Oct. 10, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

In the elections in Lithuania, Social Democrats acquired 51 out of 141 deputy mandates, however, more likely they will not be given a possibility to form a government. The Liberal Union and New Union together will form the government as they acquired 63 mandates in the Parliament. The politicians of Latvia hope that Lithuania in no regard to the result of elections will continue to hold the direction towards the accession to the EU and NATO.

In the elections in Lithuania, Social Democrats acquired 51 out of 141 deputy mandates, however, more likely they will not be given a possibility to form a government. The Liberal Union and New Union together will form the government as they acquired 63 mandates in the Parliament. The politicians of Latvia hope that Lithuania in no regard to the result of elections will continue to hold the direction towards the accession to the EU and NATO. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Lauku Avize, Respublika, Chas

The President of Greece during his meeting with the President of Latvia has said that Latvia has good chances to become a member of the EU as soon as the EU solves its inner problems. In her turn, the President of Latvia talked about closer co-operation between the countries in the sphere of military defence. Today the President of Greece has meetings with the Prime Minister A.Berzins and the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis.

The President of Greece during his meeting with the President of Latvia has said that Latvia has good chances to become a member of the EU as soon as the EU solves its inner problems. In her turn, the President of Latvia talked about closer co-operation between the countries in the sphere of military defence. Today the President of Greece has meetings with the Prime Minister A.Berzins and the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Rigas Balss, Respublika, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

The People’s Party has replaced the draft of the Law on Orders and Signs of Honour already submitted to the Saeima. The replaced draft does not contain the norm, which prohibited carrying orders and signs of honour awarded before 1991 by foreign countries.

The Peoples Party has replaced the draft of the Law on Orders and Signs of Honour already submitted to the Saeima. The replaced draft does not contain the norm, which prohibited carrying orders and signs of honour awarded before 1991 by foreign countries. Diena, Netakariga, Respublika, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii.

The representatives of the Saeima Presidium together with the Constitution Protection Office have come to an agreement on the procedure, which will ensure that press conferences and other activities are not organised on the premises of the Saeima by the representatives of extreme organisations. The Chairman of the Saeima emphasised that no “black list on persons not allowed to enter the Saeima” will be established.

The representatives of the Saeima Presidium together with the Constitution Protection Office have come to an agreement on the procedure, which will ensure that press conferences and other activities are not organised on the premises of the Saeima by the representatives of extreme organisations. The Chairman of the Saeima emphasised that no black list on persons not allowed to enter the Saeima will be established. Diena, Vesti Segodnja

In their web home page National Bolshevists or

In their web home page National Bolshevists or limonovci invites 200 citizens of Latvia to become members of a newly formed Nacionallielinieki Party. They have already registered non-governmental organisation Uzvara and they publish the newspaper Tribunal. The Constitution Protection Office has started criminal proceedings against some articles published in this newspaper. Diena


publishes an analytical article on the existing mechanism for financing political parties. The reason why it was necessary to bring in amendments in the Law on Financing Political Parties is that the existing law permits private donators buy parties decisions. publishes an analytical article on the existing mechanism for financing political parties. The reason why it was necessary to bring in amendments in the Law on Financing Political Parties is that the existing law permits private donators buy parties’ decisions.


gives more deeper insight in conference Russia – the Baltic States: the way to Europe, particularly, the opinions of the councillor of Moscow City Council Mayor: Latvia has to forget about the NATO, has to give citizenship to all non-citizens of Latvia, and everybody has to study Russian very seriously. gives more deeper insight in conference “Russia – the Baltic States: the way to Europe”, particularly, the opinions of the councillor of Moscow City Council Mayor: “Latvia has to forget about the NATO, has to give citizenship to all non-citizens of Latvia, and everybody has to study Russian very seriously”. NeatkarigaNeatkariga Ten prisoners of Matisa prison have gone to hunger strike to protest against the long pre-trial imprisonment. The representative of the National Human Rights Office admitted that the system functions very badly.

