Oct. 21, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Russia has invited the Presidency of the Council of the EU to pay more attention to human rights situation in Estonia and Latvia
  • Vesty Segodnya about the Saeimas refusal to nominate candidates from the Latvian Socialist Party to the Saeima National Security Committee
  • Dainis Ivans: the Latvian Social Democratic Party is going to attract minority electorate
  • Interview with Dans Titavs, advisor to the Latvian Prime Minister
  • The Presidents State Language Commission is planning three seminars
  • Ethnic dimension of the income level: sociological survey
  • Interview with a historian and LU professor Inesis Feldmanis
  • Conference Post-communist transformation and democratization process in Latvia. 1987-2003
  • Forum Foreign Diaspora – the Intellectual Resource of Russia
At the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe meeting held on 8 October, Russia has invited the Presidency of the Council of the EU to pay more attention to human rights situation in Estonia and Latvia. The Russian ambassador to the Committee has particularly stressed the decision about deportation of Vikulov’s family from Latvia last September. This decision was made according to the treaty on the withdrawal of Russian troops between Latvia and Russia. According to the Russian ambassador, Latvia should not have made this decision before the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), where Vikulovs have submitted a complaint.

At the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe meeting held on 8 October, Russia has invited the Presidency of the Council of the EU to pay more attention to human rights situation in Estonia and Latvia. The Russian ambassador to the Committee has particularly stressed the decision about deportation of Vikulovs family from Latvia last September. This decision was made according to the treaty on the withdrawal of Russian troops between Latvia and Russia. According to the Russian ambassador, Latvia should not have made this decision before the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), where Vikulovs have submitted a complaint. Diena believes that the true purpose of Russias statements is to divert EU attention from the violations of human rights in Cechenya, which had been previously critisized by the Presidency of the Council of the EU. Diena

Vesti Segodnya reports about the Saeimas refusal to nominate Martjan Bekasov from the Latvian Socialist Party as a member of the Saeima National Security Committee. The candidacy of Igor Solovjev from this party had been refused before. According to the newspaper, Saeimas refusal to approve candidates from the opposition parties does not comply with the National Security Law. The law stipulates that MPs from each party should be recruited by the Committee. The leader of the LSP Saeima faction Aleksandr Golubov has stated that the party is considering submitting a complaint to the Constitutional Court.

Lauku Avize reports on the congress of the Latvia Social Democratic Party held last Saturday. The chairman of the party Dainis Ivans said that the LSDP is going to attract minority electorate and stressed the necessity for the governments dialog with the minorities. The LSDP has started closer cooperation with the People`s Harmony Party, even considering a possibility to form common election lists in the future.

Lauku Avize refers to an interview with Dans Titavs, an advisor to the Latvian Prime Minister, published in Telegraf. Dans Titavs says that ‘integration gates are wide open and invites non-citizens to naturalize.

The President’s State Language Commission is planning to organise seminars on the Latvian language terminology, on language and identity issues in the context of Latvia’s membership in the EU, and on the language issues in science.

The Presidents State Language Commission is planning to organise seminars on the Latvian language terminology, on language and identity issues in the context of Latvias membership in the EU, and on the language issues in science. Chas

According to a survey conducted by the social research centre SKDS, 29,5% of ethnic Latvians and 23,1% of representatives of other nationalities have operated with 500 lats bills. 7% of ethnic Latvians and 12,1% of non-Latvians have dealt with 20 lats bills. Russian language newspapers conclude that minorities have lower level of income as compared with ethnic Latvians.

According to a survey conducted by the social research centre SKDS, 29,5% of ethnic Latvians and 23,1% of representatives of other nationalities have operated with 500 lats bills. 7% of ethnic Latvians and 12,1% of non-Latvians have dealt with 20 lats bills. Russian language newspapers conclude that minorities have lower level of income as compared with ethnic Latvians. Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga

Lauku Avize prints an interview with a historian and LU professor Inesis Feldmanis discussing the judgment of ECHR in the case of Slivenko family and the foreign states attitudes towards the fact of Latvias occupation.

Vesti Segodnya reports on the conference Post-communist transformation and democratization process in Latvia. 1987-2003, reffering to the discussion between Priit Jarve from the European Centre for Minority Issues, Boris Tsilevish, MP from the People`s Harmony Party, political scientist Artis Pabriks and political scientist Tatyana Bogushevitch.

