Sept. 26, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia is verifying the accuracy of news concerning the statement by the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia about granting official status to the Russian language in all post-soviet states
  • Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council about the observation of minority rights of Russian speaking people in Latvia
  • Ethnologist and geographer Ilmars Mezs: ethnic differences in voting in EU referendum could be explained by different information spaces
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia is verifying the accuracy of news as reported by RIA NOVOSTI/ LETA, the Latvian national news agency, concerning the statement of Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in order to express the official opinion of Latvia. According to the news agencies, in her address at the International University of Moscow, the Deputy Minister stated that Russia will strive to achieve that official status be granted to the Russian language in all the post-soviet states with significant Russian-speaking populations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia is verifying the accuracy of news as reported by RIA NOVOSTI/ LETA, the Latvian national news agency, concerning the statement of Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in order to express the official opinion of Latvia. According to the news agencies, in her address at the International University of Moscow, the Deputy Minister stated that Russia will strive to achieve that official status be granted to the Russian language in all the post-soviet states with significant Russian-speaking populations. Telegraf features the opinions of left-wing politicians in Latvia about Mitrofanova statement. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf, Chas

Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma (State Council), comments on the picket of Russian school students from Latvia against current education reform near the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. In the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe he has drawn attention to the fact that Latvia’s policy is not in line with the democratic standards of the European Union in the realm of minority languages, education and voting rights. 

Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma (State Council), comments on the picket of Russian school students from Latvia against current education reform near the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. In the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe he has drawn attention to the fact that Latvias policy is not in line with the democratic standards of the European Union in the realm of minority languages, education and voting rights. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Diena features an article by ethnologist and geographer Ilmars Mezs about ethnic factors of No vote in the EU referendum. He stresses that ethnic differences are more distinct in voting in Latvia than in the other two Baltic States. Mezs argues that social factors play less significant role in the negative attitude towards Latvias accession to the EU than ethnic factors. Mezs cites many examples of rural parishes with the same level of socio-economic development in Daugavpils and several other Latgale districts with much higher percentage of Yes votes among ethnic Latvians and No votes among ethnic Russians. The analyst believes that ethnic differences in voting could be explained by the fact that Russian-speaking citizens had access to information about the referendum only in their isolated information space.

Sept. 25, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools submits signatures against education reform to the Minister of Education and Science
  • The Enterprise Register postpones registration of the new party BITE
  • The Cabinet of Ministers postpones the discussion about the establishment of the new State Language Agency
  • Differing opinions of two Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia about the application of economic sanctions for ensuring the observance of human rights of compatriots in the Baltic States
  • The Cabinet of Ministers allocates 10,000 Lats to the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies
  • Interview with Michael Kuznyetsov, a Russian expert from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee
  • Clarification of the opinion expressed by Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, about granting of voting rights to non-citizens at municipal elections
Yesterday the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian Schools submitted to Karlis Sadurskis, the Minister of Education and Science, 107,000 signatures collected in protest against education reform as well as alternative proposals for the reform. The Minister has promised to study the documents. Nevertheless, as the signatures affixed to the petition have not been certified by a notary, the Minister maintains that he cannot consider them valid. He also asserted that the basic principles of the current education reform will not be changed.

Yesterday the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian Schools submitted to Karlis Sadurskis, the Minister of Education and Science, 107,000 signatures collected in protest against education reform as well as alternative proposals for the reform. The Minister has promised to study the documents. Nevertheless, as the signatures affixed to the petition have not been certified by a notary, the Minister maintains that he cannot consider them valid. He also asserted that the basic principles of the current education reform will not be changed. Diena, Rigas Balss, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Vechernaya Riga

The Enterprise Register has postponed the registration of the new party BITE (Latvian acronym for “Free Choice in People’s Europe”) as the documents submitted by representatives of the party are not in compliance with the law.

The Enterprise Register has postponed the registration of the new party BITE (Latvian acronym for Free Choice in Peoples Europe) as the documents submitted by representatives of the party are not in compliance with the law. Diena

Two deputy ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia have different opinions about the application of economic sanctions to other states as a means of ensuring the observance of human rights of compatriots. In contrast with Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Chizov, another deputy minister of the same ministry has promised not to politicize economic relations between Russia and the Baltic States.

