Sept. 12, 2014

  • Saeima refused the draft amendments to the Immigration Law, which envisioned a ban on the issuing of residence permits to Russian investors
  • Latvijas Avize: Nils Usakovs met with representatives of the U.S. Department of State to discuss the situation of ethnic minorities and integration issues in Latvia

Yesterday, the Saeima refused the draft amendments to the Immigration Law, which envisioned a ban on the issuing of residence permits to Russian investors and owners of expensive real estate. The proposal was submitted by the nationalists’ union All for Latvia/FF-LNIM with an aim to restrict the influx into Latvia of Russian citizens who possess certain economic influence. The nationalists proposed to restrict issuing of residence permits as long as Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine continues. Diena, Vesti Segodnya 

Latvijas Avize reports about a visit of the leader of the party “Concord” and the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs to the U.S.A. In the framework of the visit, Mr Usakovs met with representatives of the U.S. Department of State to discuss the situation and rights of ethnic minorities as well integration issues in Latvia.  The newspaper notes that Mr Usakovs visited the U.S.A as representative of the party. Shortly before this visit he also visited Russian Federation, but next week he plans to meet the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz.

Sept. 10, 2014

  • Latvijas Avize prints an article about action plan of the Guidelines of National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy for 2014-2016
  • Protestors against language reform 2004 discussed their previous activities
  • Latvijas Avize reports about a film “Russian Schools to exist” created to remind about the protests against language reform 2004 and to activate residents for new protests

Latvijas Avize prints an article about action plan of the Guidelines of National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy 2012-2018 elaborated by the Ministry of Culture. The action plan was announced at the meeting of State Secretaries and foresees actions for 2014-2016. The plan foresees different activities aimed at development of civil society including support to NGOs, strengthening of national identity, and promoting common social memory. The activities engage different ministries and state institutions: the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Culture, National Council on Electronic Mass Media, Society Integration Foundation, and State Chancellery. The newspapers notes that for activities to be done in 2014 it is foreseen to allocate about 2,5 millions euros, for 2015 – more than 11 millions, and for 2016 – 10,6 millions. However, the funding planned by the Guidelines were not granted yet for implementation of all the activities. The newspaper also questions whether all the planned activities are effective and require such funding. The director of the Education Department of the Ministry of Education also doubts the activities written in the plan, because those activities duplicate activities listed in policy documents of other ministries.

Vesti Segodnya reports about a discussion of persons who took part in the protest actions against language reform in ethnic minority schools 2004. The discussion was organised in the framework of the conference of Russian compatriots in connection with a new language reform in ethnic minority schools scheduled for 2018. According to the discussion, one of the most difficult aspects taking actions against the reform was establishment of a dialogue between schools representatives and state authorities.

Latvijas Avize reports about a film “Russian Schools to exist” created by an activist for protection of the Russian language schools, member of the Congress of Non-citizens Aleksandrs Gaponenko. According to the newspaper, the film reminds about the protests against language reform in ethnic minority schools 2004. The film asserts that the aim of the reform was assimilation of Russian children and that only mass protest actions, hunger strikes, conferences and other actions helped to soften the government’s plans, which was forced to introduce the 60/40 proportion in minority secondary schools, thus allowing to teach up to 40% in native language, as well as forced to leave minority basic education intact. The aim of the film is to activate Russian language residents in Latvia to protest against government plans to transfer almost all education content in minority schools into Latvian language starting with 2018.

Sept. 9, 2014

  • All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM proposes to forbid issuing of temporary residence permits to Russian citizens
  • Government discussed measures on stimulation of integration

The nationalists’ union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM proposes to forbid issuing of temporary residence permits to Russian citizens. The nationalists argue that Russian citizens who reside in Latvia might have impact on political and social processes in Latvia and thus endanger state’s security. According to the nationalists’ union, issuing of residence permits to Russian citizens should be stopped due to Russia’s breach of international legal norms manifested through aggression in Ukraine. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports about the government’s meeting discussing measures on stimulation of integration. One of the proposals was to make naturalisation process easier. However, it is not supported by all the ministers. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics does not agree that the naturalisation test should be eased. He rather proposes to inform non-citizens about the naturalisation process as, for instance, non-citizens in Latgale (eastern Latvian region) are not interested in naturalisation because they think that the examination is too complicated. The Ministers also believe that naturalisation could be stimulated by provision of wider opportunities to attend free-of-charge or discount Latvian language courses in order to help loyal non-citizens to improve their state language proficiency to pass naturalisation test. The Minister of Education Ina Druviete does not agree that there is a need to increase number of state language courses as those who want to learn the language do it without special encouragement. She also believes that non-citizens are given all the opportunities for integration. The Minister says that no special proposals for consolidation of the society are required as there are recently elaborated guidelines of state language policy 2015-2020 which regulate basic principles of state language policy, aims and actions for next six years.

Sept. 8, 2014

  • Minister of Justice ordered the Register of Enterprises to evaluate activities of the political party Russian Union in Latvia
  • Minister of Justice promised to prosecute Latvian residents who take part in the military actions in the Eastern Ukraine

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins ordered the Register of Enterprises to evaluate whether activities of the political party Russian Union in Latvia contradicts the Criminal Law, other legal acts and party’s aims written in its statutes. According to Latvijas Avize, there are several reasons to check the activities of the party.  For instance, the fact that its leaders took part in the meeting of in a movement “Sutj Vremeni” (Essence of Time) which aims to restore the USSR and supported annexation of Crimea by Russia and self-proclaimed Eastern Ukrainian republics.

Diena reports that the Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins promised the Ukrainian Minister of Justice to prosecute Latvian residents who take part in the military actions in the Eastern Ukraine on the side of separatists. As reported, it is known that at least three residents of Latvia fight on the side Eastern Ukrainian separatists. These persons revealed themselves through a video published on the Internet calling other Latvian men also to join them.

Sept. 5, 2014

  • Protest action in support of Russian language schools conducted yesterday
  • Vesti Segodnya: Russian Union in Latvia might receive sufficient amount of votes to be elected to the Saeima
  • Neatkariga: young woman did not receive job in the State Revenue Service because her photos with Nazi uniform and swastika could discredit state administration institutions

Latvijas Avize reports about a protest action and concert in support of Russian language schools conducted yesterday by the political party Russian Union in Latvia. According to the newspaper, the action was attended by a few dozen of older people. The protestors held posters saying “Language will lead to Kiev.” One of the leaders of the party Jakovs Pliners in an interview with the newspaper commenting low number of participants of the protest action said that people became passive and promised to look for new approaches to activate Russian residents for protests. 

According to Vesti Segodnya, the party Russian Union in Latvia might receive sufficient amount of votes to be elected to the Saeima in the upcoming elections. A public opinion survey among Russian residents of Latvia conducted by a company SKDS specially for the party shows that 12% of respondents would definitely support the party at the elections and 10% would most likely support the party. As reported, other public opinion surveys showed that the Russian Union of Latvia is supported by less than 5 % of citizens.

Neatkariga reports about the young woman who gained media attention because she published on various social networks the photos of herself dressed in Nazi uniform and with swastika on the sleeve. According to the newspaper, most likely, this publicity stopped the State Revenue Service from hiring her. According to a representative of the State Chancellery, one of the obligations of state official is not to discredit state institutions and state administration in general by his or her own activities during working time and also outside of it. 


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