Chas reports about the forum Foreign Diaspora – the Intellectual Resource of Russia which took place in Moscow. The forums participants stressed the need to strengthen non-political and non-ideological cooperation between Russia and the Russian diaspora, primarily in the area of social life, economics, culture and information.

Oct. 20, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Working group on examination of the UN Committees of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination recommendations established
  • The Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools are planning to visit a Russian school in Cesis
  • FHRUL is planning to transform into a political party
  • Interview with Jakov Pliner about his visit to Moscow
  • The Association for the Support for Russians Schools has started organizing Tatyanas Day celebrations
  • Conference Post-communist transformation and democratization process in Latvia. 1987-2003
  • Uldis Neiburgs, a researcher at the Latvian Occupation Museum, discusses different interpretations of the World War II events in Latvian and Russian language media
The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has established a working group to examine the recommendations of the Committee of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of United Nations. Reinis Aboltins, the director of the Department on Social Integration Affairs of the Secretariat, will head the group.

The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has established a working group to examine the recommendations of the Committee of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of United Nations. Reinis Aboltins, the director of the Department on Social Integration Affairs of the Secretariat, will head the group. Vesti Segodnya

The MPs from the Headquarters for the defence of Russian schools are planning to visit a Russian school in Cesis. There will be no first grade in the school next year because only 14 applications have been received. According to the rules adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science, a class can be established only if there are at least 18 students.

The MPs from the Headquarters for the defence of Russian schools are planning to visit a Russian school in Cesis. There will be no first grade in the school next year because only 14 applications have been received. According to the rules adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science, a class can be established only if there are at least 18 students. Chas

The head of the parliamentary group FHRUL Jakov Pliner has informed BNS about possible transforming of the FHRUL to a political party.

The head of the parliamentary group FHRUL Jakov Pliner has informed BNS about possible transforming of the FHRUL to a political party. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chas interviews Jakov Pliner, the head of the FRHUL, about his visit to Moscow.

The Association for the Support for Russians Schools has started to organise the Tatyana’s Day celebration, devoted to Russian culture and education, on 25 September.

The Association for the Support for Russians Schools has started to organise the Tatyanas Day celebration, devoted to Russian culture and education, on 25 September. Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga

Neatkariga Rita avize reports about the conference Post-communist transformation and democratization process in Latvia. 1987-2003 which took place at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Latvia. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has stressed the need for the research activities concerning Muslims in Latvia, Russian identity and other topics.

Diena features an article of Uldis Neiburgs, a researcher of the Latvian Occupation Museum, who points to the different interpretation of the events during the World War II in Latvian and Russian language media.

Oct. 18, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Officials of the European Commission consider the Statement of Russias State Council ungrounded
  • The number of complaints against Latvia to the European Court of Human Rights has increased over the last years
  • Jakov Pliner informs Russian officials about the Latvian response to the visit of Russian school students to Moscow
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affais of Latvia challenges the legitimacy of Russiasrefusal to extradite the leader of the Russias National Bolshevik party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia
  • Interview with Dainis Ivans, the chairperson of the Latvian Social Democratic party
  • Lauku Avize criticizes the Jakov Pliners visit to Moscow
  • Nikolay Kabanov discusses three articles in Latvian language media concerning state identity and language issues
  • Lauku Avize prints an article published in a Dutch newspaper about minority situation in Latvia

Lauku Avize features the response of the officials of the European Commission to Russias statement about human rights situation in Latvia adopted last Tuesday. The statement stipulates imposing of economic sanctions on Latvia, invites to exclude Latvia from the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the EU and Russia and not to sign a boarder agreement between Latvia and Russia. The EU officials consider the reproaches of Russia ungrounded, and stress that the EU Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation concerns all new EU member states automatically. The Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU is planning to discuss this issue with Russian officials during the meeting of the leaders of the EU and Russia to on 28 October.

Neatkariga Rita Avize provides information about complaints against Latvia to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). The number of complaints against Latvia to the European Court of Human Rights has grown from 109 in 2000 to 256 in 2002. Till 1 September 2003, the ECHR has asked Latvia to comment 45 complaints. Inga Reine, the representative of Latvia to international human rights organizations, says that before deciding on possible preventive measures, it is necessary to wait for two-three years in order to see if similar complaints continue to be submitted. So far, Latvia has lost four court cases: the case of Antonina Ignatane, Slivenko family, Ingrida Podkolzina, and Aleksandr Lavent.