Two deputy ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia have different opinions about the application of economic sanctions to other states as a means of ensuring the observance of human rights of compatriots. In contrast with Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Chizov, another deputy minister of the same ministry has promised not to politicize economic relations between Russia and the Baltic States. Neatkariga Rita Avize

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has postponed the discussion about the framework document on the establishment of the new State Language Agency. In an interview with the representative of the State Language Commission and the Ministry of Education and Science

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has postponed the discussion about the framework document on the establishment of the new State Language Agency. In an interview with the representative of the State Language Commission and the Ministry of Education and Science Lauku Avize reports about key functions of the new body. According to the framework document, the new agency will become a coordinating institution for the implementation of the state language policy. Lauku Avize

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to grant 10,000 lats to the Latvian Association of the National Cultural Societies.

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to grant 10,000 lats to the Latvian Association of the National Cultural Societies. Lauku Avize

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Michael Kuznyetsov, a Russian expert from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee, visiting Latvia this week and monitoring minority rights in Latvia.

The press secretary of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration clarifies the opinion expressed by the Special Task Minister in thebook “Agenda for Latvia-2004”. She stresses that the minister did not consider granting non-citizens the right to vote at municipal elections because the priority of the government is promotion of naturalization. An earlier article in the newspaper Vechernaya had suggested that, “Muiznieks considers it possible that Latvia will have to allow the non-citizens to vote in municipal elections.”

The press secretary of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration clarifies the opinion expressed by the Special Task Minister in thebook Agenda for Latvia-2004. She stresses that the minister did not consider granting non-citizens the right to vote at municipal elections because the priority of the government is promotion of naturalization. An earlier article in the newspaper Vechernaya had suggested that, Muiznieks considers it possible that Latvia will have to allow the non-citizens to vote in municipal elections. Vechernaya Riga

Sept. 24, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Parties will not ask the resignation of the Prime Minister Einars Repse
  • Working group for implementation of the National Programme The Integration of Society in Latvia established
  • Left-wing politicians require the amendments to the Education Law
  • Amendments to law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State approved by the government
  • The visit of experts from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee
  • First Vice Speaker of Russias State Council: NATO should pay more attention to the rights of Russian speaking people in Latvia
  • About the reasons of deprivation of Latvian citizenship
  • Tatjana Poloskova, expert of the delegation from Russia visiting Latvia this month, about education reform
  • Planned meetings of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools in Strasburg
All political parties in Saeima have decided do not ask the resignation of Prime Minister for the present.

All political parties in Saeima have decided do not ask the resignation of Prime Minister for the present. Diena, Lauku Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga

A work group for implementation of the National Programme “The Integration of Society in Latvia” has been established on the basis of the decree of Einars Repse, the Prime Minister of Latvia. The work group will develop a report about the system of implementation, supervision and assessment of the Programme.

A work group for implementation of the National Programme The Integration of Society in Latvia has been established on the basis of the decree of Einars Repse, the Prime Minister of Latvia. The work group will develop a report about the system of implementation, supervision and assessment of the Programme. Lauku Avize

The party “For Human Rights in the United Latvia” has submitted its amendments to the Education Law for the second reading. The party stresses that minority schools will benefit from the law only if they have the right to choose language of instruction themselves and if the Ministry of Education and Science establish a department of minority education.

The party For Human Rights in the United Latvia has submitted its amendments to the Education Law for the second reading. The party stresses that minority schools will benefit from the law only if they have the right to choose language of instruction themselves and if the Ministry of Education and Science establish a department of minority education. Diena, Chas

The Cabinet of Ministers has accepted the amendments to the law “On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State”. According to the amendments, non-citizens who become the residents of other states and get a travelling card there should refuse from the status of a non-citizen of Latvia.

The Cabinet of Ministers has accepted the amendments to the law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State. According to the amendments, non-citizens who become the residents of other states and get a travelling card there should refuse from the status of a non-citizen of Latvia. Chas

The newspapersfeature articles about the visit of experts from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee to Latvia. According to Simon Lunn, the Secretary General of the NATO PA, experts will prepare a report about the visit, but the delegation does not plan to give any recommendations to the government of Latvia. He also stresses that it is not the duty of Latvia to fund minority schools from the state budget. Russian language newspapers feature critical opinions of NATO experts from Russia about this visit.

The newspapersfeature articles about the visit of experts from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee to Latvia. According to Simon Lunn, the Secretary General of the NATO PA, experts will prepare a report about the visit, but the delegation does not plan to give any recommendations to the government of Latvia. He also stresses that it is not the duty of Latvia to fund minority schools from the state budget. Russian language newspapers feature critical opinions of NATO experts from Russia about this visit. Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The First Vice Speaker of Russia’s State Council Lyubov Sliska during her meeting with representatives of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has pointed to the fact that 500, 000 non-citizens of Latvia had no opportunity to vote on the referendum about Latvia’s accession to the EU. According to Lyubov Sliska, in the context of Latvia’s accession to NATO, this organization should pay more attention to observing of the rights of Russian speaking people in the field of education, language policy, and social integration.

