Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

maijs 22, 2000

Press Report

During the EBRD Business Forum last Saturday the main obstacles for investments in the post-Communist countries mentioned were corruption, bureaucracy, problems with political stability and as well as inefficient court system. At the opening of the annual General EBRD Meeting on Sunday the Acting President of the EBRD Charles Frank stressed that the small enterprises will be the main priority for EBRD in the coming years and loans issued for the small businesses will be doubled. Diena

During the EBRD Business Forum last Saturday the main obstacles for investments in the post-Communist countries mentioned were corruption, bureaucracy, problems with political stability and as well as inefficient court system. At the opening of the annual General EBRD Meeting on Sunday the Acting President of the EBRD Charles Frank stressed that the small enterprises will be the main priority for EBRD in the coming years and loans issued for the small businesses will be doubled. Diena

During an event organized by

During an event organized by Vereinsbank Riga last Saturday, the former German Foreign Minister Genscher expressed warning concerning the tendency in the EU to delay the enlargement and called dangerous the ignoring attitude towards Russia sometimes observed in the West. Diena

123 people in Latvia changed their nationality this year. Majority of them changed Russian nationality to Latvian and Russian to Jewish. The least in most cases do that because they are planning to move to Israel, while Latvian nationality is chosen to get better “rooted” in the Latvian environment. It happens often that along with nationality people also change their surnames.

123 people in Latvia changed their nationality this year. Majority of them changed Russian nationality to Latvian and Russian to Jewish. The least in most cases do that because they are planning to move to Israel, while Latvian nationality is chosen to get better rooted in the Latvian environment. It happens often that along with nationality people also change their surnames. Diena

Neatkariga reviews an article in the Swiss newspaper Neue Zuricher Zeitung Saturday edition that analyses the difficult process of addressing the past in Latvia.

Neatkariga reviews an article in the Swiss newspaper Neue Zuricher Zeitung Saturday edition that analyses the difficult process of addressing the past in Latvia.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov last week visited the new Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins to hand him congratulations from the new Russian Prime Minister Kasyanov with the new position. During the meeting both parties agreed that it is necessary to improve and activate the relations between the two countries.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov last week visited the new Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins to hand him congratulations from the new Russian Prime Minister Kasyanov with the new position. During the meeting both parties agreed that it is necessary to improve and activate the relations between the two countries. Neatkariga

Council of Europe is not satisfied with the position Latvia takes concerning the Russian-speaking community. The statement was pronounced during the seminar “Law, politics, economy and mass media” organized by the Moscow School of Political Research by the Deputy Director of the Political Department of the CE.

Council of Europe is not satisfied with the position Latvia takes concerning the Russian-speaking community. The statement was pronounced during the seminar Law, politics, economy and mass media organized by the Moscow School of Political Research by the Deputy Director of the Political Department of the CE. Vesti

Speaking at the opening of the seminar of EBRD yesterday, Latvian President expressed concern about the ability of Russia to strengthen its economy and develop good neighboring relations with Latvia. She expressed hope that the election of the new president in Russia will have a positive influence on stabilization of the Latvian-Russian relations.

Speaking at the opening of the seminar of EBRD yesterday, Latvian President expressed concern about the ability of Russia to strengthen its economy and develop good neighboring relations with Latvia. She expressed hope that the election of the new president in Russia will have a positive influence on stabilization of the Latvian-Russian relations. Vesti

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