Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Oct. 8, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima approved the Draft Education Law in the 2nd reading. According to the law, at state and municipal educational institutions education will be acquired in the state language, while in private educational institutions or institutions implementing educational programs of national minorities, other languages may be used. The draft law does not specify how much private schools will be financed by the state. The Saeima decided to have the final reading of the Education Law at an extraordinary session on 12 October.

Yesterday the Saeima approved the Draft Education Law in the 2nd reading. According to the law, at state and municipal educational institutions education will be acquired in the state language, while in private educational institutions or institutions implementing educational programs of national minorities, other languages may be used. The draft law does not specify how much private schools will be financed by the state. The Saeima decided to have the final reading of the Education Law at an extraordinary session on 12 October. Diena

Today Saeima continues discussing of draft State Language Law in the third reading.

Today Saeima continues discussing of draft State Language Law in the third reading. Jauna Avize

Leaders of

Leaders of the Latvian Way, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, and New Party reached an oral agreement on an intention protocol providing formation of a coalition government and support of Vilis Kristopans as a Prime Minister. Leader of the Latvian Way Andrejs Pantelejevs told that on Friday the parties will start work on a governmental declaration. At the same time, the Board of the Peoples Party has passed a resolution to start talks with the Latvian Way and For Fatherland and Freedom/ LNNK about the formation of a coalition government. In response, Andrejs Pantelejevs told press that the intention protocol of three parties is a priority and the Peoples Party has a possibility to join it. Diena

Election results in electoral district in abroad show that the

Election results in electoral district in abroad show that the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has received the most of votes - 38.4%, in the second place there is the Peoples Party with 30.6% of votes , in the third - the Latvian Way with 12.2%. Majority of voters participating in the referendum supported the abolishment of the amendments to the Citizenship Law, it, however, will not change the outcome of the referendum. Diena

Analysing the outcome of the referendum, Paul Goble argues that the greatest challenge arising from this vote is for Latvian people to make this system work, to implement the provisions of the ratified law in everyday life.

Analysing the outcome of the referendum, Paul Goble argues that the greatest challenge arising from this vote is for Latvian people to make this system work, to implement the provisions of the ratified law in everyday life. Diena

Yesterday at a press conference the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs expressed a hope that after the referendum Latvia will receive concrete assistance from foreign countries for social integration and instruction of Latvian language for Russian-speaking population.

Yesterday at a press conference the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs expressed a hope that after the referendum Latvia will receive concrete assistance from foreign countries for social integration and instruction of Latvian language for Russian-speaking population. Diena

Chaspublishes a summary of an interview with the Advisor of the Russian President Emil Payn in which he called the outcome of the referendum in Latvia small victory of progressive mankind. He argued that international pressure, on one hand, and sensible pragmatism of Latvians, on the other hand, determined the positive results of the referendum. As a positive moment in elections, Mr. Payn stressed the reduced number of national radicals in the next parliament. Chas

Anatoly Chehoev, a member of Russian parliamentary commission on CIS affairs and the initiator of draft law on sanctions against Latvia, told BNS that due to the outcome of the referendum and the elections, the Russian Duma will not speed up adoption of such law. “Now a lot depends on what type of people will be in a new government and what will be done in relation with the outcome of the referendum, “ Mr. Chehoev said.

Anatoly Chehoev, a member of Russian parliamentary commission on CIS affairs and the initiator of draft law on sanctions against Latvia, told BNS that due to the outcome of the referendum and the elections, the Russian Duma will not speed up adoption of such law. Now a lot depends on what type of people will be in a new government and what will be done in relation with the outcome of the referendum, Mr. Chehoev said. B&B

Rigas Balss publishes an interview with the head of Naturalziation Board Eizenija Aldermane in which she argues that if a person knows the state language and wants to become a Latvian citizen, the state should not make any obstacles. According to Ms. Aldermane, neither Europe nor Russia needs elimination of window system, it is necessary for people who live here and does not want to see Latvia as a two-community state. A regular meeting of Latvian -Estonian working group on Valka-Valga issue will take place not on 8 October as planned but on 16 October. Panorama Latvii, B&B

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