Sept. 30, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The only official newspaper of the Russian Government

The only official newspaper of the Russian Government Rossiyskaya Gazeta has named leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans as the most influential pro-Moscow politician and possible vice premier in Latvia. The newspaper states that a national government formed by the Peoples Party would be in the interests of Russia because of commercial interests of Peoples Party in Moscow. Leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans does not consider co-operation between his and Skeles party possible. Diena

After a visit to Daugavpils, the second biggest city in the eastern part of Latvia, Reuters journalist Erik Brynhildsbakken pictures a very gloomy situation and writes that ethnic Russians say that neither the prospect of European Union (EU) membership nor of joining NATO will lift the stamp of second class citizenship cast on them since the end of the Cold War. Reuters correspondent concludes that in Latvia's small political establishment, all are jubilant about the tiny country's "return to Europe" - expecting a NATO invitation in November and EU membership by 2004. But they are short on words when it comes to ethnic Russians.

After a visit to Daugavpils, the second biggest city in the eastern part of Latvia, Reuters journalist Erik Brynhildsbakken pictures a very gloomy situation and writes that ethnic Russians say that neither the prospect of European Union (EU) membership nor of joining NATO will lift the stamp of second class citizenship cast on them since the end of the Cold War. Reuters correspondent concludes that in Latvia's small political establishment, all are jubilant about the tiny country's "return to Europe" - expecting a NATO invitation in November and EU membership by 2004. But they are short on words when it comes to ethnic Russians. Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnya

talks to head of the Association for the Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia Igor Pimenov. He re-calls the formation of the Association and believes that the language of instruction at a school should be chosen by its founders, namely, a municipality, and the school board. Igor Pimenov is convinced about the correctness of the requirements set by the Association as they are in compliance with the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and other international norms. talks to head of the Association for the Support of Russian Language Schools in Latvia Igor Pimenov. He re-calls the formation of the Association and believes that the language of instruction at a school should be chosen by its founders, namely, a municipality, and the school board. Igor Pimenov is convinced about the correctness of the requirements set by the Association as they are in compliance with the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and other international norms. The editorial of

The editorial of Telegraf discusses the recently published booklet Lets Protect Our Future! Latvia in NATO. The newspaper points out that the booklet is published in two languages – in Latvian and Russian – and the two editions have the same text, but different photos, for instance, in the Latvian edition President Vaira Vike-Freiberga is with American President George Bush, but in the Russian edition she is with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The columnist concludes that according to the logic of the authors of the booklet, each community should enter NATO separately.

Sept. 28, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

When writing about the importance of elections,

When writing about the importance of elections, Diena refers to sociologist Aigars Freimanis, who states that in comparison to previous elections when non-Latvians did not take an active part in the elections, the activity of Latvians and non-Latvians could be equal in the 8th Saeima elections. Sociologist Ieva Strode states that according to opinion polls, supporters of FHRUL are more motivated to take part in the elections.

According to the latest opinion poll conducted by the company “SKDS” in the middle of September the New Era for the first time has lost its long-term No. 1 position to the People’s Party. Now 18.7% of Latvian citizens would support the People’s Party, 16% - the New Era, followed by FHRUL, the Union of the Green Party and the Farmers’ Union and Latvia’s Way. FF/LNNK and the Latvian Social Democrats did not overcome the 5% barrier.

According to the latest opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS in the middle of September the New Era for the first time has lost its long-term No. 1 position to the Peoples Party. Now 18.7% of Latvian citizens would support the Peoples Party, 16% - the New Era, followed by FHRUL, the Union of the Green Party and the Farmers Union and Latvias Way. FF/LNNK and the Latvian Social Democrats did not overcome the 5% barrier. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports

on a conference "Societal Integration and Latvian Security" held by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation (LATO) in co-operation with the World Federation of Free Latvians with the purpose of promoting a more cohesive civil society by involving ethnic minority representatives in discussions on Latvian foreign affairs and security policy. The majority of Russian-speakers residing in Latvia are rather sceptical about Latvias NATO membership as in most cases their views and opinions are formed by Russian TV channels. on a conference "Societal Integration and Latvian Security" held by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation (LATO) in co-operation with the World Federation of Free Latvians with the purpose of promoting a more cohesive civil society by involving ethnic minority representatives in discussions on Latvian foreign affairs and security policy. The majority of Russian-speakers residing in Latvia are rather sceptical about Latvia’s NATO membership as in most cases their views and opinions are formed by Russian TV channels. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks comments the recent decision of the Saeima on granting the status of civil servants to firemen, thus banning non-citizens from holding this profession. He states that all Latvian non-citizens have the right to naturalise, but that the State Firefighting Service should assist any non-citizens among firefighters in naturalising.

Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks comments the recent decision of the Saeima on granting the status of civil servants to firemen, thus banning non-citizens from holding this profession. He states that all Latvian non-citizens have the right to naturalise, but that the State Firefighting Service should assist any non-citizens among firefighters in naturalising. Diena

Lauku Avize

intwerviews poet Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete whose ethnic background is Russian. She says that people representing the sphere of culture of Latvia and Russia understand each other very well, but there are people in Latvia who foment ethnic tension and do not want any integration. Regarding the language situation in the country Ludmila Azarova says that first of all Latvians themselves should respect and stand for their language. intwerviews poet Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete whose ethnic background is Russian. She says that people representing the sphere of culture of Latvia and Russia understand each other very well, but there are people in Latvia who foment ethnic tension and do not want any integration. Regarding the language situation in the country Ludmila Azarova says that first of all Latvians themselves should respect and stand for their language.

Panorama Latvii

interviews chairperson of the Council of the Russian Society in Latvia. He believes the Russian Society in Latvia has done a lot in the sphere of culture, but now should focus on socio-economic and political issues. interviews chairperson of the Council of the Russian Society in Latvia. He believes the Russian Society in Latvia has done a lot in the sphere of culture, but now should focus on socio-economic and political issues.

Panorama Latvii

publishes an open letter by leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans where he provides his arguments against a statement made by Latvian officials and political experts that the visit of Moscow Mayor Luzhkov to Riga was postponed because of Jurkans visit to Moscow and that Luzhkovs visit would show that Moscow supports the Latvian Social Democrats in the 8th Saeima elections. He assures readers that there is no discord between the Latvian Social Democrats and FHRUL in Riga City Council. publishes an open letter by leader of FHRUL Janis Jurkans where he provides his arguments against a statement made by Latvian officials and political experts that the visit of Moscow Mayor Luzhkov to Riga was postponed because of Jurkans’ visit to Moscow and that Luzhkov’s visit would show that Moscow supports the Latvian Social Democrats in the 8th Saeima elections. He assures readers that there is no discord between the Latvian Social Democrats and FHRUL in Riga City Council. Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted two draft inter-state treaties stipulating easing the visa regime between Latvia and Russia submitted to Russian ambassador Igor Studennikov.

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted two draft inter-state treaties stipulating easing the visa regime between Latvia and Russia submitted to Russian ambassador Igor Studennikov. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 27, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Diena devotes a page to a discussion about naturalisation and non-citizen issues in Latvia. Representatives of 7 leading parties are asked two questions Does Latvia benefit from such a great number of non-citizens? If not, what will your party do to foster non-citizens wish to naturalise? and the second question What changes will Latvias membership to the EU bring in respect to naturalisation?
FF/LNNK believes that citizenship should not be advertised - the acquisition of Latvian citizenship should be based on persons wish and beliefs. Regarding the consequences of Latvias membership to the EU, FF/LNNK MP Aida Predele says that it should foster integration in the country.
Maris Kalve, FHRUL, states that simpler requirements for the acquisition of Latvian citizenship should be introduced. About the impact of the EU membership on naturalisation, Maris Kalve states that after becoming an EU member, Latvia will have to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without any reservations. He suggests providing the right to non-citizens to participate at municipal elections.
The Latvian Social Democrats MP Viola Lazo criticises the current ethno-policy which is not acceptable either by minorities or the core nation and says that now the only way out is to correct the admitted mistakes, first, define the term a national minority and determine obligations and rights of minorities in Latvian legislation, second, look for international sources of funding to ensure repatriation of those persons who want to go back to their native countries.
Ilmars Mezs, the New Era, believes that the vast number of non-citizens harms Latvias interests, however, mass or automatic naturalisation would be even worse. Ilmars Mezs notes that Latvias membership to the EU will not bring any changes in regard to naturalisation, however, it could foster non-citizens motivation to acquire Latvian citizenship.
Peoples Party MP Anta Rugate says that the vast number of non-citizens bring no good for any country, however, Latvia is in a special situation. According to Anta Rugate, decision to become a Latvian citizen should be taken individually. She stresses that education is the most essential way to motivate non-citizens to naturalise.
Election candidate from Latvias Way, head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane agrees that the great number of non-citizens brings harm to Latvia and believes that all activities launched by the Naturalisation Board – iformation campaigns, Latvian language courses, etc. – should be continued. Eizenija Aldermane is convinced that Latvias membership to the EU will increase the tempo of naturalisation.
Ruta Bendere, the Union of the Green Party and the FarmersUnion, says that the Union will continue integration of Latvian society.