Ten prisoners of Matisa prison have gone to hunger strike to protest against the long pre-trial imprisonment. The representative of the National Human Rights Office admitted that the system functions very badly. Jauna.

Latvia and Russia could not reach an agreement on the procedure of border crossing for people who live in the border zone. As from today these people will have to go through all long and ordinary procedure (have an invitation, apply and pay for visa,) to pass the border.

Latvia and Russia could not reach an agreement on the procedure of border crossing for people who live in the border zone. As from today these people will have to go through all long and ordinary procedure (have an invitation, apply and pay for visa,) to pass the border. Neatkariga, Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Chas.

Lauku Avize

publishes an interview with the representatives of the Russian Party, which just recently announced that it would stay in the Faction for Human Rights in the United Latvia in the Parliament, however, the Party will run for municipal elections on its own. publishes an interview with the representatives of the Russian Party, which just recently announced that it would stay in the Faction for Human Rights in the United Latvia in the Parliament, however, the Party will run for municipal elections on its own.


interviews the chairman of the faction For Human Rights in the United Latvia J.Jurkans. interviews the chairman of the faction For Human Rights in the United Latvia J.Jurkans. J.Jurkans says that any government with FF/LNNK is very bad and mentions FF/LNNK last initiative to request compensation from Russia as ridiculous. When asked who has contributed more – the West or the Union – in adoption more acceptable regulations of the Law on the State Language, J.Jurkans says that, of course, Latvia listened more to the opinion of the West, however, the Union was the one who drew the attention of the West to this problem. In regard to the results in the upcoming municipal elections, J.Jurkans is sure that they will be the first in Riga municipal elections.

J.Jurkans says that any government with FF/LNNK is very bad and mentions FF/LNNK last initiative to request compensation from Russia as ridiculous. When asked who has contributed more – the West or the Union – in adoption more acceptable regulations of the Law on the State Language, J.Jurkans says that, of course, Latvia listened more to the opinion of the West, however, the Union was the one who drew the attention of the West to this problem. In regard to the results in the upcoming municipal elections, J.Jurkans is sure that they will be the first in Riga municipal elections.

Vesti Segodnja

publishes the letter of the inhabitant of Liepaja L.Filinova addressed to all European organisations, the Saeima, the Cabinet of Ministers, the President and the municipality. L.Filinova sees the violation of her and many other employees human rights, as their employer ship repair factory Tosmare has not paid out the salaries to employees and social taxes. She invites all employees of the factory to write to the European organisations. publishes the letter of the inhabitant of Liepaja L.Filinova addressed to all European organisations, the Saeima, the Cabinet of Ministers, the President and the municipality. L.Filinova sees the violation of her and many other employees’ human rights, as their employer ship repair factory “Tosmare” has not paid out the salaries to employees and social taxes. She invites all employees of the factory to write to the European organisations. FF/LNNK invites the Presidium of the Saeima to express the protest against the Russian embassy, which did not issue the visa for the deputy J.Vidins. The deputy wanted to go to Russia to participate in the seminar on human rights.

FF/LNNK invites the Presidium of the Saeima to express the protest against the Russian embassy, which did not issue the visa for the deputy J.Vidins. The deputy wanted to go to Russia to participate in the seminar on human rights. Chas.

Oct. 9, 2000


Press Report

Several deputies of the Saeima are willing to participate in the upcoming municipal elections of the biggest cities (Riga, Ventspils, Liepaja), although they would lose their mandates of the deputies of the Parliament if they were elected in the councils of municipalities. The politicians do not disclose their reasons, however, according to the opinion of the newspaper

Several deputies of the Saeima are willing to participate in the upcoming municipal elections of the biggest cities (Riga, Ventspils, Liepaja), although they would lose their mandates of the deputies of the Parliament if they were elected in the councils of municipalities. The politicians do not disclose their reasons, however, according to the opinion of the newspaper Diena, it could be connected with the interests of the economic group in Ventspils. Diena

The draft submitted by the People’s Party on Orders and Signs of Honour, which includes the norm that determines prohibition to were orders and signs of honour awarded before 1991 by foreign countries has raised discussions. The Faction for Human Rights in the United Latvia stands against this norm.

