Oct. 10, 2007

  • Picket against mass scale non-citizenship will be held in Riga on 15 October
  • Telegraf prints an interview with the Head of the Citizenship Law Implementation Committee Peteris Tabuns
The members of the Riga City Council from the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia are planning to hold a picket against mass scale non-citizenship at a representation office of the European Commission (EC) in Latvia on 15 October. Participants of the picket will hand over to the representatives of the EC a petition with an appeal to control implementation of recommendations made by various international organisations regarding elimination of mass scale non-citizenship in Latvia and granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections.

The members of the Riga City Council from the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia are planning to hold a picket against mass scale non-citizenship at a representation office of the European Commission (EC) in Latvia on 15 October. Participants of the picket will hand over to the representatives of the EC a petition with an appeal to control implementation of recommendations made by various international organisations regarding elimination of mass scale non-citizenship in Latvia and granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. Chas

In an interview with

In an interview with Telegraf, the Head of the Citizenship Law Implementation Committee, MP Peteris Tabuns (FF/LNIM) has stated that every single resident of Latvia has to speak Latvian language. Therefore, the MP considers that the State Language Law must include severe norms on usage of state language, which would also be applied on private sector and manufacturing. Peteris Tabuns also considers that Latvia must not attract guest workers because there is no lack of labour force in the country and because influx of foreign labour force would endanger Latvians as nation.

Oct. 9, 2007

  • Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has accepted the draft concept on Migration Policy in the Context of Employment
Yesterday, the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has accepted the draft concept on Migration Policy in the Context of Employment prepared by the Ministry of Interior. According to the concept, influx of guest workers to Latvia is necessary due to the luck of domestic labour force. However, the concept stipulates only controlled immigration with introduction of quotas for influx of guest workers in particular regions and spheres. The concept also stipulates easing administrative procedures and reduction of state fee for attraction of guest workers from non-EU countries.

Yesterday, the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has accepted the draft concept on Migration Policy in the Context of Employment prepared by the Ministry of Interior. According to the concept, influx of guest workers to Latvia is necessary due to the luck of domestic labour force. However, the concept stipulates only controlled immigration with introduction of quotas for influx of guest workers in particular regions and spheres. The concept also stipulates easing administrative procedures and reduction of state fee for attraction of guest workers from non-EU countries. Vesti Segodnya, Diena

Oct. 8, 2007

  • Vesti Segodnya prints an article by the MPs Valerijs Buhvalovs and Jakovs Pliners on results of centralised examination in ethnic minority schools recently published by the ISEC
  • Ministry of Justice is elaborating a draft supplement to the Rules of the Cabinet of Ministers which determines level of state language proficiency required for various posts and professions
  • Chas reports on various events held in Riga and Daugavpils in the framework of the Year of Russian Language

Vesti Segodnya prints an article by the MPs Valerijs Buhvalovs and Jakovs Pliners (both from the FHRUL) on results of centralised examination in ethnic minority schools recently published by the Education Content and Examination Centre (ISEC in its Latvian acronym). According to the ISEC, examination results in Latvian language have risen for the past three years, while, general examination results in Russian language schools and Latvian language schools are similar for the most part. The ISEC also has concluded that language in which students reply on examination does not impact results substantially. However, the authors of the article criticize conclusions of the ISEC, arguing that available data show that results in Latvian language have fallen rather than risen, while, results in such exams as Biology, Physics, Maths and History of those students who gave answers in native language are higher as compared to those who answered in Latvian. Valerijs Buhvalovs and Jakovs Pliners believe that results of centralised examination show that education reform in minority schools did not succeed.

Latvijas Avize reports that the Ministry of Justice in co-operation with the representatives of the State Language Centre is elaborating a draft supplement to the Rules of the Cabinet of Ministers which determines level of state language proficiency required for about 180 posts and professions for employees of state and municipal institutions as well as of private enterprises. Presently, legal acts stipulate that in private sector an employer determines the necessary level of the state language proficiency of employees. According to the head of the Control Department of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis, for the sake of protecting the state language and the interests of ethnic Latvians the state has to determine the necessary level of the state language proficiency for employees in private companies.

Chas reports about a conference Russian Language in Cultural-Communicative Space of New Europe and festivity of Russian Language held in Riga and Daugavpils in the framework of the Year of Russian Language.

Oct. 6, 2007

  • Saeima has refused a proposal of the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to grant Latvian legionnaires special status

Latvijas Avize reports that the Saeima has refused a proposal of the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to grant Latvian legionnaires (SS Waffen unit) special status equal with the status of members of the National resistance movement, which would grant them special benefits.

Oct. 5, 2007

  • FF/LNIM criticizes the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for objections against proposed merger of the Board and the State Language Centre
  • Saeima has supported draft amendments to the Asylum Law
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an article on reasons why Jewish community of Latvia never expresses its position concerning removal of monuments to Soviet soldiers or critical attitude towards Red Army in Latvia
  • Days of Russian Language are launched in Riga
Representatives of the Saeima’s faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) have held a meeting with the Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins, the Head of the Naturalisation Board (NB) Eizenija Aldermane and the Director of the State Language Centre Agris Timuska discussing possible merger of the NB and the State Language Centre. The FF/LNIM has criticized Eizenija Aldermane for objections against merger of two institutions. According to the FF/LNIM, the state must be concerned about strengthening positions of the state language rather than about speeding-up naturalisation process. Therefore, the FF/LNIM considers that number of the NB’s staff members has to be decreased.

Representatives of the Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) have held a meeting with the Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins, the Head of the Naturalisation Board (NB) Eizenija Aldermane and the Director of the State Language Centre Agris Timuska discussing possible merger of the NB and the State Language Centre. The FF/LNIM has criticized Eizenija Aldermane for objections against merger of two institutions. According to the FF/LNIM, the state must be concerned about strengthening positions of the state language rather than about speeding-up naturalisation process. Therefore, the FF/LNIM considers that number of the NBs staff members has to be decreased. Chas

Yesterday, the Saeima has supported draft amendments to the Asylum Law which stipulate revision of asylum applications in shortened terms.

Yesterday, the Saeima has supported draft amendments to the Asylum Law which stipulate revision of asylum applications in shortened terms. NRA

Vesti Segodnya prints an article on reasons why Jewish community of Latvia never expresses its position concerning removal of monuments to Soviet soldiers or critical attitude towards Red Army in Latvia. According to a columnist of the newspaper, the chairman of the Council of Jewish Communities in Latvia Arkadijs Suharenko and some other representatives of the Jewish community have avoided answering the question.Abrams Kleckins, an academician and also a representative of Jewish community, has stated that these questions were never discussed within the community, most likely because these issues are too much politicized.

Chas reports that the Days of Russian Language are launched in Riga today.

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