Panorama Latvii

interviews FHRUL MP Boris Tsilevich. When asked what consequences Latvias membership to the EU will have on national minorities residing in Latvia, Boris Tsilevich states that the EU is an organisation formed to facilitate free trade and nothing more. However, he notes that the EU adopted the Race Directive in 2000, which implementation could cause difficulties for Latvia. Boris Tsilevitch believes that national minorities should benefit from periods when Latvia is trying to become a member of international organisations and is forced to adopt norms, which are in compliance with international standards. He suggests national minorities to formulate clearly their goals, namely, review of the education reform in 2004 and the ratification of the Framework Convention, to able to achieve results in these spheres. interviews FHRUL MP Boris Tsilevich. When asked what consequences Latvia’s membership to the EU will have on national minorities residing in Latvia, Boris Tsilevich states that the EU is an organisation formed to facilitate free trade and nothing more. However, he notes that the EU adopted the Race Directive in 2000, which implementation could cause difficulties for Latvia. Boris Tsilevitch believes that national minorities should benefit from periods when Latvia is trying to become a member of international organisations and is forced to adopt norms, which are in compliance with international standards. He suggests national minorities to formulate clearly their goals, namely, review of the education reform in 2004 and the ratification of the Framework Convention, to able to achieve results in these spheres.


writes about the failure of the proposal of FHRUL to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the newspaper, the key reason why ruling parties do not want to ratify the Convention is that in the result of the ratification a number of laws, such as the Language Law, should be amended and softened. The newspaper stresses that FF/LNNK and Latvias Way MP Edvins Inkens who is the head of the Saeima Committee on European Affairs were against the ratification. writes about the failure of the proposal of FHRUL to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the newspaper, the key reason why ruling parties do not want to ratify the Convention is that in the result of the ratification a number of laws, such as the Language Law, should be amended and softened. The newspaper stresses that FF/LNNK and Latvia’s Way MP Edvins Inkens who is the head of the Saeima Committee on European Affairs were against the ratification. Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya Latvia’s Way MP Kristiana Libane in her interview for

Latvias Way MP Kristiana Libane in her interview for Jauna Avize states that the state should fund campaigns, which promote and popularise the usage of the Latvian language among non-Latvians.

Vechernaya Riga

interviews FHRUL MP Yuriy Sokolovskiy. He is the head of the youth club of the Russian Society in Latvia. Yuriy Sokolovskiy argues against the conclusions of a study Occupational Representation and Ethnic Discrimination in Latvia by political scientist Artis Pabriks and states that in Latvia there is discrimination on ethnic grounds. The key task of his club is to provide support to talented Russian young people to get jobs in state and administrative institutions. interviews FHRUL MP Yuriy Sokolovskiy. He is the head of the youth club of the Russian Society in Latvia. Yuriy Sokolovskiy argues against the conclusions of a study “Occupational Representation and Ethnic Discrimination in Latvia” by political scientist Artis Pabriks and states that in Latvia there is discrimination on ethnic grounds. The key task of his club is to provide support to talented Russian young people to get jobs in state and administrative institutions.


publishes a report based on the materials provided by the Ministry of Education and Science about the implementation of the switch of minority schools to instruction in Latvian in 2004. publishes a report based on the materials provided by the Ministry of Education and Science about the implementation of the switch of minority schools to instruction in Latvian in 2004. Distributors of programmes of the Russian Public Television in Latvia the company “Tem TV” is planning to launch a new satellite TV channel “First Baltic Channel” which will air programmes of the Russian Public Television and programmes produced by the company “Tem TV” as well. The majority of programmes will be in the Russian language.

