Oct. 7, 2006

  • Ilze Brands-Kehre elected the First Vice President of the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis criticized Latvia for the situation with non-citizens
On 4 October, the Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands-Kehre was elected the First Vice President of the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

On 4 October, the Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands-Kehre was elected the First Vice President of the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Latvijas Avize, Diena

On Friday, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis voiced his concern about a large number of non-citizens in Latvia and stated that the country has to take measures to address the situation. Terry Davis also criticized the fact that Latvia ratified the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities with reservations.

On Friday, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis voiced his concern about a large number of non-citizens in Latvia and stated that the country has to take measures to address the situation. Terry Davis also criticized the fact that Latvia ratified the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities with reservations. Chas

Oct. 6, 2006

  • State Employment Agency conducted a study on the unemployed whose native language is not Latvian
  • Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Latvian Administrative Violation Code prepared FF/LNIM
  • Most popular parties a week before the elections: Peoples Party, Union of Greens and Farmers, New Era
According to a study conducted by the State Employment Agency the majority of the unemployed whose native language is not Latvian believe that state language proficiency is a primary factor in a job search.  However, only 10 per cent have attended Latvian language courses offered by the State Employment Agency.

According to a study conducted by the State Employment Agency the majority of the unemployed whose native language is not Latvian believe that state language proficiency is a primary factor in a job search. However, only 10 per cent have attended Latvian language courses offered by the State Employment Agency. Chas

Yesterday, the Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Latvian Administrative Violation Code prepared by the Saeima faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, FF/LNIM proposed to raise the pecuniary penalties for insufficient use and proficiency of the state language in professional activities.

Yesterday, the Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Latvian Administrative Violation Code prepared by the Saeima faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, FF/LNIM proposed to raise the pecuniary penalties for insufficient use and proficiency of the state language in professional activities. Latvijas Avize

According to the latest public opinion survey conducted by the company "Latvijas fakti," the People’s Party would receive 13.7 % of votes, the Union of Greens and Farmers – 12.4%, New Era – 9.5% if the Saeima elections were hold on the first week of October. The party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (9.4%), “The Concord Centre” (8,9%), the Union of Latvia’s First Party and Latvia’s Way (6.8%) and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (5.1%) would also pass the required 5 per cent barrier. 

According to the latest public opinion survey conducted by the company "Latvijas fakti," the Peoples Party would receive 13.7 % of votes, the Union of Greens and Farmers – 12.4%, New Era – 9.5% if the Saeima elections were hold on the first week of October. The party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (9.4%), The Concord Centre (8,9%), the Union of Latvias First Party and Latvias Way (6.8%) and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (5.1%) would also pass the required 5 per cent barrier. Diena

Oct. 5, 2006

  • PACE accepted a draft resolution on course of ratification of the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities prepared by Boriss Cilevics
  • Diena features an article about a Russian-language school in Riga
Yesterday, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has accepted a draft resolution on the course of ratification of the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities in Council’s of Europe member states prepared by the representative of Latvia in the PACE Boriss Cilevics. In an interview with

Yesterday, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has accepted a draft resolution on the course of ratification of the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities in Councils of Europe member states prepared by the representative of Latvia in the PACE Boriss Cilevics. In an interview with Chas Boriss Cilevics stated that the draft project focus on ensuring effective participation of ethnic minorities in decision making in processes which concern them. Therefore, the draft project stipulates the implementation of the Convention without any reservations by all European Councils member countries. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Diena features an article about a Russian-language school in Riga where children of Russian, Belorussian, Mongolian, Uzbek, and Azerbaijani ethnic background are studying together. The editor of the internet portal www.dialogi.lv Anna Stroja comments that it is a usual phenomena that children of different ethnicities are identifying themselves as Russian-speakers and attend Russian schools.



Oct. 4, 2006

  • Non-citizens will be entitle to work for the State Revenue Service
  • Boriss Cilevics will report on the ratification of the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities
  • Joint Congress of Russian communities call non-citizens to protest against unfair deprivation of election rights
Yesterday, the Saeima’s Budget and Finance Committee supported the draft amendments to the Law on the State Revenue Service which provides rights to non-citizens to work for the State Revenue Service.

Yesterday, the Saeimas Budget and Finance Committee supported the draft amendments to the Law on the State Revenue Service which provides rights to non-citizens to work for the State Revenue Service. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Chas reports that today at the session of the PACE the representative of Latvia in the Parliamentarian Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Boriss Cilevics will report on the ratification of the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities in the European Councils member countries. Chas

The Joint Congress of Russian Communities in Latvia and the Russian Community of Latvia issued a public statement saying that about 500,000 Latvia’s residents will not be able to participate in the up-coming Saeima elections. Therefore, the organisations call all non-citizens to submit individual protest letters on unjust deprivation of their rights to participate in the elections and against discrimination based on ethnic origin and language proficiency to the OSCE’s (Organization for Security and Co­operation in Europe) election observation mission.

The Joint Congress of Russian Communities in Latvia and the Russian Community of Latvia issued a public statement saying that about 500,000 Latvias residents will not be able to participate in the up-coming Saeima elections. Therefore, the organisations call all non-citizens to submit individual protest letters on unjust deprivation of their rights to participate in the elections and against discrimination based on ethnic origin and language proficiency to the OSCEs (Organization for Security and Co­operation in Europe) election observation mission. Chas

Oct. 3, 2006

  • FF/LNIM proposes to increase pecuniary penalties for insufficient use of the state language and proficiency in professional activities
  • Aleksandr Kazakov: ‘pro-Russian parties are to be blamed for the implementation of minority school reform
The Saeima faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has prepared draft amendments to the Latvian Administrative Violation Code. FF/LNIM proposes to raise the pecuniary penalties for insufficient use of the state language and proficiency in professional activities.

The Saeima faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has prepared draft amendments to the Latvian Administrative Violation Code. FF/LNIM proposes to raise the pecuniary penalties for insufficient use of the state language and proficiency in professional activities. Chas

Activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-Language Schools Aleksandr Kazakov in an interview with the TV channel First Baltic Channel stated that the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia and other so-called ‘pro-Russian’ parties are responsible for the failure to oppose implementation of minority school reform. Aleksandr Kazakov believed that parties placed their interests above the common aim to stop the implementation of the reform in September 2004.

Activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-Language Schools Aleksandr Kazakov in an interview with the TV channel First Baltic Channel stated that the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia and other so-called ‘pro-Russian parties are responsible for the failure to oppose implementation of minority school reform. Aleksandr Kazakov believed that parties placed their interests above the common aim to stop the implementation of the reform in September 2004. Telegraf

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