Oct. 25, 2004

  • Latest data on naturalisation
  • Vesti Segodnya discusses the difficulties to register a child, whose mother is a Latvian non-citizen and father – a Russian citizen
  • Article about the necessity to recognise Latvias occupation
  • Georgian Society of Latvia opens Sunday school
According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, 68,8% of all naturalisation applications (84,827), received by the Board since the beginning of naturalisation process in 1995, have been submitted by women. In total 78,540 persons, including 10,094, have naturalised from 1995 till 30 September this year. 

According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, 68,8% of all naturalisation applications (84,827), received by the Board since the beginning of naturalisation process in 1995, have been submitted by women. In total 78,540 persons, including 10,094, have naturalised from 1995 till 30 September this year. Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya analyses the case of the Zaharovs family who experience difficulties to register their child. A mother of the child is a Latvian non-citizen and has already submitted an application for naturalisation, a father is a Russian citizen. When parents came to register their child, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs refused to register the child and give her personal code. The Office told parents to register the child at an embassy of the country whose citizen is one of the parents. The parents refused to register their child as the Russian citizen and applied with the court against the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs challenging the Offices refusal to register the child and give her personal code. The court refused the claim, however, the parents will appeal the ruling with a higher instance court. Lawyer and Saeima member Juris Sokolovskis explains that the refusal is not based on Latvian legislation as no Latvian law provides that a child should have citizenship of a parent who has citizenship of a foreign country. He stresses that this situation is a free interpretation of officials.

Latvijas Avize features an article by the representative of the Latvian Officers Union Olgerts Ramnieks about the necessity to recognise Latvias occupation at international level. The author believes that international recognition would bring not only moral satisfaction but also would serve as a solution to internal and external problems, including societal integration. Olgerts Ramnieks also believes that state officials should demonstrate courage and explain that the norms of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities may not be fully applied towards Russian and CISs citizens, who arrived in Latvia during its soviet occupation.

The Georgian Society of Latvia has opened Sunday school. Children will have a possibility to learn the Georgian and Latvian languages as well as the Georgian history, culture and traditions at the school.

The Georgian Society of Latvia has opened Sunday school. Children will have a possibility to learn the Georgian and Latvian languages as well as the Georgian history, culture and traditions at the school. Diena

Oct. 23, 2004

  • Russia State Council agrees to extend the partnership agreement between Russia and the EU to the new member states
  • Deputy Chairperson of the national-radical organisation Latvian National Front Liene Apine brought charges against the Chairman of the Society Integration Foundation Sols Bukingolts for defamation and injuring dignity in mass media
  • Anti-Semitic slogans discovered on a wall of the building in Old Riga
The Russian State Council has agreed to extend the partnership agreement between Russia and the EU to the ten new EU member states.  However, Russia notes the areas where improvements should be made, including the situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia and Latvia. According to MPs of Russia, Latvia’s and Estonia’s accession into the EU has not changed the situation of Russian-speakers for better. MPs reproached the EU for guarding the Baltic States from the ‘objective criticism.’ They also criticised Latvia and Estonia for falsification of the results of the World War II and depicting their legionnaires as heroes.

The Russian State Council has agreed to extend the partnership agreement between Russia and the EU to the ten new EU member states. However, Russia notes the areas where improvements should be made, including the situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia and Latvia. According to MPs of Russia, Latvias and Estonias accession into the EU has not changed the situation of Russian-speakers for better. MPs reproached the EU for guarding the Baltic States from the ‘objective criticism. They also criticised Latvia and Estonia for falsification of the results of the World War II and depicting their legionnaires as heroes. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The Deputy Chairperson of the national-radical organisation Latvian National Front Liene Apine has applied with the Riga Vidzeme Court against the businessman and the Chairman of the Society Integration Foundation Sols Bukingolts. Liene Apine accuses Sols Bukingolts in defamation and injuring her dignity in mass media. According to Liene Apine, Sols Bukingolts in his interview with the newspaper

The Deputy Chairperson of the national-radical organisation Latvian National Front Liene Apine has applied with the Riga Vidzeme Court against the businessman and the Chairman of the Society Integration Foundation Sols Bukingolts. Liene Apine accuses Sols Bukingolts in defamation and injuring her dignity in mass media. According to Liene Apine, Sols Bukingolts in his interview with the newspaper Latvijas Avize on 15 October 2004 stated that Liene Apines official employment in Saeima brings harm to the Latvian nation. He also called the representatives of the Latvian National Front anti-Semites. Liene Apine asks Sols Bukungolts to pay her Ls3,000,000 for moral damages. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Anti-Semitic slogans, drawings of symbols of the Nazi party, and signs of skinheads were discovered on a wall of the building in the Old Riga.