Distributors of programmes of the Russian Public Television in Latvia the company Tem TV is planning to launch a new satellite TV channel First Baltic Channel which will air programmes of the Russian Public Television and programmes produced by the company Tem TV as well. The majority of programmes will be in the Russian language. Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 26, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The Advisory Council in National Minority Education Issues and the Co-ordination Council of the National Programme for Latvian Language Training accepted a procedure of the implementation of the National Programme for Latvian Language Training in 2003-2004. The procedure foresees focusing on providing information about bilingual education to parents and attracting secondary school teachers to distance learning courses. Head of the Association for the Support of the Russian Language Schools in Latvia Igor Pimenov took part in the session. He stressed that there was successful co-operation between his organisation and the Ministry of Education.

The Advisory Council in National Minority Education Issues and the Co-ordination Council of the National Programme for Latvian Language Training accepted a procedure of the implementation of the National Programme for Latvian Language Training in 2003-2004. The procedure foresees focusing on providing information about bilingual education to parents and attracting secondary school teachers to distance learning courses. Head of the Association for the Support of the Russian Language Schools in Latvia Igor Pimenov took part in the session. He stressed that there was successful co-operation between his organisation and the Ministry of Education. BNS

The Saeima did not support the proposal of FHRUL to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. 14 MPs supported the ratification, 27 were against and 33 abstained.

The Saeima did not support the proposal of FHRUL to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. 14 MPs supported the ratification, 27 were against and 33 abstained. BNS

The new law on firemen service stipulates that non-citizens may not work as firemen any more, as the new law stipulates that firemen are civil servants. FHRUL proposed to abolish this norm from the law.

The new law on firemen service stipulates that non-citizens may not work as firemen any more, as the new law stipulates that firemen are civil servants. FHRUL proposed to abolish this norm from the law. Chas

The Central Electorate Commission rejected the proposal of FHRUL to print informative materials for elections in the Russian language as well. However, FHRUL printed an election manual in the party’s pre-election newspaper and will distribute it to readers of the Russian language press.

The Central Electorate Commission rejected the proposal of FHRUL to print informative materials for elections in the Russian language as well. However, FHRUL printed an election manual in the partys pre-election newspaper and will distribute it to readers of the Russian language press. Chas


sent 20 political parties a letter with 5 questions essential for its readers. The questions are the following: sent 20 political parties a letter with 5 questions essential for its readers. The questions are the following:
1. Do you believe that naturalisation should remain the only possibility for non-citizens to acquire Latvian citizenship? 1. Do you believe that naturalisation should remain the only possibility for non-citizens to acquire Latvian citizenship?
2. What status should the Russian language have in Latvia? 2. What status should the Russian language have in Latvia?
3. Do you believe that the switch of secondary minority schools to instruction in Latvian in 2004 is necessary? 3. Do you believe that the switch of secondary minority schools to instruction in Latvian in 2004 is necessary?
4. Are you for or against the EU and NATO? 4. Are you for or against the EU and NATO?
5. What should be relations between Latvia and Russia in the future? 5. What should be relations between Latvia and Russia in the future?
The newspaper will publish the answers of politicians just before the elections. The newspaper will publish the answers of politicians just before the elections.

Vesti Segodnya

reports that only three Russian language newspapers – reports that only three Russian language newspapers – Vesti Segodnya, Chas Vesti Segodnya, Chas andand Telegraf Telegraf – responded to the call of the public policy portal and the news agency BNS to discuss the reflection of the pre-election period in the Russian language press. The newspaper quotes one of the speakers, dean of the Communication Department at the University of Latvia Sergey Kruk. He said that, contrary to the Latvian language press, the Russian language press does not place the key emphasis on the state, but reflects the concerns and achievements of individuals. – responded to the call of the public policy portal and the news agency BNS to discuss the reflection of the pre-election period in the Russian language press. The newspaper quotes one of the speakers, dean of the Communication Department at the University of Latvia Sergey Kruk. He said that, contrary to the Latvian language press, the Russian language press does not place the key emphasis on the state, but reflects the concerns and achievements of individuals.