The draft submitted by the Peoples Party on Orders and Signs of Honour, which includes the norm that determines prohibition to were orders and signs of honour awarded before 1991 by foreign countries has raised discussions. The Faction for Human Rights in the United Latvia stands against this norm. Diena

The New Party is not very concerned with the unwillingness of the regional divisions of Latvia’s Way to accept the joining of two parties. The leaders of the New Party admit that the proposal was a provocation to force the Latvia’s Way to define their attitude towards the New Party, as their previously reached agreement on co-operation practically was not effective.

The New Party is not very concerned with the unwillingness of the regional divisions of Latvias Way to accept the joining of two parties. The leaders of the New Party admit that the proposal was a provocation to force the Latvias Way to define their attitude towards the New Party, as their previously reached agreement on co-operation practically was not effective. Diena, Jauna Avize

The President of Greece Konstantin Stefanopul is on the official visit in Riga from 8 – 11 October. The President will have several meetings with high officials of Latvia. The main discussion subjects will be the expansion of NATO, the issues of safety policy and bilateral relations.

The President of Greece Konstantin Stefanopul is on the official visit in Riga from 8 – 11 October. The President will have several meetings with high officials of Latvia. The main discussion subjects will be the expansion of NATO, the issues of safety policy and bilateral relations. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

The number of non-citizens working for the Minister of Interior Affairs is decreasing, however, the situation regarding the state language in these institutions is not so good. The worst situation is in the State Police, where 433 out of 9300 employees are still non-citizens.

The number of non-citizens working for the Minister of Interior Affairs is decreasing, however, the situation regarding the state language in these institutions is not so good. The worst situation is in the State Police, where 433 out of 9300 employees are still non-citizens. Diena

During her visit to one of the rural districts of Latvia Madona, the President criticised the small increase in pensions. The President also expressed her negative attitude towards the postponement of the raise of allowances for children. The President gave her positive evaluation on the introduction of progressive income tax.

During her visit to one of the rural districts of Latvia Madona, the President criticised the small increase in pensions. The President also expressed her negative attitude towards the postponement of the raise of allowances for children. The President gave her positive evaluation on the introduction of progressive income tax. Neatkariga.

Lithuanians residing in Latvia takes part in the Seima (the Parliament) elections taking place in Lithuania. There are two places - Riga and Daugavpils - where people could go to vote. In these elections as in previous ones less than 50% of people who have voting rights (1150) participated in the elections.

Lithuanians residing in Latvia takes part in the Seima (the Parliament) elections taking place in Lithuania. There are two places - Riga and Daugavpils - where people could go to vote. In these elections as in previous ones less than 50% of people who have voting rights (1150) participated in the elections. Diena, Rigas Balss, Jauna, Chas

For more than a month the functions of the Centre of the State Language have not been determined. The centre only has rights to accept complaints from people regarding the violations of the state language. According to the information provided by the Centre it is because the Cabinet of Ministers has not approved the amendments which would determine the fines for the violations of the law.

For more than a month the functions of the Centre of the State Language have not been determined. The centre only has rights to accept complaints from people regarding the violations of the state language. According to the information provided by the Centre it is because the Cabinet of Ministers has not approved the amendments which would determine the fines for the violations of the law. Jauna Avize.

According to the data provided by Citizenship and Migration Affairs Department there are 1 776 004 citizens and 568 195 non-citizens in Latvia.

According to the data provided by Citizenship and Migration Affairs Department there are 1 776 004 citizens and 568 195 non-citizens in Latvia. Jauna Avize gives detailed information about the naturalisation process.

