Oct. 13, 2004

  • Newspapers report on recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus
  • Eiropean Parliaments member Robers Zile: prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione intervenes into domestic affairs of Latvia
  • Meeting of the chairman of the Department of Ethnic Minority Affairs of the Special Tasks Ministers for Societal Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika and the head of the Riga City Council City Development Committee Andris Ameriks
Newspapers report on the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus to Latvia. Commissioner has repeatedly recommended Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and with fewer reservations as possible. During the Commissioner’s meeting with the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee a definition of the term ‘minority’ and a possibility to award the status ‘new immigrants’ to persons, who arrived to Latvia after World War II, were also among discussion topics. According to

Newspapers report on the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus to Latvia. Commissioner has repeatedly recommended Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and with fewer reservations as possible. During the Commissioners meeting with the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee a definition of the term ‘minority and a possibility to award the status ‘new immigrants to persons, who arrived to Latvia after World War II, were also among discussion topics. According to Vesti Segodnya, the Commissioner has stated that Latvia may not unify the status of persons permanently living in Latvia with the status of the persons, arrived in Latvia after its accession to the EU. Regarding the implementation of the education reform, Rolf Ekeus has stated that the particular attention should be paid to the maintenance of the quality of minority education, evaluation of minority schools on individual basis and continuation of a dialogue between all stakeholders. ‘If I need to be critical, the dialogue with all the parts involved has not been fully implemented yet, said the High Commissioner. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The member of the European Parliament Robers Zile has issued a statement, in response to the concerns of the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione about violation of non-citizens rights in Latvia. Roberts Zile believes that Buttiglione’s statement is intervention in the domestic affairs of Latvia. Robers Zile noted that Latvia provides rights to participate in municipal elections to all EU citizens.

The member of the European Parliament Robers Zile has issued a statement, in response to the concerns of the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione about violation of non-citizens rights in Latvia. Roberts Zile believes that Buttigliones statement is intervention in the domestic affairs of Latvia. Robers Zile noted that Latvia provides rights to participate in municipal elections to all EU citizens. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya features an article about the meeting of the chairman of the Department of Ethnic Minority Affairs of the Special Tasks Ministers for Societal Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika and the head of the Riga City Council City Development Committee Andris Ameriks. Both officials discussed the possible co-operation in the area of social integration. Andris Ameriks believes that the Riga City Council should form a new structure which would be composed of representatives of ethnic minority organisations.

Oct. 12, 2004

  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus visits Latvia
  • Number of naturalisation applications increases significantly
  • Law on Radio and TV contains a norm which endangers the freedom of speech
  • Article about a split in the leadership of the NGO United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia
  • Director of the Institute for Political Studies in Moscow Sergei Markov talks about further relationships between Russia and Latvia
  • For Human Rights in the United Latvia is planning to collaborate with the Latvian National Democratic Party
  • Group of national-bolsheviks wants to become a registered non-governmental organisation ‘NBP
Newspapers report on a three-day visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus to Latvia. The goal of the visit is to discuss the social integration issues and the implementation of the education reform. After the meeting with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga the High Commissioner acknowledged that he was not concerned about the implementation of the education reform in Latvia and stressed that all states have the right and duty to ensure the education in the state language.

Newspapers report on a three-day visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus to Latvia. The goal of the visit is to discuss the social integration issues and the implementation of the education reform. After the meeting with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga the High Commissioner acknowledged that he was not concerned about the implementation of the education reform in Latvia and stressed that all states have the right and duty to ensure the education in the state language. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

2112 naturalisation applications have been received by the Naturalisation Board in September. This is the largest number of naturalisation applications, received by the Naturalisation Board in a month since the establishment of the institution. In total this year the Naturalisation Board has already received 14,789 applications from people who want to acquire Latvian citizenship through naturalisation.

2112 naturalisation applications have been received by the Naturalisation Board in September. This is the largest number of naturalisation applications, received by the Naturalisation Board in a month since the establishment of the institution. In total this year the Naturalisation Board has already received 14,789 applications from people who want to acquire Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. Latvijas Vestnesis, Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

‘The norm on the basis of which the National Radio and TV Council of Latvia fined the First Baltic Channel is very vague and hence endangers the freedom of speech,’ believe lawyers, interviewed by

‘The norm on the basis of which the National Radio and TV Council of Latvia fined the First Baltic Channel is very vague and hence endangers the freedom of speech, believe lawyers, interviewed by Diena. The controversial norm stipulates that ‘the broadcasting organisation shall ensure that programmes should reflect facts and events in a fair, objective and comprehensive manner, in accordance with the generally accepted principles of journalism and ethics. The lecturer of the Riga Graduate School of Law Martins Mits points that the vague definition of the norm provides room for a very broad interpretation and thus is problematic from the point of view of human rights. The First Baltic Channel was fined in the amount of almost EUR 3000 for broadcasting a historical programme, which according to the conclusion of a historian commission contained a one-sided and historically incorrect depiction of the Molotov-Ribentrop Pact.