During his visit to Moscow, the head of the FHRUL Jakov Pliner informed Russian officials about the negative response of Latvian officials to the meeting of a Russian school students with the President of Russia.

During his visit to Moscow, the head of the FHRUL Jakov Pliner informed Russian officials about the negative response of Latvian officials to the meeting of a Russian school students with the President of Russia. Vesti Segodnya refers to the promise of the inspection of the Ministry of Education and Science to clarify if the studentsabsence from school was well grounded. Vesti Segodnya

The Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Latvia (MFA) has stated that the arguments for refusal of Russia to extradite the leader of the Russia’s National Bolshevik party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia contradict the previous decision of Russia to refuse a refugee status to Linderman last July. The refusal of Russia to extradite Linderman to Latvia was explained by the allegation that Latvia has initiated persecution of Linderman due to his political views.

The Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Latvia (MFA) has stated that the arguments for refusal of Russia to extradite the leader of the Russias National Bolshevik party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia contradict the previous decision of Russia to refuse a refugee status to Linderman last July. The refusal of Russia to extradite Linderman to Latvia was explained by the allegation that Latvia has initiated persecution of Linderman due to his political views. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Chas features an interview with Dainis Ivans, the chairperson of the Latvian Social Democratic party (LSDP), where he discusses the prospects of cooperation between the LSDP and other social democratic parties in Latvia, education reform and granting of voting rights to non-citizens at municipal elections.

Chas features an interview with Dainis Ivans, the chairperson of the Latvian Social Democratic party (LSDP), where he discusses the prospects of cooperation between the LSDP and other social democratic parties in Latvia, education reform and granting of voting rights to non-citizens at municipal elections.

Lauku Avize columnist Maris Antonevics criticizes the visit of the head of the FHRUL and the leader of the new party BITE Jakov Pliner to Moscow last week. According to the columnist, the goal of this visit was to establish collaboration of BITE with the Russian officials.

A MP from the FHRUL Nikolay Kabanov criticizes the articles of Raivis Dzintars, the leader of the radical nationalistic movement “All for Latvia!”, Artis Pabriks, political scientist, and Denis Hanov, the representative of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affaires. The articles were recently published in Latvian language Internet portals delfi.lv and politika.lv and discussed the issues of state identity, the policy of Russia regarding minorities in Latvia and the role of the Latvian language in social integration. The columnist considers the establishment of the official bilinguism and equal rights as the crucial conditions for a long-term stability of the state.

A MP from the FHRUL Nikolay Kabanov criticizes the articles of Raivis Dzintars, the leader of the radical nationalistic movement All for Latvia!, Artis Pabriks, political scientist, and Denis Hanov, the representative of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affaires. The articles were recently published in Latvian language Internet portals delfi.lv and politika.lv and discussed the issues of state identity, the policy of Russia regarding minorities in Latvia and the role of the Latvian language in social integration. The columnist considers the establishment of the official bilinguism and equal rights as the crucial conditions for a long-term stability of the state. Vesty Segodnya

Lauku Avîze prints an article published in a Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. The columnist argues that there is no systematic discrimination of Russians in Latvia.

Oct. 17, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission discuss the Statement of Russias State Council
  • Saeima adopts in the first reading the amendments to the law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State
  • Jakov Pliner, the head of the FHRUL, discusses minority situation in Latvia with Dmitry Rogozin, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council
  • Nils Muiznieks about education reform for ITAR-TASS
  • Russia is planning to provide support to veterans of the World War II who are subjected to criminal persecution in Latvia
  • Juris Dobelis, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Dmitry Rogozin participate in a discussion on Russian TV
The minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Sandra Kalniete and the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen have discussed the Statement of Russia’s State Council about violations of minority rights in Latvia. According to the Commissioner, the reproaches of Russia are ungrounded, and Latvia conforms to all international human rights standards in the area of observation of minority rights.

The minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Sandra Kalniete and the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen have discussed the Statement of Russias State Council about violations of minority rights in Latvia. According to the Commissioner, the reproaches of Russia are ungrounded, and Latvia conforms to all international human rights standards in the area of observation of minority rights. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Saeima in the first reading adopted the draft amendments to the law “On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State”. According to the amendments, non-citizens who become the residents of other states and get a travel document there, should renounce the status of a non-citizen of Latvia. The MPs from the People`s Harmony party believe that these rules have been proposed in order to reduce the number of Latvian non-citizens by means of administrative methods. Vladimir Buzajev, a MP from the FHRUL, has stressed that the amendments have been adopted without consulting international organizations, NGOs and minorities. According to

Yesterday the Saeima in the first reading adopted the draft amendments to the law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR Who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State. According to the amendments, non-citizens who become the residents of other states and get a travel document there, should renounce the status of a non-citizen of Latvia. The MPs from the People`s Harmony party believe that these rules have been proposed in order to reduce the number of Latvian non-citizens by means of administrative methods. Vladimir Buzajev, a MP from the FHRUL, has stressed that the amendments have been adopted without consulting international organizations, NGOs and minorities. According to Vechernaya Riga, around 60 persons have decided to renounce the non-citizen status this year with a view to becoming permanent residents of other states. Around 1000 of Latvian non-citizens have already left Latvia for residence abroad. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riha

Yesterday the head of the FHRUL Jakov Pliner met the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russia’s State Council Dmitry Rogozin to discuss minority situation and education reform in Latvia.

Yesterday the head of the FHRUL Jakov Pliner met the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council Dmitry Rogozin to discuss minority situation and education reform in Latvia. Chas

The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has stated for the Russian media agency ITAR-TASS that the switch of minority schools to the Latvian language of instruction “is painful, but necessary”.

The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has stated for the Russian media agency ITAR-TASS that the switch of minority schools to the Latvian language of instruction is painful, but necessary. Vesti Segodnya

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has stated that Russia is planning to provide support to veterans of the Second World War who are subjected to criminal persecution in Latvia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has stated that Russia is planning to provide support to veterans of the Second World War who are subjected to criminal persecution in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Chas and Vesti Segodnya report about a TV-bridge meeting of Juris Dobelis, a MP from the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the MP of Russia` State Council, and Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council. The discussion was broadcasted on Russian TV.

Oct. 16, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Protest meeting against the 1991 resolution on citizenship
  • Diena discusses the ECHR judgment in the case of Slivenko
  • Discussion on the establishment of the new association Sadraudziba
  • Interview with Nils Muiznieks, the Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration
  • Opinions of Latvian MPs about the Statement of Russias State Council
  • Jakov Pliner, the head of the FHRUL, presents the factions stance on education reform at the forum in Moscow
  • Ernest Buivids, the independent economist, about the negative impact of the state language policy on the economic situation of minorities
Yesterday around 300 people participated in a protest meeting against the resolution “On the Renewal of the Rights of Citizens of the Republic of Latvia and Fundamental Principals of Naturalization” passed by the Supreme Council on 15 October 1991. The meeting took place near the Saeima building and was organized by the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools. According to

Yesterday around 300 people participated in a protest meeting against the resolution On the Renewal of the Rights of Citizens of the Republic of Latvia and Fundamental Principals of Naturalization passed by the Supreme Council on 15 October 1991. The meeting took place near the Saeima building and was organized by the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools. According to Lauku Avize, representatives of the parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the party Equality invited the participants of the meeting to naturalize in order to defend their human rights. Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas, Vecernaya Riga

Diena prints an article about the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Tatjana Slivenko family. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, so far, Tatjana Slivenko has not applied for the return of the familys apartment in Riga and for residence permit. The newspaper also features an article of the MP from the People's Harmony Party Janis Urbanovics who points to the shortcomings of the court practice in Latvia.

Lauku Avize prints an article about the establishment of the NGO Sadraudziba, believing that its goals are contrary to promotion of social integration. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has underlined the neutral stance of the Secretariat on the establishment of the new association. He also stated that the task of the Secretariat is to deal with all minority NGOs. In his article for Neatkariga Rita Avize, Muiznieks stressed that the government will not change its priorities in the area of the state language policy. Lauku Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Internet portal

Internet portal www.policy.lv features an interview with the Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks who discusses social integration problems and prospects in Latvia.

Chas refers to the opinions of Latvian MPs about the statement of Russias State Council about minority rights violations in Latvia. Most MPs from different factions sharply criticize the statement.

Vesti Segodnya features an article about the forum Foreign Diaspora – the Intellectual Resource of Russia taking place in Moscow. The head of the parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakov Pliner informed the participants of the forum about the stance of the FHRUL on education reform in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya features an article by an independent economist Ernest Buivids who considers the state language policy in Latvia as the means to deprive minorities from economic benefits and to put them in a disadvantaged position on the labor market.

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