The newspaper

The newspaper Panoram Latvii gives rather sceptical comments on the conference Russia – the Baltic States: the way to Europe. It was again one of these events where nothing happens just talking. The newspaper also emphasis the inability of Latvias part to give an answer to the question what Latvias employers do to ensure the rights of Russian speaking people. The newspaper Vesti Segodnja publishes an interview with one of the participants of the conference Russian politician Sergey Shahray regarding politicians views on Latvias accession to the EU and in his opinion, Russia can benefit from Latvias accession to the EU.

According to the research carried out with the support of Norway Estonians are more satisfied with their economical conditions than Latvians and Lithuanians are. In Latvia and Estonia the number of people, who think that life will get better, is bigger than the number of those, who think that it will get worse.

According to the research carried out with the support of Norway Estonians are more satisfied with their economical conditions than Latvians and Lithuanians are. In Latvia and Estonia the number of people, who think that life will get better, is bigger than the number of those, who think that it will get worse. Neatkariga.

Oct. 7, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The financial reports of political parties do not provide objective review on parties’ income and expenses, thus it is not a very effective tool for fighting against parties corruption. The Prime Minister A.Berzins has issued the directive to establish a work group on elaborating amendments in the Law on Financing Political Parties. It will be a serious step towards development of democracy and ceasing corruption. The government has also unanimously supported implementation of “zero declaration” and the principle of legal presumption; however, the law could not have predated power.

The financial reports of political parties do not provide objective review on parties income and expenses, thus it is not a very effective tool for fighting against parties corruption. The Prime Minister A.Berzins has issued the directive to establish a work group on elaborating amendments in the Law on Financing Political Parties. It will be a serious step towards development of democracy and ceasing corruption. The government has also unanimously supported implementation of zero declaration and the principle of legal presumption; however, the law could not have predated power. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Although the Presidium of the Saeima did not approve the trip of three left-wing deputies to Byelorussia to participate in the elections as observers, the deputies will cover the expenses of the trip to Byelorussia from their own resources.

Although the Presidium of the Saeima did not approve the trip of three left-wing deputies to Byelorussia to participate in the elections as observers, the deputies will cover the expenses of the trip to Byelorussia from their own resources. Diena

The Naturalisation Board will carry out the repeated research “On the way to civil society” on such issues as the attitude of Latvia’s inhabitants towards society integration, the attitude of new citizens towards the country and feeling of belonging to the country. The previous research was carried out 3 years ago, this time the special attention will be paid to the dynamics of the attitudes of new citizens. The UNDP, Soros Foundation Latvia and the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner in the Matters of Minorities are financial supporters of the research. However, the research still lacks funding of about USD 8 000.

The Naturalisation Board will carry out the repeated research On the way to civil society on such issues as the attitude of Latvias inhabitants towards society integration, the attitude of new citizens towards the country and feeling of belonging to the country. The previous research was carried out 3 years ago, this time the special attention will be paid to the dynamics of the attitudes of new citizens. The UNDP, Soros Foundation Latvia and the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner in the Matters of Minorities are financial supporters of the research. However, the research still lacks funding of about USD 8 000. Diena

The conference “Russia – the Baltic States: the way to Europe” took place in St.Petersburg October 6. Valdis Birkavs (Latvia’s Way) and Janis Urbanovics (faction For Human Rights in the United Latvia) were the representatives of the Saeima of Latvia. Although the main discussion topics concerned economic issues, it was impossible to avoid political reproaches of Russia to the part of Latvia.

The conference Russia – the Baltic States: the way to Europe took place in St.Petersburg October 6. Valdis Birkavs (Latvias Way) and Janis Urbanovics (faction For Human Rights in the United Latvia) were the representatives of the Saeima of Latvia. Although the main discussion topics concerned economic issues, it was impossible to avoid political reproaches of Russia to the part of Latvia. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja.

Three members of the Privatisation Agency Board (representatives of FF/LNNK) proposed to discuss the suitability of Janis Naglis to the post of the General Director of the Privatisation Agency, as 71,8% of Latvia’s inhabitants views privatisation as unsuccessful. However, it is not very likely that the proposal will be approved, as the People’s Party and the Latvia’s Way, that in the PA Board have 7 votes out of 12, support the opinions and activities of J.Naglis in essential matters.

