Oct. 3, 2005

  • Nationalistic forces plan to run for the upcoming Saeima elections together
  • Representative of Russias Foundation meets representatives of the Ministry of Education to discuss activities of the Foundation
  • Italian MEP: Baltic States violate the rights oftheir residents
  • Jewish community congratulates all people with the beginning of Rosh Hashanah

Diena features an article about the intentions of nationalistic forces to join for the upcoming Saeima elections. Representatives of all forces agree that nationalistic parties should consolidate for the next Saeima elections, however, it is not yet decided which would be the leading party.

Sergey Zotov, executive director of the Foundation, which aim is to provide support for compatriots, and advisor to Moscow’s Mayor, visited Latvia and held meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia. The main goal of the visit was to provide information about activities of the programme ‘Stipends Given by Moscow’s Mayor’ in Latvia.  

Sergey Zotov, executive director of the Foundation, whichaim is toprovide support for compatriots, and advisor to Moscows Mayor, visited Latvia and held meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia. The main goal of the visit was to provide information about activities of the programme ‘Stipends Given by Moscows Mayor in Latvia.

Chas talks to Italian MEP Juseppe Kieso about Russia and Latvia. The MEP states that mass non-citizenship in the Baltic States is a violation of human rights, however, Europe ‘prefers not to talk about that. He calls non-citizens to remind to European institutions about their situation constantly.

Chas prints congratulations of the representatives of the Jewish community – Arkadijs Suharenko and rabbi Mordehaj Glazman –with the beginning of the New Year in accordance with the Jewish calendar.

Sept. 30, 2005

  • Saeima gave its permission to bring administrative charges against left wing MP for organising non-authorised meeting
  • Saeima turns down draft amendments which provide automatic granting of Latvian citizenship to non-citizens
  • Interview with Eduard Goncharov, leader of an active Russian organisation
  • Diena about the NGO Russian Community in Liepaja
  • Documentary about Latvian Roma receives the award of the European Roma Television
  • Ratings of political parties
Yesterday the Saeima gave its permission to bring administrative charges against left-wing MP Vladimirs Buzayevs for organising non-authorised meeting. Participants of the meeting protested against the closure of a Russian school. While Russian language newspapers note that just a week ago the Saeima refused its permission to bring administrative charges against right-wing MP Arvids Ulme (the Union for the Greens and Farmers) who also organised a non-authorised meeting: Arvids Ulme protested against the Gay Pride.

Yesterday the Saeima gave its permission to bring administrative charges against left-wing MP Vladimirs Buzayevs for organising non-authorised meeting. Participants of the meeting protested against the closure of a Russian school. While Russian language newspapers note that just a week ago the Saeima refused its permission to bring administrative charges against right-wing MP Arvids Ulme (the Union for the Greens and Farmers) who also organised a non-authorised meeting: Arvids Ulme protested against the Gay Pride. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Saeima turned down the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law developed by the union FHRUL. The draft amendments provided that Latvian citizenship should be automatically granted to all Latvian non-citizens born in Latvia, non-citizens with disabilities and non-citizens at the age of retirement.

Saeima turned down the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law developed by the union FHRUL. The draft amendments provided that Latvian citizenship should be automatically granted to all Latvian non-citizens born in Latvia, non-citizens with disabilities and non-citizens at the age of retirement. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf prints a comprehensive interview with one of the leaders of the OKROL (in its Russian acronym) Eduard Goncharov. The OKROL was established by activists of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Latvia a year ago and claims to protect the interests of Russians. Eduard Goncharov says that his organisation will continue to use non-violent protest methods, such as mass meetings and pickets, to protect the interests of Russians in Latvia. He claims that there are about 50,000 people who support ideas of his organisations. However, Eduard Goncharov does not call people to naturalise so they would be able express their will in elections because he does not believe that it could influence the general political scene.

Diena features an article about the NGO Russian Community in Liepaja. The number of the organisations members is growing. One of the leaders of the NGO says ‘if Russians would not feel alienated, there was no need in the NGO. The NGO becomes a serious partner in a political dialogue.