The First Vice Speaker of Russias State Council Lyubov Sliska during her meeting with representatives of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has pointed to the fact that 500, 000 non-citizens of Latvia had no opportunity to vote on the referendum about Latvias accession to the EU. According to Lyubov Sliska, in the context of Latvias accession to NATO, this organization should pay more attention to observing of the rights of Russian speaking people in the field of education, language policy, and social integration. Lauku Avize, Chas, Vechernaya Riga

According to

According to Rigas Balss, double-citizenship and getting Latvian citizenship providing false information are the main reasons of deprivation of Latvian citizenship.

Lauku Avize features a letter of Tatjana Poloskova, an expert of the Russia delegation visiting Latvia this month and discussing the education reform of Latvia. According to her, Moscow wants to help Latvia in realizing education reform offering advises of experts. She stresses that all experts of the delegation believe that Russians should naturalize and learn Latvian language while maintaining their Russian identity.

Lauku Avize features an article about the visit of representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools to Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Headquarters are planning meetings with diplomats, deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly, representatives of the Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the Committee onLegal Affairs and Human Rights.

Sept. 23, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Three ruling parties ask the party New Era to nominate another candidate to the post of Prime Minister
  • Experts of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee meet with the Latvian officials and NGO representatives
  • Integration experts about Euro-skepticism of Riga and Latgale residents
  • Alfreds Rubiks, the leader of the Socialist Party questions the results of the referendum
  • The letter of M. Bekasov from the Socialist Party about minority discrimination has not attracted the attention of the European Parliament
  • Representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools are visiting the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • The first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia suggests the grater consideration should be given by Russia to the use of economic sanctions to other states as a means of ensuring the observance of human rights of compatriots
  • The decision of the Supreme Court to deprive a Latvian citizen of the right to Latvian citizenship
Yesterday three ruling parties, the Latvia’s First party, the Union of Greens and Farmers and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, sent an open letter to the party New Era, asking to nominate another person as Prime Minister because they cannot continue working in a government headed by Einars Repse.

Yesterday three ruling parties, the Latvias First party, the Union of Greens and Farmers and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, sent an open letter to the party New Era, asking to nominate another person as Prime Minister because they cannot continue working in a government headed by Einars Repse. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Lauku Avize, Rigas Balss, Telegraf, VechernayaRiga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers report about the meeting of experts from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee with Latvian officials and representatives of NGOs where the issues of naturalization, education reform, and the implementation of international recommendations on the elimination of racial discrimination were discussed. Experts also visited a Russian language school to observe bilingual education in practice.

Newspapers report about the meeting of experts from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee with Latvian officials and representatives of NGOs where the issues of naturalization, education reform, and the implementation of international recommendations on the elimination of racial discrimination were discussed. Experts also visited a Russian language school to observe bilingual education in practice. Lauku Avize, Chas, Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Diena features opinions of experts in the field of social integration commenting on the negative attitude of the Riga and Latgale residents towards Latvias accession to the EU. Several experts hold the opinion that these attitudes are connected more with socio-economic than ethnic factors and highlight the need to conduct research on the reasons for No vote.

Alfreds Rubiks, the leader of the Socialist Party has decided to turn to the Constitutional Court, to question the results of the referendum about Latvia’s Accession to the EU. According to him, the referendum was not legitimate because one fourth of Latvia’s inhabitants have no opportunity to voice their opinion, as they have no voting rights. In the case of a negative decision of the Constitutional Court, Alfred Rubiks is also planning to file a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights.

Alfreds Rubiks, the leader of the Socialist Party has decided to turn to the Constitutional Court, to question the results of the referendum about Latvias Accession to the EU. According to him, the referendum was not legitimate because one fourth of Latvias inhabitants have no opportunity to voice their opinion, as they have no voting rights. In the case of a negative decision of the Constitutional Court, Alfred Rubiks is also planning to file a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The letter of M. Bekasov (Latvian Socialist party), informing about the discrimination of minorities in Latvia, has not attracted the attention of MPs of European Parliament. M.Bekasov points to the discrimination of Russian-speakers in the field of education, naturalization and voting rights. According to Per Stenmark, deputy of the European Parliament, the EU and the OSCE have monitored human rights in Latvia for a long time, and that Latvia has fulfilled all requirements.