Three members of the Privatisation Agency Board (representatives of FF/LNNK) proposed to discuss the suitability of Janis Naglis to the post of the General Director of the Privatisation Agency, as 71,8% of Latvias inhabitants views privatisation as unsuccessful. However, it is not very likely that the proposal will be approved, as the Peoples Party and the Latvias Way, that in the PA Board have 7 votes out of 12, support the opinions and activities of J.Naglis in essential matters. Neatkariga

Up to this moment the majority of Latvia’s Way regional divisions do not approve the joining of the New Party with the Latvia’s Way. Out of 27 regional divisions 13 divisions have given their opinion and 9 divisions are against it.

Up to this moment the majority of Latvias Way regional divisions do not approve the joining of the New Party with the Latvias Way. Out of 27 regional divisions 13 divisions have given their opinion and 9 divisions are against it. Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

The President Vaira Vike-Freiberga visited a rural district of Latvia – Madona and had meetings with the officials and business people of the region.

The President Vaira Vike-Freiberga visited a rural district of Latvia – Madona and had meetings with the officials and business people of the region. Neatkariga, Chas

In opposition to the secrecy of ruling parties in their preparation for municipal elections in March 2000, Latvia’s Farmer Union, which right now is not in the Saeima, has already prepared the basics of its programme.

In opposition to the secrecy of ruling parties in their preparation for municipal elections in March 2000, Latvias Farmer Union, which right now is not in the Saeima, has already prepared the basics of its programme. Diena.

Oct. 6, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Continuing their attempts to achieve that compliance of Privatisation Agency Board members to their posts would be evaluated, the representatives of FF/LNNK and Social Democrats proposed to dismiss the Board, motivating this proposal with illegality of their decisions and ignoring of Council’s proposals.

Continuing their attempts to achieve that compliance of Privatisation Agency Board members to their posts would be evaluated, the representatives of FF/LNNK and Social Democrats proposed to dismiss the Board, motivating this proposal with illegality of their decisions and ignoring of Councils proposals. Diena

People’s Party submitted to the Saeima a draft law stating that nobody in Latvia had the right to wear foreign decorations granted before 1991 – this norm referred to all Soviet time and Nazi decorations. Diena

Peoples Party submitted to the Saeima a draft law stating that nobody in Latvia had the right to wear foreign decorations granted before 1991 – this norm referred to all Soviet time and Nazi decorations. Diena

The authors of this proposal MPs J.Dalbins, explaining it said that the decorations of WW II period reminded Latvians about repression and occupation.

The authors of this proposal MPs J.Dalbins, explaining it said that the decorations of WW II period reminded Latvians about repression and occupation. Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

The Saeima yesterday submitted to all commissions the draft budget law for 2001 envisaging that the fiscal deficit next year would be 1.88% from GDP. Diena

The Saeima yesterday submitted to all commissions the draft budget law for 2001 envisaging that the fiscal deficit next year would be 1.88% from GDP. Diena

J.Jurkans from For Human Rights in United Latvia characterised this budget during discussions as antisocial.

J.Jurkans from For Human Rights in United Latvia characterised this budget during discussions as antisocial. Respublika

In an interview to the Latvian Radio Prime Minister A.Berzins said that signing of Latvian – Lithuanian border agreement was postponed because the Latvian government hoped for more tolerant approach from the Lithuanian side after the election that was taking place now in Lithuania.

In an interview to the Latvian Radio Prime Minister A.Berzins said that signing of Latvian – Lithuanian border agreement was postponed because the Latvian government hoped for more tolerant approach from the Lithuanian side after the election that was taking place now in Lithuania. Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Justice I.Labucka speaking in Vilnius at an international conference dedicated to the Jewish cultural values stolen during the period of Holocaust stated that during the last decade Latvia had many times proved its readiness as ready to evaluate its history without any prejudices.