The documentary ‘All My Life’ about Roma in Latvia shot by Latvian director Romualds Pipars received the award of the European Roma Television.  

The documentary ‘All My Life about Roma in Latvia shot by Latvian director Romualds Pipars received the award of the European Roma Television.

The ratings of right-wing political parties – the New Era, the People's Party, For Fatherland And Freedom/LNNK and the Union of Greens and Farmers increased in September from August, according to a public opinion survey conducted by ‘Latvijas fakti.’ 10.3 percent of respondents said they would vote for the New Era if Saeima elections were held in September, while 9.1 percent would support the People’s party. 7.3 percent of respondents said they would cast their votes for FF/LNIM, and 6.8 percent for the Union of the Greens and Farmers. The rating of the left-wing party For Human Rights In A United Latvia fell from 7.7 percent in August to 5.9 percent in September. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The ratings of right-wing political parties – the New Era, the People's Party, For Fatherland And Freedom/LNNK and the Union of Greens and Farmers increased in September from August, according to a public opinion survey conducted by ‘Latvijas fakti. 10.3 percent of respondents said they would vote for the New Era if Saeima elections were held in September, while 9.1 percent would support the Peoples party. 7.3 percent of respondents said they would cast their votes for FF/LNIM, and 6.8 percent for the Union of the Greens and Farmers. The rating of the left-wing party For Human Rights In A United Latvia fell from 7.7 percent in August to 5.9 percent in September. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 29, 2005

  • State Language Centre turns to FF/LNIM for support
  • Interview with the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Latvia Robert Schuddeboom
  • Former official of the Riga City Council about the minority education reform
  • Meeting in the support for the Russian Community will take place on 30 September
Representatives of the State Language Centre turned to FF/LNIM claiming that the Centre experiences a political pressure. The Centre claims that after it started to inspect the usage of the state language at the National Railway, the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia has complained to the Centre about illegitimacy of their inspections, while members of the People’s Harmony Party have complained to the Minister of Justice. The representative of the State Language Centre notes that the National Railway is the company, which is fined most often for breeching the State Language Law. A member of FF/LNIM promised to initiate draft amendments, which would provide bigger fines for breeching the State Language Law.

Representatives of the State Language Centre turned to FF/LNIM claiming that the Centre experiences a political pressure. The Centre claims that after it started to inspect the usage of the state language at the National Railway, the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia has complained to the Centre about illegitimacy of their inspections, while members of the Peoples Harmony Party have complained to the Minister of Justice. The representative of the State Language Centre notes that the National Railway is the company, which is fined most often for breeching the State Language Law. A member of FF/LNIM promised to initiate draft amendments, which would provide bigger fines for breeching the State Language Law. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya talks to the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Latvia Robert Schuddeboom about tolerance and integration of society in the Netherlands and Latvia. The Ambassador shares experience and practices of integration of his country, while regarding the situation in Latvia, the Ambassador says that Latvian legislation concerning minority education and citizenship corresponds to international norms.

Chas talks to member of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language (LASHOR) Jelena Matyakubova who has been also working for the Department of Education of the Riga City Council for three years. However, she resigned from the post at the end of August. Jelena Matyakubova states that it is too early to talk about democracy in Latvia because ‘the governing elite is not ready to listen to views which do not correspond with official views and majority takes decisions for minorities. She is concerned that in 2007 students of Russian and Latvian schools will have to take examinations in accordance with the same standards for both schools. She argues that it is not fair that students of Russian schools will have to take examinations in Latvian, which is not their native language.