The letter of M. Bekasov (Latvian Socialist party), informing about the discrimination of minorities in Latvia, has not attracted the attention of MPs of European Parliament. M.Bekasov points to the discrimination of Russian-speakers in the field of education, naturalization and voting rights. According to Per Stenmark, deputy of the European Parliament, the EU and the OSCE have monitored human rights in Latvia for a long time, and that Latvia has fulfilled all requirements. Lauku Avize

The delegation from the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools, consisting of 30 representatives, including the winners of a student competition on caricatures and drawings against the education reform, will visit the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to inform them of the dissatisfaction within the Russian language community with the education reform.

The delegation from the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools, consisting of 30 representatives, including the winners of a student competition on caricatures and drawings against the education reform, will visit the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to inform them of the dissatisfaction within the Russian language community with the education reform. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia suggests the grater consideration should be given by Russia to the use of economic sanctions to other states as a means of ensuring the observance of human rights of compatriots abroad.

Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia suggests the grater consideration should be given by Russia to the use of economic sanctions to other states as a means of ensuring the observance of human rights of compatriots abroad. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnya

The Supreme Court has decided to deprive an Armenian businessman of the Latvian citizenship. The businessman failed to disclose the fact that he already held Armenian citizenship when applying for Latvian citizenship.

The Supreme Court has decided to deprive an Armenian businessman of the Latvian citizenship. The businessman failed to disclose the fact that he already held Armenian citizenship when applying for Latvian citizenship. Rigas Balss

Sept. 22, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • 67% of citizens of Latvia support Latvias accession to the EU
  • Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, about the negative attitude of minorities towards Latvias accession to the EU
  • Muiznieks on key integration issues in 2004
  • Diena reports on experts opinions about relationships between Latvia and Russia after Latvias accession to the EU.
  • The first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia: education reform discriminates against Russian-speakers
  • Latvian-Russian relations after Latvias accession to the EU
  • Foreign media about the referendum
  • Vesti Segodnya about an incident during the unapproved walk against the education reform
  • An interview with Rabbi Nathan Barkan
According to the provisional results of the referendum, 66,96 % of citizens of Latvia supported Latvia’s accession to the EU.

According to the provisional results of the referendum, 66,96 % of citizens of Latvia supported Latvias accession to the EU. Diena assumes that the large part of Euro-skeptics are representatives of minorities, because the largest number of the EU opponents are in Riga and Latgale. Diena, Rigas Balss, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Telegraf

Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, believes that the negative attitude of minorities towards Latvia’s membership in the EU could be explained with different information spaces, developed by Latvian and Russian language media, and with the aspirations of several activists to correlate the referendum and the education reform.

Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, believes that the negative attitude of minorities towards Latvias membership in the EU could be explained with different information spaces, developed by Latvian and Russian language media, and with the aspirations of several activists to correlate the referendum and the education reform. Diena

Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration considers clarification of the status of non-citizens, ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, as well as possible granting to non-citizens the right to vote at municipal elections as the main issues in the field of integration in 2004.

Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration considers clarification of the status of non-citizens, ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, as well as possible granting to non-citizens the right to vote at municipal elections as the main issues in the field of integration in 2004. Vechernaya Riga

Diena reports on experts point of view about relationships of Latvia and Russia after Latvias accession to the EU. Sandra Kalniete, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, stresses that Russia would have less opportunities to interfere in Latvias internal affairs in the field of minority rights. Other experts believe, that after Latvias membership in the EU and NATO the pressure of Russia in Latvia would continue because Russia is a more important partner than Latvia for several EU countries. Diena

Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, criticized the education reform in Latvia in the World Congress of Russian Language Press, stating that this reform discriminates against Russian-speakers. She states that Russia will continue the discussion with the Council of Europe about minority rights in Latvia.

Eleonora Mitrofanova, the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, criticized the education reform in Latvia in the World Congress of Russian Language Press, stating that this reform discriminates against Russian-speakers. She states that Russia will continue the discussion with the Council of Europe about minority rights in Latvia. Chas

Telegraf prints an article about the economic and political relations between Latvia and Russia after Latvias accession to the EU.

Foreign media showed Latvia as having the largest group of Euro-sceptics, but Russian-language media reportedly points to the fact that non-citizens did not get the opportunity to express their opinion on Latvia’s membership in the EU.

Foreign media showed Latvia as having the largest group of Euro-sceptics, but Russian-language media reportedly points to the fact that non-citizens did not get the opportunity to express their opinion on Latvias membership in the EU. Rigas Balss

Vesti Segodnya writes about an incident during the unapproved walk against the education reform, when police arrested one of the participants.

Diena features an interview with Rabbi Nathan Barkan.

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