Latvian Minister of Justice I.Labucka speaking in Vilnius at an international conference dedicated to the Jewish cultural values stolen during the period of Holocaust stated that during the last decade Latvia had many times proved its readiness as ready to evaluate its history without any prejudices. Neatkariga

The Riga City Council opposition finds illogical the prepared amendments to the Law

The Riga City Council opposition finds illogical the prepared amendments to the Law

“On the status of a municipal deputy” that envisage a possibility for a former municipal deputy to return to his post after the fall of a government or parliament. The opposition links elaboration of such a law only to one person – former Riga Mayor and current Prime Minister A.Berzins – let he had a possibility of a retreat if he had to loose his Prime Ministerial post until the municipal election next March.

On the status of a municipal deputy that envisage a possibility for a former municipal deputy to return to his post after the fall of a government or parliament. The opposition links elaboration of such a law only to one person – former Riga Mayor and current Prime Minister A.Berzins – let he had a possibility of a retreat if he had to loose his Prime Ministerial post until the municipal election next March. Rigas Balss

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted in the first reading as urgent the amendments to the law “On entry and staying of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Latvia” and amendments to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 4176 “On the Procedure of Issuance and Registration of Residence Permits”.

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted in the first reading as urgent the amendments to the law On entry and staying of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Latvia and amendments to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 4176 On the Procedure of Issuance and Registration of Residence Permits. Latvijas Vestnesis

For Human Rights in United Latvia leader J.Jurkans in an interview to the newspaper

For Human Rights in United Latvia leader J.Jurkans in an interview to the newspaper Vesti Segodnya said that Latvia was in a crisis situation – poverty, diseases, corruption – those were the signs of crisis in Latvia. And the first step to improve the situation is to change the system of financing political parties. J.Jurkans also stated that Latvia was paying to the West not to be criticised e.g. by increasing its defence expenditures up to 2 %.

Today in St.Petersburg starts Baltic Forum on future economic relations among the Baltic States and Russia.

Today in St.Petersburg starts Baltic Forum on future economic relations among the Baltic States and Russia. Vesti Segodnya

It is possible that on Monday the Saeima will consider the proposal of the FF/LNNK on demanding compensation for damages made to Latvia by the USSR and Russian Federation during 50 years.

It is possible that on Monday the Saeima will consider the proposal of the FF/LNNK on demanding compensation for damages made to Latvia by the USSR and Russian Federation during 50 years. Chas

Oct. 5, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

UK Parliament House of Commons Speaker visited Latvia and met with the Saeima Speaker J.Straume. The high guest was positive about the speed of changes taking place in Latvia. Both speakers also discussed Latvian – Russian relations.

UK Parliament House of Commons Speaker visited Latvia and met with the Saeima Speaker J.Straume. The high guest was positive about the speed of changes taking place in Latvia. Both speakers also discussed Latvian – Russian relations. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Respublika

From October 8 to October 11 the President of Greece is arriving on a visit to Latvia upon an invitation of Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga.

From October 8 to October 11 the President of Greece is arriving on a visit to Latvia upon an invitation of Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga. Neatkariga, Respublika

Next week ministers of foreign affairs from eight countries – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, as well co-operation ministers from Greenland, Aland Islands and Faeroes will meet in Riga. They will discuss the started co-operation projects, actual events and future co-operation.

Next week ministers of foreign affairs from eight countries – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, as well co-operation ministers from Greenland, Aland Islands and Faeroes will meet in Riga. They will discuss the started co-operation projects, actual events and future co-operation. Neatkariga

US State Secretary Assistant on Security Affairs D.Hamilton thinks that Latvia has successfully used the given financial and political possibilities to move forwards to joining EU and NATO. He came to Riga yesterday and explained his visit with a necessity to keep regular contacts between the governments.