Chas reports that on 30 September a meeting in the support for the Russian community will take place in Riga. Although the Riga City Council refused to issue permission, the Riga Administrative Court ruled that the Council should issue permission. The goal of the meeting is to draw attention of society and politicians to issues faced by Russians: mass non-citizenship, preservation of the native language and others. The organiser of the meeting is the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. Vesti Segodnya



Sept. 28, 2005

  • Russian President rather moderate in his statements about Latvia
  • Two persons escaped the Olaine refugee camp
All newspapers report on the TV bridge organised between the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Latvia yesterday. The daily

All newspapers report on the TV bridge organised between the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Latvia yesterday. The daily Diena notes that the Russian President was rather moderate in his statements about Latvia. The only criticism was about mass non-citizenship in Latvia. Vladimir Putin stated that recently he had a possibility to talk to the Latvian President and ‘she understands many problems, including the ones faced by Russian- speakers. The Russian President noted that the Soviet heritage is still observable in officials from the former Soviet Union, referring to the decision of the Riga City Council not to issue a permission to organise the TV bridge from the centre of Riga. Diena, NRA, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Two persons – a citizen of Lithuania and a citizens of Russia - have escaped from the Olaine refugee camp. At the moment there are 13 persons who live in the camp.

Two persons – a citizen of Lithuania and a citizens of Russia - have escaped from the Olaine refugee camp. At the moment there are 13 persons who live in the camp. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf



Sept. 27, 2005

  • Peoples Harmony Party questions legitimacy of activities of state language inspectors at the National Railway
  • Representative of the US Department of State about Latvias ethnic policy
  • Protest against discrimination against the Russian language took place yesterday
  • Interview with Yuriy Petropavlovsky about the proposed inclusion of the loyalty criteria in naturalisation procedure
  • Despite the refusal of the Riga City Council organisers promise to hold TV bridge between Latvia and Russian President anyway
Members of the People’s Harmony Party have applied with the Minister of Justice questioning activities of the State Language Centre. The People’s Harmony Party received complaints from employees of the National Railway who claimed that inspectors of the State Language Centre conducted illegal examinations of persons’ state language skills and in some cases imposed fines for insufficient state language skills. According to law, inspectors may not examine person’s actual state language skills if s/he has a state language certificate indicating person’s level of language skills. Inspectors are neither entitled to impose fines in such cases.

Members of the Peoples Harmony Party have applied with the Minister of Justice questioning activities of the State Language Centre. The Peoples Harmony Party received complaints from employees of the National Railway who claimed that inspectors of the State Language Centre conducted illegal examinations of persons state language skills and in some cases imposed fines for insufficient state language skills. According to law, inspectors may not examine persons actual state language skills if s/he has a state language certificate indicating persons level of language skills. Inspectors are neither entitled to impose fines in such cases. Chas

Telegraf talks to Daniel Fried, representative of the US Department of State, who is on a visit to Latvia. When asked about Latvian Russian relations, Mr.Fried states that Latvias ethnic policy should be built on the fact that Latvian is the state language, however, it should be also built on the fact that Latvia is a multi ethnic country.

Vesti Segodnya reports that yesterday at the building of the European Commission a number of members of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia, the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools and NGOs held a protest against discrimination against the Russian language. One member of the picket was detained because he was holding a poster with the Latvian President dressed in a Nazi uniform.

Chas prints an interview with Yurij Petropavlosky, activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools. As reported, although Yurij Petropavlosky successfully passed naturalisation examinations, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to grant him Latvian citizenship accusing him of being non-loyal towards Latvia. He believes that the proposed inclusion of the loyalty criteria in naturalisation criteria is the attempt of right wing parties to hamper activism of Russians.

The Russian Embassy to Latvia has expressed its incomprehension about the refusal of the Riga City Council to issue a permission to organise a TV bridge between Riga and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was planned that residents of Riga would come to the square in the centre of Riga and ask their questions to the President Putin. The Russian Embassy to Latvia states that the restrictions are another unfriendly step from the side of Latvia. While Russian language newspapers report that organisers will find a possibility to organise the TV bridge anyway.

The Russian Embassy to Latvia has expressed its incomprehension about the refusal of the Riga City Council to issue a permission to organise a TV bridge between Riga and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was planned that residents of Riga would come to the square in the centre of Riga and ask their questions to the President Putin. The Russian Embassy to Latvia states that the restrictions are another unfriendly step from the side of Latvia. While Russian language newspapers report that organisers will find a possibility to organise the TV bridge anyway. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

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