Oct. 27, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia P.Semneby in his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins gave his positive assesment to the processes of reforms, as well as state’s input in society integration.

The Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia P.Semneby in his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins gave his positive assesment to the processes of reforms, as well as states input in society integration. Neatkariga, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

The social pool on society opinion on personalities, parties and social institutions shows that in October the popularity rating of the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has dropped and now the most popular person is the Governor of the Bank of Latvia E.Repse. The third place is kept by the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis. The names of three the most unpopular persons have not changed in October – A.Slesers, A.Rubiks, A.Skele. What regards parties’ popularity, Latvia’s Social Democrat Workers Party is getting stronger in the leading position (14,6% in september, 16,9% in October), then follows Latvia’s Way, FF/LNNK, People’s Party, FHRUL and the New Party.

The social pool on society opinion on personalities, parties and social institutions shows that in October the popularity rating of the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has dropped and now the most popular person is the Governor of the Bank of Latvia E.Repse. The third place is kept by the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis. The names of three the most unpopular persons have not changed in October – A.Slesers, A.Rubiks, A.Skele. What regards parties popularity, Latvias Social Democrat Workers Party is getting stronger in the leading position (14,6% in september, 16,9% in October), then follows Latvias Way, FF/LNNK, Peoples Party, FHRUL and the New Party. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii

The President of Latvia V.Vike-Freiberga is on the official visit to the United Kingdom. In yesterday’s meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Cook the main discussion subjects were Latvia’s accession to the EU and trade relations between these two countries. The President also had an audience with the Queen. The Queen was well informed on Latvia’s history and the fact that V.Vike-Freiberga had carried out the research in Latvian folk songs. Today the President will give a lecture London School of Economics and participate in live broadcasting from BBC.

The President of Latvia V.Vike-Freiberga is on the official visit to the United Kingdom. In yesterdays meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Cook the main discussion subjects were Latvias accession to the EU and trade relations between these two countries. The President also had an audience with the Queen. The Queen was well informed on Latvias history and the fact that V.Vike-Freiberga had carried out the research in Latvian folk songs. Today the President will give a lecture London School of Economics and participate in live broadcasting from BBC. Diena, Neatkariga

Persons, who work in a private sphere and provide services to customers, are required to know the Latvian language better according to the draft of the amendments to the regulations on the State Language Law implementation. The Head of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa admitted that application of language proficiency level in the private sphere is very complicated issue.

Persons, who work in a private sphere and provide services to customers, are required to know the Latvian language better according to the draft of the amendments to the regulations on the State Language Law implementation. The Head of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa admitted that application of language proficiency level in the private sphere is very complicated issue. Diena.


gives rough breakdown of the professions and the necessary cfor them language proficience level.

Oct. 26, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the amendments to the Administrative Violation Code. The amendments still need to be approved by the Saeima. The amount of fines charged from an employer who has hired an employee with non-sufficient language proficiency level ranges from LVL 100 to 250, for using the state language in non-sufficient amount as it would be necessary for one’s job – LVL 50, business meetings taking place not in the state language and without translation – LVL 50 –100 and the fine of LVL 50 –100 for not ensuring the state language in business correspondence

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the amendments to the Administrative Violation Code. The amendments still need to be approved by the Saeima. The amount of fines charged from an employer who has hired an employee with non-sufficient language proficiency level ranges from LVL 100 to 250, for using the state language in non-sufficient amount as it would be necessary for ones job – LVL 50, business meetings taking place not in the state language and without translation – LVL 50 –100 and the fine of LVL 50 –100 for not ensuring the state language in business correspondence. Diena, Rigas Balss

There will be about 100 professions for which the certain level of the state language proficiency will be required.

There will be about 100 professions for which the certain level of the state language proficiency will be required. Chas

The Ministry of Justice has completed its work at the amendments to the regulations on the State Language Law implementation, particularly, the list of professions for which the certain level of the state language proficiency will be required. In the document not fewer than 100 professions were listed.

The Ministry of Justice has completed its work at the amendments to the regulations on the State Language Law implementation, particularly, the list of professions for which the certain level of the state language proficiency will be required. In the document not fewer than 100 professions were listed. Vesti Segodnja.

The President of Russia V.Putins via the Russia’s ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcovs expressed his gratitude to ex-president of Latvia G.Ulmanis for his book “Latvia, the One We Love”

The President of Russia V.Putins via the Russias ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcovs expressed his gratitude to ex-president of Latvia G.Ulmanis for his book Latvia, the One We Love

The President of Russia has said: “..the book was interesting and it is necessary for both Russians and Latvians”.