Latvijas Avize features the article about split in the leadership of the NGO United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia. According to the newspaper, in the leadership of the Congress well-known leaders of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools, mainly the MPs of the For Human Rigs in the United Latvia, as well as the leader of the Headquarters Jurijs Petropavlovskis, are not presented. The newspaper introduces to previously now so well known persons who are responsible actors in the Congress: Aleksandrs Kazakovs, Mihails Tjasins and Eduards Goncarovs.

Telegraf features an interview with the director of the Institute for Political
Studies in Moscow Sergei Markov about relationships between Russia and Latvia. Sergei Markov believes that the language and non-citizen issues in Latvia will always remain in the attention of Russia. According to the Director of the Institute, Russia will use the help of European institutions and will continue demanding Latvia to grant Russian the status of the second state language, have the right to acquire education in a native language and grant equal civil rights for all residents in Latvia.

The union For Human Rights in the United Latvia is planning to collaborate with the Latvian National Democratic Party and its leader Jevgenijs Osipovs in the next municipal elections in Liepaja. In one of his previous statements the Head of State Security Police Janis Reiniks has described the Latvian National Democratic Party as ‘a radical organisation coming very close to extremism.’

The union For Human Rights in the United Latvia is planning to collaborate with the Latvian National Democratic Party and its leader Jevgenijs Osipovs in the next municipal elections in Liepaja. In one of his previous statements the Head of State Security Police Janis Reiniks has described the Latvian National Democratic Party as ‘a radical organisation coming very close to extremism. Latvijas Avize

A group of national-bolsheviks had applied with the Register of Enterprises to register their group as a non-governmental organisation ‘NBP.’  State Security Police are drafting a resolution about the eligibility of the organisation to registration.

A group of national-bolsheviks had applied with the Register of Enterprises to register their group as a non-governmental organisation ‘NBP. State Security Police are drafting a resolution about the eligibility of the organisation to registration. Rigas Balss

Oct. 11, 2004

  • Newspapers report on the board meeting of the union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM
  • Telegraf continues discussions about statements of the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins about the necessity to promote the emigration of non-citizens to other countries
  • Saeimas member Ina Druviete about the role of the Latvian language in the formation of the Latvian identity
  • Day centre for minority children from socially disadvantaged families to be opened in Jurmala
  • Discussions on the opening of files of former agents of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia go on
  • State Security Police have to report on their reposnse to the activities of the national-radical political organisation Union of National Strength
  • Opinion poll: 36% Russians in Russia would not support marriage between their close relative and a Latvian or Estonian
Newspapers report on the board meeting of the union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. During the meeting the Board re-confirmed the key points in the party’s programme for the following three years. The party promises to maintain the prohibitions for non-citizens to participate in municipal elections and give Latvian citizenship only to those, who respect the Latvian language, culture and state. The party is also planning to demand the recognition of Latvia’s occupation and condemnation of Communist regime.

Newspapers report on the board meeting of the union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. During the meeting the Board re-confirmed the key points in the partys programme for the following three years. The party promises to maintain the prohibitions for non-citizens to participate in municipal elections and give Latvian citizenship only to those, who respect the Latvian language, culture and state. The party is also planning to demand the recognition of Latvias occupation and condemnation of Communist regime. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Telegraf continues discussions about statements of the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins about the necessity to promote the emigration of non-citizens of Latvia to the USA, Russia and other European Countries. Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes that it is necessary to work seriously on the strategy of deportation of non-citizens to the USA, Russia or other countries, because it is naďve to believe that all 450,000 non-citizens would naturalise. The members of the Aleksandrs Kirsteins party (Peoples Party) – Minister of Justice Vineta Muizniece and Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks – disassociate with the Kirsteins statements and stress that his opinion does not reflect the position of the party. Moreover, Artis Pabriks calls non-citizens to naturalise.

Latvijas Avize prints an article by the professor and Saeima member Ina Druviete about the role of the Latvian language in the formation of the Latvian identity in Latvia and Europe. According to the MP, the Latvian language has not become a decisive indicator of ones national identity. However, she notes that the number of people whose second language is Latvian has increased among minority representatives from 23% in 1989 to 53% in 2000. However, Ina Druviete is not satisfied with the situation because better Latvian language proficiency is observable among members of such minorities as Lithuanians, Estonians and Roma, while Latvian language proficiency of Russians, Belorussians and Ukrainians is remarkably lower. Approximately 50% of minority representatives have poor or no knowledge of Latvian.