Anti-Semitic slogans, drawings of symbols of the Nazi party, and signs of skinheads were discovered on a wall of the building in the Old Riga. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

Oct. 22, 2004

  • Saeima does not support introduction of proposed amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Discussions about the conclusions of the study of the Head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs ‘Boundaries of the Freedom of Speech: Defamation and Injuring of Dignity, Incitement of Hatred
  • Head of Saeima Social Integration Subcommittee Andris Berzins expresses readiness to meet with representatives of the Headquarters youth group
  • Riga District Court has found a witness in the case of policemen beating to death a man of Romani origin guilty in giving a false testimony
Yesterday Saeima did not support amendments to the Citizenship Law, submitted by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The amendments stipulated that all children who have studied at Latvian-language secondary schools, but have not completed a full educational course, and orphans, who live in boarding-schools, should be granted Latvian citizenship. Besides, all children, born in Latvia after 21 August 1991, who live permanently in the territory of Latvia, but have the status of non-citizens or stateless person, should be registered as citizens of Latvia without any additional procedures.

Yesterday Saeima did not support amendments to the Citizenship Law, submitted by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The amendments stipulated that all children who have studied at Latvian-language secondary schools, but have not completed a full educational course, and orphans, who live in boarding-schools, should be granted Latvian citizenship. Besides, all children, born in Latvia after 21 August 1991, who live permanently in the territory of Latvia, but have the status of non-citizens or stateless person, should be registered as citizens of Latvia without any additional procedures. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Newspapers reflect discussions on the conclusions of the study of the Head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs ‘Boundaries of the Freedom of Speech: Defamation and Injuring of Dignity, Incitement of Hatred.’

Newspapers reflect discussions on the conclusions of the study of the Head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs ‘Boundaries of the Freedom of Speech: Defamation and Injuring of Dignity, Incitement of Hatred. Diena discusses a recommendation of the author to determine liability for incitement of national hatred also in the case if it was done without such intention. The editor of Diena Pauls Raudseps stresses that that would endanger the freedom of speech. While the representative of the State Security Police Armands Saveljevs notes that in accordance with the existing legal norms it is very difficult to prove that a person incited national hatred intentionally. Diena, Rigas Balss

The Head of Saeima Social Integration Subcommittee Andris Berzins has expressed readiness to meet with representatives of the youth group of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to discuss the implementations of the education reform. However, Andris Berzins has refused to discuss these issues with adult representatives of the Headquarters.

The Head of Saeima Social Integration Subcommittee Andris Berzins has expressed readiness to meet with representatives of the youth group of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to discuss the implementations of the education reform. However, Andris Berzins has refused to discuss these issues with adult representatives of the Headquarters. Latvijas Avize

Riga District Court has found a witness Dace Vingre in the case of policemen beating to death the man of Romani origin guilty in giving a false testimony.

Riga District Court has found a witness Dace Vingre in the case of policemen beating to death the man of Romani origin guilty in giving a false testimony. The investigation revealed that the witness lied that she was raped by the Romani man. In 2002, four police officers, after privately receiving from Dace Vingre a complaint alleging rape, unlawfully entered a private home in Riga and beat up two men. The policemen had proceeded to take one of the men (a Romani man) to a place near the Rumbula train station, where they beat and kicked him, causing serious injury. The man was then taken to police headquarters, where it was established that he was dead. On June 5, the Latgale District Court found all officers innocent on the grounds of lack of evidence. Chas

Oct. 21, 2004

  • Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee did not support amendments to the Childrens Rights Protection Law
  • Telegraf reports on the forthcoming monitoring of minority schools
  • Riga Central Court drops charges against Viktors Dergunovs for taking part in protest actions against the education reform
The Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee did not support amendments to the Children’s Rights Protection Law, submitted by the MP Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia). The amendments stipulated that those parents, of whom one is a Latvian non-citizen of Latvia, but the other – citizen of another state, shall have the right to chose the status of their children on the basis of a mutual agreement. According to the information, published by

The Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee did not support amendments to the Childrens Rights Protection Law, submitted by the MP Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia). The amendments stipulated that those parents, of whom one is a Latvian non-citizen of Latvia, but the other – citizen of another state, shall have the right to chose the status of their children on the basis of a mutual agreement. According to the information, published by Vesti Segodnya, the Register of Population often registers such child as citizens of foreign countries. In case parents object against the ‘unjustified degradation of the status of their child, registration of their child is a very long process. During this long registration period childs parents do not receive social benefits for a child and a child cannot receive medical services because s/he lacks of personal code which should be presented to receive medical services. Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf reports on a forthcoming monitoring of minority schools, which will be conducted by the Education State Inspection. The key goal of monitoring is to inspect the implementation of the education reform. According to the Deputy Chairperson of the Inspection Valda Puise, the Inspection most probably will not only review documents and have discussions with school directors, but also will observe classes and learning process.

The Riga Central Court has dismissed charges Viktors Dergunovs for taking part in protest actions against the education reform on 1 September when he and other eight persons chained themselves to the doors of the Cabinet of Ministers building.