The President of Russia has said: ..the book was interesting and it is necessary for both Russians and Latvians. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

The Estonian newspaper

The Estonian newspaper ST Ohtuleht publishes the article about the relations between the Baltic states Latvians together with their President from Canada have understood that there is no such thing as unity of 3 Baltic States and it is not worth desperately cling to this notion. Neatkariga

Latvia’s Constitutional Court has become a full-fledged member of the Conference of the European Constitutional Courts.

Latvias Constitutional Court has become a full-fledged member of the Conference of the European Constitutional Courts. Neatkariga


and and Respublika Respublika give comments of Russias newspaper give comments of Russia’s newspaper IzvestijaIzvestija on Russias promise to help Russians residing in the Baltic States and the CIS. In its opinion, Russia is doing it for its own sake and not for the sake of Russians, as the biggest part of funding is allocated to the means of mass media in Russian. The Russias Embassy in Riga informed that the only real help from Russia is Russian speaking teachers trips with the aim to attend professional courses to St.Petersburg. on Russia’s promise to help Russians residing in the Baltic States and the CIS. In its opinion, Russia is doing it for its own sake and not for the sake of Russians, as the biggest part of funding is allocated to the means of mass media in Russian. The Russia’s Embassy in Riga informed that the only real help from Russia is Russian speaking teachers trips with the aim to attend professional courses to St.Petersburg. Vesti SegodnjaVesti Segodnja objects to this statement announcing that the newspaper has not received any money from Russia. objects to this statement announcing that the newspaper has not received any money from Russia. Latvia’s Russian Language Schools Support Association invites the parents of Russian pupils to participate in the conference November 25 to protest against the introduction of education only in the state language and stop the assimilation of Russian children.

Latvias Russian Language Schools Support Association invites the parents of Russian pupils to participate in the conference November 25 to protest against the introduction of education only in the state language and stop the assimilation of Russian children. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

The Minister of Transport A.Gorbunovs is ready to resignation if in the state budget of the year 2002 passenger transportation would not be given the priorital status.

The Minister of Transport A.Gorbunovs is ready to resignation if in the state budget of the year 2002 passenger transportation would not be given the priorital status. Neatkariga, Jauna, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

UNDP has admitted that Latvia has prepared one of the best reviews on “The Development of the People”, where processes of globalisation and their influence are analysed.

UNDP has admitted that Latvia has prepared one of the best reviews on The Development of the People, where processes of globalisation and their influence are analysed. Diena

Oct. 25, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Russian national budget, adopted yesterday by the Russian National Council, includes a secret article in the part of financing mass media. The newspaper Izvestija considers that this article is meant to finance Russian speaking press in the CIS and Baltic States. The council refused to comment this article.

Russian national budget, adopted yesterday by the Russian National Council, includes a secret article in the part of financing mass media. The newspaper Izvestija considers that this article is meant to finance Russian speaking press in the CIS and Baltic States. The council refused to comment this article. Diena

The Prosecutor’s General Office stated that the regulations of the Ministry of Defence to permit a company owned by non-citizens to provide armament for the Latvian army did not contradict to the existing legislation. Nevertheless the Minister of Defence G.V.Kristovskis called the Saeima factions to start a discussion about a possibility for non-citizens to provide armament for defence needs.

The Prosecutors General Office stated that the regulations of the Ministry of Defence to permit a company owned by non-citizens to provide armament for the Latvian army did not contradict to the existing legislation. Nevertheless the Minister of Defence G.V.Kristovskis called the Saeima factions to start a discussion about a possibility for non-citizens to provide armament for defence needs. Diena

Yesterday the candidate for the post of Lithuanian Prime Minister R.Paks expressed his surprise and incomprehension about unwillingness of Latvian politicians to ratify Latvian – Lithuanian sea border agreement. If he would become the Prime Minister, R.Paks promised to contact lm Prime Minister A.Berzins immediately and find out the real reasons for this position.

Yesterday the candidate for the post of Lithuanian Prime Minister R.Paks expressed his surprise and incomprehension about unwillingness of Latvian politicians to ratify Latvian – Lithuanian sea border agreement. If he would become the Prime Minister, R.Paks promised to contact lm Prime Minister A.Berzins immediately and find out the real reasons for this position. Neatkariga

In the newspaper

In the newspaper Jauna Avize G.Klasons published an answer to the article of V.Lazo on ombudsmen institution in Latvia. V.Lazo wrote that this institution would fill the gap established between the society and government. G.Klasons disagrees to this statement, saying that ombudsmen will be able just to express its opinion on the exact decision, decree or action but it will not be able to interfere in activities of all four powers. It means that ombudsmen will not be able to perform any real action but proposing amendments to the existing laws.