‘A day centre for minority children from socially disadvantaged families is planned to be open in Jurmala. The key aim of the centre will be integration of Romani children in society’ stated the Mayor of Jurmala Juris Hlevickis during the meeting with the Special Tasks Minister for Social Integration Nils Muiznieks. The Mayor believes that a social programme addressing specifically all Roma is needed as well.

‘A day centre for minority children from socially disadvantaged families is planned to be open in Jurmala. The key aim of the centre will be integration of Romani children in society stated the Mayor of Jurmala Juris Hlevickis during the meeting with the Special Tasks Minister for Social Integration Nils Muiznieks. The Mayor believes that a social programme addressing specifically all Roma is needed as well. Latvijas Avize

The Head of the Centre of Documenting the Consequences of Totalitarianism Indulis Zalite comments on an intention of MPs to open only those files of former agents, who were ideological informants of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia, thus persons, who at that time fought against criminal activities, would be protected. Indulis Zalite states that in Latvia there are only registration cards containing names of former agents, while descriptions of their tasks are in Moscow and this information will not be available for several decades. The critical stance of Zalite has led to discussions among MPs about the eligibility of Indulis Zalite to hold  the post if he continues to be negative towards suggestions made by MPs and do not offer any alternative solutions.

The Head of the Centre of Documenting the Consequences of Totalitarianism Indulis Zalite comments on an intention of MPs to open only those files of former agents, who were ideological informants of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia, thus persons, who at that time fought against criminal activities, would be protected. Indulis Zalite states that in Latvia there are only registration cards containing names of former agents, while descriptions of their tasks are in Moscow and this information will not be available for several decades. The critical stance of Zalite has led to discussions among MPs about the eligibility of Indulis Zalite to hold the post if he continues to be negative towards suggestions made by MPs and do not offer any alternative solutions. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Members of the Saeima National Security Committee are planning to question the head of the State Security Police Janis Reiniks to clarify the planned response of the Police towards the activities of the national-radical political organisation Union of National Strength. The radical organisation published envelopes with the picture of the Latvian pilot Herberts Cukurs who in the World War Two participated in the Holocaust.

Members of the Saeima National Security Committee are planning to question the head of the State Security Police Janis Reiniks to clarify the planned response of the Police towards the activities of the national-radical political organisation Union of National Strength. The radical organisation published envelopes with the picture of the Latvian pilot Herberts Cukurs who in the World War Two participated in the Holocaust. Latvijas Avize

‘36% Russians living in Russia would not support the marriage between their close relative and a Latvian or Estonian. 31% of respondents have stated that they would not mind, while 33% would support such marriage,’ reveals the public opinion poll conducted on the request by the Russia newspaper ‘Izvestia.’ Russians are more negative towards a possible marriage between their close relatives and Chechens – 65% of respondents would not support the marriage between a Chechen and their relative.  

‘36% Russians living in Russia would not support the marriage between their close relative and a Latvian or Estonian. 31% of respondents have stated that they would not mind, while 33% would support such marriage, reveals the public opinion poll conducted on the request by the Russia newspaper ‘Izvestia. Russians are more negative towards a possible marriage between their close relatives and Chechens – 65% of respondents would not support the marriage between a Chechen and their relative.

Oct. 9, 2004

  • Newspapers continue to write about comments on the statement of the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione about violation on non-citizens rights in Latvia
  • Interview with the director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands-Kehris
  • Article by the communication student of the Riga Stradins University Svetlana Nekrepkina about the identity of Russians living in Latvia

Diena features an article about attempts of the member of the European Parliament Tatjana Zdanoka to misinterpret the statement of the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione concerning violation of non-citizens rights in Latvia. Rocco Buttiglione expressed concern about the situation of Latvian non-citizens, in particular, that they do not have the right to participate in municipal elections. The prospective commissioner stated that the issue probably should be looked into by the European Court of Justice of European Communities. While Tatjana Zdanoka has issued a press release where she has welcomed the ‘firm determination of the Rocco Buttiglione to tackle discrimination against the citizenship rights of EU residents and his ‘promise to use the power of the European Commission to solve the issue. In her statement Latvia has been described as the country where ‘Russian-speakers make up some 40% of the population but are denied many basic rights and ‘half of them have the status of non-citizens of Latvia. Latvijas Avize features opinions of state officials. They say that the statements of the commissioner are too abstract and hence show that he lacks information about the real situation in Latvia. Diena