Panorama Latvii

publishes the results of the campaign Non-elections, where all residents of Latvia could vote for any candidate. All together 8,369 people took part in the campaign, 76% of participants were non-citizens. 90% of voters supported FHRUL. publishes the results of the campaign “Non-elections,” where all residents of Latvia could vote for any candidate. All together 8,369 people took part in the campaign, 76% of participants were non-citizens. 90% of voters supported FHRUL. Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya

Sept. 25, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


interviews one of leaders of FF/LNNK Guntars Krasts. Guntars Krasts reassures that national issues, namely the status of the state language and Latvian identity, are and will remain key issues for his party, although the slogan of the previous elections Dont give up, Latvian! is replaced with The State will serve people. Guntars Krasts states that social integration issues have never been explosive issues in the Latvian domestic policy, but are being maintained as such in the foreign policy of Latvia. interviews one of leaders of FF/LNNK Guntars Krasts. Guntars Krasts reassures that national issues, namely the status of the state language and Latvian identity, are and will remain key issues for his party, although the slogan of the previous elections “Don’t give up, Latvian!” is replaced with “The State will serve people.” Guntars Krasts states that social integration issues have never been “explosive issues” in the Latvian domestic policy, but are being maintained as such in the foreign policy of Latvia.

Vechernaya Riga talks

to FHRUL MP Boris Tsilevich about his stance towards the switch of minority secondary schools to instruction in Latvian in 2004. Boris Tsilevich is against the forced switch and calls on Latvians to listen to the true wishes of non-Latvian residents. He criticizes national minority schools in Latvia as Latvian officials understand that a national minority school is where the majority of subjects are taught in Latvian, while classes connected to the culture and language of the national minority are held additionally. Boris Tsilevich advocates multi-cultural education. to FHRUL MP Boris Tsilevich about his stance towards the switch of minority secondary schools to instruction in Latvian in 2004. Boris Tsilevich is against the forced switch and calls on Latvians to listen to the true wishes of non-Latvian residents. He criticizes “national minority schools” in Latvia as Latvian officials understand that “a national minority school” is where the majority of subjects are taught in Latvian, while classes connected to the culture and language of the national minority are held additionally. Boris Tsilevich advocates multi-cultural education.

Vesti Segodnya

comments on the open letter of FHRUL to chairperson of the Central Electorate Commission Arnis Cimdars. In the letter FHRUL asked Cimdars to print informative materials about the 8th Saeima elections not only in Latvian, but also in Russian. The newspaper states that most probably Arnis Cimdars will refuse to issue these materials in Russian as he already noted that the Latvian authorities have to distribute information in the state language. comments on the open letter of FHRUL to chairperson of the Central Electorate Commission Arnis Cimdars. In the letter FHRUL asked Cimdars to print informative materials about the 8th Saeima elections not only in Latvian, but also in Russian. The newspaper states that most probably Arnis Cimdars will refuse to issue these materials in Russian as he already noted that “the Latvian authorities have to distribute information in the state language.” September witnessed another slight decrease in the popularity rating of the leading party – New Era. Now New Era is just a little bit ahead (15.4%) of the People’s Party (14.1%), followed by FHRUL (12.7%), FF/LNNK (7.2%), the Union of the Green Party and the Farmers’ Union (7%) and Latvia’s Way (5.5%).

September witnessed another slight decrease in the popularity rating of the leading party – New Era. Now New Era is just a little bit ahead (15.4%) of the Peoples Party (14.1%), followed by FHRUL (12.7%), FF/LNNK (7.2%), the Union of the Green Party and the Farmers Union (7%) and Latvias Way (5.5%). Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who had already been issued a Latvian entry visa, will not visit Riga on Friday and Saturday after all. Luzhkov’s visit has been postponed due to the Saeima elections.

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who had already been issued a Latvian entry visa, will not visit Riga on Friday and Saturday after all. Luzhkovs visit has been postponed due to the Saeima elections. Diena, Telegraf, Chas, Neatkariga.

Leader of the extreme right fringe Latvian Party Aivars Garda and his headed publishing house “Vieda” announced the third essay contest with the following themes: “Which Latvian politicians when refusing to de-occupy Latvia have betrayed the Latvian people and the state? Have Latvian MPs, ministers and state leaders betrayed and mocked Latvian pensioners, repressed persons, teachers and children by paying pensions to occupants?”

Leader of the extreme right fringe Latvian Party Aivars Garda and his headed publishing house Vieda announced the third essay contest with the following themes: Which Latvian politicians when refusing to de-occupy Latvia have betrayed the Latvian people and the state? Have Latvian MPs, ministers and state leaders betrayed and mocked Latvian pensioners, repressed persons, teachers and children by paying pensions to occupants? Vesti Segodnya

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