The Association to Support the Russian Speaking School of Latvia sent out an announcement to pupils’ parents, stating that the educational reform was unjust. In this announcement they asked the parents to participate the conference “To Study in the Mother Tongue” that was taking place today.

The Association to Support the Russian Speaking School of Latvia sent out an announcement to pupils parents, stating that the educational reform was unjust. In this announcement they asked the parents to participate the conference To Study in the Mother Tongue that was taking place today. Respublika, Vesti Segodnya

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted yesterday amendment to the Administrative Violations Code. A journalist of the newspaper

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted yesterday amendment to the Administrative Violations Code. A journalist of the newspaper Respublika studied these amendments and compared changes in the proposed fines for violating the State language law. E.g. 50 Ls will be fine for organisers of meetings without providing interpretation in the state language. 100 Ls will be fine for persons using titles of institutions or enterprises not in the state language. The highest fine of 250 Ls will be for employers concluding an employment agreement with an employee who does not have the state language certificate or has too low state language proficiency category.

The annual PACE meeting in Paris was dedicated to protection of immigrant rights. This problem becomes more acute also for Latvia. In the draft resolution Latvian Saeima deputy B.Cilevich managed to include two proposals. 1. Citizens of collapsed states (including USSR) may not be deported from the newly arisen states on any conditions. 2. May not be expelled also children of former citizens of the collapsed states if they were born in the newly established state. If the resolution is be adopted, it will become a signal to Latvian authorities that it is inadmissible to expel even those non-citizens who do not have the violet passport.

The annual PACE meeting in Paris was dedicated to protection of immigrant rights. This problem becomes more acute also for Latvia. In the draft resolution Latvian Saeima deputy B.Cilevich managed to include two proposals. 1. Citizens of collapsed states (including USSR) may not be deported from the newly arisen states on any conditions. 2. May not be expelled also children of former citizens of the collapsed states if they were born in the newly established state. If the resolution is be adopted, it will become a signal to Latvian authorities that it is inadmissible to expel even those non-citizens who do not have the violet passport. Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 24, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The statement of social democrat J.Adamsons that the most ideal coalition in the next Government would be the Social Democrats, FF/LNNK and For Human Rights in the United Latvia made FF/LNNK more cautious in evaluating the further possible co-operation with the Social Democrats. The faction FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats thinks that coalition of FF/LNNK and FHRUL is impossible.

The statement of social democrat J.Adamsons that the most ideal coalition in the next Government would be the Social Democrats, FF/LNNK and For Human Rights in the United Latvia made FF/LNNK more cautious in evaluating the further possible co-operation with the Social Democrats. The faction FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats thinks that coalition of FF/LNNK and FHRUL is impossible. Diena.

In the framework of the municipal elections the People’s Party offer not only information about the party on the Internet, but also to observe People’s Party deputy the Minister of Finance G.Berzins at work for two weeks. The Internet address:

In the framework of the municipal elections the Peoples Party offer not only information about the party on the Internet, but also to observe Peoples Party deputy the Minister of Finance G.Berzins at work for two weeks. The Internet address: www.tautaspartija.lv Diena, Jauna, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

On Wednesday the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga is going on the official visit to Great Britain. It is planned to have meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other high officials, the audience with the Queen.

On Wednesday the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga is going on the official visit to Great Britain. It is planned to have meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other high officials, the audience with the Queen. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

The inhabitants of Rezekne, Ludza and Preili who want to acquire citizenship through naturalisation, can test their language proficiency and if necessary apply for the state language courses free of charge. The foreign investors that will allocate funding for the language courses free of charge for 2000 applicants who want to acquire citizenship are already known. The courses could start at the beginning of the year 2001.

The inhabitants of Rezekne, Ludza and Preili who want to acquire citizenship through naturalisation, can test their language proficiency and if necessary apply for the state language courses free of charge. The foreign investors that will allocate funding for the language courses free of charge for 2000 applicants who want to acquire citizenship are already known. The courses could start at the beginning of the year 2001. Jauna

The Central District Court session, which was set for Monday, on the claim of the Club of Latvia’s Youth regarding the fine of amount of LVL 100 for using incorrect state language in open information is postponed. The Chairman of Latvia’s Youth Club V.Jolkins placed the announcements in Latvian containing lots of grammatical and stylistic mistakes. V.Jolkins said that he had rights to use non-normative Latvian terminology and if necessary he would defend his rights at the European Court of Human Rights

The Central District Court session, which was set for Monday, on the claim of the Club of Latvias Youth regarding the fine of amount of LVL 100 for using incorrect state language in open information is postponed. The Chairman of Latvias Youth Club V.Jolkins placed the announcements in Latvian containing lots of grammatical and stylistic mistakes. V.Jolkins said that he had rights to use non-normative Latvian terminology and if necessary he would defend his rights at the European Court of Human Rights. Rigas Balss

This week the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins is going to Finland to meet with the high officials of the country - the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chairman of the Parliament.