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (LCHRES) Ilze Brands-Kehris about social integration issues. Ilze Brands-Kehris states that allegations that granting non-citizens the right to participate in municipal elections could slow down the naturalisation process are demagogic. According to Ilze Brands-Kehris Latvian non-citizens may have the right already for municipal elections taking place in 2009. When asked to comment on the education reform, the LCHRESs director stresses that both Latvian and Russian parents should have more possibilities to choose the ratio of languages of instruction. Ilze Brands-Kehris also emphasised that the stereotype that Russians are against the Latvian language should be broken and that the language issue should be viewed from a different perspective – all children should speakmore languages.

Diena prints an article by the communication student of the Riga Stradins University Svetlana Nekrepkina about the identity of Russians living in Latvia. According to the author, the identity of Russians is under construction now. Svetlana Nekrepkina states that Russians feel strangers in both countries – in Russia and in Latvia. Latvias Russians cannot identify themselves with Latvians because of their different ethnic origin, while mentality of Russians in Russia differs from mentality of Latvias Russians.

Oct. 8, 2004

  • FF/LNIM suggests amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations
  • Representative of the PACE will issue a statement about the minority education reform in Latvia
  • Latvian MPs respond to the statements of the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione about violation of non-citizens rights in Latvia
  • Former President of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis comments on social integration issues
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans new activities
  • Anti-Semitic slogans discovered on the fence in the centre of Riga
For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has developed amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations. According to the new amendments persons who organise unapproved meetings, show disrespect towards the state language, will have to serve their punishment through forced labour. The Member of the People’s Harmony Party Valerijs Agesins believes that these amendments are an attempt to deal with political opponents.

For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has developed amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations. According to the new amendments persons who organise unapproved meetings, show disrespect towards the state language, will have to serve their punishment through forced labour. The Member of the Peoples Harmony Party Valerijs Agesins believes that these amendments are an attempt to deal with political opponents. Telegraf

‘Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) is planning to issue a statement about the minority education reform in Latvia,’ reports the representative of Latvia to the PACE Anta Rugate. The statement, drafted by the representative of France Jacques Legendre, could be reviewed by the PACE on April 2006.

‘Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) is planning to issue a statement about the minority education reform in Latvia, reports the representative of Latvia to the PACE Anta Rugate. The statement, drafted by the representative of France Jacques Legendre, could be reviewed by the PACE on April 2006. Vesti Segodnya

The right-wing members of the European Parliament (EP) from Latvia plan to send a letter to the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione containing an in-depth explanation about the situation in the area of minority rights in Latvia. The EP deputy Rihards Piks believes that Rocco Buttiglione has not read official reports concerning observation of human rights in Latvia and hence he is not able to discuss these issues objectively. Rocco Buttiglione has expressed concern about the situation of Latvian non-citizens, in particular, that they do not have rights to participate in municipal elections.

The right-wing members of the European Parliament (EP) from Latvia plan to send a letter to the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione containing an in-depth explanation about the situation in the area of minority rights in Latvia. The EP deputy Rihards Piks believes that Rocco Buttiglione has not read official reports concerning observation of human rights in Latvia and hence he is not able to discuss these issues objectively. Rocco Buttiglione has expressed concern about the situation of Latvian non-citizens, in particular, that they do not have rights to participate in municipal elections. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the former President of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis about political situation in Latvia and the implementation of the education reform. The former president points to the lack of dialogue between the state and society as the key reason of the problems in the area.

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans to focus its activities mainly on minority schools. The Headquarters has issued a statement calling minority students to protect their rights more actively: demand Latvian –Russian dictionaries, ask teachers to explain all materials in Russian and answer to teachers’ questions in Russians. Representatives of the Headquarters plan to call parents to get involved more actively in activities of schools’ committees.

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans to focus its activities mainly on minority schools. The Headquarters has issued a statement calling minority students to protect their rights more actively: demand Latvian –Russian dictionaries, ask teachers to explain all materials in Russian and answer to teachers questions in Russians. Representatives of the Headquarters plan to call parents to get involved more actively in activities of schools committees. Vesti Segondya, Chas, Telegraf

The State Police are looking for authors of anti-Semitic slogans and drawings of the symbol of the Nazi party, recently discovered on the fence in the centre of Riga.

The State Police are looking for authors of anti-Semitic slogans and drawings of the symbol of the Nazi party, recently discovered on the fence in the centre of Riga. Diena, Rigas Balss, Telegraf

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