US State Secretary Assistant on Security Affairs D.Hamilton thinks that Latvia has successfully used the given financial and political possibilities to move forwards to joining EU and NATO. He came to Riga yesterday and explained his visit with a necessity to keep regular contacts between the governments. Neatkariga

Political scientists point out that during the last two years more negative tendencies are observed in the Saeima activities. E.g. G.Grube says that the Saeima investigation commissions have turned the Saeima activities into something relative, thus perverting the parliamentarian idea. A.Runcis says that 7th Saeima adopts not properly worked out laws that have to be amended afterwards, there are more discrepancies in voting and the Parliament has prepared less requests to ministers that means less control on government activities.

Political scientists point out that during the last two years more negative tendencies are observed in the Saeima activities. E.g. G.Grube says that the Saeima investigation commissions have turned the Saeima activities into something relative, thus perverting the parliamentarian idea. A.Runcis says that 7th Saeima adopts not properly worked out laws that have to be amended afterwards, there are more discrepancies in voting and the Parliament has prepared less requests to ministers that means less control on government activities. Rigas Balss

The Naturalisation Board Information Centre informed that about 150 residents of Riga were still waiting for naturalisation. Queues for naturalisation are in only two Naturalisation Board offices Vidzeme and Latgale Suburbs. These people will have to wait for about one month and the queues originate not only due to insufficient capacity of these offices but also due to the fact that applicants themselves do not show up for examinations.

The Naturalisation Board Information Centre informed that about 150 residents of Riga were still waiting for naturalisation. Queues for naturalisation are in only two Naturalisation Board offices Vidzeme and Latgale Suburbs. These people will have to wait for about one month and the queues originate not only due to insufficient capacity of these offices but also due to the fact that applicants themselves do not show up for examinations. Rigas Balss

In the future to receive a Latvian visa foreigners will be able to submit the necessary documents not only in the state language but also in the English, Russian or German languages. It is envisaged in the amendments to the Law on Entry and Residence of Foreign Citizens…, developed by the Saeima Juridical Commission. The Ministry of Interior also supports these amendments.

In the future to receive a Latvian visa foreigners will be able to submit the necessary documents not only in the state language but also in the English, Russian or German languages. It is envisaged in the amendments to the Law on Entry and Residence of Foreign Citizens…, developed by the Saeima Juridical Commission. The Ministry of Interior also supports these amendments. Respublika

The faction FF/LNNK prepared a draft law on demanding Russia to compensate losses made to Latvia during the years of Soviet occupation. The draft law will be submitted to the Saeima next week. The draft law envisages three steps. The first will be establishing a working group that will sum up all damages made by the USSR and Russian Federation, second – to select the delegation for negotiations, third – to establish a special fund to collect all payments from Russia. The leader of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Jurkans thinks that this is pure provocation meant for the next municipal election.

The faction FF/LNNK prepared a draft law on demanding Russia to compensate losses made to Latvia during the years of Soviet occupation. The draft law will be submitted to the Saeima next week. The draft law envisages three steps. The first will be establishing a working group that will sum up all damages made by the USSR and Russian Federation, second – to select the delegation for negotiations, third – to establish a special fund to collect all payments from Russia. The leader of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Jurkans thinks that this is pure provocation meant for the next municipal election. Respublika

Vesti Segodnya asks “how much Latvia will demand for 50 years of “milking” Soviet economics”.

Vesti Segodnya asks how much Latvia will demand for 50 years of milking Soviet economics.

Former Latvian Way member and Minister of Defence D.Turlais, describing the situation in Latvia, states, that the state is approaching a catastrophe – both concerning the criminal situation, corruption and integration because the authorities just imitate actions – organise different commissions, structures, adopts programs but do not take any concrete steps and allocate the necessary financing for these aims. Now D.Turlais is busy organising a new party that would represent interests of small and medium size businesses and employees.

Former Latvian Way member and Minister of Defence D.Turlais, describing the situation in Latvia, states, that the state is approaching a catastrophe – both concerning the criminal situation, corruption and integration because the authorities just imitate actions – organise different commissions, structures, adopts programs but do not take any concrete steps and allocate the necessary financing for these aims. Now D.Turlais is busy organising a new party that would represent interests of small and medium size businesses and employees. Vesti Segodnya

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