This week the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins is going to Finland to meet with the high officials of the country - the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chairman of the Parliament. Lauku Avize.

Oct. 23, 2000

Press Report

The Latvia’s Social Democrat Workers Party had its 32 Congress on Saturday. Juris Bojars was re-elected to the post of the Chairman of the Party. E.Baldzens and J.Adamsons were elected to the posts of his deputies.

The Latvias Social Democrat Workers Party had its 32 Congress on Saturday. Juris Bojars was re-elected to the post of the Chairman of the Party. E.Baldzens and J.Adamsons were elected to the posts of his deputies. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

Chas gives the opinion of J.Adamsons regarding the next government – “the governing coalition could be the Social Democrats, FF/LNNK and FHRUL, as only these parties could be considered not corrupted, the only obstacle for such coalition lies in different political views of these parties”.

Chas gives the opinion of J.Adamsons regarding the next government – the governing coalition could be the Social Democrats, FF/LNNK and FHRUL, as only these parties could be considered not corrupted, the only obstacle for such coalition lies in different political views of these parties.

The Government of Estonia accepted the draft determining that all legal norms and laws are available on the Internet for free. In Latvia all laws and regulations in electronic version is collected in a special data base NAIS and it is a fee service. The State Chancellery of Latvia says that our country lacks funds to realise such project as did the Government of Estonia.

The Government of Estonia accepted the draft determining that all legal norms and laws are available on the Internet for free. In Latvia all laws and regulations in electronic version is collected in a special data base NAIS and it is a fee service. The State Chancellery of Latvia says that our country lacks funds to realise such project as did the Government of Estonia. Diena.

The Prime Minister A.Berzins is on an official visit to the Netherlands. The Prime Minister will meet with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands and will have a private audience with the Queen.

The Prime Minister A.Berzins is on an official visit to the Netherlands. The Prime Minister will meet with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands and will have a private audience with the Queen. Diena, Panorama Latvii.

As the municipal elections are coming closer the heads of municipalities very actively become the members of Latvia’s Way. They themselves explain their choice saying that Latvia’s Way is stable and has intellectual potential. When inquiring other political parties,

As the municipal elections are coming closer the heads of municipalities very actively become the members of Latvias Way. They themselves explain their choice saying that Latvias Way is stable and has intellectual potential. When inquiring other political parties, Diena found out that almost none of the present heads of municipalities has expressed the wish to become a member of other political powers.


pays special attention to the speech by the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga at the annual meeting of Latvias diplomats. Regarding the relations with Russia, the President said: We can say who we are and where we are going. But we cannot say that about Russia. I want to express my condolences (to the ambassador in Russia) – you probably have the most difficult post. It is hard and not very pleasant to work in such conditions. pays special attention to the speech by the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga at the annual meeting of Latvia’s diplomats. Regarding the relations with Russia, the President said: “We can say who we are and where we are going. But we cannot say that about Russia. I want to express my condolences (to the ambassador in Russia) – you probably have the most difficult post. It is hard and not very pleasant to work in such conditions.” The first congress of Russians living in the former USSR and Baltic countries will take place in Moscow at the beginning of 2001.

The first congress of Russians living in the former USSR and Baltic countries will take place in Moscow at the beginning of 2001. Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

Chas publishes the article about people who do not have either the status of citizen or non-citizen of Latvia. There are 55 such persons in the country. The article gives a real life story of a person who was born and grew up in Latvia, then served in the Soviet Army in Kazakhstan and now is not able to acquire either the status of citizen or non-citizen.

Panorama Latvii

publishes an article about a Russian speaking family who has their own business (bookshop) and what changes bring in their lives the new regulations on the State Language Law. The opinion is given that the regulations are so strict not only because politicians strengthen their positions with the help of such regulations, but also because in that way Latvian businessperson have advantages in comparison to Russian-speaking businesspersons. publishes an article about a Russian speaking family who has their own business (bookshop) and what changes bring in their lives the new regulations on the State Language Law. The opinion is given that the regulations are so strict not only because politicians strengthen their positions with the help of such regulations, but also because in that way Latvian businessperson have advantages in comparison to Russian-speaking businesspersons.
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