EU, motivating their opinion with the reluctance of the EU to define its attitude towards the education reform in Latvia.

Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools asks their supporters to vote against the accession of Latvia to the EU, motivating their opinion with the reluctance of the EU to define its attitude towards the education reform in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga

Yesterday the Riga Vidzeme District Court satisfied a case made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ruled on the liquidation of the extremist National-Bolshevik organization “Victory.”

Yesterday the Riga Vidzeme District Court satisfied a case made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ruled on the liquidation of the extremist National-Bolshevik organization Victory. Vesti Segodnya

Leonid Fedoseyev, columnst of

Leonid Fedoseyev, columnst of Chas, views the negative attitude of Russians against the EU as a consequence of the lack of a real societal integration and the russophobic advertising campaign before the referendum, causing the alienation of Russians from the policy process.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Eckart Herold,the Ambassador of Germany in Latvia, pointing out that Latvias accession to the EU will not directly change the status of non-citizens in Latvia. He believes that after Latvias accession to the EU visa requirements for non-citizens of Latvia would be eased, and believes that it is important for non-citizens to naturalise so that they become citizens of the EU.

Sept. 18, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Janis Jurkans, the leader of Peoples Harmony Party, about possible collaboration with the Prime Minister
  • The party For Human Rights in United Latvia requests that the Minister of Education and Science explain his statements in Lauku Avize
  • Czech Prime Minister believes that Latvias EU membership will improve relations between Latvia and Russia
  • Appeal of the leader of Roma NGO Gloss to the government to support Roma social integration
  • Two leaders of minority NGOs discuss minority situation after Latvias accession to the EU
Janis Jurkans, leader of People’s Harmony Party (PHP), believes that this party could cooperate with the Prime Minister within the government. However, Jurkans points to the contradictions between the Prime Minister and PHP on the education reform, naturalization procedure and integration of society. He believes that more attention should be paid to the quality of education in minority schools, enhancing the preparation of teachers for teaching in Latvian and promoting better Latvian language training among students. He also argues for the cancellation of the naturalization fee except for applicants with the highest level of income.

Janis Jurkans, leader of Peoples Harmony Party (PHP), believes that this party could cooperate with the Prime Minister within the government. However, Jurkans points to the contradictions between the Prime Minister and PHP on the education reform, naturalization procedure and integration of society. He believes that more attention should be paid to the quality of education in minority schools, enhancing the preparation of teachers for teaching in Latvian and promoting better Latvian language training among students. He also argues for the cancellation of the naturalization fee except for applicants with the highest level of income. Lauku avize

The party For Human Rights in the United Latvia has sent a request to Karlis Sadurskis, the Minister of Education and Science to explain his published opinions in the recent interview with

The party For Human Rights in the United Latvia has sent a request to Karlis Sadurskis, the Minister of Education and Science to explain his published opinions in the recent interview with Lauku Avize. The party questions the truthfulness of some statements, including that no criticism of the education reform was expressed by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Vesti Segodnya

L. Gindra, the head of Roma NGO “Gloss,” appeals to the government to promote integration of Roma into society. Gindra argues that the Roma in Latvia are economically and politically vulnerable. The NGO is planning to resubmit its elaborated program for Roma to the government.

L. Gindra, the head of Roma NGO Gloss, appeals to the government to promote integration of Roma into society. Gindra argues that the Roma in Latvia are economically and politically vulnerable. The NGO is planning to resubmit its elaborated program for Roma to the government. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Telegraf reports on the visit of Vladimir Spidla, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. The Prime Minister expressed his belief that Latvias EU membership will elevate the prestige of Latvia and therefore could improve relations between Latvia and Russia.

The internet public policy portal publishes a discussion between two leaders of minority NGOs -- Dmitrij Nikolajev and Vjacheslav Altuhov -- about the situation of minorities after Latvia’s accession to the EU.

The internet public policy portal publishes a discussion between two leaders of minority NGOs-- Dmitrij Nikolajev and Vjacheslav Altuhov -- about the situation of minorities after Latvias accession to the EU.

Sept. 17, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

    NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee will visit to investigate the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia
  • NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee will visit to investigate the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia
  • Reduction of naturalisation fee for several categories of naturalisation applicants
  • The parliamentary Education, Culture and Science Committee meets with the head of the Naturalisation Board
  • Speaker of Knesset attends conference Jews in a Changing World in Riga
  • The parliamentary Human Rights Committee rejects proposals of FHRUL to amend the Law on Education
  • Latvian language proficiency of Russian pupils insufficient for higher studies
  • Appeals of minority representatives to support Latvias accession to the EU
  • Tomorrow court will make decision on the liquidation of the National Bolshevik organisation Victory

