Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Oct. 5, 1998

Press Report

According to the preliminary results of the 7th Saeima elections, 1, 313 739 citizens participated in voting, and 946, 590 ballots were considered valid.

According to the preliminary results of the 7th Saeima elections, 1, 313 739 citizens participated in voting, and 946, 590 ballots were considered valid. Neatkariga

As a result of the parliamentary elections in Latvia on 3 October, six parties obtained seats in the new Saeima -

As a result of the parliamentary elections in Latvia on 3 October, six parties obtained seats in the new Saeima - the Poeples Party (according to preliminary results - 20.9%), the Latvian Way (18.2%), Peoples Harmony Party (14.23%), For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (14.15%), Union of Social Democrats (12.9 %) and the New Party (7.4%) According to the chair of the Central Electoral Commission, results of the elections may change a little bit after the votes will be counted in pooling stations in abroad, for example, the For Fatherland and Freedom may obtain additional votes. Diena

On the election day in several electoral districts violations of Electoral law were recorded. In one electoral district, radio broadcasted political campaign of social democrats. Upon directives of the central Electoral Commission members, this violation was eliminated by prohibiting to play radio in electoral districts. The most serious violation of Electoral Law was recorded in Jurmala where voters were issued unstamped ballots of the referendum. According to chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars, the issuance of these ballots were terminated and the CEC compared them, so that later when counted these ballots could be considered as valid.

On the election day in several electoral districts violations of Electoral law were recorded. In one electoral district, radio broadcasted political campaign of social democrats. Upon directives of the central Electoral Commission members, this violation was eliminated by prohibiting to play radio in electoral districts. The most serious violation of Electoral Law was recorded in Jurmala where voters were issued unstamped ballots of the referendum. According to chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars, the issuance of these ballots were terminated and the CEC compared them, so that later when counted these ballots could be considered as valid. Jauna Avize

All Russian newspapers acknowledge achievement of Poeple’s Harmony party which according to preliminary results, may have obtained up to 16 seats in the parliament.

All Russian newspapers acknowledge achievement of Poeples Harmony party which according to preliminary results, may have obtained up to 16 seats in the parliament. Chas, Panorama Latvii

Parties which obtained seats in the next parliament, do not have a clear vision about possible models of a new government. The talks will start on Monday. According to deputy chair of the

Parties which obtained seats in the next parliament, do not have a clear vision about possible models of a new government. The talks will start on Monday. According to deputy chair of the For Fatherland and Freedom Janis Straume, the most stable government would consist of Peoples Party, the Latvian Way and For Fatherland and Freedom. The most acceptable for the Latvian Way would be coalition with the New Party , and For Fatherland and Freedom, Andrejs Pantelejevs said. However, according with unofficial results of elections, it will not hold majority of seats in the Saeima. K. Kazakov, aChas journalist, argues that the coalition formed by the Latvian Way, For Fatherland and Freedom and Peoples Party would be strong, clever, and would be based on capital and professionalism. Juris Bojars, leader of the Union of Social Democrats, stated that there will be no co-operation between his party and Andris Skele (Peoples Party). The main discussions may raise over the candidates to the post of Prime Minister. The Latvian Way does not give up its major requirement for the coalition-forming - to have Vilis Kristopans as the Prime Minister. Diena, Neatkariga

State President Guntis Ulmanis would like to name a new Prime Minister on 3 November, and the choice will depend on the party coalition, Press Secretary of State President Vita Savicka told

State President Guntis Ulmanis would like to name a new Prime Minister on 3 November, and the choice will depend on the party coalition, Press Secretary of State President Vita Savicka told Diena.

According to unofficial results of the referendum, 53.02% of voters who participated in the referendum concerning the Citizenship Law amendments casted their votes against the abolishing of amendments, for abolishment were 45% of voters. In the referendum in Latvia participated 885, 547 citizens or 69, 82%. 2% of votes were void due to the fact that either both answers or none of them were marked. The Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars told the press that these citizens obviously did so consciously by supporting the referendum as an expression of democracy. According to unofficial results, a decisive role for the keeping of amendments was played by voters in Riga and Latgale region (in Latgale region - 68,6% voted against abolishment and in Riga - 53.55%). In other regions the majority voted for abolishment of amendments.

According to unofficial results of the referendum, 53.02% of voters who participated in the referendum concerning the Citizenship Law amendments casted their votes against the abolishing of amendments, for abolishment were 45% of voters. In the referendum in Latvia participated 885, 547 citizens or 69, 82%. 2% of votes were void due to the fact that either both answers or none of them were marked. The Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars told the press that these citizens obviously did so consciously by supporting the referendum as an expression of democracy. According to unofficial results, a decisive role for the keeping of amendments was played by voters in Riga and Latgale region (in Latgale region - 68,6% voted against abolishment and in Riga - 53.55%). In other regions the majority voted for abolishment of amendments. Diena

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minority Affairs Max van der Stoel welcomed the results of the referendum. ”By deciding to approve the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, the people of Latvia have taken an important step towards solving interethnic problems and promoting the process of integration, “Max van der Stoel writes. He also expresses hope that Estonian parliament will follow the Latvian example to grant citizenship to children born after the restoration of independence, and support the governmental proposal on this issue. Baltic News Service informs that the Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Ministry positively evaluates the results of the referendum in Latvia which would liberalize the procedure of acquiring citizenship in accordance with the OSCE recommendations.

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minority Affairs Max van der Stoel welcomed the results of the referendum. By deciding to approve the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, the people of Latvia have taken an important step towards solving interethnic problems and promoting the process of integration, Max van der Stoel writes. He also expresses hope that Estonian parliament will follow the Latvian example to grant citizenship to children born after the restoration of independence, and support the governmental proposal on this issue. Baltic News Service informs that the Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Ministry positively evaluates the results of the referendum in Latvia which would liberalize the procedure of acquiring citizenship in accordance with the OSCE recommendations. Diena

Head of the delegation of observers from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Miko Elo told journalists that the 7th Saeima elections in Latvia were free, fair and democratic. Results of the referendum express the will of the people of Latvia to achieve full integration of Latvian residents and to move towards the European Union.

Head of the delegation of observers from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Miko Elo told journalists that the 7th Saeima elections in Latvia were free, fair and democratic. Results of the referendum express the will of the people of Latvia to achieve full integration of Latvian residents and to move towards the European Union. Diena

After discussions which lasted for four years, the government finally approved the foundations of the Latvian Institute, a state limited liability company whose main task will be popularization of Latvia in abroad. Vaira Vike- Freiberga was approved for the post of the director.

After discussions which lasted for four years, the government finally approved the foundations of the Latvian Institute, a state limited liability company whose main task will be popularization of Latvia in abroad. Vaira Vike- Freiberga was approved for the post of the director. Neatkariga

On the election day an incident occured between a couple of activists of the movement “

On the election day an incident occured between a couple of activists of the movement For Equality holding a poster which said Stalin repressed 45 thousand residents of Latvia. Free Latvia is repressing 700 thousand non-citizens and Latvian speaking by-passers who tore the poster. Further conflict was prevented by patrolling Home Guards. Chas, SM

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