The Riga Central Court has dismissed charges Viktors Dergunovs for taking part in protest actions against the education reform on 1 September when he and other eight persons chained themselves to the doors of the Cabinet of Ministers building. Diena

Oct. 20, 2004

  • European Union has promised Russia to hear out its complaints about the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia
  • Parliamentary Secretary of the Special Tasks Ministers for Social Integration Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs calls the Prosecutor General Office to evaluate articles published by the national-radical newspaper DDD
  • Article about the study of the Head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs ‘Boundaries of the Freedom of Speech: Defamation and Injuring of Dignity, Incitement of Hatred
  • Jakovs Pliners may sue those minority schools, which have produced false statements about their readiness to implement the education reform
  • Members of the European Parliament from union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM have met the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione
  • 452 persons became citizens of Latvia yesterday
  • Articles on good practice in the area of the implementation of the education reform
The European Union Presidency has promised Russia to continue to hear out its complaints about the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia and discuss these issues during the forthcoming meeting of EU member states’ leaders in November, however, avoided giving any promises to take any steps. ‘We have come to an agreement that if Russia is concerned about the situation, it should be discussed. We will discuss these issues with our partners – Latvia and Estonia,’ stated the Foreign Affairs Minister of Netherlands Bernard Bot after the meeting with the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov. At the same time Bernard Bot has assured that all EU member states live in accordance with the Copenhagen criteria and observe human rights. The EU has also reminded Russia that it should sign boarder agreements with Latvia and Estonia.

The European Union Presidency has promised Russia to continue to hear out its complaints about the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia and discuss these issues during the forthcoming meeting of EU member states leaders in November, however, avoided giving any promises to take any steps. ‘We have come to an agreement that if Russia is concerned about the situation, it should be discussed. We will discuss these issues with our partners – Latvia and Estonia, stated the Foreign Affairs Minister of Netherlands Bernard Bot after the meeting with the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov. At the same time Bernard Bot has assured that all EU member states live in accordance with the Copenhagen criteria and observe human rights. The EU has also reminded Russia that it should sign boarder agreements with Latvia and Estonia. Diena

The Parliamentary Secretary of the Special Tasks Minister’s for Social Integration Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs has asked the Prosecutor General Office of Latvia to evaluate articles published by the national-radical newspaper

The Parliamentary Secretary of the Special Tasks Ministers for Social Integration Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs has asked the Prosecutor General Office of Latvia to evaluate articles published by the national-radical newspaper DDD as he believes that some of these articles contain anti-Semitic statements. Telegraf

Diena and public policy portal www.politika.lv reports on the study of the Head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs ‘Boundaries of the Freedom of Speech: Defamation and Injuring of Dignity, Incitement of Hatred. One of the conclusions of the study is that cases of incitement of national hatred is not initiated at all or are closed because Latvian Criminal Law stipulates that it should be proved that a person has incited national hatred intentionally. He believes that criminal charges should be pressed against a person also in the cases when statements inciting national hatred have consequences in society. The author of the study also believes that these issues may also be dealt with in Latvian Civil Law. For full text of the study in Latvian see here.

The Head of the Parliamentary Group of For Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakovs Pliners

The Head of the Parliamentary Group ofFor Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakovs Pliners considers a possibility to apply with court challenging those minority schools, which have declared that they are ready to implement the education reform, but in fact are not able to provide qualitative education. The Head of Parliamentary Group refers to the results of the unitary exams which according to Jakovs Pliners show that more than a half of minority elementary school students have passed final exams with grades ranging from 1 to 6 out of 10. According to Jakovs Pliners, the results witness crisis in educational system and confirm that Latvian language proficiency of minority students is not sufficient to study any subject in Latvian. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Members of the European Parliament from union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM met the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione to clarify his statements regarding the situation of Latvian non-citizens and provide Rocco Buttiglione information about naturalisation procedures in Latvia. According to the member of the European Parliament Inese Vaidere, after the meeting Rocco Buttiglione has admitted that naturalisation procedure in Latvia is very liberal. The prospective commissioner has also regretted that his statements have caused misunderstandings.

Members of the European Parliament from union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM met the prospective Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice Rocco Buttiglione to clarify his statements regarding the situation of Latvian non-citizens and provide Rocco Buttiglione information about naturalisation procedures in Latvia. According to the member of the European Parliament Inese Vaidere, after the meeting Rocco Buttiglione has admitted that naturalisation procedure in Latvia is very liberal. The prospective commissioner has also regretted that his statements have caused misunderstandings. Latvijas Avize

Yesterday 452 persons, among them 56 children, became citizens of Latvia. Out of 396 persons 69% were Russians, 12% - Ukrainians, 11% - Belorussians as well as Lithuanians, Poles and representatives of other nationalities.

Yesterday 452 persons, among them 56 children, became citizens of Latvia. Out of 396 persons 69% were Russians, 12% - Ukrainians, 11% - Belorussians as well as Lithuanians, Poles and representatives of other nationalities. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Latvijas Avize features articles about the transition to studies mainly in the Latvian language in two minority schools – Riga Ukrainian Secondary School and Riga Zolitude Gymnasium. The Director of the Riga Ukrainian Secondary School Lidija Kravcenko states that, when the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus asked students whether they have any problems in the field of integration, students replied that they do not have any negative experiences. The Director of the Riga Zolitude Gymnasium Svetlana Semenko stresses that the school provides two packages of the text books (in the native language and in Latvian) already for students of the primary school. While the teacher of mathematics Olga Seremeta is convinced that if students want to succeed in secondary school, they have to get used to study in Latvian already from the first grade.

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