      A delegation of the Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (consisting of deputies from 17 states) is planning to investigate the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia next week. The Committee will meet with the Minister of Education and Science, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, the Head of the Naturalisation Board, representatives of NGOs and some parliament committees and will visit two minority schools. Lauku Avize, Chas

      Yesterday the government approved the proposal of the Naturalisation Board to reduce naturalisation fee from 10 to 3 lats for low-income persons, unemployed, pensioners, disabled persons, families with more than two children and full-time students. Lauku Avize, Chas, Telegraf

      Yesterday the Saeima Committee of Education, Culture and Science met with the leadership of the Naturalisation Board to discuss the complaint of three participants in the Latvian language courses for naturalisation candidates in which they expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the courses. Some Committee members have expressed dissatisfaction with the work of Naturalisation Board, stressing that many naturalised citizens do not know enough Latvian language. Lauku Avize, Chas

      The Speaker of the Knesset Reuven Rivlin is participating in the conference Jews in a Changing World held in Riga. Vilis Kristopans, Chairperson of the Saeima National Security Committee, sees a connection between the visit of the Knesset representative andthe act of vandalism in the New Jewish cemetery. Ruta Marjasha, the Latvian representative to the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance,says that foreign media has not yet reported on the vandalism case, but predicts that after this conference the news could spread more widely. Rigas Balss, Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Lauku Avize, Chas, Telegraf

      The Saeima Human Rights Committee has rejected proposals of the party For Human Rights in the United Latvia to amend the Law on Education. Lauku Avize, Chas, Vechernaya Riga

      Chas writes on the report of the Ministry of Education and Science on general education, which indicates that students of Russian-language schools have insufficient Latvian language skills to continue their studies in Latvian.

      Calls for a yes vote in the referendum on Latvias accession to the EU are issued by the Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Church, the Head of the Board of Jewish communities, and the Head of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies. Twenty well-known minority representatives signed an appeal to minority populations to support Latvia accession to the EU. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

      The last (third) court session reviewing the case submitted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the liquidation of the extremist National-Bolshevik organisation Victory will be held tomorrow. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

    • Sept. 16, 2003

      Integration and Minority Information Service
      of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

      • Russian experts will continue discussion of Latvian minority education
      • Riga municipal police intensifies patrol near the New Jewish cemetery
      • Vesti Segodnya reports about the draft law On Stateless Persons
      • Concept for the establishment of the State Language Agency
      • Book Russia and the Baltic States published in Russia
      • Conflict between leader of Peoples Harmony Party and leader of the new party BITE
      Media reports about the visit of experts from Russia to Latvia to discuss minority education reform.

      Media reports about the visit of experts from Russia to Latvia to discuss minority education reform. Diena informs that the experts and officials of the Ministry of Education and Science in Latvia decided to continue discussions about education reform in November, debating about education of minority school teachers. Diena, Lauku avize, Chas

      Riga municipal police has intensified the patrol around the New Jewish cemetery after an act of vandalism. A police working group is working under the assumption that thatthe perpetrators are young delinquents. According to the party For Human Rights in United Latvia, neo-Nazism exists in Latvia because of support of some representatives of ruling parties.

      Riga municipal police has intensified the patrol around the New Jewish cemetery after an act of vandalism. A police working group is working under the assumption that thatthe perpetrators are young delinquents. According to the party For Human Rights in United Latvia, neo-Nazism exists in Latvia because of support of some representatives of ruling parties. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Lauku Avize, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Telegraf

      Yesterday a Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers examined the draft law On Stateless Persons. The draft law defines stateless persons as those who are not citizens of any state and are not the subject of the law “On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State” or have lost this status in accordance with that law. According to the newspaper article, there are 227 stateless persons in Latvia.

      Yesterday a Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers examined the draft law On Stateless Persons. The draft law defines stateless persons as those who are not citizens of any state and are not the subject of the law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State or have lost this status in accordance with that law. According to the newspaper article, there are 227 stateless persons in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

      The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has approved a conception about the establishment of new Agency of State Language to promote the development of Latvian language.

      The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has approved a conception about the establishment of new Agency of State Language to promote the development of Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya criticizes this decision, pointing to the necessity to allocate 77,000 lats in next years state budget and the allegedly unclear functions of this institution. Vesti Segodnya

      Telegraf features an article about the book Russia and the Baltic States, published by the Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences. The author of the book reviews the existence of two informational spaces in Latvia and Lithuania and issues of relations between Russia and the Baltic States, including, russophobia.

      Russian-language newspapers write about the conflict between Janis Jurkans, the Head of People’s Solidarity Party and Jakov Pliner, the leader of the new party BITE (Latvian acronym for “Free Choice in People’s Europe”).

      Russian-language newspapers write about the conflict between Janis Jurkans, the Head of Peoples Solidarity Party and Jakov Pliner, the leader of the new party BITE (Latvian acronym for Free Choice in Peoples Europe). Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga

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